North Moon Yoga

North Moon Yoga

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Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from North Moon Yoga, Health & Wellness Website, Thurso.

Yoga Alliance Professionals UK accredited Private and Group Yoga Teacher
3-80 years
Children's Yoga
Teen Yoga
Yoga for Mental Health
Restorative Yoga
Yin Yoga Teacher (in training)

Family Yoga sessions
Yoga Crafts sessions
1 to 1 sessions




Happy Summer Solstice

Looking forward to sharing some yoga again this Sunday, outside if the weather plays nicely ❤️🌞🧘‍♂️🌤🕉

Happy summer solstice loves ☀️

It’s time to walk through the doorway into the second half of the year.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, the peak of manifestation where you use the light and power of the sun to activate all you want to bring into your life.
The word solstice literally means stopping or standing still, making it the ideal time to be still and check in with where you are at this midpoint of the year.

Most of all, as you stand on this threshold, it’s time to truly decide who you want to be and what you want to make of the second half of the year.

It’s all up to you.
As the sun reaches its peak this is a huge turning point not just in the wheel of the year, but also your life if you choose it to be.

The sun is at its peak, the energies are at their highest, the light is shining brightest, and opportunity is at its greatest; so use this outwards expansive energy of summer to move out there into the light and get what you want.
Take inspiration from nature all around you, everything in full bloom and blossom and growth.

Take inspiration from the sun who radiates power and light and life and fearlessly shines.
On this day of full solar power, it’s a day to celebrate you, to celebrate life, to celebrate abundance.

It’s a day to use the strength and power of the sun to add light and energy and life to all you wish to be and all you wish to have in your life.

Share with us what you are celebrating about you and life today 💛

If you want to spend the summer solstice with your soul you can still get the replay of last nights live ritual. Includes 3 soul guidance worksheets, a releasing ritual and meditation. Link in bio ❤️

Image by my amazing


It's been an emotional time.
I've been spending some time looking back over some things, making some changes, working to find my balance and it hasn't been an easy path.
These words reassure me that, wherever I may be headed, in following my heart and listening to my intuition I must be going in the right direction.

Do they resonate with you?

Get ready loves, this incoming Scorpio full moon total lunar eclipse is a big one 🌑

Intense is a word you’re going to hear a lot around this full moon. But I’d also love to give you the word transformational, or game changer – because that’s what this full moon is going to be.
I’ll also give you the word emotional because this moon will be an emotional ride, but one which will take you towards your soul’s path and what you ultimately want in your life.
This full moon total lunar eclipse is happening with the south node, which is a big clearing out and letting go of the past, what is no longer serving you and what is no longer resonating or in alignment with who you are and where you want to go.
Mercury went into retrograde on the 10th May and is opposite this full moon, working powerfully with this full moon stir up and uncover what needs healing, processing, and releasing so that you can move on.
This eclipse is a pivot point in the unfolding of your life journey showing you where you are straying in the wrong direction and continuing to invest your emotions, time, energy, love, and attention into things that just aren’t working.
You may feel pain as you realise what you have allowed to persist in your life for so long. You may feel a deep sorrow around the fact you’re not where you thought you’d be at this point in your life.

Everything may feel confusing, uncertain, uncomfortable, and as though, to the human you, its collapsing all around you.
This will be felt more so if you’ve been trying to hold things together that aren’t meant to be together anymore or holding yourself together as someone you aren’t anymore, or you’re keeping hold of things that aren’t even yours and no longer true for you.

This full moon is a life purge, a karmic cleanse. Surrender to it all ❤️

If you want to work more deeply with these powerful lunar energies join us in the soul space tomorrow night 7pm BST or you can get moon musings, a meditation and soul enquiry workbook to create an at home ritual. Links in bio ✨


A new interesting perspective to shake up your thoughts on how you feel about Friday the 13th vibes.

I'd rather embrace my feminine power than fear the boogie man 🦸‍♀️


Delighted with today's efforts.
There are some tweaks I'd like to make (elbows in, hands further away, straighten the spine) but hey, for my first time in a while, it's not bad 😉


Our Teen Yoga class today was working on the Earth Element.
Knowing that when we have busy active minds that we feel we can't settle, we Can work on settling and grounding our bodies.
Remembering that it's not always about what's going on up there in the turbulent skies of our minds but sometimes how connected we are to the earth and to our roots.

Ground yourself,
Feel reconnected,
Find some peace.


For me, This is Yoga 🧘‍♀️ 😌 🧘‍♂️

"Nothing's working." said Rabbit.
"Have you tried unplugging?" asked Bear.
"I don't plug in anywhere." said Rabbit.
"Yes you do." said Bear. "You're plugged into the world around you."
"Oh." said Rabbit, giving this some thought. "How do I unplug then?"
"Close your eyes, let your muscles relax and listen only to the sound of yourself breathing in and out." said Bear. "After a while, when you feel ready, plug back in, and try again."

©Tara Shannon, 2021


Happy Earth Day 🌎


Go easy my loves.

We have a lot of big energy at the moment and so give yourself time and space to integrate and process it.

Things don’t change overnight, it takes time.

Everything in nature moves in cycles and we are in an energy cycle now where we are remembering who we are and becoming aware of what is in the way of that.

This full moon will help you to find equilibrium between doing and being, pushing and pulling and releasing – so that you are able to do what you can do and surrender with trust what you have no control over.

This moon helps to strengthen the relationship you have with yourself and to come back into alignment with your truth, your deep inner knowing.

Under this full moon work on knowing who you are and your value and worth, and letting go of anything that makes you feel less than or not enough.

This moon will help you to give yourself the love, care and attention you need to bring yourself back into balance.

Take care of you and let the magic unfold ✨


It felt like we had our own northern lights last time we had our adult class.
What a wonderful class it was for the Spring Equinox.

Next one is the 6th of April
Booking here


Today is Spring Equinox.

Winter is over....
Well, this is Scotland. To be honest we could still be hit by some wintery weather 🤷‍♀️

But emotionally I'm ready for a fresh start and a new outlook.

I've been struggling with some things for the past few weeks and I am truly ready to welcome the new season and a new point of view into my life.

I have Plans 😃
Not necessarily Yoga related, despite taking a Lot to those around me about the benefits of Yoga for Mental Health, I do other things to help myself too and with spring sprung, it'll be time to get going on them 😃🌸🌷🌼🌞

Have you things that this good weather is helping you to look forward to?

Photos from Kirsty Gallagher's post 20/03/2022

Has 2022 had a rough start for you?

Is it time for a reset?

Do it now 😃


Making scary trees is of course the most fun way to make vrikshasana 😃


The moon moving through Pisces is calling us to let things go.
That may refer to bigger things in your life that are weighing you down, maybe baggage from your history that you're struggling to leave behind or old habits that are counter intuitive.

But it doesn't have to be big things.
It could be that you just need to slow down a bit, look around you and realise how lucky you are, how much you in fact have, in the face of things happening elsewhere.

Maybe taking a breath of air and a moment to enjoy the peace within.
Is that what is called for right now?


What I'm seeing here is....
'Don't over think, just feel and trust'

Who's with me in the 'Total Overthinkers Gang' 🤦‍♀️😆 and gonna find this pretty difficult 🙈


Tomorrow mercury moves into Pisces to join the sun, Jupiter and Neptune.

With the planet of communication moving through the soulful, spiritual waters of Pisces your ability to feel and hear your intuition is going to be heightened.

Tune into your inner wisdom over these next few weeks by trying not to ‘think’ about any decisions you need to make and instead ‘feeling’ them.

This is a powerful time to begin a meditation practice to help you to access higher levels of awareness and consciousness.

You will also find it much more easy to access and process your emotions, so use this time to let go of any resentments and clear out any emotional baggage.

Your imagination and dreams will be much more vivid over the coming weeks.

Use your imagination this to visualise, daydream and fantasise about what you want, opening your mind to new possibilities.

And make sure you keep a dream diary to access what your subconscious is trying to tell you while you’re sleeping.

Be mindful not to get too lost in the spiritual realms, one of the greatest lessons of Pisces is to keep both feet on the ground.

This enables you to bring the higher awareness and wisdom you access into real life to use and embody it, which is where the real magic happens.

Notice too if you’re getting lost in your thoughts and experiencing higher levels of anxiety, seeking too much external validation or going into victim mode in your mind.

Stay grounded, take deep breaths and get out of your head, instead tuning back in to that well of wisdom within.

Image by


Super cute little Buddha Cat ❤

A gift from my lovely husband 😊


It's Twosday!
The next time we get one of these will be in 178 years 😮

If nothing else that is worth taking a moment to notice and know, you were here for that!

Loads of other aspects to it in the post attached 😃

Since 2.2.22 we have been evolving at a rapid rate, and on 22.2.22 this supercharged energy portal closes, signifying the ending of an old chapter and marking a magnificent new beginning in our lives.
During this gateway we have been reviewing and reassessing whatever has been limiting us and holding us back, and we are now ready to release old structures and programmes, press the reset button and enter a new timeline and reality.

Today is the last time we will experience the numerological vibration of the 2 sequence in our lifetime as there will not be another date with only 2’s in it for another 178 years. (0 does not carry a vibration in numerology).

This is an extremely rare day, as it is also the last time in our lifetime the same number will repeat 6 times on a date.
We are also in the midst of a series of palindrome dates, where the date is mirrored (reads the same forward and backward), and this occurs until 2-28-22. On 22:2:22 the date not only reads the same forward and backward but also when it is turned upside down.

Due to the dates being mirrored we can expect to receive instant manifestation of our intentions, thoughts, feelings and emotions, as the vibrations we are sending out will be mirrored back to us.
This means we may experience numerous synchronicities and serendipities, with many deja vu and magical moments, as whatever resonates with our vibration is finding its way to us.
We might also be having unusually vivid dreams that are so realistic we wake up feeling highly emotional and remembering every detail. This is the dreamworld sending subtle divine messages, so pay close attention to anything that particularly stands out.

Over the next few days we will be receiving continuous signs that show us how we are either consciously or subconsciously communicating and co-creating with the Universe at all times, and how the vibrations we send out are returned in the most mystical ways.

The number 2 relates to balance, harmony, friendship and relationships, and it brings positivity, so expect genuine connections to be renewed or strengthened during this time.
2 is a karmic number, so throughout this day it is possible to go experience many energy shifts as the old and stagnant energies clear away and our vibration elevates.

This number sequence is a reminder to have faith and trust that we are powerful energetic beings with the ability to magnetically attract our desires and manifest our dreams and intentions with ease. We can do this by visualising how life will be when we reach our goals, and speaking our intentions clearly and having faith that they are manifesting, while fully trusting the entire process (however long it takes).

To create a new existence that feels authentic and nourishing, we may have to walk away from people or situations that are destabilising or cause harm in some way. This can be a difficult part of manifesting as it may feel comfortable to hold on to whoever or whatever feels familiar. However, the more we believe in ourselves and accept that we deserve to be living with inner and outer peace, immense love, and total fulfilment, anything or anyone that causes chaos or lowers our vibration will naturally drop out of our timeline.
Energy shifts can feel volatile, and during this period, our minds and bodies can feel like they have temporarily “shut down.” This is for our own good as when we slow down we are in a far better position to receive energetic downloads that help with our transition.

We have also been experiencing solar storms recently which can magnify the current energy. Solar storms are also known to bring a shift in energy, and during these shifts we may experience any of the following:
Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area.
Feeling flushed, dizzy or nauseous. Intense hunger or thirst.
Difficulty focusing, confusion, temporary loss of memories, forgetting things, misplacing items, or a “foggy mind.”
Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns, and intense dreams or nightmares.
Seemingly out-the-blue bouts of irritability, frustration, panic, sadness, nervousness, anger, worry, fear, grief, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.
Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, premonitions, insights that seem to appear out of nowhere.
Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains.
Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing.
More consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and highly sensitive to negativity, walking away from drama and conflict.
No longer needing to force anything, allowing what flows to flow freely, and letting what doesn’t flow fall away.
Wanting to spend time alone; introspection.
To ensure we resonate with this higher energy and that our vibration is raised, we can rest, take time from our busy schedules and do the following:
Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).
Take saltwater baths.
Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Spend time in nature.
Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender.
Remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology, and anything that feels energetically toxic or draining.~

~Alex Myles


Keep on going
Start again

Either way, this past month with the New Moon and again with the Full Moon, we were looking at where we are at, what we want to let go of or, rather, what we need to let go of that we didn't realise was there.

Lots of ups and downs, emotionally, because being presented with the things we thought we had tucked away nicely is hard going.


We will rise again and again and it doesn't matter how many times you stop and start again, reasses and re adjust, it's all part of the journey.


Completed our Full Moon Ceremony last night under the bright light of the shining moon.

We topped it off with a little dance💃🕺 around the garden table, because, well, why not 🤷‍♀️😄

What did you release this month?


Such wonderful sentiments ❤

I am a strong believer in the importance of the Arts.
They are so wide and varied and important, yet the first thing to be dropped with cuts.

Do you remember there being a dedicated Music teacher and Art Teacher as you grew up?


Soul colours

A soul colour is one that strongly resonates with our soul and each one soul has a colour associated with it pretty much the same way we have a specific food or style preference.

Soul colour is defined as a colour that strongly resonates with our soul. Each soul on this planet has a colour associated or linked with it. Just as we develop taste or preference for certain foods, styles, activities etc our soul also develops preference for certain colours.
As we already know, colours deeply affect our mood and how we feel. Similarly, certain colours actually soothe the soul while others ignite or flare it up. Different colours have different vibrations and through meditation, we can also sense the vibration of cosmic energy flowing through the body.

Colours deeply affect the mood and how we feel like certain colours will soothe the soul and others ignite it.

Different colours have different vibrations and through meditation, we can also sense the vibration of energies flowing through the body.
When we focus on our breath we activate the chi energies or Prana as it called
It’s an energy within the mind and body which is also a form of vibration

Because everything is energy frequency vibration. So due to this the energy flow is linked to the soul energy so a soul shows preference to a particular colour, it simply means that, that it matches itself to that colour’s vibration.

>>>How to find your soul colour


You see 😃

Exciting times!

You are a source of unconditional light and as you align to the vibrational medicine of today your soul is witness to the energetic unity of the love and profoundly meaningful purpose that flows through your star filled body.

Balance is what you seek. Harmony is what you choose. Co-operation and togetherness is the journey that you walk.

Creative inspiration is illuminated in the energy of 2. Pairing you with new possibilities and partnerships. A day for solutions to be accessed as shooting stars cross your pathway.

Relationship in love and friendship are held in waterfalls of white light healing to support mutual understanding, compassion and growth.

This is a beautiful repairing and rebuilding energy that helps restore foundational peace at the core of your intentions, so that you weave the highest loving heart notes into your energy expression.

Today write the intentions of where you seek to have greater balance in your life. Then focus on opening your heart chakra in an energy of receiving.

Devote yourself to your desires.
Devote yourself to your dreams.
Devote yourself to your destiny.
Watch for the shooting stars~~

Bright Blessings


It seems to me this is a Very exciting time to be alive!

So much to celebrate 😃


Welcome to February ❤
How was your January?

Repost from

If January is the Monday of the year,
then February is most certainly the Tuesday.
The day after the hardest day.
The day that bridges the way from the base camp of the mountain to the first little peak.

If January is the toughest month of the year,
then February is most certainly its laid-back sister.
Neither here nor there in essence but so very reassuring in its solidarity, and so very much kinder on the January-ravaged soul.

Perhaps February is the month we come to terms with the ‘old us’ again.
And realise that we were not that bad as we were, actually.

The month we start to forgive ourselves for not being that perfect version and replace the feelings of self-doubt with the hope of spring.

With the beckoning of more light ahead to fuel us.

Because after all, light is what we should seek on this earth.
Not perfection, not success, not wealth.


Light brings peace, peace brings joy and joy brings contentment.

Light brings in love, light brings in soul-mates, light brings in fulfilment.

Light, most importantly of all, cuts through the dark.

And that can be the very difference,
between life and death.

So February, come on in, bring your chill and your wind and your bluster and your brawn.
Because I don’t mind, I only see your light.

Donna Ashworth
Art by Enrique Engin


Tomorrow is a very exciting New Moon, with all the planets aligning to make a prosperous 2022

Using all the energies that are waiting to support you it's time to......

Step into your power
Step forward with your dreams

You have managed to get through everything up to now, you have what you need to get you where you want to go.

Where is it you see yourself in 2022?

Photos from North Moon Yoga's post 30/01/2022

We went on a Haggis hunt this week 😃

The first picture is our interpretation of a haggis because everyone knows they have 2 short legs and 2 long legs, for running around on the hills 🤷‍♀️😆

The second is our Heilan Coos.
Hairy faces if you have the hair.

Lots of interactive fun, with 'Bell' helping if things got too loud 😆
('Bell' being my daughter, jangling keys and doing a little dance, because I forgot my singing bowl, again 🤦‍♀️)


The last Quarter moon before the New Moon on Monday.

This is a time when a lot of emotions could be tumbling around, overwgelming you and causing you to feel a bit lethargic.

That's ok
You're not alone ❤
But it could be beneficial to spend some time now thinking about what might be the root cause so that you can look to letting it go.
Clearing the way for your New Moon Wishes in the coming days.

Moving out of Mercury Retrograde, on February 3rd, the energy is more auspicious for your dreams.

Like one final push to get up that mountain, the view is going to be amazing!


Waking up with the Tick Tock Yoga Clock.
We had a great time 'Finding our Smiles' at Saturdays 3-8yrs class 😃

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Delighted with today's efforts. There are some tweaks I'd like to make (elbows in, hands further away, straighten the sp...
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Opening Hours

Monday 1:30pm - 2pm
Saturday 10am - 12:15pm

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