The Strength Odyssey

The Strength Odyssey

šŸ’ŖšŸ¼I help BUSY MEN to BUILD muscle and LOSE fat at the same time!


Will you lose body fat being in a calorie deficit?


Will you feel more like a real person if you connect back with nature, donā€™t track all your calories and enjoy life without man made stress, resulting in fat gain?


In my opinion, a lot of stress we face is due to our lack of ability to connect with nature and remove ourselves from the environment that drives us into a state of anxiety.

An anxious person will use vices to help ease the pain they feel.

- junk food (whether itā€™s tracked or not)

- Cheap dopamine (social media, entertainment, video games, p**n)

- Self medication (Drugs & Alcohol)

- Negative Self Talk ( Convicting yourself that you are indeed a victim and there is no way out)

- Isolation (Removing yourself from healthy relationships due to the lack of self worth and compassion for others)

Our entire world is within our own heads.

For example:

Person A & Person B.

A ā€œbadā€ thing happens to them both and they both have the exact same circumstances.

Person A eats well, moves daily, gets outside into nature, works on their weaknesses and is aware of their strengths.

Person B eats junk food regularly and has low energy, negative self talk and is generally weak due to the lack of action taken to improve themselves.

Person A is in control of their emotions and decides they will fix what they can fix and the rest is out of their control.

Person B has no emotional control, gets upset and stressed. They then talk themselves into a depressed state, blaming the world, their parents and their situation for the problems in their life and their constant bad luck.

2 people in the same position.

One with full control of their emotions, one with no control.

If you donā€™t exercise, eat nutrious foods, get outdoors and work to positively fix your life, you cannot say these things donā€™t work.

You must first except you are not doing things to create a high vibrational state in your life and begin with small changes.

Donā€™t become a victim.

The same goes for fat loss.

Staying inside a lot, eating crap foods, talking negatively to yourself and hardly doing actual physical exercise will breed a mindset that is weak.

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 09/04/2024

What is ?

āœ…The key steps to your dream body!
āœ…Control over your lifestyle!
āœ… Consistent wins - In & Out of the gym!

The only thing stopping you from reaching your goals is your ability to provide action in your lifeā€¦

Does this sound like you?:

- Overweight/unhappy with your appearance
- Confused with nutrition, what to eat, what to avoid
- Struggling with consistency in the gym, what plan to follow and what exercises to do
- Poor energy levels, sleep, focus and routine thatā€™s keeping you from building new habits
- Busy with life demands, work commitments and relationships that you canā€™t squeeze in fitness goals
- Lacking motivation to get started and need support to succeed in this endeavour

is the investment you need if you wish ti succeed this yearā€¦ before itā€™s too late

ā° Donā€™t wait around until you have even more commitments or responsibilities that make it even more difficult to reach these goals

Fat Lose is EASY

When you know EXACTLY what to doā€¦

If youā€™re ready to invest..

āœ…DM me ā€œSTARTā€ to book a FREE consultation today and lose 5-10 pounds in 30 days with


Summer 2024 can still be the year you finally get into the best shape of your life.

No more excuses.

No more finding reasons to delay the inevitable.

Anybody can achieve results like this in a matter of months.

It really isnā€™t complicated, it just requires a good plan and good effort towards that plan.

YOU are all that stands in the way of your success.

Donā€™t wait around any longer.

Online or In-Person Coaching available - DM ā€œSTARTā€ to book a consultation today!

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 05/04/2024

Why Enhanced Sports Performance Centre?

1. Semi-private gym which stops the usual antics you find in public gyms, super quiet and open 24/7

2. Belt Squat - great for squatting without any loading on the spine

3. Glue Ham Developer, great bit of kit that can be used in various ways. Not found in most gyms.

4. Curved treadmill - test your speed indoors via self powered running

5. Sauna - multitude of benefits and with the price of the Apex these days, youā€™re sorted.

6. Dumbbell rack area thatā€™s not filled with chest and arms broā€™s

7. Tons of extra space, kit, sled track, assault bikes, ropes, hurdles, cable machines, bands etc

8. Reverse hyper extension and seal row for the posterior gains

9. 3 squat racks filled with weights, barbells, safety squat bar and jammer arms.

10. Finally - Free taster sessions running from May with myself in the gym, includes a walk around, consultation and introduction to the gym - DM me ā€œSTARTā€ to book your slot!


2024 is already 1/4 complete.

Are you 1/4 the way through your yearly goals or still stuck in the planning stages?

takes care of all the mundane business.

You just need to follow the plan.

DM ā€œSTARTā€ to begin your fat loss journey today!

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 10/02/2022

This is not a post saying you canā€™t sit down or shouldnā€™t sit down.
Sitting down too long can have a lot of negative side effects.
āŒBlood flow can be restored
āŒPosture will adapt leading to back/hip issues
āŒyouā€™ll slowly lose internal rotation of the hips and put yourself into a more externally rotated hip position that can further any knee valgis and ankle collapsing issues when running/squatting
āŒYour metabolism will slow done as you slow your energy expenditure which will make fat loss more challenging
Itā€™s not all bad news!
You need rest and recovery and occasionally you need to sit down for long periods.
A good rule of thumb is to try get outside at least every 2 hours for sunlight exposure šŸŒž
Use this as an opportunity to get 10 minutes of walking time in.
Stan Efferding suggests a 10 minute walk every single day for keeping physical and mental health in order.
I couldnā€™t agree more.
Your resting positions can carryover massively to your posture.
Next time you sit down notice how you sitā€¦
Is your pelvis ticked under?
Are you cutting off circulation to the feet or one foot?
How stable are your hips?
Take all this with a pinch of salt - just be more mindful of how you spend the time youā€™re not training.
For all programs, content and access to members area visit or follow

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 07/02/2022

What has sitting down too much done to our body?


Happy Monday šŸ˜
Make sure to start your week strong and push towards your goals.
ā€œLife is a preparation of the future: The best preparation for the future is to live as if there were noneā€

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 02/02/2022

Health is Performance.
Peak health will put you at an advantage when it comes to performance levels.
This applies to both physical and mental health.
Physically we need to be eating food thatā€™s providing us with enough fuel for a session but also enough energy to recover from sessions.
Prioritising your nutrients will put your body at a higher level than someone just eating for ā€œfuelā€ but only focusing on calories.
Many coaches believe a calorie is a calorie. This couldnā€™t be further from the truth. If you believe 1,000 calories form processed foods cooked in seed oils and added preservatives is the same as 1,000 calories of high quality, grass fed, animal protein with in season fruit then you need to rethink what your approach to nutrition is.
We now live in a time where being happy in the short term overrules long term health.
An athlete and a regular human both need to prioritise health.
Performance isnā€™t just sport related. Nutrition has just as big an effect on your mental health as your physical.
Eating pizza to ā€˜bulkā€™ is not only detrimental to your physical health but will also have consequences mentally.
Both athletes and regular people will suffer if they are neglecting their mental and physical health.
Why choose one or the other?
Why choose to believe one wonā€™t affect the other?
How to stop neglecting both?
These questions arenā€™t just for athletes and coaches. Theyā€™re for everyone.
If youā€™re not in great shape, not happy and feel run down most days then I can all but guarantee your nutrition is lacking.
Youā€™ll change your life if you conquer nutrition.
Discover what you can and canā€™t eat is the first step.
Then find out what you enjoy of those foods.
Then alter to fit your goal.
Quality of life improves.
For all programs, nutrition content, recipes and more check out memberships!

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 01/02/2022

How do you set yours up?
Are you following a set of rules? Macronutrient guides? or just winging it?
My approach to nutrition has changed over the years but mainly due to finding out what does and doesnā€™t work.
As a rule. I aim for the best diet to suit my needs in terms of prioritising health and performance.
Meet and fruit make up the majority of the diet.
Meet as the base of the diet - focusing on steak, organs, beef mince and bacon as essentials.
Chicken is eaten but definitely not as a base of a meal.
Fruit is the icing on the cake šŸ‰ šŸŒ šŸŽ
Following a diet of fruit, meat, salt and water youā€™ll find is very hard to find problems in your digestion.
The gut is the 2nd brain and tells us a lot about our health. Keeping this a top priority as you change or fix your diet can help you understand what your body can and canā€™t deal with.
Start with a base for a week and slowly add things in to your diet.
Once you know what the body can eat you can then work out how much you neee to eat, depending on your goals of course.
Iā€™ll be posting a written post on a diet of fruit and meat and why i would suggest people try this for a month and see the changes both physically and mentally.
For all recipes, programs and content visit and join a membership!

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 29/01/2022


The most mobile joint in the body comes with a cost.

If you donā€™t use this range of motion available to you then problems will arise.

Itā€™s not as simple as for every set you bench, do 2 sets of rowsā€¦

Youā€™ve probably heard this among other common myths to find solutions to shoulder joint issues.

Get your shoulders moving through all planes and ranges.

If you walk in the gym and perform an upper body day that has your shoulders pinned down and back for 80%+ of the exercises then donā€™t be surprised when you start to feel pain.

Pain in the shoulders especially can be genuinely destroying to your mental resilience.

Just when you think itā€™s fixedā€¦ itā€™s sore again.

Iā€™ll post my current favourite 5 shoulder exercises next to show you what I do to keep mine and my clients shoulders healthy.

If you went access to all my programs and content then visit for the 3 types of memberships.

I also do local 1-1 coaching in Dundee šŸ“

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 27/01/2022

Want to take strength training seriously?

Concentrate on these 3 for a few weeks as a base.

A few simple tips will set the ball rolling and get you ahead.

Save and share the post if this helps.

DM me for 1-1 or online 1-1 coaching!

šŸŒŽ worldwide memberships for access to all programs, nutrition guidance, stress management and more all pn from as little as Ā£20 a month šŸ”‘


Planned vs plan to

When receiving check ins from clients thereā€™s always common cues between those who are consistently successful and those who struggle to find consistency.

9 times out of 10 those who plan for the week ahead, even to the small degree of saying ā€˜Iā€™m going to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday ā€œ actually go ahead with that plan.

Sitting down, having an honest conversation with yourself and having some idea of a plan for the week will put you ahead of those who figure things out on the Monday.

Saying you will commit to that plan of 3 times a week is great and all.

But having a plan is another.

Are you working those days?
What time are you going to the gym at?
What happens if something goes wrong with the plan?
Is there a plan B?

The planning stage for sessions is a small part of the big picture as we know.

Nutrition, sleep, stress management, travelling times, work, socialising, family commitmentsā€¦

All these play a role in your planning and preparation for the week to enable you can succeed.

This isnā€™t for everyone, those who naturally have exercise in their schedule, without the need to plan, are all sorted for their training. They may still need preparation or planning in other areas in their life that some may find easy.

If at the end of the day the issue isnā€™t -when to fit in the gym?

Itā€™s - What do I do in the gym?

Then get a coach.

Iā€™m working on a version of the hip ability program available on that can be done at home with 0 equipment.

If youā€™re interested DM me ā€œHipsā€ if you want to be pain free.


Been really learning, reading and investing more and more time into coaching this year.

Diet side of things I will discuss in the coming posts.

Training is oriented around gait pattern, joint health and curing pain for people in the body.

Iā€™m looking for 1 bodybuilder, male or female with either shoulder, hip or knee pain that lives in Dundee or can work well online. If you fit this criteria yourself please message me.

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 24/01/2022

Take back control of your health and well-being.

Start with these 5 and see where you need to improve.

What do you need to improve the most?

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 24/01/2022

5 ways to regain control of your health.

They are all vital in allowing you to live a happy and healthy life.

Which of these do you need to improve the most?


No better way to kick off 2022 than 36 sprint sessions in 6 weeks šŸƒšŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’Ø

First session has been completed āœ…

Each session will consist of about 5 sprints ranging from 10-20 seconds.

Each week the routine will be the same only changing each week to add an extra 5s running and remove 5s rest.

Why am I doing this?

A few reasons:

ā­ļø Sprints are extremely tough and demanding both on the body and the mind

ā­ļø I want to improve my gait pattern and performing exercises to help this alongside my sprints will do a good job

ā­ļø My diet has a specific goal for the month so I though Iā€™d match the intensity with my training

If your gym has an assault runner I strongly suggest trying a few sprints and seeing how you perform.

šŸ‘‰ Iā€™ll keep an update of how things are going over the next few weeks.

Start this Monday strong and keep the momentum going over the week šŸ”‘




Another year coming to a close.

Looking back at the last year I can really split it up into 4 quarters.

The first 3 months were spent in lockdown, outdoor rings sessions in the snow and building a home gym.

2nd quarter was the end of the lockdown and a busy few months that lead to moving out.

Halfway point of the year and the 3rd quarter was by far the most challenging. Moving out, facing difficult decisions and getting C0vid on my birthday.

The final 3 months of the year have been a great challenging ending to finish the year. Moving gyms and being fully self employed again has fired me up for the new year.

Setting new goals, starting new endeavours and building the businesses will be a bigger focus this year.

A year goes by very quickly - what did you initially want to do in 2021 but didnā€™t complete.

Many people set goals, very few do whatā€™s needed to reach them.

Enjoy your New Years Eve and Iā€™ll see you in 2022!šŸ˜


1st week of the 2nd Phase of Training completed for Cara.

Consistently turning up for 6am sessions before a full days work.

Prepping food, increasing protein intake and sticking to a solid plan.

Having a good starting point in terms of range and strength has been helpful.

Despite this sheā€™s still got stronger with a big focus on the legs. šŸ’ŖšŸ¼

šŸ‘‰Hamstrings, glutes and quads are all stronger and slowly growing.

A prime example of the basics

Train properly.
Eat good food.
Drink lots of water.
Sleep and recover.
Rinse and repeat.

Hard work pays off when you do the work.

Top efforts by her and sheā€™ll now have the weekend off to enjoy Christmas! āœ…

If you want to start 2022 with good intentions, reach your fitness and health goals or simply have a plan to follow then DM me for 1-1 sessions.

All online memberships available through

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 13/12/2021

2022 New Year Competition.

New year is only a few weeks away. For this reason we are doing a competition and discount for

The competition is now live. Like this post. Share this post. Follow me, and and you will be entered.

The 3 prizes are:

1 month of free membership + 3 sessions with me!

1 month free membership + 3 sessions with Jeni!

3 months free tabula rasa membership!

Winners will be announced on the 1st January 2022.

Good Luck! šŸ€ šŸ¤ž



Another Saturday dip.

Coldest yet, ice on the sand but we got it done.

Enjoy your weekend!

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 17/11/2021

Back Bridge.

Full extension requires an full stretch through the anterior chain (quads, abs, hip flexors, pecs, wrists etc).

If developing strength in the posterior chain has been an issue for you then exploring some bridge work could be useful.

Wrestlers have been using bridges for over 100 years and built an insane level of extension strength as a result.

Back pain?āŒ

Weak glutes?āŒ

Struggling to keep motivated in the gym? āŒ

All of these can potentially be fixed by learning the back bridge. āœ…

I have previous photos of my back bridge posted for reference of realistic results.

I will be doing my first dedicated back bridge session in over 2 months today, after an upper session.

I will post the updated bridge after a long hiatus to see what itā€™s looking like currently.

Sessions in the new gym are going really good and Iā€™m enjoying the nee space and mew clients.

Iā€™m keen to fill my extra time with more sessions and would like to take on more individuals, couples and groups.

Send me a DM to get booked in for December to get a months head start on the new year.

Strength training, flexibility, fat loss, hypertrophy and performance based all welcome.


Do you want to train but feel nervous or uncomfortable on your own?

Do you struggle financially to afford 1-1 Coaching?

Do you want to reach your fitness goals and have fun along the way?

2-1 or Group Training will be your ideal choice!

Groups or couples can do sessions together at less of a cost. This allows you to work alongside someone else towards your goals whilst doing more sessions in the gym at a lower cost.

EMAIL: [email protected]

or DM/message through Facebook.

Get in touch today and get you or your group booked in for sessions!

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 15/10/2021

Progress Photos

This would be an example of tracking your pike flexibility.

This can be done with your squat form, flexibility progress and body composition progress.

Photos can tell you a lot that you otherwise wouldnā€™t have noticed.

1-1 sessions available in the ESPC.

Online 1-1 available.

Online Platform Memberships



Day 17 ā­ļø

A weak muscle is a tight muscle.


A weak muscle will tighten up to protect itself.

Strengthen the end ranges for more protection, more range and better strength capabilities,

For me personally I only do this on the left side for my own personal reasons.

I also only do some exercises on the right side.

This isnā€™t unbalanced training, this is rebalance training,

Just because youā€™re weak in a certain area doesnā€™t mean the other side is,

You might be weak in that area due to an overuse in the other side.

This is something you need to address and monitor as you progress.

If you donā€™t know how, find someone who does,

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 11/09/2021


Day 11

Shoulder extension.

Underrated area to build strength to allow more freedom of movement in the shoulder joint.

Like anything, there is different approaches and reasons to use this exercise, but I definitely know most people would benefit from including it in their sessions.

Shoulder health is something a lot of people neglect in pursuit of a higher bench press.

You can do both.

Your bench might even improve.

will be live on Monday.

Increasing flexibility in the shoulders will be something we can help you with.

Photos from The Strength Odyssey's post 11/09/2021


Day 11

Shoulder extension.

Underrated area to bubble strength to allow more freedom of movement in the shoulder joint.

Like anything, there is different approaches and reasons to use this exercise but I definitely know most people would benefit from incurring it in their sessions.

Shoulder health is something a lot of people neglect in pursuit of a higher bench press.

You can do both.

Your bench might even improve.

will be live on Monday.

Increasing flexibility in the shoulders will be something we can help you with.



Day 9 ā­ļø

Loaded Pike Stretch/ Jefferson Curls

Just playing about here but a Jefferson Curls/ loaded pike stretch will strengthen the muscles that are lengthened in your pike position.

If you have more range in your joints, youā€™ll have more options for exercises.

People under value the basics.

Getting strong in different ranges will help you improve on your lifts.

If youā€™re training the big 3 then youā€™ll know that just training those exercises alone wonā€™t get you the best results.

Mix your training up and bring up your weaknesses.

Range was always an issue for me previously and I set out to get a good back bridge, splits and pancake.

Iā€™m not far off the splits and pancake and my beck bridge is good but not where I want it to be.

I still deadlift, squat, bench, dip and do chin ups.

Programming is the key, exercise selection also plays a big part. But consistency is king šŸ‘‘



Day 7 ā­ļø

Dead Hang

Easy way to strengthen and stretch the upper body

Loads of options and alternatives available for specific goals and/or exercise level.

Videos (show all)

Training doesnā€™t have to be overhauled every time you reach plateaus.Change the grips, the resistance, the angles, the e...
Ham Thrusts are another hip hinge exercise you can add in to your arsenal.Are there better exercises out there?Sure.Are ...
Youā€™ll get injured doing a BTN Press if:1. You have poor form2. You donā€™t know your limits 3. Lack of end range strength...
BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES No matter your goals.No matter your strength.No matter your size.Bodyweight exercises can be adapte...
Exercises like the one he shows have the right intention as theyā€™re trying to fix a common problem for people but I donā€™...
Breakfast should be filling you with energy, not taking you deep into a slumber for the best part of the day.Want to los...
DM ā€œSTARTā€ For in-person or online sessions! #dundee #dundeecity #angus
Connect with the outside world and your internal world will begin to find answers to problems you thought had no solutio...
Integrating some skills work into your strength training is the fastest way to improve your performance in both the skil...
Donā€™t sit down 10 hours a dayā€¦In the same positionā€¦And act surprised when you get back problems.. Sometimes the easiest ...
Overcomplicating training can cause you to become stagnate and lost in the process.Simple solutions can sometimes stare ...
Milk is far better for hydration than water.Milk contains milk sugar (lactose), healthy fats and good quality protein.Ra...
