Art and Design at Rotherham College, Rotherham Videos

Videos by Art and Design at Rotherham College in Rotherham. The Art and Design Department at Rotherham College

Well done to Assim Kahn (level 2) and Sadie Mae Wharmsby (level 3) from Rotherham College who came first in the inter-college art competition. You’ve done us proud, awesome! 🎉

Other Art and Design at Rotherham College videos

Well done to Assim Kahn (level 2) and Sadie Mae Wharmsby (level 3) from Rotherham College who came first in the inter-college art competition. You’ve done us proud, awesome! 🎉

Animated Walk
A hand drawn animated walking sequence created by Jade Harrison on Level 3 Art and Design Year 1. A tricky skill to learn for many animators. Well done Jade and the rest of the group who all did fantastic!