Life Nerd

Life Nerd

Everyone who aces their life, who sticks on that path of where they want to go no matter what. Here at life nerd we help you and your nerd Ace life

They have an inner voice, a life nerd who guides them and keeps them on that path.


So many times the world can feel like it’s running away with us, that we don’t have a choice and we don’t have time to slow down and focus on ourselves as well as our future goals. However if we don’t take time for us now to focus on our own mindset we can easily burn out physically and emotionally. So today and each day take time (just a few moments to start with) to practice self love giving yourself the kindness you would to others, the gratitude of where you are right now not what you need to change to be happy, and create a mindset of positive thinking where we focus on what’s going well not what’s not 100% yet. Do this each day and it will become easier the more often we do it. Let yourself become your number 1 cheerleader and love each day, letting go of anything you don’t want to carry into tomorrow ❤️


As someone reminded me only the other day, it is ok to not be ok sometimes.

Doing my job sometimes gives people the impression I can always be positive, always see the best and most situations I can, however, just because we work on ourselves, are more self aware, and want to be the best version of ourselves this doesn’t mean that things won’t effect us too.
Be kind to yourself and know it’s ok to admit your not ok. It’s ok to need support we all deserve it.


And tip 4, Today I will do.

This is a list of thing that you must prioritise today and you won’t stop until these jobs are done. This maybe a structured day to get you out of being overwhelmed or it maybe those jobs you have been putting off that you need to get done. Give yourself something to look forward toward once these are done and make it a manageable list of things to do so you can be productive and proud of yourself - remember some days this list will be longer than others and that’s ok.


Tip 3 of a good morning routine, Today I will be statements.
This means “regardless of what today brings I choose that today I will be… calm, present, positive” whatever states it is you need to be today and then spend a few minutes getting intouch with these states so that you can feel that feeling or calm, present, confident and play your day forward in your head feeling this way regardless of what is going on around you.

Only we can choose how we respond to people and situations even when it doesn’t feel we have a choice we do. We have invitations by many different inputs to respond to but it’s up to us what we do and who we let have control of our attitudes. Start developing your mental fitness muscles to be in the states you want to be in.
If you want a hand doing this let me know on a dm.


Morning routine tip 2- 10 minutes of mindfulness.

Before you get up an start your busy day spend even just 10 minutes grounding yourself being mindful. For some it’s time to meditate, some people love a cup of their morning drink watching the world wake up, some it’s grounding techniques or focusing on their breath. Just really get intouch with yourself to start the day off in a present way.


Lets break down some of the steps to create a healthy morning routine.

Step 1. Wake up the same time each day.

Creating a daily routine starts with what time your day begins. This is something I used to really struggle with as I always wanted more sleep, didn’t want to get up, and for some reason thought early mornings meant you had to be bouncing around happy ready to go, but here’s the secret it doesn’t mean that at all.
The point of getting up the same time is creating a habit that gives you the routine and time for you each day before your day starts so you aren’t waking up rushed, stressed and overwhelmed.

Choose how long you want each day to be able to calmly start your day and then add alittle more on for you time. I used to hate being up before 8:30 so I tried 8am which gave me half an hour of me time to meditate, do my intentions of the day an move slowly. I saw the benefits but still felt rushed so tried 7:30 then 7am and now I have a happy balance where I get the time I need to look after me before doing anything else.
The difference is huge and when I don’t do it I can really tell the impact it has on my day. Give it a go and let me know what you think!


How do you start your day? Do you snooze your alarm and have a mad rush to be ready? Do you give yourself a busy hectic morning and are always running late? Or do you wake up, give your body and mind time to wake up and feel connected before you start giving to everyone else in your day and forget about yourself?
Creating a positive self care start to the day (even just 5 minutes) helps calm your mind to a more present way where you can be more focused and ready for the day ahead.
Give it a go 😊


The voice (our inner nerd) does matter. It has the ability to shape each thought we have and the attitude we bring to things. If you have a voice that can be harsh to yourself, to others, put you down, not believe in yourself, make you feel inadequate to others then know this, we have all been there and you do (if you want to) have a choice to work on this and begin to change it into a more self loving, self caring, positive, calm, confident voice. It’s your voice, your inner talk so you can create your own number 1 cheerleader who will be there for you all the time, more than anyone else can be. You have the ability to believe in yourself you just need to learn the tools how. If you want to know more send me a message or book a complimentary coaching call. Make your voice one you love each day.


This week on the daily 6 week mindset programme we are going to be looking into gifts of situations. So here’s a little thought about it for you and a story to illustrate about me.
Hi I’m Lucy who created Life Nerd👋🏼 when I got diagnosed with M.E at 19 I couldn’t see how this could possibly be a gift. I was upset, frustrated, depressed, anxious, tired of it all and more than anything felt it wasn’t fair when everyone else I knew didn’t have anything like this to live with. But now I look back and see that getting sent home from uni too poorly to be there so I’d have it’s gifts. So here it goes just a few gifts and opportunities it gave me now I can look back at it:
• to be more open with my family and ask for help.
• it gave me more time with my family than most kids get and a stronger relationship which I am always grateful for.
• it gave me the opportunity to then find a job and earn money at a younger age when I felt well enough after working on my own mind body connection.
• it gave me the life I have now as if I had stayed at uni my life would be very different.
• it made me the person I am now.
And most importantly, without it I wouldn’t be able to understand what my clients are feeling and going through, I wouldn’t have come across NLP, the mind body connection which has given me the joyful job I have of helping others.

So this week explore the idea with each situation having a gift, you’ll be amazing if you let yourself really try it will be eye opening!


Take 2 minutes to reflect on this week in a way that is positive and will make next week even better than this one.
Write down:
• 1 thing that went well with work this week?
• 1 thing that went well personally this week?
• 1 thing you are proud of yourself for?
• 1 thing you can do even better next week to move you towards your goals?
And let go of anything that won’t move you closer to where you want to be. If it won’t matter in 5 years time, choose to let that baggage go today so you can be happier and more present tomorrow.


Sometimes people say to me but today “I just need to rest is that ok”, or “does everyday of this journey have to be new goals” and the answer is no. No you don’t have to challenge yourself to make even more changes every day, it’s completely normal to want to have times to exist, reflect and think how far you have already come. Change doesn’t happen from 1 to 100 over night it takes time and everyone’s journey is unique. Be kind to yourself and remember you haven’t given up by having a rest your resetting for the next climb.


So many clients when they start the courses say “I don’t have time for me I’m busy” or “how can I fit time in for me inbetween my busy work days” or “I don’t have any free time to work on me”.
However how can this be true? If we can make time for everything how what does that say about how low we prioritise looking after ourselves? Within The 6 weeks intensive mindset programme you have to take a whole 15 minutes in total in 2-3 minute slots every few hours. To start with people feel shocked by having to find this time and within a few days they realise how much they haven’t been prioritising their mental health and start to enjoy the new habits of rebooting their mindset and calming their systems. Trust me we all should be able to find a few moments every few hours for our health. If we don’t reboot we can’t be the best us for the day.


It’s a new week and each day we have a choice to make…”What mindset will you choose to bring to today?”

Once you start looking into how you can influence your attitude, your mindset, regardless of what the world brings your way you can begin to see how you can change things that you never thought were possible.
I have spent a lot of time working on myself developing my own skills to be able to share them with my clients as everyone should always be working on themselves to be a better stronger version.
What mindset do you bring to your world today?


So happy to hear that half way into week 2 of a 6 week mental fitness programme my client is seeing great benefits already and making changes to the way they react in situations!
Great progress!


An interesting thought to start the day:
If your inner voice (your inner nerd) was able to be heard by others would they agree or be shocked by the things it says about you?

Would they tell you that you are way more negative on yourself than you are on others? That you are putting a unrealistic amount of pressure on yourself? Or that those things your saying don’t match the person they know or love?

Just take a moment to think would you ever speak to a friend the way you speak to yourself? Our internal dialogue is so important to be in a positive mindset and without being consciously aware that we can change this it can feel impossible but once you have the tools to be able to influence this voice a lot more options for your mindset option up. To know more send me a direct message.


For anyone who needs to hear this. You are doing great, you’ve got this, be proud of yourself.
Self approval, self love is key to being able to believe in yourself and reach your goals.
It may feel really unfamiliar being this kind to yourself, to give yourself the praise you give others, and the more you do it the more automatic this inner voice will become. What does yours say?


To create change or set goals for personal or business you need to know these things.
The Why - why you are doing this and I don’t mean “I want to be rich” I mean the core reasons - what life do you want from creating this? Why is it important? Why do this
Specific thing? What will this give you?
The how- how are you going to do this? What steps do I need in place to have that goal? How will my life look when I have got this?

Then set deadlines to keep you on track- you may need multiple deadlines to stop it being overwhelming and that’s ok :) being organised is the only way to achieve big changes.

And practice self care and patience, look after you, recharge with happy people and surround yourself with the people you love you who when you reach this goal you want to be proud of you.
Have patience as a lot of changes take time to get to goals, they have speed bumps we don’t expect, but it’s having the drive to know you can get there.

If you need help setting
Your goals or discovering your why, in life, business, health then send me a message and we can talk it over 😊 make today a day where change begins.


Happy Monday! How will you choose to be this week?
Make this one count,
Make a difference,
Be proud of yourself, connect with those you love & have fun whatever the week brings.
You’ve got this


The last day of the working week has arrived so let’s reflect on the week so far. It’s important to do this both for work goals and personal to keep the work life balance. So write down the following with me:
• What did I do this week that moved me towards my goals? Take a few moments to think about this and notice from a place of self love and kindness about your week and if you have moved towards your goals be proud of yourself, if you haven’t be understanding that sometimes things don’t go to planned however choose how next week you can be even better at making sure you prioritise the goals that are important to you.
• what made me smile this week? This maybe something small or something that pops into your head straight away that’s made your week a better week.
Take a moment when you have done both of these to think about all the things you’re grateful for.
Finish the rest of the week making happy moments and fun before we focus again for next week 🙂


So many people (myself included) believed these things to be true that it wasn’t right to put yourself first. This is a “oh don’t be silly of course you are” type feeling it was a belief, a belief is what we perceive to be true. Until I started coaching I didn’t know that you can question your beliefs in a kind way to start making changes to have a more balanced outlook and be able to feel ways you didn’t know were possible about yourself. Just a quick reminder… you are worth putting first. And if you don’t think you are, how can you be there for others if you don’t look after yourself first?
What’s your thoughts?


I hear people say that they can’t afford to get help for their mental health which is a really sad thing to hear. But a lot of the time in the same sentence they tell me that they have just booked a holiday abroad, bought themselves something nice to cheer themselves up or simply spending money on material things that don’t fix a problem. At no point do they say they are going to invest in looking after themselves. For some people they don’t seem to do it as it feels uncomfortable opening up to a professional, or for others it’s worry of the unknown of what’s going to happen. Or ashamed of the problem we have. I can say even I have felt like that at times but I am so glad that I pushed my barriers and asked for help and I’ll be honest, it’s not scary😊

Coaching gives you the support you need to create changes to help you feel better about yourself, your past, your future and everything in between. At Life Nerd, Lucy our coach will give you tools to help you make these changes as well as holding your hand as much as you need while you make changes to have a life you love.
Lucy has complimentary coaching calls (discovery calls) with no obligation for you to decide if working with her is right for you. If you want to know more DM me or use the booking link to make a call to start prioritising you.


Each day we have a choice of what mindset we bring to the day. Create a morning routine that helps you feel positive and happy regardless of what’s going on around you. For me a big part of this is happy music!
Make today a great one!


Each Monday Morning write down your goals for the week but here is the key step so many people miss out. Note down the following information too:
• how it will feel to achieve this goal?
• what first step you actually need to take to more you closer to this goal?
• when will I do this?

Make a plan, put time aside and choose what mindset you will have whilst you do these jobs. The time you have scheduled to do this work is a priority not a hobby if you want to create change in your life.
Make this week count, fill it with people you love, things you love, and make changes to create even more of it. Have a good one!


Happy Father’s Day all! This is a little reminder to fill your world with the people who make your life better each day ❤️ make memories and have a life you love.


A Friday reminder for anyone who needs to hear it.
We all have the ability to change our lives for the better, to create a more healthy mindset even on the days when we feel tested.
Sometimes these actions of self love, kindness and acceptance can feel really unfamiliar but the more you learn how to acknowledge you are worthy of happiness, to be confident in yourself, be successful and not second guess yourself, the happier life becomes.
The most important investment you will ever make to make changes to your life, those you love is in you.
Make this weekend full of moments of joy regardless of the situation x


This is so true for so many people, me included! To ask for help and support takes you being open to change and being vulnerable enough to look at ourselves and our decisions in a new way and that can be unfamiliar or scary to start with. However when you have a coach who is there to support you on your journey, to your goals and be your cheerleader these processes become so easy that it doesn’t even feel like work. My clients know our calls are place for them to put themselves first, be heard and work forward on making changes they want.
I couldn’t be more proud of everything each one of them has achieved so far and what’s next for them all.
So if your thinking of asking for coaching take the step to put you first, you deserve to be your number 1 priority. DM me for more details on how I can work with you to get you to your goals.


When your client has moments like this it makes me love my job and the changes I support them make so much. Knowing you can make a difference to someone else and their life is a great feeling that gets bigger with each client I will never take that for granted.

Do something today to make you a stronger more positive version of yourself ❤️


So this message just made my day even better!
My FABULOUS CLIENT who has had M.E for over 20 years since she was a kid and hasn’t been able to go for walks until now just messaged me to say...wait for it ... SHE WALKED A MILE AS A RELAXING ACTIVITY!!!🤭🥳🥳🥳🥳😀😁😀
I could not be prouder of her journey so far is is doing incredible and amazes me everyday with something new she has achieved! I am actually still alittle speechless! So proud well done you amazing lady!

Videos (show all)

At the end of each day take a few moments to notice what you are thankful for, what have you done today you are proud of...
This week on the daily 6 week mindset programme we are going to be looking into gifts of situations. So here’s a little ...
Take 2 minutes to reflect on this week in a way that is positive and will make next week even better than this one. Writ...
It’s a new week and each day we have a choice to make…”What mindset will you choose to bring to today?”Once you start lo...
To create change or set goals for personal or business you need to know these things. The Why - why you are doing this a...
Happy Father’s Day all! This is a little reminder to fill your world with the people who make your life better each day ...
This is so true for so many people, me included! To ask for help and support takes you being open to change and being vu...
When your client has moments like this it makes me love my job and the changes I support them make so much. Knowing you ...
