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10 Tips to Write a Quality Assignment | Editorialge 27/07/2022

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10 Tips to Write a Quality Assignment | Editorialge Writing is one the oldest medium of expression having been used by our fore-parents. It is said that in comparison to speech which is transitory, writing


Humanities Homework Help UWG People Around Us Determine the Kind of People We Become Later in Life Response
Reply to peer on module overview… Taking into account what we have learned about culture, personality, and emotion over the past few lessons, what role do you think that childhood socialization (both parenting and interactions with peers/friendships) plays in the formation of who we become as people?I believe parents play the largest part in our formation as people because we spend a large majority of our developmental stages within their presence. From early childhood we learn primarily through mimicking the actions we see them perform and what they allow us to do through positive and negative reinforcers. We are further shaped by interactions with our peers by social interaction through conversations, gestures, and the games we like to play. We finally see something different from what we see at home.


Law Homework Help University of San Francisco Evaluation of Defense of Intoxication Essay
Choose one question from 4 questions for part A and then choosing also one question from 2 questions for part B. Demonstrate a practical understanding of the role of the criminal law within the justice system and society generally. undefined Evaluate the general principles of criminal law through case-law and statutory interpretation. undefined Apply the general principles of criminal law to a range of specific offences and apply the principles of criminal law to a range of problem scenarios and provide articulate and logical solutions.


Health Medical Homework Help University of Maryland Cyber Attack on Universal Health Services Inc Questions
Cyber attack on Universal Health Services, Inc., 2018Ransomware is a type of malware from crypto virology that threatens to publish the victim's data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid. While some simple ransomware may lock the system so that it is not difficult for a knowledgeable person to reverse, more advanced malware uses a technique called crypto viral extortion. It encrypts the victim's files, making them inaccessible, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt. Ransomware attacks are typically carried out using a Trojan disguised as a legitimate file that the user is tricked into downloading or opening when it arrives as an email attachment. International law enforcement authorities during the height of the pandemic warned that hospitals and health-care facilities in multiple countries were being targeted in ransomware attacks.Often a ransomware attack is the first phase of a multistage extortion attempt from cyber criminals. Criminals routinely demand millions of dollars to unlock the encrypted systems, and then follow that up by threatening to publish stolen data on the internet if they are not paid a second time.On September 28, 2020, until October 7, 2020, Universal Health Services, which runs more than 400 healthcare facilities in the United States and the United Kingdom, has more than 90,000 employees and cares for about 3.5 million patients each year, had its IT network hit by a ransomware attack which left a number of its hospitals in the United States without access to computer and phone systems, including facilities in California, Florida, Texas, Arizona and Washington, D.C.The ransomware attack managed to disable multiple antivirus programs in place on the targeted systems. Once the antivirus software was disabled, the malware caused the computers to log out and shut down, and if administrators attempted to reboot these systems, they simply shut down again. With their systems shut down, clinicians were unable to access vital information, including data found in their Electronic Health Record (EHR) or picture archiving and communication system (PACS) system.Your assignment:In a MEMO format, in 1000-1200 words, please discuss the following about the Universal Health Services (UHS) Ransomware attack of September, 2020:What went well with the response? What were the significant challenges with the response? In which ways could the response have been improved?During Week One, we discussed Fayol's Five Functions of Management: (a) Planning, (b) organizing, (c) coordinating, (d) commanding, and (e) controlling.As the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at one of the (UHS) healthcare facilities in the United States or Territories (Universal Health Services, Locations; pick one), how would you augment your healthcare facility’s preparation and response to protect and mitigate against future cyberattacks? Discuss ways which you would use all five functions of Fayol's Five Functions of Management, would influence the development of your plan.Make certain that your assignment is in the APA 7th edition format with a cover page, separating your sections by the appropriate APA Level Headings. Also, make sure you include a reference page and at least five references.


Business Finance Homework Help MBA 690 Caliber Training Institute Operations Management Project Management Plan
You will submit your completed project management plan in addition to the risks and cost estimates and the high-level work breakdown structure identified for the tasks and subtasks (including at least three tasks with at least three subtasks each) necessary to implement the new business opportunity in the marketplace. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course and especially the feedback from the project management plan outline in Module Eight.

Quick Paper Help: Incredible Minds, Think remarkebly 05/07/2022

Need Statistics Homework Help – Quick Stats Solutions & Assignment Help?

We at bring forward a unique solution to all your statistics troubles and mind-racking statistics problems. We facilitate our students with a very useful service of statistics assignments and homework help just with a click of the mouse. We at Expertsmind.com offer statistics assignment help, statistics homework help, stats problems solutions, and projects assistance with the best online assistance and support for 24*7 hours. You just need to upload your assignment or homework on our website or alternatively mail us on our ID i.e. [email protected]. Once our expert tutors have accurately analyzed your assignment or homework and are 100% confident in the accuracy, we will send you the best price quote. As soon as we receive your payment our statistics experts will start the ex*****on. All our experts appreciate the importance of quality, precision, and deadline.

Important Statistics Topics
Probability (Probability of an Event, Conditional Probability, Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions)
Random Variables and Processes
Regression Analysis
Probability distributions - Normal, Binomial, Poisson, Hypergeometric etc.
Measures of Central tendency- Mean, Median, Mode
Measures of Dispersion- Standard deviation, Mean deviation, Variance
Sampling Theory
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Z-tests, T-tests, Chi-square tests
Confidence Intervals
Testing of Hypothesis
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Sample Surveys
Power and Confidence Intervals
Scaling of Scores and Ratings
Principal Component Analysis
Factor Analysis
Correlation and Causation
Linear Programming
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Business Finance Homework Help Oakwood University Chapter 3 Leadership Thought and Creativity Case Study
W3 Assignment: Read the Chapter 3 Real-World Self- Leadership Case: Roger Bannister (pgs. 59-60) and address the following directives:
Carefully READ the entire assigned CASE first, and review again the chapter(s) pertaining to the case(s). Take time to critically think about all of the aspects of the case(s).
Write a brief Overview/Summary of the case in your own words describing the nature and/or background information pertaining to the case.
Write the question, then Answer and Respond to all of the Questions in the case. Use the chapter content to strengthen and support your answers.
In your opinion, what were some Critical Aspects and/or Assessments in the cases that were identified? What were some Critical Aspects that you perceived to be very vital?
Write a minimum 1-Page Reflection on what you learned from the case in relations to leadership and managing innovation and change.
Make sure your paper format is outlined with the following: (1) Cover Page Sectional Headings; (2) Overview/Summary;(3) Questions and Answers; (4) Critical Aspects and/or Assessments; and (5) Reflection Page.

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Computer Science
You are to design, write, test, and debug a MARIE assembly language program that inputs asequence of characters from the set A-Z (capital letters only), stores each character inmemory after it is transformed by the trivial ROT13 cipher, and then, after character inputcompletes, outputs the transformed characters.A template source code file (Project-2_Start.mas) is provided with this assignment. Edit thisfile to create a program that meets the program specifications. Note that the templateincludes instructions to initialize some working values that your program can use. Thetemplate also defines memory locations. You may add data memory locations. The programcan be designed without additional data locations, but it may be necessary to do so for yourdesign.Requirementsa)The first instruction of the program must be placed at location (address) 0x100 (100hexadecimal) in MARIE’s memory. This is accomplished by following the programtemplate that is provided.b) The constant data values (One, ChA, ChZ, ChPer, Val13, Start) should not bechanged by the program. The program can load from these memory locations, butshould not store to them.c) Transformed input characters must be stored in successive memory locations beginningat location 0x200 (200 hexadecimal) as indicated in the program template. Theprogram should store all transformed input characters before any characters areoutput.d) The program should always initialize the values for Ptr in the working data memoryand not rely on the values for these locations that are defined in the assembly sourcefile. This initialization is done by the provided template file.e) The program should work for any inputs ‘A’ through ‘Z’ and ‘.’ (a period terminatesinput). In the interest of keeping the program simple, the program does not need tovalidate inputs.f) When transformed characters are stored and when transformed characters are output,the program must use a loop and indirect addressing to access the values in the arrayof words. Note that variable Ptr is initialized in the template code and should beused in the loop. You may also define a Count variable to count the number ofcharacters, but there are also correct designs that do not require a Count variable.g) The program should operate as follows.Input Phase:1.A character (A-Z or ‘.’) is input. MarieSim allows the user to input a singlecharacter that is read into the accumulator (AC) with an Input instruction.2. If character ‘.’ (period) is input, then the input phase ends and the outputphase begins (step 5 below). (The period may be stored in memory to mark theend of the characters or the characters can be counted to determine how manytransformed characters to output during the output phase.)3. The character that is input is transformed using the trivial ROT13 cipher (seeSection 5.1).4. The transformed character is stored in the next location in the block ofmemory beginning at location Start. (Variable Ptr must be updated andindirect memory addressing must be used.)Output Phase:5. All transformed characters are output, beginning with the first character thatwas transformed. The ‘.’ character is not to be output. (This will require aloop using variable Ptr and indirect addressing. Note that the number ofcharacters to output will vary and the program must know when to stop theoutput by relying on a ‘.’ or other special character in memory, counting thenumber of input characters during the input phase, or some other method.)6. After all characters are output, the program halts by executing the HALTinstruction.Summary:Input phase– Input a character (‘A’-‘Z’ or ‘.’ only)– Apply the Rotate-13 (ROT13) transformationto the character if ‘A’-‘Z’– Store the transformed character in memory– Repeat until the input is a period (‘.’)• Output phase– Output the stored characters (but not the ‘.’)– The program halts (instruction “Halt”)

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Health Medical Homework Help Active Health Institute Blood Transfusion Questions
A student nurse is helping a registered nurse with a blood transfusion. Which actions by the student are most appropriate? (Select all that apply)A.Hanging the blood product using normal saline and a filtered tubing set.B.Taking a full set of vital signs prior to starting the blood transfusion.C.Telling the client someone will remain at the bedside for the first 5 minutes.D.Using gloves to start the client's IV if needed and to handle the blood product.E.Verifying the client's identity and checking blood compatibility and expiration time.After answering the previous question, expand your response including:-Nursing actions before, during, and after a blood transfusion (Nursing Actions & Rationales)-Blood transfusions compatibilities-Understanding age related changes, what alterations in the usual protocol are necessary for the nurse to implement when administering a blood transfusion to an older adult?Submit your response in a word document (with no more than 3 pages) following APA style 7th Edition.

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Science Homework Help pre lab 2
Read through experiment 2 in the lab manual on pages 2-15 to 2-24 and prepare a prelab as though we were actually doing this experiment in person.As stated in the syllabus, there are 5 parts to a prelab:TitlePurposeBackground SummaryProcedure SummarySafety/HazardsWhen preparing your background & procedure summaries, you do not need to rote copy the entire lab manual. I am expecting you to paraphrase these items into your own words to show that you took the time to actually read through the experiment ahead of time. For some experiments, such as this one, you're not actually performing the lab work. For the home labs, you are performing the lab work and you need to have prepared yourself to do the work before class starts.When you're paraphrasing the procedure you're welcome to write paragraphs or make lists, that is up to you. These sections also need to be long enough that it shows you read through them entirely. A 4 page procedure where you give me three lines of a summary isn't sufficient. A 6 page background where you tell me "measuring stuff is important and sig figs matter" also isn't sufficient.All tutors provide: high quality help, quick responsive communication, original explanations and answers with any outside resources cited.

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Computer Science Homework Help Software Development Models and Systems Discussion
Software Development Models and Systems
Discuss one of the following topics.
SDLC (**specifically what it represents per the course textbook)
agile development method
OO development method
Clarify what constitutes a system (related to this course), systems analysis, and systems design.
Use an example to demonstrate your understanding.
If you chose the topic SDLC, provide some development scenarios that are best suited or unsuited for this method. Explain what makes one example suitable versus another. In the textbook, SDLC is not a term that represents all development methods. Many authors use SDLC as a term to represent all methods. Make sure that you clarify your point of view.
If you chose the topic agile or OO, provide some development scenarios that are best suited or unsuited for this method. Explain what makes one example suitable versus another.
If you chose to discuss systems, describe an example system and explain what makes it a system versus something that is not. Do the same thing with systems design and systems analysis. You do not need to provide general information or cover every possible area of these topics, just in general, through the use of examples you came up with on your own.
Start your post by stating which topic you chose.
Forum Expectations
Your examples can be derived from your current working environment, experience, or invented for this forum. Repeating an example that you found in an external source will not demonstrate your understanding of the topic.
You need to demonstrate that you understand the concepts you chose to discuss. If your contribution is copied and pasted, properly paraphrased, or properly quoted without any of your ideas, you will not demonstrate that you understand the concepts.
When you are graded for any work in this course, I am assessing your comprehension. In order for me to do that, you need to demonstrate that you understand.
This is a required assignment worth 25 points.
Three posts are required: an initial post and two peer responses. Your first post is due by Wednesday
Do not claim credit for others' words, ideas, or concepts, by failing to identify your sources. It is plagiarism.
Post content
Are you writing entirely off-topic? Off-topic posts degrade the quality of the forum. You will not earn points for posts not relevant to the objectives for this discussion board.
You are not required to use external sources in this class. However, if you do, use credible sources.11 Not everything on the internet is accurate; go figure!
You must cite and reference every source you paraphrase, quote, or refer to in your post, per APA 7.
Check your content for proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar before posting. If I cannot understand what you meant, you will not demonstrate an understanding.
There is no length requirement. It is not about the number of words in your post; it is the content that matters.

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Humanities Homework Help Central Texas College Impact of Divorce on Family Discussion
Discuss the impact of divorce on the American family
Provide some history on how divorce has evolved
Identify 3 resources that are available to assist families experiencing the selected issue. Provide a summary of what each resource has to offer and how it can be helpful.
Provide a closing discussion on what is needed to resolve your selected issue. Be sure to include policy changes as well as societal changes in your discussion.

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Business Finance Homework Help MGT 637 AIU Online Week 5 Business Project Kick Off Meeting Presentation
You have completed the project planning activities and are now ready to share the results with the project team. You have scheduled a project kick-off meeting in two weeks and are now preparing your materials.
Using the Library, develop a 10 – 15 slide presentation that you will use for the kick-off meeting. In the presentation, identify the participants of the meeting, the objectives of the meeting, the meeting agenda, and the project’s objectives. Use the remaining slides to share key results from your project planning activities, such as the scope control system and the communication mechanisms that will be used.
In the communication plan, identify the audiences that must be reached. For each audience, describe the communication mechanism, the frequency of communication, the format, other involved parties, and associated responsibilities.

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Writing Homework Help KCC Human Bias One of The Greatest Challenges when Collecting Cultural Data Response
Gathering cultural data, or any data, poses one major issue and that is human bias/error. (Schein, pg. 204) Gathering flawed data can come from both ends of the spectrum. The researcher might seek specific data, ignoring data that goes against his biased opinion. The research also has to deal with the bias of the people they are collecting the data on. Another obstacle is that the research poses a foreign person within the workgroup and as a result, people with suspicions might act out of character as a means to impress the person. When collecting data, Schein suggests that collecting it from the clinical approach is the most effective. (pg. 208) Cultural data collected from a clinical approach is only considered valid if the “members of the organization feel they have something to gain and that in some way they will be helped.” (Schein, pg. 208) With this approach, the research can delve deep into the culture and ask questions that might not be permitted under different circumstances. Schein also notes that experiments are not ethical when studying an organization but does bring up the fact that questionnaires and surveys can be utilized with some limitations. (pg. 206)The ethical issues fall mostly in the hands of the research. (Schein, pg. 213) Schein suggests that the research should always think of what the outcome might be, by publishing information on an organization. In Schein’s own situation, he explains that he has either received permission to publish the information or that the organization or individual would not be affected by the information. (pg. 213) I know that in my own “career” I have seen many things that I would never speak of publicly, due to the effects it might have on individuals or an organization. With that being said, the danger with talking about our own organization or another’s is that sometimes what we say, or type does not seem to affect anyone until it is too late. I know in my own college career, I have spoken about situations in my own workplace, that should have been phrased differently. While something might seem harmless, I believe that it is important to remember this quote I once heard, “would you be ashamed to have that statement posted on the front page of the New York Times?” When thinking of things in this manner, we can reduce hurting organizations and others. While reading this week’s chapters, I could not help but think of some things I have said that I probably should have received permission for or phrased them differently.References:Schein, E. H. (2017). Organizational culture and leadership. Hoboken: Wiley.

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Writing Homework Help Qualitative Methods in Business Research Essay
One quality that all people need to succeed in life is *confidence*. Yet Carnegie is strangely silent on this topic.How can we gain confidence? What are three methods that have worked for you? Write about three methods that you have used and how and why they worked. Structure your essay according to the "How to Organize an Essay" handout in the Modules. You may write about how you faced any significant challenge in life such as:- meeting friends at a new school- learning how to drive a car- moving away from home- asking someone out on a date- standing up to a bullyor any three experiences of your choice.Write a minimum of 700 words (more words are OK). Remember, follow the structure in the "How to Organize an Essay" module.

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Computer Science Homework Help West Los Angeles College Computer Science C Programming Questions
1.Writes a function that finds the average of an array, given a reference to the array and the number of elements it has.
2.Write a function that takes an array of integers and applies another function (f(x)= 3x+4) on each element and then stores the result in another array and finally return it once it is done.

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Business Finance Homework Help Stafford University Healthcare Ethics and Law Article Review
I'm working on a management question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Using the Stafford Library databases, or another library database, conduct a search of the library article database using the terms “Healthcare Ethics and Laws” or “Healthcare Ethics Laws”. You will want to refine your results to Full Text and Academic Journals using the filters in the left banner. From these articles, choose an article that interests you to review. You may refine your search terms to focus on other governmental roles that interest you.
After reading the article, answer the following questions:
What caused me to select this article?
How does this article contribute to our knowledge about the government’s role in public health?
What did I learn from reading the article?

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Writing Homework Help NRS 433V Grand Canyon University Evidenced Based in Nursing Proposal Paper
PICOT Question
Revise the PICOT question you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment using the feedback you received from your instructor.
The final PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).
Research Critiques
In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments, you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique on two articles for each type of study (4 articles total). Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of each study by making appropriate revisions.
The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT question.
Refer to "Research Critiques and PICOT Guidelines - Final Draft." Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a formal paper.
Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change
Discuss the link between the PICOT question, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes.

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Business Finance Homework Help University of Phoenix Design Thinking in General Motors Company Essay
Apply the five key elements of design thinking to analyze the organization's effectiveness in design thinking and innovation.
Evaluate where the organization excels in design thinking.
Detail where the organization needs improvement.
Make specific recommendations that the organization can undertake to improve design thinking and innovation.

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Humanities Homework Help ISP 102 Torrens University Preparation and Design of a Behavior Change Group Program Case Study
Hi, I know this is very last minute but would you please be able to complete this by tomorrow afternoon/night?It was due on Sunday but I still haven't received anything from the tutor that was supposed to do it so I was hoping you could help me out.Case study, 1500 words (+ or - 10%)

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Writing Homework Help University of Phoenix Public Health Program Planning Presentation
Public Health Program Planning Assignment Content REVIEW GRADING RUBRIC Many states align public health initiatives to the national Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators. Review Healthy People 2020 and Healthy People 2030. California does not directly participate in Healthy People, unless required for reporting, but instead has a similar program called Let's Get Healthy California. Select one Let's Get Healthy California goal and indicator to explore. Evaluate whether the goal was met based on the information in the California Health and Human Services open data portal. Determine if there is evidence of alignment to the Let's Get Healthy California goals in your community. Evidence might include local programs and funding. Explain the evidence by providing links, a description, and a summary of the program(s). Format your assignment as one of the following: 8- to 10-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes and APA referencesWriting Homework Help University of Phoenix Public Health Program Planning Presentation
Public Health Program Planning Assignment Content REVIEW GRADING RUBRIC Many states align public health initiatives to the national Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators. Review Healthy People 2020 and Healthy People 2030. California does not directly participate in Healthy People, unless required for reporting, but instead has a similar program called Let's Get Healthy California. Select one Let's Get Healthy California goal and indicator to explore. Evaluate whether the goal was met based on the information in the California Health and Human Services open data portal. Determine if there is evidence of alignment to the Let's Get Healthy California goals in your community. Evidence might include local programs and funding. Explain the evidence by providing links, a description, and a summary of the program(s). Format your assignment as one of the following: 8- to 10-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes and APA references

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