Indigo Tempo

Indigo Tempo

Indigo Tempo can help you to overcome all kinds of challenges, embrace your innate potential, so you can live and express your truth. Reviews on website.

Healing the past, clarifying the present, creating the future. Remote sessions available. To read about clients experiences please check out the website...


Consider whatever you are grateful for and allow yourself to realy feel this. Hold the energy, bring in more and fill yourself up.

Then with a hand on your heart, ask the core of your being to guide you towards how to use your creative energy to enhance life in wonderful ways.

Let go of expectations of time. Be open and notice what calls you, where do you feel inspired to flow, what do you feel urged to express?

Do not limit yourself with mental analysis of magnitude, sometimes the things we can do may seem small to us but might impact others in deeply meaningful ways.

How can you bring something beautiful into this day?


Sometimes what others label a problem is actually a different experience with the means to tap into unique gifts.


You are here to live your own uniqueness and by doing so you naturally make a difference by simply being you.


Trust your intuition and flow, honour your own needs.
Share your light with others wherever you feel inspired and ignited.
Let the curiosity of adventure and discovery literally pull you forwards through this year and you will navigate through in wonderfully surprising ways. 🥰


The solstice is a time of great hope, go into the stillness, tune in and find the feeling of this.

May you all tap into your light within and start exploring what you want to bring forth into creation.

Beautiful solstice wishes and much love to all. 🥰


When shadow work is energetically supported and guided, it can speed up the integration of the deepest parts of self. People are often astounded at how beautiful and enlightening it can be to embark upon this journey.

Please get in touch with Indigo Tempo if you feel ready to start reclaiming those parts of self you have not yet embraced.

Discover the magic in your own creative potential. ❤️