Roberts Travel Blog, Princes Risborough Videos

Videos by Roberts Travel Blog in Princes Risborough. Photos from travels around the world

Well what a glorious day it was to enjoy and follow the epiphany parade to the harbour. Here are some shots and a video.

Other Roberts Travel Blog videos

Well what a glorious day it was to enjoy and follow the epiphany parade to the harbour. Here are some shots and a video.

The Melizona Choir of Paralimni Municipality who closed off the evening.

The “Children Romanian Choir Veritas” performing at St George’s Church Paralimni last night 23/12/23. So sweet and brave to sing in a packed out church !

Had to share this as it will put a smile on your face - Paralimni Friday night !

The weather forecast for today has been changing all week to rain, some rain, no rain and then as “Accuweather” recorded it, “drenching thunderstorm”. It was right and the thunder and lightning came in trapping us in at the sherry sampling part of our trip, which inevitably got extended. I’m not a wine or beer drinker but I will partake in a glass or 4 of sweet sherry .. to be sociable of course !After half an hour the storm passed and we boarded our bus to continue on to Jerez.

Another talented busker

Lunch entertainment - song 2 - law students busking for a few euros.

Lunch time entertainment - song 1

From sun to tropical storm in 15 minutes

Most A M A Z I N G twelve minutes of fireworks I’ve ever seen !

Something worth singing about me thinks !