Order Employment Services Limited

Cultivating HR excellence in the UK


🌟 Deep Work at The Kiln! 🌟

This morning has been incredibly productive at The Kiln in Staffordshire University! There’s something magical about this space that sparks creativity and collaboration. ✨

Entrepreneurs of Stoke-on-Trent – let’s connect and share our experiences! What strategies or habits have you found most effective for staying focused and productive during your workday? 🧠💡

Drop me a DM with your tips! Let’s inspire and support each other on this journey. 🚀


“I’m spending too much time on this” - 5 things you need to consider when outsourcing your HR.

When executed correctly, it's a smart strategy that can significantly reduce costs and streamline operations.

Yet, many businesses revert to in-house HR and thrust HR on an untrained leader, normally after encountering obstacles that could have been avoided.

Here's how to sidestep these common pitfalls effectively:

1. Evaluate Beyond Cost

While it’s tempting to choose the cheapest option:

📋 Prioritise Quality: Invest in a provider that offers high-quality services even if they come at a higher cost.

2. Consider Cultural Fit

Your HR partner will influence your workplace culture, so:

📋 Align Values: Ensure the HR provider shares and supports your company’s values and culture.

3. Plan for Growth

Scalability is essential for long-term relationships:

📋 Seek Flexibility: Choose an HR firm that can grow and adapt to your business needs.

4. Review Track Record

Experience matters:

📋 Check Experience: Look for a provider with a proven track record in your industry and with companies of similar size.

5. Set Clear Success Metrics

Clear expectations lead to clear outcomes:

📋 Define Metrics: Establish what success looks like from the start to ensure measurable results.

If any of these points hit home, don’t worry—these are common pitfalls, and they are avoidable with the right approach.

At Order Employment Services (OES), we specialise in providing tailored HR solutions that cover everything from HR health checks, redundancy consultation and training all while ensuring compliance with current laws and best practices.

📌 Side note: We're not just about filling a role, we’re about enhancing your entire business operation by being your dedicated partner.

Ready to talk?

Head here👇

Book a free consultation: https://buff.ly/3ybTH6i

Learn more about what I can do: https://buff.ly/3UDPLCY

Alternatively, you can take my free HR health check here: https://buff.ly/3yeM7I4


Most companies don’t need “engaged employees”.
They need a reliable process to prevent burnout. Take mine…

1. Assessing the Work Environment

Kick things off by:

→ Evaluating Workloads: Ensure tasks match individual capacities.

→ Surveying Employee Satisfaction: Identify improvement areas through regular feedback.

→ Identifying Stress Points: Use anonymous surveys to discover common stress triggers.

These steps are essential for making informed changes that reduce stress and boost morale.

2. Redefining Roles and Responsibilities

Empowerment is key:

→ Enhancing Job Autonomy: Allow more control over work processes.

→ Encouraging Creative Input: Let team members propose innovations.

→Clarifying Roles: Ensure clarity in responsibilities and contributions.

3. Establishing Recognition and Rewards Systems

Keep motivation high:

→ Implement Regular Recognition: Set up a consistent reward system.
→ Tailor Rewards: Match incentives with individual motivations.
→ Celebrate Milestones: Recognise both small and significant achievements.

4. Continuous Training and Support

Build a supportive framework:

→ Leadership Training: Support managers to spot and address burnout signs.

→ Mental Health Resources: Provide tools for stress management.

→ Career Development Plans: Offer clear advancement paths to enhance engagement.

5. Implementing this Framework

To execute this plan:

→ Start Small: Gradually introduce changes and measure their impact.
→ Monitor Progress: Regularly review strategy effectiveness and stay open to feedback.
→ Adjust Based on Feedback: Continually refine your strategies based on employee input.

This is just the tip of the iceberg to significantly enhancing employee satisfaction, retention, and overall company performance.

✏️ Where I come in - I can save you time and money figuring out this process alone.

Are you running your business, or is HR running you?

📌 Side note… If you’re looking for some advice about outsourcing your HR

Head here👇

Book a free consultation: https://buff.ly/3ybTH6i

Learn more about what I can do: https://buff.ly/3UDPLCY

Alternatively, you can take my free HR health check here:



Question: How would you rate your employee engagement? If you have to think about the answer to that, it’s probably not great.

Here’s how we diagnosed and improved employee engagement for one of our clients…

→Identifying the Problem: Our client came to us unsure about their team's level of engagement. After some probing, it was clear they had a big problem on their hands – their employees were not very motivated or happy.

→Deep Dive Analysis: We conducted a thorough assessment and discovered that the lack of engagement was negatively affecting several key areas.

Productivity was down, staff turnover was high, and overall morale was low.

This was costing the organisation more than only their peace of mind.

→Strategic Revamp: Realising the gravity of the situation, we knew a complete overhaul was necessary.

We started from scratch, aiming to build a new foundation of employee engagement that was strong and sustainable.

→ Proactive Engagement Initiatives: We encouraged the client to adopt a more proactive approach in soliciting feedback.

This wasn't only about collecting surveys or holding occasional meetings. It was about creating an ongoing, open dialogue between employees and management.

→ Implementing Feedback: More importantly, we emphasised the need for the client to actively respond to the feedback.

This meant making real changes based on what employees were saying, showing them that their voices were heard and valued.

→ Visible Improvements: These changes made a noticeable difference. The workplace become more dynamic, responsive, and ultimately a happier environment.

Employees felt more connected to their work and to each other, which reflected in their improved performance and reduced turnover rates.

→ Continued Success: The transformation didn't only bring temporary relief; it set the company on a new trajectory of success and stability.

Employee engagement became a cornerstone of their corporate culture.

📝 Side note… Inspired by this story? If you’re experiencing similar challenges in your workplace, let’s connect.
We can discuss how to create a more engaging and productive work environment tailored to your needs.

Head here👇

Book a free consultation: https://buff.ly/3ybTH6i

Learn more about what I can do: https://buff.ly/3UDPLCY

Alternatively, you can take my free HR health check here:



How many times have you spent ages recruiting a new hire - only for the mask to slip once they join your team?

Recruitment can be a pretty time consuming process for yourself and your team.

The recruitment process can also be extremely expensive and can significantly cut into your bottom line

The extended length of your recruitment process means you miss out on the top talent.

Around a third of new hires quit within six months - meaning that you have to go through the whole thing again!

What if I told you that there’s a better way?

Most of the issues mentioned here can be eliminated by making the switch from traditional recruitment to the “work audition”.

With this innovative model, potential new hires spend a day working on a real project with their prospective team.

This works on a few different levels:

Assessing the candidates' skillset
Allows you to gauge how well the candidate gels with the team
Deeply engages the candidate in the company culture from the word go

I suggested this strategy to one of our clients and it innovated the way they make new hires.

The outcome:

✏️ Better Fit: They observed improved candidate-job alignment.

✏️ Reduced Turnover: They noticed a drop in early resignations.

✏️ Efficient Hiring: They achieved faster hiring with fewer interviews.

✏️ Enhanced Branding: They enhanced their reputation for careful hiring.

If traditional recruitment methods feel like you are walking through treacle and are ineffective, I recommend trying this approach.

I hope this helps.

📌 Side note... if you are currently considering outsourcing your HR and want some advice

Head here👇

Book a free consultation: https://buff.ly/3ybTH6i

Learn more about what I do: https://buff.ly/3UDPLCY


Have you ever wondered why some teams perform better than others? The answer might surprise you.

📈 In my early days as a manager, I witnessed first-hand the impact of not having a robust performance management system. Like many enthusiastic leaders, I was focused on setting ambitious goals and driving my team towards grand visions. However, despite our high aspirations, performance wavered and motivation dipped during tough phases.

This was a wake-up call. It became clear that without a solid framework to support and guide employees—providing clear directions and regular feedback—achieving consistent performance was nearly impossible. We were only as strong as our weakest process.

🚀 To turn things around, we implemented a structured performance management system. This wasn't just about tracking metrics but creating a culture where feedback and continuous improvement were at the heart of our operations. We defined clear, achievable objectives for each team member and aligned them with our overall business goals.

Regular check-ins and real-time adjustments became our norm. The result? A resilient team that could sustain high performance and tackle challenges head-on, proving that robust systems are the backbone of any successful organisation.

👥 Don’t let your team's potential be dampened by inadequate systems. For more insights on building a resilient performance management framework that supports and sustains high performance, follow .co.uk on Instagram. Let’s work our way through the maze of Hazy HR together and build teams that thrive, no matter the pressure!


Ever wondered why some teams seem to thrive under pressure while others crumble?

Imagine this: Your company finally lands that huge deal—a moment of triumph swiftly clouded by the realisation that your team isn’t prepared to handle the workload.

The culprit? A weak onboarding system. While aspirations spark our drive, it's the robust systems behind the scenes that uphold performance and stability. Without a solid foundation, even the best teams can find themselves battling avoidable setbacks, reverting to their lowest point of failure when the heat is on.

We turned this challenge on its head by overhauling our onboarding process, transforming it from a routine checklist into a comprehensive empowerment program. This new system was designed not just to train, but to integrate new hires into our core mission and practices. It became our scaffolding for sustainable performance, ensuring each team member could not only meet expectations but exceed them, even during intense growth phases.

If you’re ready to build a resilient team that not only meets challenges but embraces them, let’s talk about crafting an onboarding system that sets every new hire up for success. Because in the end, it’s not just about hiring talent—it’s about maintaining an environment where they can thrive.

Connect with me to explore how we can reinforce your team's foundation together.


"I didn't know you are deaf..."

This common reaction surfaces when people discover I'm profoundly deaf, especially when my hearing aid is hidden under a hat.

✳️ It's Deaf Awareness Week this week which runs until Sunday 12th May.

Deaf Awareness Week prompts me to share crucial communication tips.

Getting Attention:
Wave or Tap: Use a gentle wave or a tap on the shoulder to catch their attention without being intrusive.

Visual Engagement:
- Face Visibility: Keep your face unobscured and maintain eye contact.
- Steady Positioning: Avoid moving about as it makes lip-reading difficult.

Speaking Clearly:
- Natural Speech: Speak clearly and at a normal pace to facilitate lip-reading.
- Orderly Conversations: In groups, take turns speaking and signal when you wish to talk next.

Reducing Background Noise:
- Quieter Environment: Close windows and turn off unnecessary electronics to minimise ambient noise.

Preferred Communication:
- Ask : Find out whether they use speech, British Sign Language (BSL), or both.
- Personalise Your Approach: Tailor your communication style to fit their preference.

Use of Gestures:
- Supportive Actions: Point and use gestures to clarify and enhance understanding.

Engage and Learn:
Did these tips help? Any other suggestions? Comment below!

Thank you for your support in making our communities more inclusive.


Why Keeping Records Can Save Your Business

Ever had a moment in your professional life where you wished you had a written record of past conversations? You're not alone.

Imagine you're at a pivotal point in your business growth, but you're bogged down by an employee dispute that hinges entirely on "he said, she said" scenarios. Without concrete records, these situations can quickly escalate into major issues, costing your business time, money, and its internal harmony.

I learned the hard way that meticulous record-keeping can be a tide turner. After facing a few tough disputes myself, I started documenting all formal and informal interactions with my team. This simple change didn't just resolve disputes more effectively—it also helped in performance reviews, provided clear examples for feedback, and reinforced positive business practices. It became our compass in the chaos of rapid business growth.

Start documenting your employee interactions today. It might seem tedious at first, but the clarity it brings to your business operations is invaluable. You fall as low as your systems. Need tips on how to implement effective record-keeping in your business? Drop a comment below or send a message—let’s turn those forgotten conversations into actionable insights!

HR Health Check 17/02/2024

https://www.instagram.com/p/C3cu5l6slr9/🚀 Attention Small to Medium-Sized Business Leaders! 🚀

Are your HR practices propelling your business forward, or are they holding you back? In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, ensuring your people operations are not just compliant but also conducive to growth is more crucial than ever. But where do you start?

🔍 Introducing the 5-Minute HR Health Check by Order Employment Services Limited (OES) 🔍

We've designed a quick, comprehensive HR Health Check specifically for businesses like yours, aiming to uncover hidden opportunities and areas for improvement within your HR practices. It’s the first step towards transforming your HR from a back-office function to a strategic powerhouse.

Why take the HR Health Check?

📈 Identify Efficiency Gaps: Discover how to streamline processes for peak productivity.

🛡️ Ensure Compliance: Stay ahead of legal risks with actionable insights.

💼 Cultivate Culture: Learn ways to foster a positive workplace environment that attracts and retains top talent.

⏱️ Save Time: It only takes 5 minutes to complete but can save you countless hours of future hassle.

Bonus: Complete the HR Health Check and gain access to our exclusive eBook on HR Mastery, packed with insights and strategies to elevate your HR game.

💡 Remember, the strength of your HR practices directly impacts your company’s culture, productivity, and overall success. Don’t miss this chance to assess and enhance your HR operations.

Let’s unlock the full potential of your HR practices together. Your journey towards HR excellence starts here!

💼 Whether you're aiming to refine your HR processes, ensure compliance, or enhance your Company culture, this health check is your first step towards significant improvement.

🔗 Ready to elevate your HR game? Click here: https://richard-wor20eo0.scoreapp.com/

HR Health Check


https://www.instagram.com/p/C3Yi4u7s0qG/HR Matters: Act Now!

In today's fast-paced business world, HR issues like performance management and absence tracking often take a backseat. Yet, addressing these neglected areas is crucial for fostering a productive and engaged workforce.

Productivity and performance can drive higher engagement. The truth is, however, that without empathy for people there will not be engagement or productivity, and it does not matter which one of those comes first if the foundation is not solid enough.

Why? Because empathy is the cornerstone of engagement. Understanding what motivates and concerns your employees can significantly improve communication, collaboration, and ultimately, your bottom line.

Consider this:

- Regular one-on-one meetings can uncover employee challenges and aspirations.
- Active listening makes employees feel valued.
- Empathy training for management can transform your work environment.

The Stakes:

1. Boost Productivity: Tackle performance management to fuel growth.
2. Enhance Your Bottom Line: Effective absence management reduces costs.
3. Prevent Legal Issues: Address employee relations to avoid tribunal claims.
4. Foster Harmony: Resolve HR issues to boost morale and engagement.

The Solution:
Partner with OES for comprehensive HR audits, tailored strategies, and ongoing support to navigate these challenges efficiently.

Don't let HR issues derail your business. Take action now with OES for a more productive, harmonious, and compliant workplace.


HR Matters! Act now!


Embark on a journey where the mundane morphs into the extraordinary with leadership development! Imagine your team not as people, but as a league of superheroes whose powers are yet to be unleashed. Every day you delay their training, villains of inefficiency grow stronger. Join us as we outline how Order Employment Services Limited will enhance this picture for you!


https://www.instagram.com/p/C2ewntTsCwT/🚨 Ever faced workplace chaos due to a simple misunderstanding? That’s the curse of bad documentation.

🔥 Think about it: Every unclarified task or policy is a leak in your productivity boat. Let’s plug those holes.

📈 Good docs are like GPS for success – they guide and keep everyone on track. Without them, it’s a free-for-all that can cost you time, money, and peace of mind.

What you might be missing:
📝 Custom policies: Your company is unique; your docs should be too.
🤷 Psychological safety: It’s not just a buzzword; it’s the bedrock of a team that dares to excel.

Act now because:
⏳ Bad documentation is a silent timer—tick-tock—to your next big issue.

How OES turns the tide:
🔑 We’re not just HR; we’re your strategic ally.
🔑 From gap analysis to custom-made documentation that employees actually get.
🔑 Training that sticks and support that never quits.

With OES, transform your workspace into a powerhouse of clarity and trust. Don’t let your success be an accident. Make it a guarantee.


Master the Essentials: Effective Employment Documentation - Perfect for business owners and Managers!, support from Order Employment Services Limited!


https://www.instagram.com/p/C1ZdiREM77h/🚀 Elevate HR Management: Empathy drives productivity! Dive into neglected HR areas with OES:

In the dynamic rhythm of today’s business, it’s easy for critical HR concerns like Performance and Absence Management, along with Employee Relations, to be overshadowed. But it's time we bring these to the forefront! Why? Because empathy is the engine of productivity and engagement. 🤝

McKinsey's recent data reveals a two-way street: high engagement drives productivity and vice versa. But without a foundation of empathy, neither can exist. Here's how you can build that foundation:

✅ Regular one-on-ones for personalised support.
✅ Active listening to make every employee feel valued.
✅ Empathy training for management and coaches.
✅ Transform Performance & Absence Management
✅ Strengthen Employee Relations

🔥 Why Now?
- Boost productivity & morale
- Reduce absenteeism costs
- Avoid legal issues
- Maintain compliance

🛠️ Partner with OES for:
- Custom HR strategies
- Effective training
- Continuous support

🤝 Let's build a productive, harmonious workplace together! hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag



https://www.instagram.com/p/C01JJZnMA-l/🚀🕰️ Time Constraint Alert for SMEs 🕰️🚀

Why Today's SMEs Can't Skimp on HR Support: A Quickfire Rundown!

👩‍💼 HR: The Unseen Engine of Growth
Employers, it's time to steer away from the HR backseat and drive towards excellence! HR isn't a mere hire & fire game—it's the art of crafting a thriving culture, ensuring legal agility, and boosting growth.

⚠️ Common Slip-Ups:
- Ignoring ongoing people up-skill.
- Neglecting conflict smarts.
- Bypassing law updates.
- Forgetting strong performance checks.

Consequences? Dipping productivity, gloomy teams, and those sneaky legal fines.

📈 Elevate & Protect Your Organisation:
- Turbocharge productivity with a zoned-in team.
- Cut costs, amplify profit—happy teams mean healthy accounts.
- Sidestep legal landmines with up-to-the-minute compliance.
- Turn discord into harmony for a smooth-sailing team.

🛠️ The Game Plan:
- Evaluate: Zoom into your HR state-of-play.
- Strategise: Tailor-make your HR game.
- Execute: Leave the HR heavy-lifting to us.
- Support: Constant HR health checks.

✨ Partner with OES:
We're your HR compass in the employer wilds—guiding you through complexity to compliance, contentment, and a cushy bottom line.

🤝 Team up with OES—where HR is the hero, not the afterthought.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C0eMEbJNKYq/🌟 Unlock Workplace Success with Psychological Safety! 🚀

🤔 Ever heard of Psychological Safety? It's not just a trend, it's the key to a thriving workplace where ideas flow and success soars!

Why It Matters:
1. 📈 Boost Productivity: Safe spaces lead to more engagement.
2. 💰 Enhance Bottom Line: Happy employees mean better profits.
3. 🛡️ Prevent Issues: Trust avoids costly disputes.
4. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Harmonious Workforce: Safety breeds loyalty and innovation.

🚫 Don't Miss Out:
- Open Communication 🗣️
- Employee Innovation 💡
- Team Collaboration 🤝
- Increased Loyalty 👥

⏰ Act Now to Avoid:
- Talent Loss 🛑
- Toxic Culture 🌪️
- Legal Costs 💸

🔑 Our Solution at OES:
- Custom Assessment 📊
- Tailored Strategy 🗺️
- Empowering Training 🛠️
- Ongoing Support 👍

🌟 Transform your workplace with OES! Embrace Psychological Safety and take your business to new heights. Ready to partner with us? 🌟


🌟 Unlock Workplace Success with Psychological Safety! 🚀

🤔 Ever heard of Psychological Safety? It's not just a trend, it's the key to a thriving workplace where ideas flow and success soars!

Why It Matters:
1. 📈 Boost Productivity: Safe spaces lead to more engagement.
2. 💰 Enhance Bottom Line: Happy employees mean better profits.
3. 🛡️ Prevent Issues: Trust avoids costly disputes.
4. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Harmonious Workforce: Safety breeds loyalty and innovation.

🚫 Don't Miss Out:
- Open Communication 🗣️
- Employee Innovation 💡
- Team Collaboration 🤝
- Increased Loyalty 👥

⏰ Act Now to Avoid:
- Talent Loss 🛑
- Toxic Culture 🌪️
- Legal Costs 💸

🔑 Our Solution at OES:
- Custom Assessment 📊
- Tailored Strategy 🗺️
- Empowering Training 🛠️
- Ongoing Support 👍

🌟 Transform your workplace with OES! Embrace Psychological Safety and take your business to new heights. Ready to partner with us? 🌟


https://www.instagram.com/p/C0SIazjrM7P/Helping Employers navigate the complexities of People & HR. 🚀

Want your business to be the top-listed Business in Stoke-on-Trent?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Have you ever wondered why some teams perform better than others? The answer might surprise you.📈 In my early days as a ...
Ever wondered why some teams seem to thrive under pressure while others crumble?Imagine this: Your company finally lands...
Why Keeping Records Can Save Your BusinessEver had a moment in your professional life where you wished you had a written...
Exclusive Welcome Offer for New Subscribers!
No more HR Headaches. HR made simple with the HR Health Check: https://richard-wor20eo0.scoreapp.com/
Let's make HR the heartbeat of your success! - Absence Management techniques simplified with Order Employment Services L...
HR Matters! Act now!
Embark on a journey where the mundane morphs into the extraordinary with leadership development! Imagine your team not a...
Master the Essentials: Effective Employment Documentation - Perfect for business owners and Managers!, support from Orde...
🚀✨ Ready to transform your team from good to unstoppable? Rich from OES here, and we’ve just dropped a game-changing vid...
Hey everyone 👋 Are you passionate about revolutionising the workplace?Do you seek insights into psychometrics, leadershi...
Good morning! I'm Rich from Order Employment Services. We're your dedicated HR & Employment Law partner.People are the c...





Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm

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