Embrace Your Change.

Helping women embrace their ambitions and design their futures. It’s good for them – and the pl


Huge congratulations to my little sister, Harvey who received her MBA with distinction from Henley Business School last Friday. 🎉

It is no mean feat taking on an MBA alongside a full-time, full-on job. I am in awe of her work-all-week then learn-all-weekend mentality, her dedication to many hours of late-night study sessions, the hard work and her determination to tackle some of the more challenging subjects that led to this impressive achievement.

Attending the ceremony and listening to the dean's speech was an inspiring experience that really highlighted the journey she decided to undertake. It made me feel super proud for everything that she’s accomplished and all that she’s taking away with her – the new friendships, greater knowledge, perspective, confidence and the ability to bring new insights into what she does.

It’s also inspired me to get back on my own learning journey so I’ve booked myself on to a coaching course focused on Gestalt Embodiment. And while it may not be quite as prestigious 😜, it will certainly be challenging. It promises a phase of ‘unlearning’ where I’ll experience being "out of my depth, confused, and emotionally discombobulated, before the insight and delight of learning something new and profound."

Sounds terrifying but also exciting, and therefore something I feel I have to try!

Your personal brand: What do you want to be known for? 20/09/2024

Everyone has a personal brand, but have you considered what yours looks like?

Your brand is the professional image and impression that people have of you, based on their experiences with you in real life, how others portray you, and the information about you available online.

It is the story that reflects your professional and personal experience, personality traits and attributes, personal interests, personal values and ethics, your interactions and presence on social media, what you say and how you present yourself when you’re networking internally and externally…and so on!

💜 So, what do you want to be known for? Read my latest blog for more on this 👉 https://www.embraceyourchange.co.uk/post/personal-brand-what-do-you-want-to-be-known-for

Your personal brand: What do you want to be known for? Everyone has a brand. But most people have one by default.


At some point during our careers, most of us will experience difficult or demanding professional circumstances. I support individuals in working through these tough situations, empowering them to navigate difficulties and build understanding and resilience to move forward positively.

💬 It was lovely to receive this feedback from one of my recent clients:

“Natasha has helped me to navigate challenging professional circumstances and build the skills to feel more confident and empowered in my role. Our coaching sessions have been an invaluable resource in my career development as they’ve allowed me to hone in more clearly on my values, my worth and my personal branding. I highly recommend working with her.”

If you'd like to know more about the support I can offer, drop me a message. I'd love to hear from you!


Urggh – this quote from Jacinda Ardern on the criticism she's received over the years makes me sad and frustrated.

Aggressive = assertive?
Empathetic = weak?

Unfortunately, this is still something I still hear in different versions from women I work with who are told they’re being perceived as ‘too soft’ or ‘haven’t got what it takes to make it' because they’re choosing to show interest, empathy or concern.

I believe it’s entirely possible to be both compassionate and strong. Compassion takes understanding and it takes courage. And having compassion for ourselves and others makes us stronger.

What do you think? Is this criticism that you've faced?

Let me know in the comments 💬


For anyone who’s been following England’s progress in the Euros recently, I think you might agree that Harry Kane sees and recognises the weight of expectation on his shoulders.

Recently, he addressed the criticism he's been receiving publicly with a message to former pro footballers turned commentators: “All I would say is remember what it’s like to wear the shirt and that their words are listened to". It's a reminder that the view from the stands is vastly different from being knee-deep in the game.

I liked Kane's words and feel they resonate beyond football. It's a lesson in leadership and support – about showing a bit of empathy and seeking to understand the challenges faced by those in high-pressure roles. We all face our own battles, but it's how we respond that defines us.


Have you considered coaching, but you're not quite sure how it would work? You're not alone!

Many individuals have initial reservations and are not quite sure what to expect from coaching. This client quote is a great example!

Talking through these sorts of questions and concerns are the first thing we do during an introductory meeting. We clarify how we'll work together and what commitments are expected from both parties, so that you can get a good understanding of the process, and so that we're both clear and aligned on what we're working towards.

Drop me a message if you'd like to find out more about working with me to navigate your challenges 💬


Are you considering a career change but aren't sure where to start?

Transitioning to a new role or industry can be both exciting and daunting. Here are some steps to try when making a change:

🧠 Assess skills and interests: conduct a thorough self-assessment to identify your transferable skills

🔎 Research and network: Take a deep dive into the industry you're interested in. Attend networking events, join professional groups, and connect with industry professionals on LinkedIn.

🎓 Up-skill and re-skill: Invest in continuous learning. Enroll in courses and attend workshops to build relevant skills.

👥 Evaluate & amplify your personal brand: what is it you want to be known for? Update your resume and LinkedIn profile to reflect your new career goals. Highlight your transferable skills and experiences.

🤝 Seek guidance and mentorship: Find mentors who have successfully made similar transitions. Their insights and advice can be invaluable.

💪 Stay positive: Enjoy the journey. Every step, including setbacks, is part of the learning experience.

Switching career path is a huge step, but with proper preparation and planning, it can be immensely rewarding. If you want support navigating your next steps, get in touch!


Do you need someone in your corner to help you navigate your professional journey?

If the answer is YES, then drop me a message.

I’m a leadership coach and communications specialist. I specialise in supporting clients to build the core ‘power’ skills that develop effective working relationships, greater engagement in the workplace and improved business performance.

I work with people from a broad range of backgrounds and industries at different stages in their careers. From junior managers through to business and functional leaders, my clients want to hone leadership skills, transition into new roles, plan career moves and communicate effectively.

If you'd like to know what working with me is like, have a read of some of my client reviews here: https://loom.ly/5EaMriM


🚷 Do you dare to step outside your comfort zone?

Comfort zones are those cosy spaces where everything feels safe, familiar, and under control. But, more often than not, real growth happens when we step beyond these boundaries. It's in the unknown that we can find our greatest potential and opportunities for development.

As a leadership coach, I see firsthand how stepping out of our comfort zone can transform our approach to challenges. However, we can be held back by the following types of barriers:

✋🏻 Fear of Failure - Remember, every misstep is a learning opportunity. Embrace the lessons, not the setbacks.
✋🏻 Resistance to Change - Change is inevitable. Adaptability is a superpower in today's fast-paced world.
✋🏻 Overthinking - Analysis paralysis can be a dream killer. Sometimes, we just have to take the leap.
✋🏻 Lack of Confidence - Build self-assurance by celebrating small wins. Confidence grows with each new experience.

Strategies like 🎯 setting stretch goals, 💬 seeking feedback, 🤗 embracing learning and networking outside of our industry are all helpful to begin pushing the limits of our comfort zones.

If you want to step outside your comfort zone, but don't know where to start, drop me a message. I support individuals in navigating different stages in their careers.


"I think, team first. It allows me to succeed, it allows my team to succeed." – LeBron James 🏀

Powerful words! Putting the team first isn't just about selflessness; it's about understanding that true success is a collective achievement. When we prioritise the goals and well-being of our team, we create an environment where everyone thrives and everyone wins! ✨


'Amidst technological advancements, a timeless truth endures: Leaders remain responsible for guiding people.'

A recent study by Harvard Business Publishing identifies a number of business challenges requiring leadership development and one of them is the need to humanise leadership in the digital age. 76% of study respondents saw greater demand for human-centric skills, such as communicating with empathy and demonstrating high social and emotional intelligence.

As organisations continue to embrace digital transformation, our role as leaders is evolving. While there's a need for more tech-savvy leaders at all levels, leaders still lead people. Team members' expectations have also evolved in the wake of the pandemic - with a desire for real inclusion in the workplace as well as greater levels of empathy and compassion from their managers. This means creating collaborative & inclusive work environments, aiming to motivate and foster a sense of belonging, and showing genuine interest in individuals, on a personal and professional level.

Effective communication, strong relationship building skills, empathy and emotional intelligence are all human-centric leadership capabilities we need to continue honing!

I know I should delegate, but why is it so hard to hand things over? 21/05/2024

As a leadership coach, I often have conversations about delegation. While it's a fundamental skill for any leader, it's also one of the most challenging to master. So, why is that? And how can we harness the power of delegation effectively?

Have a read of my latest blog post https://loom.ly/8YRMsog

I know I should delegate, but why is it so hard to hand things over? While the ability to delegate is something expected of most leaders, it's also one of the most challenging skills to master.


There's still work to be done to redefine leadership beyond just roles or hierarchies. True leadership is the impact we have on others' lives, empowering, inspiring, and lifting them up. It's about the connections we make, the guidance we offer, and the positive change we ignite. 💫

John C. Maxwell puts it very well in this quote:

"Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another." - John C. Maxwell


🚨 Beware of Unrealistic Expectations at Work! 🚨

Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for both employees and employers to fall into the trap of setting unrealistic expectations. In fact, it's so common that in some cases, we almost begin to normalise it.

But, what are the real costs of this common workplace phenomenon?

🔍 The Employee Perspective:

As individuals, we often set high standards for ourselves, striving for excellence in our work. However, when these standards become unattainable due to unrealistic expectations, either self-imposed or demanded by the organisations we're a part of, it can lead to stress, anxiety, and, ultimately, burnout.

According to recent UK statistics, a staggering 79% of employees report experiencing work-related stress, with unrealistic workloads and deadlines cited as one of the leading causes. This not only impacts employee well-being but also affects overall productivity and performance.

💼 The Employer's Dilemma:

On the flip side, employers may inadvertently contribute to this problem by setting unrealistic goals or deadlines driven by market pressures or ambitious growth targets. While it's important to aim high, it's equally crucial to ensure that these objectives are achievable within a reasonable timeframe.

Studies show that companies with a culture of unrealistic expectations are more likely to suffer from high turnover rates and diminished employee engagement. In fact, research indicates that businesses lose an estimated £42 billion per year due to staff turnover, much of which can be attributed to workplace stress and dissatisfaction.

🛠️ Finding a Balanced Approach:

So, what can both employees and employers do to combat this issue? It starts with open communication and realistic goal-setting. Employees should feel empowered to speak up when they feel overwhelmed, while employers must listen actively and adjust expectations accordingly.

Furthermore, fostering a culture of transparency and collaboration can help align expectations with reality, leading to a more harmonious and productive work environment for all.

If unrealistic expectations are playing on your mind, and you'd like to develop skills to manage these situations in the workplace, get in touch. I'm a leadership coach and communications specialist, and I work with individuals and businesses to navigate their way through workplace challenges.

📞 +44 (0)7963 393717

📧 [email protected]


Watching my son’s football last weekend was, at first, an absolute joy.

😎Sunshine, coffee, bum on grass for the first time this season. All good. Until it wasn’t.

I had the misfortune to be sitting behind the coach from the opposing side who was probably the most negative, sexist individual I’ve encountered in a very long time.

Listening to him berate his team of 13-year-old lads for the next 2 hours made me soooo angry. His behaviour affected the team’s morale and ultimately their performance (they lost 8-1), it also made me think about just how important responsible, encouraging leaders and role models are, whatever ages we’re at.

Three choice sound-bytes 🔊
☠️You’re all a f&*£ing shambles. I’m so embarrassed. The whole team will be scrapped.
⚽Girls don’t play football. Only against themselves. You’re all a bunch of effin wimpy girls. (There's a female player on my son's team)
❗All this hard work I've put in and look at you. This is how you repay me.

As well as being in shock that this person was entrusted with coaching kids, the experience highlighted for me several important leadership lessons relevant in sport, and the workplace that I wanted to share:

🙋‍♀️Taking responsibility as a leader whatever the outcomes
When things go wrong, we take the responsibility. When things go right, the credit goes to the team. Accountability is so important to build trust and unity in the team.

👏Recognising team members and giving praise
Positive affirmation is vastly underrated and underused. Taking time to say thank you and recognise positive behaviours and progress is free of charge and has a huge impact on motivation and loyalty.

🗣️Giving actionable feedback
Providing constructive feedback helps team members understand what good looks like and what, specifically, they need to do to improve skills and performance. Criticising and saying it’s not good enough, is just not good enough.

In case there’s any doubt, I did go over and share my observations with the referee and the man himself. I was told (obvs) that I was an effing snitch and I could take myself somewhere else!

NB. Totally unrelated photos of moments when Benji and I are both enjoying our football!


Wanted to share a few pics from a fab and very chilled bank holiday!

From singing along with the boy band at the Frankie Valli tribute show to watching the boy play footie, celebrating my Dad’s birthday 🎁 🎊with a family lunch out and trying out Grandpa's Dahmer style specs 🤓 ... it's been a lovely few days off.

Back to work feeling happy and full of energy.🔋⚡

How did you spend the bank holiday?


Can you leave work-related stress at the door?

When we work from home, work stress and home stress can feel like one and the same. According to the Headspace 2024 Workforce State of Mind Report, the vast majority of people say that work-related stress doesn’t end after their shift.

Nearly half of all employees surveyed and two-thirds of CEOs say the majority or all of their stress originates at work. This can take a considerable toll on health and happiness, potentially creating challenges outside of the workplace that can have a lasting impact.

Headspace suggests practicing these transition tips to separate work life from home life:

💻 Establish a routine.
“Clocking in” at the same time each morning and leaving the “office” entirely when you’re done. My She-Shed is at the bottom of the garden – the short walk is a good way to break between home and work time.

⏰ Set a time for the end of the working day and stick to it!
While we may not always be able to finish at the same time every day, it does help to set a boundary for free time.

🚶 Start a “clocking out” ritual.
Like going for a walk to transition from work to leisure time. My ritual is topping and tailing my workday by taking the big bad buddy Bear out for a walk.

🍝 Make post-work plans.
To ensure the end of day doesn’t mean staying at your desk or even drifting back to it later on in the evening.

✨ Remember: rest is productive.
Bringing our best self and brightest ideas to work requires downtime!

How do you draw clear lines between your work and home lives? What are your “clocking out” routines?


Starting a new role can be both exciting and daunting, especially when it comes to establishing a solid relationship with your new team and especially your new boss.

Forbes contributor Caroline Castrillon highlights some key strategies in her recent article, "How to Build a Strong Relationship with a New Boss." She emphasises the importance of communication, alignment of goals, and demonstrating your value early on.

Here are a few key takeaways from the article: 💼💡

1️⃣ Open Communication: Be proactive in initiating conversations with your new boss, seeking to get a clear understanding of expectations and ways of working.

2️⃣ Understand Their Style: Different boss means different leadership style. Take the time to observe and understand how your new boss operates. Adapt your approach accordingly to foster effective collaboration.

3️⃣ Align Goals: Make sure you understand how your goals contribute to those of your boss, the team and the organisation. Show initiative by proposing ideas that contribute to overall objectives.

4️⃣ Demonstrate Value: Establish credibility early on by bringing fresh perspectives, proactively taking on responsibilities and showcasing your skills.

Building a strong relationship with your new boss is a journey, not a sprint! It takes time, communication (listening and sharing) and a willingness to learn and adapt. 💪🚀

Check out Caroline's insightful article for more in-depth tips and guidance. 🔗 https://loom.ly/VO_6EBk



Did you know that in the UK alone, more than 90,000 individuals opt for a career break every year? This statistic speaks volumes about the increasing recognition of the value that time away from work can bring.

Taking a career break isn't about hitting pause on your ambitions, it's about hitting refresh. Many people use it as an opportunity to step back, re-evaluate their goals, and invest in their own development. Whether you're seeking to enhance your skills, broaden your horizons, or prioritise your well-being, a career break can provide the space and freedom to do just that.

If you’re looking to explore a career break but aren’t sure where to start, what you want from it or how to plan it, I can help! Get in touch at [email protected]

How to Spot a Perfectionist – and What to Do If You Are One 18/04/2024

I’ve always been a bit of a perfectionist.

At moments in my life, I have struggled to let go of something until it’s perfect. Whether at work in writing the perfect piece of content or creating the perfect event, or at home in making the perfect dinner or in wanting to win every family game ever!

I have been p$ssed off with myself when I’ve not done things as well as I would have liked, and there have been times when I’ve been frustrated with those around me – at work and at home – when things weren’t perfect.

It took someone with similar perfectionist leanings, my boss at the time, whose own favourite motto was “the devil is in the detail”, to pull my head out of the weeds (and my own arse) and tell me that sometimes “good enough is good enough”.

Striving for excellence is often seen as a commendable trait, but there's a fine line between pursuing excellence and driving for perfection – something which is arguably unattainable.

Take a look at my blog, which looks at how to spot a perfectionist – and what to do if you are one yourself!

How to Spot a Perfectionist – and What to Do If You Are One I’ve always been a bit of a perfectionist. At moments in my life, I have struggled to let go of something until it’s perfect. Whether at work in writing the perfect piece of content or creating the perfect event, or at home in making the perfect dinner or in wanting to win every family game ever...


Since I started my business four years ago, I've had the privilege of supporting some brilliant individuals and businesses. Every coaching session, training course, and conversation is unique, and it always feels great to receive feedback like this from my clients about their experience of working with me.

If you'd like to find out more about my coaching and training sessions, please drop me a message. I'd love to hear from you - [email protected]


✋🏻Who are your saboteurs and how are they getting in your way?

“Your mind can be your best friend, but it is also your worst enemy, involved in self-sabotage. Your self-sabotage is caused by...the "Saboteurs” in your mind." Shirzad Chamine.

In his book "Positive Intelligence", Shirzad Chamine explores the concept of positive intelligence - our mental fitness and ability to handle setbacks and challenges effectively - and its profound impact on our happiness and success.

Chamine describes our internal enemies, the voices in our heads, as Saboteurs that generate stress and negative emotions in the way we handle life’s challenges.

He identities 10 Saboteurs in total, from Judge (the Master Saboteur) through to Pleaser, Avoider, and Controller, among others. And we all suffer from at least a couple of them. My top two are Hyper-achiever and Stickler – manifesting themselves in moments of stress in unhelpful behaviours like “workaholic tendencies, perfectionism, and a need for order.” 🤦‍♀️ I’ve done a lot of work on these over the years and continue to do so…!

I’ve also found his work to be really useful for clients who find themselves stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts and self-sabotaging behaviours. The short (free) assessment on his website (cf. link in the comments) is a helpful introduction to begin exploring Saboteurs and helps clients understand which one(s) are doing the most harm at the time.

As with most things, raising awareness, understanding what is sabotaging us and how, is the first step in being able to identify what’s at the heart of the issue and to start developing strategies to build new, long lasting positive habits.

If you're interested in learning more about your Saboteurs, check out the link below!

🤔 Which 'Saboteurs' are trying to hijack your mind?

Photos from Embrace Your Change.'s post 10/04/2024

📣 Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make.

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, I can help. I'm passionate about supporting individuals in navigating the complexities of their professional journeys.

Working with me means you’ll walk away with:

1️⃣ Greater clarity on your career goals, values, and aspirations. Together, we'll define a clear path forward aligned with your vision.

2️⃣ Personalised strategies to overcome challenges and seize opportunities. Whether you're aiming for a promotion, transitioning to a new role, or starting your own venture, I'll provide guidance tailored to your circumstances.

4️⃣ Confidence to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new opportunities. Through coaching, you'll build on your strengths and superpowers.

3️⃣ Enhanced leadership skills and a confident mindset to thrive in dynamic business environments. From communication and decision-making to resilience and adaptability, we'll work on strengthening key competencies crucial for success.

5️⃣ Accountability for your goals and commitments. As your coach, I'll provide the support and accountability you need to stay on track and make meaningful progress.

Drop me a message to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards realising your professional goals. 🚀


Happy Easter 🐣 💐to those who celebrate it and are getting a long weekend in to boot.

Spring wishes from over here - where the days are getting longer, the lambs are doing their thing and warmer weather is within sight !


As a leadership coach, I see first hand the value that neurodiversity brings to a team.

With team members bringing unique strengths, ideas and ways of thinking to the table, neurodiverse teams can drive creativity and innovation. The key is to create an environment where everyone feels valued and understood.

Here are some things to bear in mind when considering neurodiversity in a team:

🧠 Understand individual needs. Get to know your team members – their strengths and communication preferences. Understanding these will help you set your team members up for success.

🧠 Encourage open communication and empathy within the team. Provide channels for neurodivergent team members to express their thoughts, ideas and concerns.

🧠 Be specific about what you need from each team member. Discuss expectations and ensure that team members understand and agree on what is required.

🧠 Offer support and accommodations for team members with neurodivergent needs who may require sensory-friendly spaces, flexible work or assistive technologies.

🧠 Highlight the benefits of having a diverse team and the different ways in which team members contribute. Challenge stereotypes and stigma associated with neurodivergent conditions.

Fostering a neurodivergent environment is an ongoing process with continuous learning, adaptation and commitment to inclusivity. Diversity of any type is a strategic advantage, leading to better problem-solving and a more dynamic work environment.

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🚷 Do you dare to step outside your comfort zone?Comfort zones are those cosy spaces where everything feels safe, familia...
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💙 Are you feeling a bit 'meh' today? Today is Blue Monday. A term for the 3rd Monday in January, which is believed to be...
Wishing you a joyful and magical holiday filled with love, laughter and happiness.Merry Christmas to you and your loved ...
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It's International Week of Happiness at Work, so here are some of the things that make me happy at work 😁😊⤵️What brings ...
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Emotional self-awareness means being aware of what we’re feeling and why. Looking inwards is the first step in learning ...
Listening is a critical skill in so many ways – it helps foster trust and build strong relationships, resolve conflict, ...
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