Lorna Strange

Hi I’m Lorna Strange I’m a Life & Success Coach I help women unleash the Magic within & have success.


Believe in your own Magic🪄✨


Congratulations 👏 you’ve just beat your personal record of how many days you’ve been alive. 🎊
Own that Victory 🙌🪄


A reminder to light that spark up 🔥

If your wondering where your power goes……. Or why you feel tired & fed up…. Maybe you’ve forgotten that you have the power to start the fire inside up 🔥again…. 🪄 often we forget & we loose ourselves…. life happens … we are humans we have ebbs & flows but it’s learning to master self to gain awareness & course correct from a place of love ❤️ not force.

You get to decide to take action… or not …. If you want evolution & growth over a lifetime… you need to take the 1st step 👠instead of waiting for things to change!

I Love hearing my clients remind me that our work together creates life changing results. They not only help themselves create greatness in self & achieve success, but they also impact their family’s too ✨✨✨🔥 🌍together we are more ❤️🪄✨

Remember you can still join us in
She’s A Star ⭐️ 💫✨✨✨
We have another class tonight!!

Details are in comments 😁

Have a magical day 🪄✨
Much Love ❤️


... Tonight we bring back personal power & take a deep look into our beautiful human who she truly is ✨❤️

It’s a real act of self love ❤️ to do this magical work 🪄✨

As I say we go to the gym to get a better body…

What are you doing to get a better mind?

⭐️All human activity can be divided into two major parts: the outer game and the internal. Without some mastery of the often-neglected skills and goals of The Inner Game, success in any outer game is not only restricted and difficult but is also relatively limited in terms of one’s true potential being realized.

The Inner Game reveals an approach to accelerated learning and achievement. It challenges you to re-examine everything that you do including your own fundamental motivations for doing things and your definitions of what success really is.

Remember it’s not to late ⏰ to join us!
Details below ⬇️

Together we are more 🪄✨❤️

Much Love ❤️


You may need this …
Sunday morning reminder ✨❤️
So I’m here to remind you…. You were born to live in happiness & you deserve the love you so freely give to others please 🙏 do something for yourself today 🪄✨and remind yourself your worthy of love ❤️ abundance.

Have a fabulous day!
Much Love ❤️


Happy Summer Solstice ✨

The summer solstice is a time for strength and vitality for action and movement.”☀️☀️☀️

Excited to ignite the light in lots of ladies ✨✨🪄 in my new course… Saturday

Tomorrow night I’m hosting a free master class let me know if you want details?

Much Love ❤️


It’s time to bring her home…
In perfect divine timing ⏱️

She’s The One 🪄

So excited for this course!!!
Thank you 🙏 Ladies who have already joined I cannot wait to serve you 🙌✨

Much Love ❤️

Photos from Lorna Strange's post 10/06/2023

Happy Saturday ☀️
Wishing you a magical day!!!

“She’s The One “🪄✨

I’m So excited to finally bring my long awaited course out!

It’s here boom 💥🪄✨

If your wanting an beautiful experience of understanding of one’s true self
A time to feel fabulous with lessons & codes to unlock all the magic & beauty 🪄✨from within.

Then this is your calling!!!!!!

We are half way through the year now & I’m back to make you understand it’s
✨🪄YOUR Time 🕰️ ✨✨✨🪄

Those of you who have been in my previous course’s … you know the power in my messages 💥 ✨🪄 the feelings you receive the up level’s you gain not to mention the power you take back🤩

This is not to be missed!!!!!

Limited places ….

Drop a ❤️below for details ✨✨🪄
Or drop me a 💌

Much Love ❤️


She’s The one ☝️

So excited 😆 to deliver this course….. A reminder you get to live a life on your terms✨✨🪄

You & only YOU are in charge!

Never underestimate the power of self in all your Magic🪄✨
I can’t wait to Unlock the master codes with those who desire more happiness & Love ❤️ ✨✨✨


Hello 🙋‍♀️
I hope you’re having a fabulous day😁

So it’s official my New Website… with help from my Awesome
son Luke 🙌❤️

My diary opens tonight …act quick if it’s feels like a hell yes…. as I’m only taking on 4 x 1-2-1 clients ✨🪄 to begin with as I want to devote my energy & full attention on giving the best I can 😁

My magical✨ courses that have helped so many women are finally available… if you desire to try them & enjoy the self paced method with my help…. be warned they are life changing 😉

Also as always I have master classes for you to try at no cost… just add your self to fb group on the site & sit back & enjoy & let me know what you love ❤️ most?

Feel free to let’s your friends know I’m back at last!

Life certainly has a way of teaching us valuable lessons if you know my story you know I’ve been to hell & back & yes I’m back more powerful than ever ✨🪄
Watch this space 👌
Shout below ⬇️ if you want any help 😁

Have a fabulous evening
Much Love ❤️


What’s meant for you will always find you….
My question to you is…are you ready for what you want?

Time ⏰ is our greatest gift…. however it disappears through our hands so quickly…. How we use it matters!

The universe has a funny way of giving you what you want when your ready.. however most people don’t understand they give the wrong information ℹ️ they put out the wrong vibe ✨✨✨

Clarity is key 🪄✨

Remember ask for something but not expecting to get it … is a lack mentality…..

Saying you want something.. but not taken the action steps.. towards it is a clear action of you are not wanting or ready for it !

Dreaming and waiting for things to get better without you changing…. is crazy 😜 no body is coming to safe you…..

Blaming life and people is often victim mentality…. Gain the power in knowing you get to choose 🪄✨ you can take pain to power 💥 it’s a decision 👌

YOU get to safe yourself… you get to play with time ⏰you get to become & have all your desires but first you need to bank on yourself ✨✨💃….

The journey awaits those called to an adventure of a lifetime ✨……

“She’s The One “🪄✨



Create a life🪄✨✨✨ you can’t wait to wake up too …
I remember many years when thinking that’s a vibe if I was on the Caribbean 🏝 island or on a yacht somewhere.. but the real truth was it’s about understanding what is available to you & perspective … to see the beauty in the moment & to become intentional.
Value your time ⏰& make it count.
Often we become our worst enemy by remaining last on our to do list!
A big tip
Learn Focus on you… until the focus is on you ✨✨✨✨

This is often difficult because we are programmed to be the good girl often we carry old ancestral wounds & we don’t even know!

I’m super excited to launch 🚀 ✨✨ She’s The one 🪄✨✨✨
It’s a gift 🎁 to self on all levels !

Have a fabulous day
Much Love ❤️


A reminder we all get to shine✨✨❤️🌟

Excited to be back coaching soon… the downloads & codes I have are just the greatest gift ✨✨✨
I can’t wait to share them in my New course & with all my clients💫

Life is given to you … it’s how you choose to respond & evolve through it all…. I made a decision many years ago, to make a difference & help others understand their true Power ✨through my life coaching & mentoring.

I may have been away a while, due to my husband passing & obstacles… however I’m so excited to finally be coming back soon…. My diary will be opening soon with limited spaces so get in touch if you want to know more….
Have a Magical Monday 🪄✨
Much Love ❤️


❤️Happy International Women’s Day ❤️

Where there is a woman there is MAGIC 🪄✨

Blessed to have so many incredible women in my life❤️
We rise 🙌
We lift 🙌
We collaborate ❤️

Together we are more 🙌

Proud to be a Woman ❤️

Sending Love ❤️ to you all ✨✨✨


💁‍♀️A reminder you get to be do & have it all 🙌✨💕🪄

Don’t disappoint yourself 😉

Much Love ❤️



A reminder always value yourself ✨

If it make you happy 😃 do it!

Most people never do what they want 🪞 & they wonder why they are unhappy.

Choose to look after your wants your needs in your mind body & soul ❤️🙌

Remember when you shine ✨ with happiness it overflows it ripples so make sure your self love is a priority 👌

Have a magical day✨

Much Love ❤️



Repeat after me: I’m not a choice I’m a decision ✨🙌❤️
Feel that conviction in your ❤️ heart mmm it’s a hell yes vibe 🙌✨sexy ass self love ❤️ bomb 💣 thrown at you there…. feel it 😉✨✨

You might say that choices are connected to reasons and decisions are connected to causes.
Understanding the difference between the place of choice and the point of decision helps you practice identifying your feelings, whether positive or negative, so you can make inspired choices and clear, robust decisions. By visiting the place of choice first, you can obtain the confidence needed to stay motivated and take bold, life-changing actions.
I’m here to remind you, you are not a choice you mess around with… honour yourself in holding your standards higher for self.
Listen I’m giving you a reminder never be a choice.. be a decision always!
How you treat self will show others how to treat you 👌
I made a decision a long time ago I was deserving of everything I desired because I’m worthy of it all… I’m not a maybe.. I’m a hell fu***ng yes 🙌
I don’t need to convince anyone.. I’m the full package because I know what I have to offer… this comes from a place of pure heart & Love ❤️ I don’t see myself separate to others I see my soul it’s pure.
Make the decision today to love ❤️ yourself for who you are, on the way to who you want to be… decide you’re worthy of the best life no matter what obstacles are thrown at you… decide you get to have it all…
your one decision away 👌
Much Love ❤️


A reminder you never fail if you move… one bold move👠 is always a win 🏆 you may fall flat on your face and get back up again & learn a lesson along the way or you may do the dance 💃 of walking one foot in happiness & the other in pain , it’s a groove… one I’ve learnt to master over the years 🤣😂seriously one step at a time unless you’ll like me & do leaps & jumps. 😂 what ever you do, you learn & grow…. Good & bad lessons will be learnt along the way & the secret is you always win.. if you become aware of self & embody lessons .. it’s a shift that comes into play this unlocks the magic 🪄✨✨of self discovery 💡

Those that learn to make bold move’s 👠& walk in the pain & pleasure in duality create a dance 💃 🕺🏻understanding their greatness✨

Life is journey… we get given obstacles some of us get given more than most 🙌 the key is no lesson is ever wasted no love ❤️ is lost you get to embrace it all & know it was part of your journey…to grow & transcend. 🙌I choose to call it a March 👠 👠 I know my worst times.. have given me so many mastery codes that I’ve unlock & can help others with … I may be on a 6 month work break at the moment but watch out innFebruary I’m coming back strong 💪 I will be opening books soon.. so for a heads up 😉if you want info get in touch….

I’m constantly learning , living & unlocking so many codes daily…crazy downloads if you know the magic from course imagine crazy magical overloades 😂🤣 the study I’ve completed will knock your socks off 🤣😂I have so much to share …. through taking time out of social….

Thank you 🙏 to all my clients & friend’s for your patience I love & appreciate you all so much❤️
Have a fabulous evening & remember even in the darkest places light will always keep you shining 🌟✨✨

M̤̈ṳ̈c̤̈ḧ̤ L̤̈ö̤v̤̈ë̤ ❤️


🙋‍♀️Happy Monday ✨

The most powerful force is Love ❤️✨

The energy of love ❤️ is one of the highest energies out there, and acts of love raise the consciousness of the planet.

They set an example for all to follow and aspire to. ✨

They teach compassion, forgiveness, tolerance and peace.

Love is a super healing power!✨❤️

Remember it all starts with you 🙌

So REMEMBER to speak 🗣 to yourself with extra Love 💗 today✨

If your reading this you’ve just received extra Love 💗 😉✨embrace it!!🙌

Have a fabulous day ✨


🙋‍♀️I love this quote...
you’re mind is your best investment so always focus 🧘‍♀️ on developing it!! 📚

Having A positive attitude is wher it’s at!!

❤️Always act with a purpose. ...
❤️Stretch yourself past your limits every day. ...
❤️Take action without expecting results. ...
❤️Use setbacks to improve your skills. ...
Seek out those who share your positive attitude.

A Lady with class ✨
❤️A lady of class is distinguished, holds herself in high standards and respects her body. She is someone who is capable of respecting herself and others. She cares about her reputation, and treats others the way, she wants to be treated. She has self-control in manner and speech and is quick to hold her tongue. Whatever comes out of her mouth builds rather than tears down. She delights in everything lovely and feminine but she isn't afraid to speak out when necessary. She is compassionate and passionate, nurturing, unselfish and has poise in posture and character. She is firm in her beliefs and accomplishes anything she puts her mind to. Her peers respect her for being truly female. She is charming, gorgeous, and naturally funny, can laugh at herself, isn't pretentious, is down to earth, doesn't act like someone she isn't, has genuine love for others, is honest, and not hypocritical. A woman of class commands attention and respect wherever she goes even without saying a word.

Give yourself a 👏 if you’re rocking this

💁‍♀️Oh & REMEMBER you can always up 🆙 level oneself!!! ✨✨

I’m constantly up 🆙 levering in all areas excellence is where it’s at 🙌

Have a fabulous day ✨✨


Listen this is a reminder…. Stop 🛑 comparing yourself to others!

Comparison is the thief of all joy!

You are… once in a lifetime woman or Man there is only one you!

Nobody has your unique gifts & magic & love 🙌✨🪄

So don’t you dare compare 👌

Own your gifts embrace them & work on the areas you decide you would like to improve… key tip mindset is where it at 🙌✨

Have a fabulous day & remember.. to own your one in a million vibe-beautiful 🪄✨

Much Love ❤️


Do you act with intention or think about consequences…. Often with are c**k blocking our own success!

We are sometimes our biggest problem, we stop 🛑 our growth & stay small.

Next time you want something take action ….Feel the power 💥 in the bold move 👠✨🪄 then learn in the process remember she or he who chooses self always wins 🙌 through growth in transition success in move or from lesson learnt 💡

Successful people move & groove quicker ✨

A magnetic woman leads with intentionality in all her power ✨🙌❤️🪄


Often people say to me they don’t need self development… I always smile 😊 & say it’s a choice… smart people are open to change & expansion✨
A closed mind if a weakness, I know because I used to have one 😂 I thought knew it all …🤣😂I was the person that had to have last word… the person who thought they were always right 😂🤣I was wrong!

Grateful to have been on a self mastery journey for over 7 years… that will also last me a lifetime ✨🪄I’m a lifelong student 👩‍🎓 always learning ✨✨

Unfortunately my business is closed due to bereavement & personal reasons at the moment however I’m excited to get back out doing what I love soon…. My waiting list will be expansive I know 😁✨

Excited as always to help others live their best life in all areas ✨🪄

Remember you have the power always within YOU ✨✨✨

Have a magical day!


A reminder💁‍♀️
Don’t be embarrassed be honest with yourself some of your friends will not want to watch you shine….because you’ve escaped from your box 📦 boom 💥 to much 😁

You’ve changed you want more !!
Don’t let this stop 🛑 you..
you see as sad as it is.. most of your friends don’t want you to be more successful because you will become more then them. I know crazy 😜
but true real friends will support your and cheer you on… because they believe in you ❤️
They are you true friends 🙌 I know mine 😁

Remember when all is said and done only a few will be there so go follow your passion... because progress is always progress & happiness is moving forward towards your dream & purpose.. life unfortunately doesn’t bring you cheer leaders.. but it certainly brings you moments of joy & wonderful times 💫 enjoy them.
Let the good times roll ✨seek your destiny 👌your dreams are there for a reason 🌟
Never forget if you have dreams they were given to you for a reason.. go commit to making them come true 🙌
Be your own biggest cheerleader 📣 set the example & in the process you’ll attract those that are for you! It’s a vibrational match ✨✨❤️


The best way to gain self confidence is to do what you are afraid to do🙌

Problem is most people would rather stay comfortable👌

💁‍♀️What is a confident person

Not everyone is born with an inbuilt sense of self-confidence. Sometimes it can be hard to develop confidence, either because personal experiences have caused you to lose confidence or because you suffer from low self-esteem.

A confident person:

🌟Does what they believe is right, even if it’s unpopular.

🌟Is willing to take risks.

🌟Admits their mistakes and learns from them.

🌟Is able to accept a compliment.

🌟Is optimistic.

Confident people are normally successful because they are prepared to fall & get up
Again. 🙌

Leaders have to be the one to show the way & teach others how not to do it….

When you don’t take risks you play small… you stop yourself from growth & the confidence you’ll gain from taking action.

If you have big dreams you have to do big things right 🙌

If you want your life to get better you’ve got to get better right 🙌

Most people complain yet stay the same.

Most people wish things would get easier.. truth is wishing won’t get you anywhere.

It’s all up to you🙌

Quick tip : surround yourself with people that have similar vision to you or have what you desire already.

Have a fabulous day & remember you can be do and have anything you desire it all starts with YOU 🪄✨

Much Love ❤️


A reminder ✨✨✨
It all starts with YOU!

Often we think we are doing ok 👌 but we forget the true .. self love bit 💓

I can see self Love 💗 so clearly in a person ✨ it’s deep ✨

You can buy yourself stuff & have bath but that’s just not … it I’m talking about the real self love 💗

The looking after you like you would a god or goddess!

Putting your needs first caring for oneself & listening to how your feeling💕

Self love isn’t abusing your body with too much exercise or eating to much health food & ignoring your desires.

It’s about understanding yourself 💗

You are not a maybe 🤔 or like anyone else.. you are unique you have your own wants needs & desires… are you feeding them or starving them?

Self love 💕 is seeing yourself & loving what you see …. Knowing you have growth over a lifetime. understanding you get to become more daily whilst embracing your amazing qualities now.✨

So today think are you eating 🍽 are you eating for the Queen/king of you body or are you eating for dusty the bin 🗑?

Are you choosing to take care of yourself or are you an afterthought?

Are you speaking to yourself with Love ❤️ or hate?

I remember 7 yrs ago doing the exercise of acknowledging how many times I spoke bad to myself in a day …. It was nearly 200 words 🤣 the started with your fat … your stupid … lazy … I’m rubbish at this …. I’m sorry … I’m no good at that … I look awful in this … the list goes on I was beating myself up daily with no awareness at all of self sabotage …. I had done that for most my life… you may do this as well?

I even invented stories of what people thought of me & how I looked… truth is most people don’t think of you like you think they do as they are to busy thinking of self!

I looked at others to see how pretty they were without looking at how pretty I was.

I realised on my journey✨ true beauty is within.. a beautiful person will always appear beautiful to those that see beauty ✨✨💕 I see souls I see beauty everywhere ✨💗

So today get clear with self… you deserve the world 🌎 but it all starts with YOU ✨✨💕

Make life respond beautifully because even in the darkest times their is beauty available if you are open to see it.


💁‍♀️Don’t ignore your potential.

Stop 🛑 Worrying what others 🤔 think.

Truth is most people don’t think about you like you think they do… they are far to busy thinking about themselves!

Secondly it’s your mind creating a story about what you think.. they think 🤣….. is it really true ?

One thing I’ve learnt over the years is that most people want to see you succeed in your life? As difficult as that may be for some of you to imagine, I believe it is true. They want to say Congratulations 🎉

I believe that the grandstands of life are filled with those who are cheering 📣 👏 you on to victory. In fact, I can almost see them now, standing up, waving their arms 🙌 and banners for you, hoping that you will succeed in everything that you do!

Learn to recognise those that don’t cheers you on or support you.. are they really your friends?

Or are they scared you may out grow them?

Some people will try to talk you out of your dreams… as it’s far to scary for them.. they want to protect you as they couldn’t possibly do it!

Be aware its their limited beliefs not yours.. so don’t take them on as your own.

You get to be do & have what you desire… when you learn to take ACTION!!

Have a fabulous day ✨


A Sunday Morning thank you 🙏

I’m blessed with the continuous Love ❤️& support your messages & gifts are just gorgeous ✨❤️

For those closet to me you know who you are ❤️your love goes above and beyond… it’s felt from cuddles to meals to picking me up when I fall.. literally 🤣😂 I’m forever grateful.

I will finally get back to my messages today 🙏 thank you for your patience.

Sometimes we need to just be ✨✨

Take time ⏰ life is short

Rushing a response isn’t my vibe ❤️✨

Wishing you a super Sunday✨

Much Love ❤️

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