Watch me grow childcare

Welcome to Watch me grow childcare. My name is Dominica and I'm an Ofsted registered childminder

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 24/09/2024

☁️ Outdoor play, giant leaf art, creation station, sand play water play, autumn invitation to play, rhyme time, story time, movement music and dancing day. ☁️

We spent the morning in the garden, it was wet so put our wellies on ready to play! The children...

🍃 Used the leaves that had fallen from the trees in our garden to create giant leaf art

🌊 Worked together to work the water channeling station, adding leaves, stones, sand and mud! The children have so much fun filling, pouring, transporting the water

🥧 Created their own mud pies today in the creation station, yummy, adding many 'ingredients' and using the recipe books for ideas

🛴 Rode around on scooters and Rocked on the seesaw

🦖 Hid from the t-rex, AKA me being daft

🪨 Collected stones and Climbed the slides

🍂 This afternoon children have enjoyed our autumn theme tuff tray, it smelt beautiful. The children explored the different textures and items associated with autumn

The children have also...

🦆 Completed rhyme time using puppets and lots of actions

📖 Chose and read 'Little Acorn'

🎶 Took part in movement music and dancing

🚻 We have also been toilet training, the children are doing so well, well done!

A terrific Tuesday with the children with lots of Autumn fun and a day of empty plates! 🍽
I wonder where our learning journey and adventures will take us tomorrow! 😊

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 23/09/2024

🍂 An Autumn, sign along time, threading, mark making, pencil control, malleable play, story, movement music and dancing day. 🍂

Today we have started to explore Autumn. The children enjoyed the continuous provision set out for them this week. The children have also...

🖐 Learnt the signs for 'Autumn' and 'leaf'

🍁 Created leaf prints using the Autumn leaf stampers

✍️ Explored so mark making and pencil control for those who love to mark make

🍂 Explored different autumn coloured materials

🎶 Used the coloured fabrics to dance , adding leaves and pretending to be leaves blowing on the trees

🤏 Practiced threading a super activity for those fine motor skills

🔢 Looked at how many, touch counting and number recognition

👀 Explored the mini Autumn tray using tools to transport the pumpkin pasta from onw play to another.

The children have learnt lots about Autumn the children have also...

🎶 Taken part in a movement music and dancing session

🏗 Built and created with mega blocks

🌟 Completed a rhyme time session.

If you would like to take a look for the sign for 'Autumn' and 'leaf' please take a look at the link below.

What a wonderfully autuminal start to the week! Don't forgot to check back daily to see what we are exploring! 🙂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 22/09/2024

🍂 Beautiful Autumn begins today, here at Watch me grow childcare we will be observing the changes in the environment throughout the coming weeks and months! 🍂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 21/09/2024

🍂 As we welcome Autumn tomorrow here at Watch me grow childcare, we've started to prepare for the change in season ready for when the children join us on Monday. 🍂

🍁 Here is a sneak peak of Autumn 🍁

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 20/09/2024

🦆 A trip to feed the Geese, Ducks and Cooties, a visit to the park, rainbow making, sign along and play dough day! 🦆

🌳 This morning we were out and about, we went for a walk to feed the birds, the Geese liked chasing after us! The children also had fun running in and out of the trees.

🍂 The children are beginning to notice the changes around them, the leaves starting to fall off the tress and the leaves turning to different colours, the children were so excited.

🦆 The children gave the bords lots of bird seeds, we tried to share it, but the geese weren't for sharing!

📖 We enjoyed story time on amongst the trees, today we read 'Birds'.

☀️ We then had a trip to the park the children had fun, running, spinning, swinging, climbing and sliding, so much fun.

The children have also...

🌈 Created their own rainbow using glue, tissue paper, crayons and pencil crayons, after asking me "Dom, can we make a rainbow?", fantastic team work every one.

🖐 Took part in a sign along session.

👊 Explored more malleable play with play dough creating their own play dough ice creams.

A lovely end to the week, we can't wait to take a look at Autumn throughout next week and the weeks to come! The children are looking forward to learning all about a new season.

Have a brilliant weekend everyone! 🙂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 20/09/2024

☀️ An outdoor play day, musical instruments, books, books everywhere, movement, music and dancing, sign along and story day. ☀️

With the gorgeous weather the children chose to spend most of their day exploring outdoors! The children...

📖 Looked at books and took great care of them in the outdoor book corner

🎼 Made some music using the musical instruments and outdoor equipment

🛴 Rode around the garden like formula one drivers, some fantastic gross motor skills and reactions shown today

🍨 Created their own delicious treats in the mud kitchen and creation station, the children are free to use the recipe books pick what they like the look of and create their own interpretation of the recipe. Such a simple idea adding additional literacy and data to the garden

🏖 Explored texture in the sand, using various tools to manipulate the sand. The children spent time using their fingers to mark make in the sand

🌊 Pouring, filling, splashing, emptying, big, small, cold, wet, water, jug, stones are just a few of words the children used whilst exploring the water channeling station.

The children have also...

🖐 Completed a sign along session

🎶 Had so much fun during movement, music and dancing dancing together and on our own

📖 Chose and read 'Elmer and the Rainbow'

A super busy fun filled day, it's the best when children are playing and as a result of their playing, are learning and they don't even know they are. Happy active learners here at Watch me grow childcare . 😊

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 19/09/2024

☀️ Outdoor garden play, painting, water play, creation station, rhyme time, movement, music and dancing, dough disco, creating with colours and shapes and story time day ☀️

Today we spent much of our day in the garden, oneol of the children's favourite places to be! The children...

🎨 Painted with brushes and fingers to create a lovely pictures

🌊 Explored the water channeling pouring and adding rocks to expand their play

🏖 Sieved, collected, poured and created in the sand using lots of tools

🟤 Created delicious mud pies, the children enjoy finding a recipe and creating their own treats

🛴 Rode around the garden developing their gross motor skills

⚽️ Threw, caught and used their feet to kick the ball, score and save goals

The children have also...

🎶 Taken part in movement, music and dancing

📖 Chose and read 'Hippo Has a Hat'

👊 Took part in a dough disco session, I think these children have the strongest hands aroun

🌟 Completed a rhyme time session using puppets and lots of actions

⭕️ Used their imaginations to create with colours and shapes.

A wonderful Wednesday, don't forget to check back every day to see what we are exploring and learning. 🙂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 17/09/2024

🌳 A conker hunt, Chesnut Trees, a trip to the park, sign along time, outdoor play and movement, music and dancing day 🌳

🍂 We didn't find any conkers this morning, we spoke to a local residents and he told us that they usually fall in that spot in around two weeks time, we will definitely be keeping our eyes peeled as were out and about. We would like to find them for our Autumn display next week but will add them later. 🍂

🙂 We had a lovely trip to that park, the grass has just been cut and we were covered in freshly cut and wet grass 🤣! The children...

🏃‍♀️‍➡️Ran around the park

↔️ Swung backwards and forwards on the swings

🧗‍♀️ Climbed on the climbing frame developing their gross motor and problem solving skills by successfully navigating their bodies on the equipment

⭕️ Enjoyed the spinning equipment and running around in circles

🛝 Slid down the slide and were able to show some excellent 'turn taking' skills and used their manners, 'please' and 'thank you'

The children have also..

☀️ Spent much of the afternoon in the garden making the most of the gorgeous weather. The children enjoyed water channeling, sand play, building, creating in the mud kitchen and scoring lots of goals!

🎶 Completed a movement, music and dancing session

🖐 Taken part in sign time, during our sign along time we learnt the sign for 'tree' and 'conker'

🌳 Here is a little clip the children enjoyed today, 'A year in the life of a Horse Chesnut tree' if you would like to take a look at what we have been learning today. 🌳

What a lovely beautiful weather day and a fantastic day with the children, fun, learning through play, adventures and exploring. 🙂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 16/09/2024

👊 National play dough day! Dough activities, scissors, dough disco and dough challenge, outdoor play, movement, music and dancing, sign along and story time day. 👊

Today is 'National Play dough day', we about love play dough here at Watch me grow childcare, it has so many benefits for the children, developing siper strimg ajmds, ready for when they being their writing journey and of course it's lots of fun! Today the children...

✂️ Practiced splatting amd snipping the play dough with scissors

👊 Completed a dough disco session, even our youngest learners now take part and gain so much from dough disco

🔠 Today the dough disco challenge we looked at the first letters of our names

🐘 Created various moulds with the dough using our super strong hands and mould to help us

🤛 Used different textured rolling pins to help us squash amd mould the dough

🔵 Explored the different colours used with the play dough

The children have also...

🌊 Splashed, transported, filled and poured the water, adding rocks and leaves to expand their play

🏖 Sieved, scooped, poured and transported the sand, creating moulds using their hands and various tools to help them

🛴 Rode around the garden on the trikes and scooters

⭕️ Practiced using the hula hoops and spinning round and around

🎂 Created their very own mini mud cakes following recipes, yummy

🛝 Practiced climbing amd sliding down the slides, the children are continually developing skills to take turns with support when needed

⚽️ Scored goals and shouted 'yeah', we have some great gross motor skills here at Watch me grow!

🖐 Taken part in sign along time with some super signers, today the children learnt the sign for 'foggy' as we had a very foggy morning

🎶 Completed a movement, music and dancing session

📖 Chose and read 'Elmer and the Gift'

A super start to the week looking at Play dough day, one of the children's absolute favourite activities the we take part in most days! 🙂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 13/09/2024

🐻 We're going on a bear hunt, out and about, what changes can you see, stick collecting, play dough and dough challenge movement, music, dancing and PE, story time day. 🐻

Today we went on a bear hunt, the children love to go in BIG adventures amd explore our outdoor environment. Unfortunately today we didn't find a bear but still had so much fun! The children...

☀️ Are beginning to notice changes on the end, we'd noticed lots of leaves are falling from the trees, they are also changing colour

☀️ We noticed the horses with their horse blankets on, the last time we came they didn't have them, the weather is changing and the horses are being looked after

☀️ We ran and hid on the trees, the children are getting so good a hiding and very fast at running

☀️ Collected sticks, we have our very own collection of sticks here at Watch me grow childcare, they children love to talk about their sticks, are they smooth, rough, long, short to name a few

☀️ Saw lots of people from our community and lots of dogs that were super friendly and they always wamt to play. We say good morning to people when we see the. Please of you see us say 'hello'

☀️ We talked about Autumn and that in just a few weeks we will be I'm a new season, and as we get closer we will begin to see lots of changes in our environment.

This afternoon the children have also...

🖐 Taken part in sign along time with se super signers

🎶 Completed a movement, music, dancing and PE session

📖 Chose and read 'Don't Call me Sweet'

👊 Enjoyed malleable play with play dough, making and creating.

A wonderful end to the week with all of the superstars here at Watch me grow childcare! Another day of empty plates & lots of fun! 🍽

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 13/09/2024

☀️ An outdoor play, making and creating nursery rhyme, dough disco, story and movement, music and dancing day ☀️

We spent much of the day outdoors, we have noticed that the leaves are starting to fall, we will be taking a look at our next season Autumn when Autumn begins after the 22nd September we have so much to explore!

Today the children...

🎂 Made delicious cakes in the mud kitchen adding leaves, sand and water to create

🌊 Explored in the water channeling station adding sticks and stones to extend their water play

🛝 Climbed and slid down the slides, showing good waiting skills, that can be so challenging

⚽️ Used the footballs to show their control of their bodies by throwing, kicking and dribbling the balls

🏖 Enjoyed malleable play with the sand, creating moulds, exploring the sensory element by picking up the sand and allowing it to fall through their fingers

🛴 Explored the garden by driving around on the trike and scooters

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Played wonderfully together engaging in rile play, and playing with what the know.

The children have also...

🎶 Taken part in a movement, music and dancing session

👊 Completed a dough disco session with a dough disco session

🐊 Took part in rhyme time using puppets, sign and the rhyme actions

📖 Chose and read 'Commotion in the Ocean '

A super fun day lots of laughter and learning.
We are getting into the swing of our new routine. 🙂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 12/09/2024

🌧 Half a day today, rainy day explorers, Incy wincy spider, how the weather, books, umbrella design, what to wear and rhyme time day. 🌧

The children joined us until just after lunch today, but in only a short the children had so much fun, a super wet and rainy day meant only one thing, let's explore the rain! 🌧

Today the children...

🌂 Designed their own umbrellas

🌧 Looked at oir how the weather board

🕷 Used the ryhme Incy wincy spider and used drainpipes, raindrops and Incy wincy to help us act out the rhyme

☔️ Looked at what we should wear amd use to help us keep dry on the rain

📖 Used books to support our learning.

The children also...

🌟 Completed rhyme time.

What a lovely morning with the children. 🙂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 10/09/2024

💡 National 'Swap Ideas day', life skills, taking turns and sharing, group finger painting, musical instruments, sign along time, outdoor rainy play, dough disco and dough challenge movement, sharing focus story time and music and dancing day. 💡

💡 Today we have looked at 'Swap Ideas Day', we decided to take it in a 'taking turns' sort of day! The children...

🎼 Played the musical instruments, when the music stopped, the children swapped instruments. The children did fantastically and was a super fun activity to make sharing fun

🎨 Took turns finger painting to create a beautiful piece of art, we used a hand on the middle of our picture when the paint had dried we could see the hand. This was to show what we can do if we of we take turns and work together

📖 Chose and read 'Copy Cat' a story about friendship and sharing.

The children have also enjoyed outdoor rainy play in the garden, the children have...

🌊 Splashed and explored in the water station, we had some extra rainwater today, water play is extra fun in the rain

🛴 Rode around the garden on the ride ons and scooters, navigating spaces between their friends so they didn't bump

🛝 Climbed and slide down the slides they were a little wet, the children went faster which h was super fun for them

The children have also...

🎶 Took part in a movement, music and dancing session

🖐 Taken part in sign along time

👊 Completed a dough disco session with a dough disco challenge

🚶‍♀️ Came on the school runs, lots of fantastic walking and singing to pass the time whilst waiting for the big children.

A rainy day, we loved it with our wellies we could play and keep our socks dry. A day of empty plates and lots of fun! 🍽

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 09/09/2024

🧸 National 'Teddy Bear Day', creating bears, dancing bears, teddy bears picnic, sign along time and outdoor play day. 🧸

🙂 Today we have celebrated National Teddy Bear Day' and had so much fun cuddling and caring for our bears. The children have...

🧸 Created their our own bears, gluing and sticking using tissue paper

🧸 Counted 'how many' bears and looked at number recognition

🧸 Had a teddy bears picnic with their favourite bear, playing with what they know and creating their own role play

🧸 Used books to support their learning and understanding, books all about beard

🧸 Chose and read 'Peace At Last'

🧸 Took part in a movement, music and dancing session with our teddies, we called it a Teddy disco!

The children have also enjoyed outdoor play in the garden, the children have...

🌊 Splashed and explored in the water channeling station

🏖 Created moulds in the sand, transported, sieved, scooped and filled with the sand

🛴 Zoomed around the garden so fast and managed to complete lots of 'errands'

⚽️ Scored lots of goals and were very proud of themselves, super

🛝 Climbed and slide down the slides and worked together to move the seesaw up and down.

The children have also...

🖐 Taken part in sign along time

🚶‍♀️ Came on the school runs, with lots of walking and talking to people in our community.

A wonderful start to the week, we have now started the routine will all children now back to school. A huge well done to all the children you have been fantastic! 👏 🙂


Everyone at Watch me grow childcare would like to say a huge happy 3rd birthday to a very special superstar! 🌟

We hope you have a fantastic day celebrating, it was so much fun singing to you yesterday 🎂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 05/09/2024

⏰️ National 'Be late for something' day , clocks and how they help us know what to do and when, morning and evening, numbers recognition daily routines, days of the week song and signing, outdoor play, rhyme time, shakey shapes and toilet training day! ⏰️

Today we have had a little bit of fun, taking a look at 'Be Late for something' day! The children...

⏰️ Made a giant clock with a 'big' and 'small' hand to move around

⏰️ Looked at the numbers on clocks and number recognition

⏰️ Sang 'Hickory Dickory Dock' with the cheeky mouse to enhance the 'clock' theme

⏰️ Learnt the signs for the days of the week, and we have also been practicing the song

⏰️ Have looked at our daily routines, from when we wake up and get dressed to when we go to bed, we looked at the clock amd moved the as around to show how clocks can help show us what we need to do

⏰️ We played 'What time is it Mr Wolf'

A really fantastic activity with something for everyone, they kept thry wanted to do it again. Don't worry the children weren't learning how to tell the time! 🤣

The children have also enjoyed outdoor play in the garden, the children have...

🏖 Created in the sand, the children enjoyed the the feel of the sand between their fingers

🥙 Made delicious creations in the mud kitchen
🛴 Rode around the garden developing thoer gross motor skills and coordination

🛝 Are getting super confident with their climbing up the slide and like to slide down as fast as the can

🌊 Splashed and transported water from the water channeling station

⚽️ Practiced rolling the ball to one another.

The children have also...

🌟 Taken part in rhyme time

🔵 Explored using shakey shapes

🚻 We have also been toilet training today, which has kept us extra busy, it's great to see the children leaning new skills.

A super day, full to the brim with so much playing, leaning fun! 😀


Everyone at Watch me grow childcare would like to say a huge happy 3rd birthday to a very special superstar! 🌟

We hope you have a fantastic day celebrating you and we will sing happy birthday to you when you join us again next week! 🎂

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 04/09/2024

🍕 Cheese Pizza Day, shapes, designing, and creating set and pairs, outdoor play, movement, music and dancing, rhyme time, dough disco and dough disco challenge, nursery rhymes and story time day! 🍕

Today we have marked 'National cheese pizza day' a day early! The children have..

🍕 Creating our own pizzas and counting 'how many'

🍕 Shape sorting into groups

🍕 Filling shapes with pom poms amd creating our own shapes

🍕 Started to explore lots of early mathematical concepts amd language

🍕 Practiced treading pizza shapes developing our fine motor skills

☀️ We spent lots of time outdoors, we love to be outdoors, exploring, making and creating , leaning so many skills.

👩‍👦Today the children have, on thier own, talked about taking turns and decided to wait for their friends go on the slide behind them.

The children have also...

👊 Taken part in a dough disco session with a dough disco challenge

🕷 Had so much fun signing and practicing the actions to some of our favourite rhymes

📖 Chose and read 'Mad about Dinosaurs'

🎶 Took part in movement, music and dancing, we love to dance and move our bodies!
A wonderful day; don't forget to like, follow and share Watch me grow childcare and check back each day to follow our learning journey. 😀

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 03/09/2024

🎶 Rids Rock, International Skyscraper Day, outdoor play and sign along day 🎶

Wow, what a brilliant day, lots of children back to school and getting into the swing of the school runs again. 🙂

🎼Today we joined another childminder and we had a taster session with Kids Rock, the children absolutely loved it and we are looking forward to taking part in fortnightly sessions. At Kids Rock the children...

🎶 Danced to music and sang songs

😀 Enjoyed parachute games and had lots of laughs hiding under the parachute

🐙 Explored the 'ocean' looking at types of creatures and numbers

🎼 Made some wonderful music with drums and maracas

🖐 Practiced some signing

🕷 Had our very own drain pipe and helped Incy when he was washed out by the rain

🫧 The favourite activity, catching Bubbles.

🌆 Today is International Skyscraper Day, this afternoon we spent looking at Skyscrapers around the world, we learnt the worlds highest Skyscraper is the Burj Khalifa!

🏗 We designed and created our own Skyscrapers using various building blocks, from the 'smallest' to 'biggest'. Fantastic imaginations and building everyone!

The children have also enjoyed outdoor play, it's was lovely to have some sunshine and taken part in sign along time. 🌞

A fantastic day full of laughter and adventures! Don't forget to like, follow and share Watch me grow childcare and check back each day to see what we explore. 😀

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 02/09/2024

🌨 Rainy day outdoor play, painting, sign along, movement, music and dancing, rhyme time, play dough, story time and free play day. 🌨

Today we spent the morning outdoors exploring in the garden. We have moved some of the outdoor continuous provision around the help the grass 🤣 I don't think it will help much. We are outdoors so much with water play etc all the time, who needs nice grass anyway.🤷‍♀️

The children have...

🎨 Used their imaginations and created their own paintings

🌊 Splashed, filled, poured, transported and added rocks to expand their learning in the water channeling area

🏖 Created moulds, sieved, patted, filled and poured and transported the sand. Lots of sand was used to make our recipes from the mid kitchen

🍲 Used recipe books to create their own delicious muddy treats, yummy! Today the children made a very delicious mud birthday cake

🛴 Rode around the garden on the ride ons and scooters taking care not to bump onto their friends.

The children have also...

🖐 Completed a sign along session

🎶 Taken part in movement, music, dancing and PE

🐊 Completed rhyme time using puppets and lots of actions and signing

👊 Explored more malleable play with play dough, helping to develop super strong hands ready for mark making

📖 Chose and read 'The Duck Who Didn't Like Water'

😊 Explored the indoor provision, choosing and playing with what the know.

A brilliant last day of the summer holidays! The start of school runs and children beginning their next steps in their learning journey's! Remember children, smile and be you. 😀


🥳 We are super excited for the start of a new term, of course we love the school holidays but there is something about having a little routine that helps the children and me. 🤣

This week will feel a little different with staggered intakes at school for lots of children, by next Monday everything will be in full swing. Today marks the very last day of the summer holidays for every child here at Watch me grow childcare ! 😀


🏫 So at some point this week lots of children will be starting their new journey at school, here at Watch me grow childcare we would like to say, be yourself, smile and shine! 🏫


🥰 Time for some quality family time 🥰

Photos from Watch me grow childcare 's post 23/08/2024

🎥 Film afternoon, movement, dancing and musical instruments, sign along, how's the weather, mark making and play dough day 🎥

A relaxed last day of the school holidays with the children learning, the children asked for a film and chose Trolls!

The children have also...

👊 Continued to build strong hands with the play dough, creating some amazing patterns

🎶 Took part in movement, music, dancing and instruments

🖐 Completed a sign along session

✍️ Designed their own suer theme pictures

🏖 Completed mazes amd word searches

🌫 We talked all about the storm and watched how the planes were able to land and take off safely

😀 Enjoyed lots of free play and dressing up.

A fantastic Friday with the children and a day of empty plates! 🍽

Have a fantastic bank holiday weekend everyone! 🥳

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Videos (show all)

🌺 Our morning trip 🌺We got a lot more than we were expecting, it's made our day! Here is a snapshot of what we saw whils...
🌳 The first part of the garden revamp 🌳🌳 The delivery has been unpacked and made throughout weekend ready for the childr...
😊What a year we have had! The children have grown fast, learnt so much & had lots of fun!😊
🥳 What a fantastic first two weeks of Watch me grow childcare . Thank you to everyone for your support.Here's a taster v...





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Wednesday 7:30am - 5:30pm
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Friday 7:30am - 5:30pm

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