Staying the Path - Small Business Consultant & Coach

Supporting Female Entrepreneurs in the Fashion & Beauty Industry | Scale their Business by Building Teams & Management to Achieve Freedom & Work Life Balance

Therapy to change mindset, emotional responses and behaviours.


“You don’t build a business—you build people, and then people build the business.” – Zig Ziglar

As a solopreneur, it can feel daunting to trust others with your vision. But the truth is, hiring and developing a great team is the key to scaling your business.

When you empower your people, your business grows beyond what you could accomplish alone. 💡

Are you ready to step into the role of leader and build a team that shares your vision? Let’s talk about how you can get there!


Feeling Like You're Doing It All in Your Business? 😫

As a female entrepreneur in the fashion & beauty industry, running your store the sheer overwhelm by the number of tasks feels like a never-ending juggling act.

➡️You wear so many hats from managing inventory to customer service, that finding time for yourself seems impossible.

➡️The physical and mental exhaustion can be too much leading to thoughts like
"I'm so tired. I can't keep this up much longer" and "I can't keep doing this"

But it doesn't have to be this way! 🙂

I help entrepreneurs like you build the teams and processes needed to step back from the daily grind while scaling your business.

I know this can be scary as you may feel like you are losing control of your business and thinking "What if I delegate and everything falls apart? I need to make sure it's done right. I will just do it myself"

But here's the conflict....

You have such a desire for freedom, you want more time for YOU, you don't want to feel like you are stuck in the grind, on the hamster wheel again, after all that was one of the reasons you wanted to start your own business in the first place. Right?

⭐️You want to step back and enjoy the fruits of your labour
⭐️You want desperately to change your current situation
⭐️You know there is a better way to run your business

So, what do you say? Lets turn the feeling of drowning in your responsibilities into "I am enjoying my life again instead of being consumed by work."

Ready to delegate and reclaim your freedom? DM me to learn how we can make it happen.


Photos from Staying the Path - Small Business Consultant & Coach's post 23/09/2024

It's no secret that running a successful business is tough.

Some businesses manage to flourish, while others struggle to stay afloat, even when they seem to have everything going for them.

But you feel like…

➡️ Your business feels like it's just getting by, not thriving.
➡️There's a constant struggle to keep up with competitors.
➡️You're unsure why your efforts aren't leading to success.

The secret lies in having the right systems, strategies, and support in place.

At Staying the Path, I help business owners like you create a nurturing environment for your team and a strategic plan relaxing or that aligns with your vision.

With my expertise in Business Development and Team Leadership, I'll guide you in turning your symbolizing business into a thriving success story, with

⭐️ a motivated team,
⭐️ efficient operations,
⭐️ and growing revenue.

What's holding your business back from thriving?

Let's discuss it in a free consultation. Together, we'll uncover the secrets to your business success!

Thrive, don't just survive. Your business success is closer than you think!



Struggling to scale in your business? Here’s what no one is telling you…

Many small business owners hit a wall when trying to scale, feeling stuck in a cycle of constant effort with little reward.

It's frustrating to put in so much work without seeing the growth you've dreamed of.

➡️ You're working harder but not seeing the revenue increase.
➡️ Your team is stretched thin, but efficiency isn't improving.
➡️ The business feels stagnant, with no clear path forward.

This is where I specialize in helping product-selling and customer-facing businesses like yours break through these barriers.

With my expertise in:
⭐️ Business Development,
⭐️ Team Leadership, And Coaching.

I create tailored solutions that:
⭐️ Streamline your operations,
⭐️ Boost team productivity,
⭐️ Ignite business growth.

Let’s transform your business into a powerhouse of innovation and success.

What's the biggest challenge you're facing in scaling your business?

Comment below or book a free consultation to start overcoming these obstacles today!

Success is within your reach. Let's make it happen together!


As a business owner, you're juggling a million tasks, often getting bogged down in day-to-day operations.

It's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when you're caught up in the details.

1️⃣ You're constantly putting out fires instead of focusing on growth.

2️⃣ The business isn't moving in the direction you envisioned.

3️⃣ There's no time to plan or strategize for the future.

This is where entrepreneurs and business owners like you need to shift from being REACTIVE to PROACTIVE.

You need……

➡️ A strategic business plan that aligns with your business goals with actionable and realistic plans, ensuring that you’re working on the business’s growth, not just in it.

➡️ Turn obstacles into opportunities that set you on the path you have planned to take.


⭐️ Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Let's chat about how I can create a strategic plan that works for you.

⭐️ Book a FREE consultation today! Link in bio

⭐️ Your business's success starts with a strong strategy. Let's create it together!


What do you want to say when you are on your deathbed looking back on your life?

Hello, my name is Charlotte, and I am a 34-year-old millennial who loves the gym and drinks way too much coffee.

I started my journey in 2017, focusing on improving myself physically, mentally, and energetically. Let me tell you, I wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t taken those steps.

I was always someone who wanted quick results or a quick fix. When things didn’t happen within the unrealistic time frame I set for myself, I gave up.

This sent me into a bit of a spiral. I felt lost, with no sense of direction in life or clarity on what I wanted to do. I had so many ideas, so many dreams, but they were quickly shut down by my own thoughts of not being good enough.

Looking after my body, mental health, and well-being, and managing my energy has been revolutionary!

One thing I’ve learned along the way is the importance of patience and consistency. This is where I experienced the compound effect firsthand.

It wasn’t about getting there quickly or taking shortcuts to make it easier. I needed a long-term plan and the will and confidence to make it happen.

I had to remove all of my fears and barriers to do so. It’s like bungee jumping—standing on the edge, knowing you have to jump, but everything in your mind and body is telling you no. It’s the fear of the unknown that stops us, our need to be in control. The “what if.”

I pushed all of that aside to focus on myself and was determined to prove myself wrong. I took all of the skills I had learned and trained in for many years and grew my last store in my corporate job into a £1 million account in just one year.

I trained in something I was passionate about—helping other people. Now, I help business owners and entrepreneurs do the same thing.

Don’t let your fears hold you back.

When you are lying on your deathbed and look back at the 70-80 years you have lived, what do you want to say you did or achieved?

I know mine isn’t staying in my comfort zone and being too afraid to jump!


Discover the secret to unlocking your potential through the art of goal setting! 🚀

Dive into a transformative journey on my blog – link below!


The reason you are giving up on certain tasks or goals might not be what you think it is ⬇️

-> Are you one of those people who start something and then give up halfway through or even before that?

-> Are you someone who achieves something but then doesn’t do anything with it?

-> Are you someone who thinks about starting something but then talks themselves out of it?

The answer might not be what you think…

It’s easy to blame this on
Didn’t want to do it anyway,
Laziness or,
No time.

When in actual fact, it could be because you have a fixed mindset.

What is a fixed mindset?

A fixed mindset is when a task or a test determines your ability to be a success.
Like a pass/fail situation.

So if you “fail,” that means you are a failure and there’s no point in trying, and you give up!

This is where the switch needs to happen to a growth mindset.

A growth mindset will see that task or test as an opportunity to develop and learn something so they can be better for the next one rather than seeing it as the ceiling of their ability.

So they will then choose a harder task/test to develop the knowledge further.

What happens to the fixed mindset? They will find an excuse not to take the test as it will only cement their belief even more.

As an entrepreneur or business owner, how you show up in your business will determine its longevity and success.

What one do you think you are?

Please share in the comments below.

Self awareness is key to change. Personal development is the key to success.

or DM me to find out how we can work together to achieve your goals.


Why would you hire a coach? Simple!! Consistancy = Growth

How many times have you watched or seen a motivation video/quote and it’s really inspired you to make a change?

How long did it take you to forget it?
How long did it take you to action it?
How long did it take you to give up?

A coach keeps you consitent and accountable for achieveing your goals!

The real questions might be these….

How much do you actually want it?
How much do you want to achieve that goal?
How much will achieving that goal change your life?

Staying consistent and being help accountable for your actions/steps in achieving that goal



It’s a perfect formula!!

I thought I was never going to achieve my goals as I would always give up so easily

I would finish a course or start something and NEVER finish it


I changed my MINDSET

I hired a coach/mentor because:

I needed someone to push me
I needed someone to hold me respinsible
I needed someone to hold me accountable

I wasn’t happy staying the person that I was

And that was enough for me to make that decision to change my life.

Success looks different to many people

But what does success look like to you?

Let me know in the comments

If this sounds like you and you want to know more, use the link in my bio to book your free call and let’s start achieving those goals!

Photos from Staying the Path - Small Business Consultant & Coach's post 19/03/2024

It’s YOU not your business plan!! ⬇️

I know it’s what most people don’t want to hear, but it is true!

Background programmes will affect how you show up in your life and business. What I mean by background is those annoying outdated and unwanted patterns.

One thing I have learned is that LOADS of business owners aren’t even aware of them!

Self awareness is a huge key factor in doing something about it!

Everyday you can learn something new about yourself but don’t let your business suffer because of YOU!!


That feeling of being stuck and wanting to soar is what will push you towards success! 🌟

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable, take the leap and see what you can achieve ❤️

Photos from Staying the Path - Small Business Consultant & Coach's post 21/02/2024

One of the top reasons businesses fail? IS YOU!!

Which is not what any business owner wants to hear 🙉

❌The fear of failing can be paralysing! But if not faced can have serious consequences for your business.

❌Not responding and avoiding challenges is going to make you feel even more STUCK!!

If you take action NOW, the end of your story could look very different!

So what changes would you want to make in your mindset so you can achieve a thriving & successful business?

Let’s chat. DM me or use the link in my bio to book your FREE chemistry call 📞


Find passion in what you do 🔥

Whatever you are doing or trying to achieve. Mindset is EVERYTHING!!

Adopt a positive mindset towards your work & find passion in what you do. If you can’t find passion, then ask yourself what am I gaining or learning in my current position 🤔

You have to love your work to achieve greatness 🌟

Photos from Staying the Path - Small Business Consultant & Coach's post 16/02/2024

3 mindset shifts you can adopt today for your personal development ⬇️




You have to be the one to pick yourself up and carry on. Give yourself a pat on the back for once.

There will be plenty of people out there that will do why they can to drag you down! So don’t do that to yourself!!

Push yourself out of your comfort zone! Keep showing up for yourself and stay consistent!

To learn more about mindset coaching. DM me or use the link in my bio to book your chemistry call 📞

Photos from Staying the Path - Small Business Consultant & Coach's post 12/02/2024

Feeling overwhelmed with too much to do? 🤯

Try out these tips and I would love to hear how you get on in the comments ⬇️

DM me to learn more about my coaching services


Do you want to focus on personal growth so you can be successful professional and personal life?

My elemental coaching program is completely tailored to you! 🌱💧🔥🌬️

I work with you the person BEHIND the business, to develop your personal growth & rewire your subconscious programming so you can be an unstoppable successful version of YOU!!

So whatever your needs may be or you want to discuss more about it, please use the link in my bio to book your FREE chemistry call with me! 📞


Love hearing my clients transformations ❤️

Call/Dm or visit to find out more about mindset coaching

Use the linktree in my bio to book your FREE chemistry call


A little reminder 🌟

Don’t get caught up about the destination

Follow for more content

Photos from Staying the Path - Small Business Consultant & Coach's post 12/01/2024

Remember, feeling like an imposter means you’re growing. Keep pushing forward! 💪🏻

Follow for more content

Use link tree in bio to visit the website for more info or book your FREE chemistry📞

Photos from Staying the Path - Small Business Consultant & Coach's post 09/01/2024

Call/DM me or visit 🌟 to start your transformational journey TODAY!

Let’s connect and make 2024 your most successful year yet!! Please also share in the comments some of your biggest learnings in 2023! Would love to hear them ☺️


Calling all NEW ENTREPRENEURS!! 🧑‍💼👩‍💼👨‍💼

Overwhelmed by decisions and distractions? Streamline your focus with these actionable steps:

1. Prioritize tasks daily - Congratulations you’ve written your to do list, but…….. sh*t!!!! I have so much to do, don’t know how I am going to get it all done 🤯 - PRIORITIZE!! Set the tasks to days and break them down into smaller bite size pieces! Thank me later ☺️

2. Practice mindfulness techniques - This does not need to be meditation or going for a walk. You can do this at your desk, computer, laptop (even the coffee shop)….. Check in with yourself!! Eyes open or eyes closed - Ask your mind, body and spirit, how are you? What’s going on? What YOU need? - The answers are all there, practice makes perfect, stick to it and the easier it becomes. 🧘🧘🏼‍♀️🧘‍♂️

3. Set clear goals - I know you know this….. but do you really?!? 🤔 How clear are they? When you think they are clear…… think again!! What’s the end goal? Do you know what the steps are to get there? Created a vision board? Clear direction and clear vision is key!! Too many goals leads to confusion. 1 THING AT A TIME!! Don’t get carried away!

Ready to conquer the chaos and elevate your success?

Share your journey using .

DM ‘Clarity’ or visit www.stayingthepath-therapies to explore personalized coaching. Let’s craft a clear path to success together!


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55 Braid Drive
Herne Bay

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 8pm

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