Kulturiz Travel

Kulturiz focuses on sustainable tourism and aims to connect foreign tourists with local communities.

We build meaningful relationships and reveal the culture and history of unconventional places in Brazil.


(Portuguese below) 2021 was the year it all started here, an old idea that started to take shape this year. We took a break these past few months but always trying to keep Kulturiz active in some way. We changed some concepts and we hope that in 2022 we can return and show everyone the beauties of some parts of Brazil in a way that only Brazilians know. May our travels bring us more connections and meaningful experiences in the coming year through a more sustainable and immersive tourism.
We appreciate everyone who in some way was part of our first year of life.
Happy New Year! 💚
[PT] 2021 foi o ano que tudo começou por aqui, uma ideia antiga mas que começou a tomar forma esse ano. Demos uma pequena pausa nesses últimos meses mas sempre tentando manter a Kulturiz ativa de alguma forma. Mudamos alguns conceitos, nos adaptamos e esperamos que em 2022 possamos voltar a mostrar para todos as belezas de alguns cantos do Brasil de um jeito que só nós brasileiros conhecemos. Que no próximo ano, nossas viagens nos tragam mais conexões e experiências significativas através de um turismo mais sustentável e imersivo. Agradecemos a todos que de alguma forma fizeram parte do nosso primeiro ano de vida. Feliz ano novo! 💚


Another amazing collage by for our feed 💚


How fast is 2021 going by?


Who else? 😂

Photos from Kulturiz Travel's post 16/11/2021

Have you heard about "birdwatching"?

Birdwatching is a recreational activity where you can observe birds in their natural habitat without interfering with their behavior or the environment in which they are found - and on top of that, you can get beautiful pictures.
In addition to being an activity that brings relaxation, it is very connected with environmental conservation.

Have you ever stopped to watch the birds while traveling?


What makes you smile with your eyes? For us it is: thinking about our next trip 🤩 this beautiful collage by brings us that feeling ✨


Traveling in a group may seem to be more comfortable and safer, but traveling solo can surprise you and be one of the most amazing experiences of your life. We've listed some reasons:

🌞 Is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and learn to rely on yourself!
😎 You get to know more locals and have the chance to go deeper into your destiny.
🍃 You get more freedom of choice! You choose what you want to do, when you want to do it, without worrying about pleasing others.
🧡 Traveling alone does not mean being alone. Your best traveling companion should always be you first.

Still in doubt? Just pack your bags and go!

Photos from Kulturiz Travel's post 16/10/2021

Who else agrees? ✈️

Photos from Kulturiz Travel's post 29/09/2021

Cocoa fun fact: The cacao tree was considered a sacred plant. Symbol of wealth and power. Its seeds – pure or mixed with other ingredients were transformed by ancient peoples into a sacred drink that became known as "Chocolate".🍫🤎



Ilha das Couves is a natural aquarium, a great place for diving. The visibility of the water is incredible and there is a lot of activity and marine life.

The tour and the crossing between Picinguaba and Ilha das Couves is done by speedboat/boat. This tour/crossing lasts between 10 and 15 minutes. This is the fastest and cheapest way to go to Ilha das Couves.


We are made of the people we know, the places we go and the cultures we live.
We carry with us everything we experience in our lives ✨


Lapinha da Serra is a sensational destination for those who love exploring natural landscapes! Located in Minas Gerais, this village enchants tourists with its charm and with several tours to discover waterfalls, cave paintings, endemic fauna and lots of culture that you can enjoy on the community.



Today, 19 of August, is the World Humanitarian Day and Kulturiz is picking up a charity to contribute: https://amazonwatch.org/.

Amazon Watch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1996 to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of Indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. They partner with Indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability, and the preservation of the Amazon's ecological systems.

The picture in our post is called "The Human Race", an illustration depicting human figures running while consumed by shades of red (global warming) and shades of blue (tsunami as a climate change phenomenon).

The global climate calamity is causing destruction on a scale that people on the front lines and in the humanitarian community are unable to cope with. Time is already running out for the world's most vulnerable people — those who have contributed the least to the global climate crisis but have been affected the hardest — and millions of others who are already losing their homes, businesses, and lives.

With most climate campaigns focusing on slowing climate change and securing the planet's future, World Humanitarian Day 2021 will bring attention to the immediate consequences of the climate emergency for the world's most vulnerable people, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are prioritised at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November.

As a result, everyone is invited to join , a global call to action for climate action in solidarity with those who need it most, and to make the needs of climate-vulnerable people a priority at the UN climate summit (COP26).

Run, ride, swim, walk or do any activity of your choice for a cumulative 100 minutes between August 16 and August 31 in solidarity with vulnerable people and to tell world leaders that they expect developed countries to deliver on their decade-old pledge of $100 billion annually for climate mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. If you don’t wish to take part physically you can ADD YOUR VOICE.

📸 ©Sadek Ahmed


Slow travel proposes a reflection on the way of traveling, rethinking many tourism practices. The idea is to forget about “seeing as much as possible” and thinking about “living as much as possible”. Is about slowing down, about taking the time to see, experience, and, most of all, is about connection - It's a total immersion in a new place or culture, connecting to yourself and your surroundings and encouraging a more purposeful and immersive travel experience. The focus is on the journey itself - be present and enjoy every moment.
Are you a fast traveller or slow traveller? How about considering the slow travel on your next trip? 🐌


Belo Horizonte was just 31 years old when an enterprising mayor decided to gather, in one place, the products destined to supply the young city's 47,000 inhabitants.

The Market, then called Municipal Market, with its intense activity and lively movement, operated until 1964, when the mayor of the time decided to sell the land, claiming that it was impossible to manage the fair. To prevent the market from closing, the merchants organized themselves, created a cooperative and bought the City Hall property. However, they would have to build a covered shed in the total area of ​​the subdivision within five years. If they didn't, they would have to return the area to City Hall.

The task was not an easy one. Two weeks before the deadline given by the city hall, the area was still opened. It was then that the brothers Osvaldo, Vicente and Milton de Araújo decided to believe in the project and invested on it. Four construction companies were hired, each one being responsible for one side, so that the shed could be closed within the established deadline. At the end of the term, the 14,000 m² of land was completely closed. Associates, with their entrepreneurship and enthusiasm, saw their effort rewarded.

Thus, well organized and with the active participation of merchants, every day over the years the Market expanded its activities, expanded its business and became a nucleus not only for food products, but also for handicrafts and typical foods, making it it is one of the main tourist points of Belo Horizonte and one of the most loved by "mineiros".

Currently, with nine decades of life, the market has more than 400 stores, offers a bilingual information service, attracts thousands of visitors from all over Brazil and the world every day and, in its corridors, holds great memories and many stories to count.



Did you know that today is celebrated the International Day of the World's Indigenous People? This date was created in 1995 to raise awareness and protect the rights of the world's indigenous population. This day also recognizes the achievements and contributions that indigenous people make to improve world issues such as environmental protection.
Indigenous Peoples are the world’s best forest guardians. They manage 33% of forests that hold 80% of the world's biodiversity.

In this collage by the artist ] is Raoni Metuktire, an Indigenous Brazilian leader and environmentalist. He is a chief of the Kayapo people, a Brazilian Indigenous Group. He is internationally famous as a living symbol of the fight for the preservation of the Amazon Rainforest and indigenous culture.

Protecting indigenous rights is protecting the planet.

Art: ]


We were inspired by the inauguration of sport climbing that took place this week at the Tokyo Olympics, so we came to give you a tip: Serra do Cipó in Minas Gerais is a true paradise for those who like sport climbing, with routes of up to 60 meters and one of them is between the 50 classic climbing routes in Brazil. Did you know that?


Photos from Kulturiz Travel's post 05/08/2021

But what exactly is (and isn't) regenerative tourism?

Regenerative Development is a relatively new concept, yet it is quickly gaining traction around the world (and in Brazil beautiful initiatives have fostered discussions on the topic, we will share some of them with you later on).

In the 1980s, regenerative approaches emerged in the disciplines of agriculture and architecture, and have since extended to a wide range of other industries in an organic and interconnected manner.

It could not be more different in the case of tourism. Tourism is unquestionably a crucial engine for regenerative growth, as it is one of the world's fastest expanding economic sectors.

Tourism may be a great tool to disseminate regenerative thinking and cause individuals and communities to reconsider their attitudes and notions because of its significant transformative capacity and transversal character (that is, it crosses multiple sectors).

In a nutshell, regenerative tourism is tourism with a systemic focus that aims to facilitate a deep and transformative interaction in which man recognises himself as part of nature. It contributes to the enhancement of the systems that support the destination's life and promotes a collaborative development between man and nature, taking into account the tourist destination's economic, sociological, environmental, and spiritual components.

It's a whole new way of looking at the world and yourself as a member of the natural system.

Written by: .era

Photos from Kulturiz Travel's post 29/07/2021

When you are invited to go to the home of a Brazilian - mainly from Minas, he will certainly receive you with a freshly brewed coffee and some food, which shows a certain affection - Minas Gerais was considered this year as one of the ten most welcoming regions of the planet. After living in São Paulo for a while, I was able to feel some of the peculiarities here better and today I can say that the ''mineiro'' (who is from Minas Gerais) really has a natural facility for relating. When we are welcomed, we feel more willing to share ideas and feelings. Coffee for us is usually related to some affection memory - mine, besides waking up early as a child with the smell of coffee brewed by my mother, I remember a lot of my great-grandmother's farm where coffee was planted, picked and dried. Another thing I've also noticed more since I moved back to Minas Gerais is how the kitchen is our living room, it's where we receive our visitors and sit down to talk while we have our coffee - coincidence or not, I'm writing this in the kitchen of my house while I have my coffee.

The day we went to Seu Mundinho's house to do content for , he insisted on passing two bottles of coffee: one with a stronger coffee and the other with a weaker one. And if it wasn't enough to make the coffee, he also ground it on the spot. Back at Seu Joaquim's house, he showed me his coffee plant all proud and then where he keeps the bags when he picks it, along with a pestle that used to belong to his father.

Coffee is very much part of our culture and tradition, it goes far beyond being a fruit or a simple drink.
It's about welcoming and affection.

Want to see more on how this reception on Seu Mundinho's house was? Check it out our Instagram reels: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CRm_C6Aj1w4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Written by our photographer:

Photos from Kulturiz Travel's post 28/07/2021

Today "Nature Conservation Day" is celebrated worldwide. Protecting nature and conserving natural resources must be our first priority. Our nature is beautiful and if we like to travel to beautiful destinations, we have a duty to keep them preserved for the future generations, after all, there is no planet B.


It is proven that contact with nature, with green, provides well-being, reduces stress, anxiety, among other benefits. So getting out of the rut and hitting the trail is a great idea.
Minas Gerais is the state of Brazil that stands out for its countless hikes and trekking, ready to get to know these places with us?

Good Week



This gif of surfing at Camburi Beach in Ubatuba is just a reminder that today is the official opening of the 2021 Olympics and this weekend if everything goes as planned, we will have the inaugural surfing debut. After a year of delay, we’ll finally be able to see 40 of the world’s best surfers go for gold.


A little about one of the Brazilian birds:

The Hyacinth visorbearer (Augastes scutatus) is an endemic bird in top mountain areas of the Serra do Cipó region.

It weighs about 4g. The male measures 8.1 cm and the female 9.9 cm in length.

It is a little known species, but it is known that it lives in rocky areas between 950 and 1600 m in altitude, where cactuses, rupicolous bromeliads and orchids predominate.

It has a high-pitched voice, sometimes inaudible by human beings, emitted in the frequency of 10 to 14 thousand Hz, already close to the human hearing limit. They have different voices to express different behaviours, such as aggressive, alert, sexual, among others.

The reason this animal is on the red list is that this species occurs in a few known locations in Brazil within a moderately small range, which may be shrinking in size due to habitat loss. It is consequently classified as Near Threatened. Much of its area was settled when diamonds and gold were found in the region in the 19th century.



Do you have unfamiliar places on your list of places to visit? Kulturiz wants to show you the Brazil you don't know! Interested? Follow our content to stay on top of the tips and get to know the Brazil that only Brazilians knew.



Serra do Mar - Brazil

Serra do Mar, (English: “Mountain Range of the Sea”) great escarpment on the eastern margins of the Brazilian Highlands, which descend abruptly to the Atlantic coast. It extends for about 1,600 miles (2,600 km).

The emergence of Serra do Mar occurred within the period when Africa and South America formed a single continent, called Gondwana, that is, at least 130 million years ago.

In this region there is the presence of the Atlantic Forest. In addition, its extensive area harbored a great biological diversity, but with the high rate of occupation of the coast, this area suffered great impacts. In the State of São Paulo alone, 90% of the Atlantic Forest was lost.

Ubatuba is one of the places that has The Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve and Kulturiz wants to take you to see it.



Travel responsibly and help ensure that the world's most beautiful and historic places will be around for future generations of travelers 🍃



Let's start a beautiful journey through incredible destinations in Brazil, starting with Lapinha da Serra in Minas Gerais.
Stay with us to discover this hidden paradise and its history!

Are u ready?



"Travel the world. Understand different cultures. Be inspired by beauty everywhere. Make friends all over. Be a citizen of the world."


We are young Brazilians passionate about travel. Kulturiz focuses on sustainable Brazilian tourism and aims to connect foreign tourists with local communities.

We build meaningful relationships and reveal the culture and history of unconventional places in Brazil. We contribute to the development of communities and enrich every visitor's knowledge by transforming their trip into much more than just a beautiful destination.

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Videos (show all)

Ilha das Couves is a natural aquarium, a great place for diving. The visibility of the water is incredible and there is ...
This gif of @leite_wesley surfing at Camburi Beach in Ubatuba is just a reminder that today is the official opening of t...




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