

Quality spoof, at it's finest. If you are offended or believe this rubbish, you should get out more..


NOW HIRING - Bar staff - experience of keeping a job for more than 45 days preferred, flexible schedule, should ideally be able to outlast a lettuce.

British Gas smart meter switches all your stuff on when you’re not there 21/10/2022

British Gas smart meter switches all your stuff on when you’re not there BRITISH Gas 'smart meters' wait until you go out and then switch on all your appliances.

Truss For The Trossachs 21/10/2022

Truss For The Trossachs So, with the biggest political headlines since the day before yesterday, vast swathes of the UK appear to have gone into national mourning not seen since Charlie’s mama passed away. In a recent poll of 7 people in Kings Lynn, and with 96.3% of the poll, Liz Truss seems to have been backed as a fir...