Brooke McGowan - Lifestyle Design Mentor

Brooke McGowan - Lifestyle Design Mentor

Helping the VFX, Film and TV Industry Create Multiple Sources Of Income So You Can Choose If You Work


So many things contribute to freedom, but it starts with a decision.

That decision leads to taking action.

The more actions you take towards that freedom the more free you get.

Then you set higher freedom goals.

When we stop striving for our highest potential we get stuck.

Thats when we are not free.

The journey is the freedom!

Its not one thing, its all the things!

Keep moving forward, keep setting goals, keep acjiving goals.


πŸ–₯️ Trade your daily grind...

For paradise! πŸ–οΈ

Barbados has it all...

🌊 Crystal clear beaches

Rugged hills to trek 🌴

And a magical world beneath the water! 🐠

I want to invite you to the gem of the Caribbean Sea for 6 days of luxury and immersive personal transformation!

You'll be staying at a 5* all-inclusive villa, in peaceful, serene surroundings, overlooking the Caribbean Sea.

We'll dive into ✨ MANIFESTING ✨ your health, wealth and connections to live your greatest life!

Disconnect. To reconnect.

Step out of your everyday life to travel within.

Surround yourself with abundance to make it easier to feel that and believe more of what's possible for you!

Doors are open - Applications are now accepted for 2 date options:
September 2024
February 2025

7 spaces

Insane rate of 50% off!!

Plus "The Journey Continues" BONUSES!

Check out the link in the comments for all the info and to apply to Travel Within: Barbados.

I'll see you here!


Everyday you can have a great day!

Decide in the morning...

And affirm in the evening.

This is very much part of gratitude/acceptance/surrender, however you name it.

How you end your day is just as important as how you start your day.

I sing and dance in celebration and high vibes and then read a little, right now reading a book recommended by Rob Moore for what I'm working on in my business right now

I was actually also drinking a coffee, which I dont usually do before bed haha but I was going out after dark to wish Raphael and his partner Elizabeth a farewell. It's been great having them here and Im looking forward to them coming back!


Start building multiple streams of income as soon as possible because if you wait till you NEED it, generally its too late.

Because many things lead to success.

You're building, stretching and growing who YOU are!

I've quit things ive started before, in fact Ive quit more things than things that Ive seen through.

People expect that as soon as they start its going to take off and when it doesnt they get disheartened.

Its also the reason they wait till the right time...

Start now because its going to take time to build the person you need to be, to fail, to fumble, to make mistake and learn from it all.

Its a journey, learn to love it, love the growth and you will find that "one thing" that takes off...

But you will only get that one thing by trying and doing many things


You gotta try things out.

Sitting and waiting for the answers to come doesn't work.

When an opportunity comes, take it and see if doors keep opening or does the door shut.

Don't be afraid to try something in case its not for you.

If it's not for you, quit and do something else!

Belief in yourself goes hand in hand with taking action!

If you only have 1 stream of income its time to start adding a second.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best places to start on a low budget and low time commitment.

Because even if you do it for 2 years and quit the immense amount of transferable skills you collect along the way before starting the next thing is well worth it.

Our free 5 week summer camp starts today and today is the last day you can get the software FREE for 60 days!

Usually its a 14 day trial, thats what I started with and took me 3 months to have enough affiliate commission to cover the monthly cost and I was even trying.

Sign up in the comments below and you'll also get access to my accountability group going through this together.

We start today at 12pm EST.

Join in the link in the comments and I'll see you there


Last chance to sign up to this FREE virtual training course to set up your next stream of income.

We are starting today at 12pm EST.

If you're looking to secure your finances so you don't need to rely on an unreliable industry this is a great place to start.

Risk-free as there's little investment and when you join TODAY you also get access to the software for free for 60 days!

The course is 5 weeks.

It took me 3 months to get my first affiliates to cover the cost of the software and I wasn't even trying and then it was all profit.

And I only had a 14 day free get 60 days when you join today!

Amd I get it, there's a lot of big claims about easy money. And Im not going to tell you they're all real, there are scams out there for sure.

In fact I heard someone talk about affiliate marketing 10 years ago and I thought "Oh, I used to think he's legot, he's just a scammer?" I wish I had listened up...

But its ok, yes, 10 years ago would have been the best time to start byt 2 years ago was the 2nd best time for me to start and I did.

Sign up to the link in the comments...

You'll also join a small group with me for accountability through the course to give you an even better chance of success.


Spread the word! πŸ“’

🌟 FREE course for setting up another stream of income.

Starting this Monday 12pm EST/ 5pm BST online

This is a great beginners stream of income that can really scale especially for those that don't have a lot of time.

So, if you have a VFX Film or TV contract right now you can still spend some time setting this up and also if you don't have a contract and you have a few hours a week to spare definitely sign up and come along to this free summer camp.

It's 5 weeks you get the software for free for the duration of the course and a bit longer to play around with it understand how this venture works: to partner with other services and products that you believe in and would want to affiliate yourself with.

❓ Any questions let me know, I'm going to drop the link to sign up in the comments πŸ‘‡ - send me a DM and let me know you'll be there.

Remember passive income means you work once and get paid forever - affiliate offers aren't all made equal so you need to know what your goals are and which offers are best for you.

Invest your time and resources to build knowledge and skill to save you expensive mistakes in the long run.


When you're looking to build other streams of income and the only world you know is that of an employee...

Do this 10 min contemplation exericse if you know what you want, but you doubt you can achieve it, or you're not getting what you want in life.

If you're trying to figure out who you need to be this is going to help you!

Have fun


Over in Birmingham today meeting and the team.

Simon is the reason I got my property portfolio to where it is today, which allowed me to move to Barbados and take film contracts when I WANT to, and not because I HAVE to.

I have the freedom of choice to work, to travel and to live the life I want.

I got financially free from reading his book Property Magic. I highly recommend getting a copy and starting your own journey towards freedom...

And not relying on an unreliable industry.

New edition coming out in August.

If property is something you want to get into but you haven't got to where you want to be with it, DM me "property" and let's see if we can find what's missing and fill the gaps


There are a million things you could do to create another stream of income whilst working in the VFX, Film or TV industry.

The most important thing is that its something you enjoy doing! Otherwise it will feel like another job.

Here's one example that might work for you if you are inclined in this way.

Please share if you think this will be valuable for others too


The best way to create multiple streams of income is first believing its possible then speaking as if it has already happened.

Then when you take action you will act to the best of your ability knowing its going to happen, without fear of failure.

And even if it doesnt turn out as you thought that the best outcome will happen because you acted in integrity.


Day 5 of the Art of Manifestation Retreat in Greece.

I started to realise theres a level deeper than think and observer or a knowing place.

The more we clear the things holding us back from that layer the more we can access.

I didn't do a Day 6 video. I was still processing the whole experience. It has definitely been a journey last week, an internal journey.

Im now in Germany ...I'll catch you up tomorrow on that.

If you want to experience the Art of Manifestation in Babrbados, Marianna will be coming over to Barbados in December/January.

Join the waitlist in the comments to be the first to know when that info is released.

We will have 6 spaces available for your chance to experience a deeper level of manifesting the life you want and also enjoy the beautiful island of Barbados...

Which I am missing very much, but also immersing myself in the present experience to travel within!


Not sure what happened to day 3 video...but here's Day 4 of the Art of Manifestation retreat in Hydra, Greece.

We started to come out of thinking and into a subtler level of manifestation, something I hadn't actively explored before.

First day it was "I get it".

That kept happening, a place of being uncomfortable and then "I get it" after the Id processed the experience


Day 1 of the Art of Manifestation retreat I went on last week...

In hindsight I can tell from this video I didn't know what I had got myself into.

It was uncomfortable and I was missing home. This feeling lasted 2 days when I had a breakthrough and I was finally open to receive.

I can tell I don't believe what Im saying about why a retreat setting is good...Im saying it but I wasnt feeling it. I can see it clearly now from the other side having experienced it and now "I get it"

This week was a journey. Mariana, the facilitator, aptly calls these Travel Within Retreats and they are that, for sure


Spent a week in Hydra, Greece with Travel Within Retreats learning and experiencing the Art of Manifestation. Here's an external snippet.

If you're interested in the collaboration retreat we will be doing in Barbados DM me "retreat" and I'll add you to the waitlist.


Happy Star Wars Day!

In celebration I'm releasing my Ebook for FREE only today!

Join the waitlist today and get your copy for free: How To Build Multiple Streams Of Income For The VFX, Film, TV and Games Industry!

It says what it is - but if you have a more creative suggestion, pop it in the comments haha.

I'm currently finalising edits before sending it off to the designer and as it was due to be released today I'm giving you the chance to join the waitlist to get the Ebook for free!

This Ebook is for you if:

- You don't know what multiple streams of income is

- You don't know where to start

- You have so many ideas but don't take action

- You've started but don't believe it's possible for you

- You don't know if you've chosen the right stream

- You want a better understanding of what it takes

- You think more income is going to be more stress

Click the link in the comments to join the waitlist - if you join within 24 hours of this post you will get instructions of how to get the book for free when it's released!

May the 4th be with you!


Don't just read a book.

Decide how you're going to implement after each reading session.

Bring the focus to a certain goal...why are you reading the book...what potential are you tapping into?

Turn theory into practice.


No one comes into the VFX, Film or TV industry for the money...but if we don't give it some focus it becomes a real problem.

Learning the skill of making money was a key asset for me, it was a mindset I developed.

2 books I recommend when on this journey:
Rich Dad Poor Dad
7 Habits of Highly Effective People

My whole journey started with Iris Frisch recommended a couple books on Facebook about 5 years ago. It wasn't these books but it sent me on a new path in life.

I hope someone is inspired to order and read these books as a gateway to create an amazing life for themselves!


If a year out of work is going to wipe out your savings you need to start working smarter not harder.

It's never too early to think about retirement. The earlier you take action the easier it will be to plant your money and have it working for you and start working smarter not harder.


The school system let us down in many ways.

We are taught to follow, to be told what to do rather than to think for orselves and create our own path.

Its easier in the short term but long term if you want to be happy there are a few things to contemplate.

Know what you want, not just what you want your life to like like but how you want to feel and who you want to be.

And create an internal motivation to ignite a fire within rather than waiting to be burnt by the world to set motivation that will die every time the world gives you what you want again.

When you know why you're doing something and you set those wheels in motion you'll be empowered to keep going, empowered to find a way to make it work.

Know WHAT you want
Know WHO you want to be
Know WHY you want it

And go get it!


Most people in the VFX, Film & TV industry start in the worst place when building multiple streams of income, avoid this and instead start in the best place for you!

Want to start taking action? DM me "VFX"


2 spaces left for the VFX, Film and TV industry to join the mission.

I'm on a mission to help 5 people in the VFX, film and TV industry to build multiple streams of income over the next 12 months so you don't have to rely on an unreliable industry.

DM or comment below "VFX" to be part of the mission.

I built multiple streams of income, (passive, active and investments) since I entered the film industry 10 years ago.

So when contracts end, strikes happen, covid happens, recessions happen it doesn't disrupt my entire life.

Imagine being in a position where you can choose to work and not HAVE to work.

Being able to still provide for your family and go travelling when there arent contracts available.

Saying no to contracts that move you across country or the world taking you away from your family for half the year.

Having freedom of choice is possible and you don't need to rely on the unreliable industry.

You can still have a passion for the work you do instead of it being your source of stress...

Live a life of freedom internally and externally isnt just theoretical there is a practical path to get there.

I'm on a mission to help 5 people in the VFX, film and TV industry to build multiple streams of income over the next 12 months to live their best life internally and externally.

2 spaces left.

If you're in, DM or comment below "VFX"


Be mindful of these 3 assests to build multiple sources of income.

Because its not just about creating money we want to create freedom in our life so start as you mean to go on and enjoy the process, not just the end goal.


The VFX, film and TV industry are going through some dark times right now.

Share to spread the optimism!

I've been through some dark times myself and the best way to get through it is to stay optimistic.

This doesn't mean you have to be smiling and joyful...

But you can see the situation in a positive frame:

β€’ I know this is going to have an impact on my life in some way and lead to something right

β€’ What are the lessons here to help me in later situations

Dark times can feel like you're buried, but perhaps you're being planted and great things will flourish from this.

I'm currently on a mission to help the creative industry learn the skill of making money through building other streams of income.

This is my unfair advantage I have that I want to teach so no1 has to suffer the next time there are strikes or contracts get pulled or anything else the industry throws at us.

If you want to be part of the mission DM me VFX.

Videos (show all)

So many things contribute to freedom, but it starts with a decision.That decision leads to taking action.The more action...
πŸ–₯️ Trade your daily grind...For paradise! πŸ–οΈBarbados has it all...🌊 Crystal clear beachesRugged hills to trek 🌴And a mag...
Everyday you can have a great day!Decide in the morning...And affirm in the evening.This is very much part of gratitude/...
Start building multiple streams of income as soon as possible because if you wait till you NEED it, generally its too la...
Spread the word! πŸ“’πŸŒŸ FREE course for setting up another stream of income.Starting this Monday 12pm EST/ 5pm BST onlineThi...
It's not 1 thing, it's everything!Have fun collecting the lessons, experiences, mentors, teachings,'re build...
What do you need to stop doing in order to make time for your next stream of income? And who do you need to ask to get y...
You have a lot more skills than you realise AND are so much more capable than you realise.When you start creating other ...
When you're looking to build other streams of income and the only world you know is that of an employee...Do this 10 min...
Multiple streams of income is not the answer to freedom...For some it becomes multiple sources of stress.They're so used...
You can choose to be stuck or choose to be free.You can choose to be effected by the industry strikes or choose to creat...
If you're setting up other streams of income outside your main job, get around others doing the same, at a peer level an...
