No Rain Hypnotherapy

No Rain Hypnotherapy

Solution- Focused Clinical Hypnotherapy, East Lothian, Scotland
Supporting Clients in their journey towards emotional wellness. or the news!

Anxiety Depression Stress
Insomnia IBS OCD Pain EBSA Phobias Mindset Confidence Anger Regulation Fatigue What is hypnotherapy and how can it help me? Hypnotherapy utilises the benefits of Hypnosis, which is a very natural trance-like state, that most of us actually go into naturally throughout the day. It happens when our Subconscious mind takes over (simply the NOT conscious part of


🌿 Nature and Healing: A Perfect Pair 🌿

Nature has a calming effect on our minds and bodies. Combine the tranquility of the outdoors with Solution focused hypnotherapy for a holistic approach to well-being. Take a walk, breathe deeply, and let nature’s peace guide your healing journey.


🌞 Celebrate Small Wins! 🌞

Every step towards personal growth is worth celebrating. Whether it’s handling a stressful situation better or finding a moment of calm in your day. Acknowledge your progress! Solution focused hypnotherapy can help you see and appreciate these important victories.


🌟 Reframe Your Mindset with Hypnotherapy 🌟

Life can present challenges, but you have the power to overcome them. Solution focused hypnotherapy helps reframe negative patterns and promotes positive thinking. Embrace the change and let hypnotherapy guide you towards a brighter mindset.


The school summer holidays have begun! I'll be out of the office until the 8th of July, spending time with family and friends. Time to rest & replenish


🌟 Harness Your Inner Resources with Solution Focused Hypnotherapy 🌟

“I am stronger than my anxious thoughts.”

This powerful affirmation serves as a reminder that within each and every one of us lies the ability to overcome anxiety and regain control over our lives. SFH is a powerful method that helps people to tap into their inner strength and break free from the negative cycle of anxious thoughts. It allows access to the subconscious mind, where these thought patterns are embedded, promoting a positive shift in perspective.

✨ Through collaboration with a professional hypnotherapist, techniques can be practiced that will soothe the mind and release tension. Hypnotherapy equips us to understand anxious thoughts, reclaim emotional control and embracing a more gratifying life.

🌱 Remember, anxiety does not define you. You have anxiety, you are not anxiety. You have everything that you need to let it go. Hypnotherapy can help you uncover and harness that strength, enabling you to face and challenges with confidence and embrace a life free from the limitations of anxiety.


In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's important to look for the moments of inner peace and stillness. Science tells us that relaxation takes practice- we sleep better at night if we rest in the day; showing the body how you want to feel. Solution-focused hypnotherapy sessions offer a sanctuary for relaxation, peace, and personal growth, letting the body and mind once again become familiar with the sensations of calm.


🌞 Find Happiness in the Present Moment 🌞

"Happiness not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour." -Walt Whitman

These words from the great poet, Walt Whitman, remind us that we shouldn’t wait for some other time to cultivate happiness or to be grateful; like when that credit card is paid off, or once Monday has passed, or perhaps when our partner is more romantic or if our team wins at football. These provide momentary highs, but science tells us they don’t last long or have a significant impact on our general levels of happiness. They can also depend on something or someone else.

The potential for true happiness is here and it’s now, in this very moment, and we begin by being accountable for ourselves. No one else knows what makes us feel happy.

✨Instead of striving towards the next thing, pause and take note of right now. We can realise that this present moment is a gift, a place full of beauty and sources of happiness.

✨ Practice gratitude for the simple moments and pleasures in your life every day. Whether it’s the sun on your face, the sound of a loved one’s laughter, or the stillness of the present; find gratitude in the now.

🌱I believe happiness is a state of mind and can be cultivated and practiced. When we do this intentionally, it becomes easier and easier as time passes, as do the assisted feelings.

Happiness is not a distant dream; it is within your reach, right here, right now. Embrace the present moment and look for the smallest joys. And then do it all over again.


Experience the transformative power of Solution-focused hypnotherapy.
Sometimes a client will describe that they’ve been living in a heightened or anxious state for a number of years, seemingly getting on with daily tasks, often unbeknownst even to friends and family. This feeling sometimes referred to as ‘high functioning anxiety’ (you can have high functioning depression too) is extremely enervating, and so understandably can result in a full stress bucket!

It’s important to remember that it doesn’t have to be like this. By intentionally emptying the bucket, the central nervous system will regulate- the body and mind want to be well! It may not happen overnight, but it’s the method we’ve been given by nature to manage. Sessions can help you find this inner calm by ‘lowering the bar’ and helping the body and mind become familiar again with a more relaxed state.


🌟 Hypnotherapy: Empowering You to Take Control 🌟

Solution-focused hypnotherapy offers you the means to transform your life—it's about giving you the power to be the very best version of yourself.

🌟 Gain self-awareness: Sessions can help you to understand what thoughts, emotions and actions can support a healthier mindset, and help the mind become familiar with these new patterns. This increased self-awareness can help you make confident and more considered choices

💪 Overcome limitations: Sessions can help you overcome limiting beliefs and negative patterns that hold you back. It allows you to reframe your mindset and develop a more positive and empowering outlook.

🌟 Unlock personal potential: Hypnotherapy unlocks the power of your subconscious, empowering innate knowledge and guidance that we are all born with. Accessing this resource can lead to transformative growth and self-discovery. If you’re ready to take control of your life and find the real you, get in contact to discover the empowering benefits of SFH today.


When you’re ready to focus on wellness and create positive change in your life, get in touch to arrange a free initial consultation. Solution-focused hypnotherapy can help you break the patterns of limiting beliefs, overcome obstacles, and reach new heights of happiness, which I think is the best measure of success!

Whether you're striving for a healthy mind, personal development, more clarity or improved understanding of your mental health and stress symptoms, I can provide the support you need.


🏡 “The words you speak become the house you live in.”

This powerful quote reminds us of the profound impact our words have on our lives and the environment we create for ourselves. Imagine your words as the foundation, walls, and roof of a home found inside of you. Every word you speak shapes the quality of the build and the atmosphere within, influencing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.

✨ Choose your words intentionally, recognising their potential to encourage, inspire, and cultivate a supportive environment. Speak with kindness, compassion, and love about yourself and others, the building blocks of an empowered and healthy mindset.

💫 By choosing to use positive and supportive language, we can transform our mind into a haven of safety and self-acceptance.


🌟 Embrace the Power of Small Changes with Hypnotherapy 🌟

The thought of completely changing your life can be very overwhelming. The good news is that change doesn’t need to happen overnight! It happens one small, manageable step at a time.

Solution focused hypnotherapy can provide the roadmap to guide you on this journey of gentle change. By working with a skilled hypnotherapist, you can concentrate on making small, consistent, achievable alterations that accumulate into significant results over time. Imagine being able to deal with that one area of your life that you’re struggling with, and then building on that success to create a life that you love. ✨

Through the power of hypnotherapy, you will access your subconscious mind and reprogram old patterns, beliefs, and behaviours. This gentle and effective approach will help you to make lasting changes from the inside out.

🌱 Remember, every journey begins with a single step—and every step is significant. Start small, stay consistent, and be amazed by the powerful changes that unfold.


Stress is known to negatively affect the entire body and can lead to IBS, anxiety, low mood, insomnia, weight gain, increased blood pressure and a plethora of other issues. Using the solution focused method at No Rain Hypnotherapy, stress dissolves, allowing health to blossom.


Experience the healing benefits of solution-focused hypnotherapy in Scotland. Our evidence-based approach combines the latest research in neuroscience with the power of the subconscious mind to help you overcome stress, and anxiety, manage pain, and improve overall well-being. I am ready to support you on your path to healing, health and happiness. Get in touch to discuss how SFH can help you.


🌟 Reclaim Your Power through Self-Care and Hypnotherapy 🌟

"Self-care is how you take your power back."—Lalah Delia

Such wisdom from Lalah Delia rings true—self-care is not merely a luxury but a transformative means of reclaiming one's personal power and well-being.
Hypnotherapy itself can be an empowering step in one's self-care journey. It can help individuals reconnect with their inner power and make their emotional and mental well-being a priority. Through hypnosis, one can access their subconscious and free themselves from any negative emotions, beliefs, or patterns that hinder their growth and potential.

✨ By integrating hypnotherapy into your self-care regimen, you can foster a profound level of self-awareness, self-compassion and self-empowerment. It becomes a means to address and heal deep-seated concerns, reduce stress, and elevate your overall living experience.

🌱 Self-care is a commitment to yourself, not a selfish act. It is a practice of nourishing your mind, body, and soul, which includes setting healthy boundaries, honouring your needs, and making choices that promote your well-being. Hypnotherapy is a valuable tool that can assist you in releasing self-limiting beliefs and adopting a more positive and empowered mindset.

💫 Embrace the power of self-care by allowing hypnotherapy to lead the way. Listen to the wisdom within, nurture your spirit, and reclaim your personal power. Live a life of balance, self-love, and fulfilment, because you deserve it.


Harness the latent power of your subconscious with transformative and natural solution-focused hypnotherapy. From healing anxiety to bolstering self-confidence, it is your trusted guide on the path to personal growth. Take that first step towards a life of your choosing.


☀️ Soak Up the Sunshine: Recharge and Renew ☀️

The longer, warmer days of April offer the perfect opportunity to welcome the sun and ‘make hay while the sun shines’, by replenishing your resources when you can.

• Spend time outdoors and bask in the natural light. Whether it's a leisurely walk, a picnic in the park, or simply sitting under a tree, let the sun's rays energise and uplift you.
• Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it is reading a book, practicing yoga, or enjoying a hobby, make time for self-care and nourish your well-being.
• Experience the restorative power of nature. Let it take your breath away with its blossoming flowers, lush greenery, towering trees and the serene melodies of chirping birds.
• Use this time to set intentions and create positive habits. Reflect on what you want to achieve and create a vision for your future. Let the summer sunshine empower, motivate and inspire your greatness.


🌟 Debunking the Myths: Hypnotherapy Made Simple 🌟

Hypnotherapy is often shrouded in shadows and stereotypes, but is a practice that is anything but mystical. In fact, it is rooted in science and evidence-based outcomes, offering the potential to facilitate positive life changes.

✅ Hypnotherapy is NOT mind control. You remain fully aware and in charge during the session. It's more like a state of deep relaxation where your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions.

✅ Hypnotherapy is about collaboration. You and your therapist will work together to help you achieve your goals and overcome challenges.

✅ Hypnotherapy is NOT magic. It is an understood therapeutic technique that combines elements of psychology, neuroscience, and relaxation techniques to help you tap into your inner resources and make lasting changes.


Discover the efficacy of Clinical Hypnotherapy at NoRainHypnotherapy and tap into your innate ability to transform your life. This evidence-based approach is designed to improve the symptoms of stress, anxiety, sleeplessness, and beyond. Take the first step towards your new life


I had a super time in Glasgow today at The Witchy Wedding Fayre and met some awesome people ❤️

Although weddings are a wonderful celebration, for many their big day can cause even bigger stress symptoms- anxiety, panic, avoidance, shaking and blushing ❤️

Hypnotherapy can definitely help, reducing stress and building confidence. Today I helped to spread the word, in the most positive way ❤️




Step Outside and Revive 🌷

As we welcome April, nature continues to stir from its rest beckoning us to do the same. 🌼✨

Gone are the months of cocooning in warmth; now feels like the right moment to reemerge and connect with others. Start small and choose one thing to begin.

🌿 Flourish in Nature: Wander in the park, inhale the crisp, clean air, and feel nourished.

🤝 Forge Connections: Like a murmuration of birds, humans thrive together. Reach out to friends, organise get-togethers, and enjoy communal spaces.

🌼 Re-energise Your Spirit: Embrace the vivacious energy of spring. Research community events or a new interest, perhaps enrol in a club, class or membership.

🌷 Awaken Your Senses: Spring tantalises the senses. Visit local markets to savour fresh produce, enjoy live music outdoors, and indulge in the season's flavours.

Whether it's picnicking with friends, visiting a local art exhibition, or simply sitting in the spring sun, seize the opportunities spring presents.🌸💫

Share how you plan to embrace spring and encourage others to step out too! Together, we can embrace and celebrate the change. 🚀❤️


Step Away from Negativity: Embrace a more Positive Mindset 🌈

In a world often clouded by negativity, stepping into the light of positivity or even neutrality can be transformative. Embracing a positive mindset isn't about sweeping challenges under the carpet, it's about realising just how much we can effect our wellbeing simply by being mindful of our thoughts. The wonderful thing about your brain is that when this becomes a practice, the mind starts looking for 'evidence' to support this brighter mindset- it looks for the good! All the different parts of your brain working together to encourage wellness🌟✨

Don't just take my word for it, the BEST thing your can do is get your explorer's hat on and begin experimenting!

🌻It could involve recognising and reframing negative intrusive thoughts, encouraging humour, surrounding yourself with supportive people, or practising positive self-talk. Remember, the shift to positivity is a gradual process but one that profoundly enriches your life in every aspect. So for example, when you see friends, begin to notice if the conversation is largely positively or negatvely focused. There is nothing wrong with chatting through our problems but we need to be mindful that a conversaton laden with difficulty can sometimes increase our stress levels. You can prepare for this kind of conversation by prioritising yourself and making a promise that if you notice your stress repsonses rising, that you'll do something about it, like changing the subject or initiating movement.



I often work with children and teens who struggle with 'square peg/ round hole' issues at school. Instead of encouraging their uniquness and building their confidence, they go through years of feeling inadequate in an environment that simply doesn't suit them or help them to thrive. This in turn can chip away at their confidence and self worth, leading to a plethroa of problems.

Imagine a system that might help a child identify their innate talents and gifts alongside a broader education. It's time to listen to our children and help them to understand what options and choices they do have.


Hi folks!

I'm taking part in an alternative wedding fair in Glasgow on Saturday the 6th of March and have two free tickets to give away. Details are as follows:

The Witchy Wedding Fayre
The Clayton Hotel, Glasgow
11am- 4pm

If you’re keen and could use the tickets, or if you know anyone else who might be, just comment or pm me and I'll pop names in a hat and draw in 48 hours! Kx


Part of the work I do with people is to help them identify the ways their body might be trying to tell them that they're a bit stressed out! When we listen to our body and address the issue, there should be no reason for these messages to get any louder, or symptoms to get any worse.

Videos (show all)

The school summer holidays have begun! I'll be out of the office until the 8th of July, spending time with family and fr...
🌟 Embrace Balance and Wellness with Solution Focused Hypnotherapy! 🌈At No Rain Hypnotherapy, I understand the enormous p...
🌟 Rediscover the Joy of Play: Embrace Creativity and Vitality at any age🌟Amidst the responsibilities of adulthood, we of...
This Saturday I’ll be manning a stall and championing WELLNESS 🫶💪🧠🙏🗣️ alongside a bunch of amazing other folk at Cockenz...
Feeling the January blues? Whether it's due to lack of funds, darker days or putting away our festive lights, it's commo...
Merry Christmas!
Christmas out of office hours- time for family and rest
Weight management and weight loss are often complex journeys, and while hypnosis may not turn a doughnut into a hedgehog...
Understanding the Impact of Chronic Conditions and the Role of Hypnotherapy and Solution-Focused TherapyHaving personall...
Taking time off for family, for space and for wellness
World Mental Health Day 2023