Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a comprehensive healthcare system located in Plymouth

Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre | Central Plymouth Devon 04/10/2023

We have cupping available!

Cupping therapy entails the placement of glass cups onto the skin's surface, and by creating a vacuum that lifts the skin into the cup as oxygen is removed from within. This process draws out toxins from the bloodstream, resulting in a temporary, mild reddening of the skin.

This technique serves to facilitate the unrestricted flow of qi in the body's energy channels while enhancing localized blood circulation. It is applicable for both preventative and therapeutic purposes, effectively addressing issues such as musculoskeletal pain, digestive disorders, asthma, as well as cold and flu symptoms.

Interested in trying cupping therapy?

We offer a diverse range of services at our clinic to cater to your needs.

Get in touch with us at:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]
Location: Plymouth

Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre | Central Plymouth Devon The Medical Centre is established by Dr Tony TANG, who is highly qualified and professionally trained. Dr Tang is a member of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in the UK.


Welcome to Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre.

The Medical Center was founded by Dr. Tony Tang, a highly qualified and extensively trained professional.

Dr. Tang holds membership with the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in the United Kingdom.
We take great pride in bringing these Chinese medical services to Plymouth!

No matter your requirements, please reach out to us to schedule an appointment.

Contact Information:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]
Location: Plymouth


Chinese Reflexology.

Chinese reflexology also helps detoxify the whole body and, general health, sleeping patterns, and mood through the natural Yin-Yang balance of http://xn--qi-zja.gs/ to promote the healing of internal organs or to relieve pain and tension in the feet or lower back.

Chinese reflexology also helps detoxify the whole body and, general health, sleeping patterns, and mood through the natural Yin-Yang balance of qi.
Eager to experience Chinese reflexology?

Reach out to us at:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]
Location: Plymouth


What is TCM?

Traditional Chinese Medicine draws its foundations from Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, with its core principles revolving around Yin and Yang, these being the creative and opposing energies inherent in nature. As articulated by Lao Tze over 2500 years ago in the renowned Tao Te Ching, a timeless guide to life's art and one of the most widely translated works in global literature after the Bible, the blending of these dual forces is described as follows. All things carry Yin yet embrace Yang.

In TCM philosophy, the interplay of Yin and Yang is pervasive, existing in all aspects of existence. TCM posits that health issues and illnesses stem from imbalances or disharmony between Yin and Yang within the body and in the body's interaction with its environment. Through the restoration of this equilibrium and the promotion of harmony. Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to rejuvenate and enhance both health and the overall quality of life.
Whatever you're after, please contact us!

Contact us:
07949 849989
[email protected]
Location: Plymouth

Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre | Central Plymouth Devon 26/09/2023

We have TCM Services available!
Here are the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) services we offer:

Chinese herbal medicine
Tuina (Chinese physiotherapy)
Chinese reflexology
Gua Sha
Tai Chi
Qi Gong
Five-element music therapy
Tea therapy
Food therapy

No matter what piques your interest, reach out to our store, and we can delve into your requirements!

You can reach us at:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]
Location: Plymouth

Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre | Central Plymouth Devon The Medical Centre is established by Dr Tony TANG, who is highly qualified and professionally trained. Dr Tang is a member of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in the UK.

Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre | Central Plymouth Devon 23/09/2023

We're here to help you.

We have the expertise to assist with a wide range of health concerns, particularly chronic conditions.

Our services extend to addressing various issues, including pain management, acne, skin sensitivities, mental health challenges, emotional disorders, as well as personal issues specific to both men and women.

We are here and ready to assist you whenever you need support!

No matter what challenges you're facing, please reach out, and let's explore how we can be of assistance:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]
Location: Plymouth

Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre | Central Plymouth Devon The Medical Centre is established by Dr Tony TANG, who is highly qualified and professionally trained. Dr Tang is a member of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in the UK.


We're located in the heart of Plymouth.
You can find us at:

22-24 Market Avenue, Plymouth PL1 1PH

Our convenient city-center location is readily accessible via public transportation!

Feel free to visit us, and let's explore how we can assist you today!
Reach out to us through:

Contact Information:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]


Erectile Dysfunction?
Are you grappling with problems related to erectile dysfunction?

Rest assured, we're here to assist you!

Facing challenges such as:

Low s***m count?
Reduced s***m activity?
Difficulty in sustaining an er****on?

We offer proven methods to help you reclaim your vitality!
Get in touch with us to schedule an appointment:

Location: Plymouth
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]


Experiencing problems with back pain?

We employ effective techniques to assist our clients in managing back pain and sciatica issues.

Are you currently facing challenges such as:

Lower Back Discomfort
Pain in the Shoulder & Neck
Sciatic Nerve Pain
We can empower you to regain control of your life!

Schedule an appointment with our clinic:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]


Are you experiencing skin problems?

Our methods and medications are designed to alleviate the typical challenges associated with skin conditions, including:

Dry or Flakey Skin

Ready to begin addressing your skin concerns?

Please don't hesitate to schedule an appointment at our clinic.

Contact Information:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]


We can help relieve menopausal symptoms.

If you're experiencing challenges such as:

Hot flashes
Irregular menstrual cycles
Emotional well-being concerns
We possess the expertise to alleviate these issues, and we are dedicated to delivering exceptional service.

If you seek assistance with your menopausal symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out! We offer customized treatments designed to alleviate some of these discomforts.

Contact us at:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk
Email: [email protected]


We like to stay affordable.
Consultation & Health Assessment

Initial Inquiry/Brief Consultation (


We're here to help.

Our expertise extends to a broad range of conditions covering various issues, including:

Women's Health Concerns
Men's Health Concerns
Pain Alleviation and Management
Internal Disorders
Assistance with Infertility and IVF..and numerous other conditions!

Interested in learning more about how Dr. Tang can support you? Please visit our website, where you'll find comprehensive information.

For inquiries, you can reach us at:

Phone: 07949 849989
Website: https://ttchinesemedicine.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]


Meet Dr. Tang!

Dr. Tang possesses extensive qualifications and expertise in the medical realm. He received education from both a Traditional Chinese Medicine college and a Western medical school. In 1986, he earned a prestigious British Council scholarship to pursue a Ph.D. at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Newcastle.
Ready to begin?

You're welcome to schedule an appointment or drop by our clinic.

Contact Information:
Phone: 07949 849989
Website: ttchinesemedicine.co.uk
Email: [email protected]


Have a cup of tea.
Tea is not only a delicious drink but also has many healthy properties, therefore it has always been an essential part of TCM.

Traditionally, there are six categories of Chinese teas: green, yellow, white, oolong, red and black teas, from which careful selection must be made according to the season of consumption and/or one’s state of health.

For therapeutic purposes, teas can be classified into many different functioning application groups, such as “sleepy tea” to promote restful sleep, “detox tea” to supplement the natural detoxification process by promoting bowel movements and clearing excess heat in the intestines, and “happy tea” to revitalise the heart and mind by soothing the liver qi & relieving stress.
We can help point you in the right direction with your understanding of how tea can assist the human body.

Contact us:
07949 849989
[email protected]"


Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant material called “moxa” is burned on or very near the surface of the skin.
The intention is to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi in the body and dispel certain pathogenic influences.

Moxibustion treatment can relieve all sorts of pain by warming the meridians, expelling internal colds, and/or removing dampness from the body; It can also improve female health and strengthen Qi and the immune system.
Sound interesting to you? Our price list is on our website!


Contact us:
07949 849989
[email protected]


How does music therapy sound?
Ancient Chinese believe the sound and melody of nature and their rhythm, quality and energy level reflect the Tao of Yin-Yang, and healthy and happy life depends on living in harmony with nature (and its sound of music).

As recorded in China’s first medical text “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine”, TCM music therapy was based on a five-element theory with each element corresponding to an internal organ, an emotion, a music note (Jiao, Zhi, Gong, Shang, or Yu), and each note provides a specific amount of healing. Chinese music therapy has been found to benefit people with stress and emotional problems as well as other chronic and seasonal conditions.
Does this sound like music to your ears?

Contact us today and book an appointment and let's see what we can do for you!

07949 849989
[email protected]


Food Therapy is important.
Everybody in China knows the old saying “diet and medicine share the same roots”. Shen Nong of the Shang Dynasty (1700-1046 B.C.), who is regarded as the father of Chinese Medicine and responsible for the first Chinese herbal material Medica (Shen Nong Ben Cao), was a famous chef and used food herbs daily.

TCM food therapy is more concerned with the food properties (cold, cool, neutral, warm and hot) rather than the nutrients. Environmental and seasonal effects are also important considerations. For example, in cold winter, watermelon should not be eaten especially for older or Yang-deficient people, instead stewed lamb with ginger may be recommended. By using food therapy to correct any imbalance within the body, people can maintain good health, and prevent and cure common diseases such as cold and flu, while still enjoying delicious cuisine.
Seeking food therapy?

We can help get you on the right track.
07949 849989
[email protected]


We have cupping available!

Cupping therapy involves glass cups being placed on the skin surface of the back.

As the oxygen is removed from inside the cup to create a vacuum which draws the skin up into the cup.

Cupping draws out the toxins in the blood, causing a mild temporary skin reddening.

The method promotes the free flow of Qi in the channels and increases the local circulation of blood. It can be used for preventive and therapeutic treatments for musculoskeletal pain, digestive problems, asthma, colds and flu.
Looking to get engaged in cupping?

Whatever you're after, we have a wide variety of services available throughout our clinic.

07949 849989
[email protected]


Welcome to Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre.
The Medical Centre is established by Dr Tony TANG, who is highly qualified and professionally trained.

Dr Tang is a member of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in the UK.
We are so proud to offer these Chinese medical services to Plymouth!

Whatever your needs, get in touch with us and book an appointment!

Contact us:
07949 849989
[email protected]


Chinese Reflexology
Chinese reflexology is a type of non-invasive treatment involving pressure application to the meridian points in the ears, hands, feet or lower legs to promote the healing of internal organs or to relieve pain and tension in the feet or lower back.

Chinese reflexology also helps detoxify the whole body and improve general health, sleeping patterns and mood through the natural Yin-Yang balance of Qi.
Looking forward to Chinese reflexology?

Contact us:
07949 849989
[email protected]


What is TCM?
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, and its central concepts are Yin and Yang, which are generative and conflicting forces in nature. All things carry Yin yet embrace Yang.

They blend the two forces in order to produce harmony, as stated by Lao Tze 2500 years ago in “Tao Te Ching”, the famous classic manual on the art of living and the most widely translated book in world literature after the Bible, the forces of yin and yang are found everywhere and in everything.

TCM believes that all health problems and diseases are due to Yin-Yang imbalance or disharmony within the body as well as between the body and the environment. By correcting the imbalance and promoting harmony, health and quality of living can be restored and enhanced.
Whatever you're after, please contact us!

Contact us:
07949 849989
[email protected]


We have TCM Services available!
Our TCM services we have available:

Chinese herbal medicine
Tuina (Chinese physiotherapy)
Chinese reflexology
Gua Sha
Tai Chi
Qi Gong
Five-element music therapy
Tea therapy
Food therapy

Whatever you're interested in, get in contact with our store and let's discuss your needs!

Contact us:
07949 849989
[email protected]


We're here to help you.
We can help with many health problems and clinical conditions especially chronic disorders

We can help with any pain, acne, skin allergies, problems with the mind, emotional disorders, and men's and women's personal issues.
If you need help, we're happy to be there for you!

Whatever problems you're experiencing, get in contact and let's see if we can help:
07949 849989
[email protected]


We're located in the heart of Plymouth.
You can find us here:

22-24 Market Avenue, Plymouth PL1 1PH

We're right in the city, easily accessible by public transport!

Come on down and let's see what we can do for you, today!
Contact us:
07949 849989
[email protected]

Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre | Central Plymouth Devon 06/03/2023

Erectile Dysfunction?
Are you experiencing issues with erectile dysfunction?

We're here to help you!

Low s***m count?
Low s***m activity?
Having trouble maintaining an er****on?

We have tried and true methods to help you regain your power!
Contact us and let's book an appointment:
07949 849989
[email protected]

Te Tao Chinese Medical Centre | Central Plymouth Devon The Medical Centre is established by Dr Tony TANG, who is highly qualified and professionally trained. Dr Tang is a member of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners in the UK.


Experiencing problems with back pain?
We have methods of helping our clients deal with back pain and sciatica problems.

Are you experiencing problems with:
-Lower Back Pain
-Shoulder & Neck Pain
-Sciatic Nerve Pain
We're able to help you take back control of your own life!

Book an appointment with our clinic:
07949 849989
[email protected]"


Are you experiencing skin problems?
We have techniques and medicine to help mitigate the problems commonly found with skin issues:
-Dry or Flaky Skin
Looking to get started on fixing your skin problems?

Feel free to book an appointment for our clinic!

07949 849989
[email protected]


We can help relieve menopausal symptoms.

If you're having issues with:
-Hot flushes
-Irregular Cycles
-Emotional Wellbeing

We have the ability to help reduce these issues; we take care to provide an excellent service.
If you're looking for help with your menopausal symptoms, please get in touch! We have a range of treatments tailor-made to help alleviate some of these woes.

Contact us here: 07949 849989
[email protected]

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.




22-24 Market Avenue

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6am
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm

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