The Mindful Photo Project

The Mindful Photo Project

Finding connection and seeing our world anew through the practices of photography and mindfulness

Photos from The Mindful Photo Project's post 10/10/2022

Our Reflections photo task always brings images of rivers, lakes and the sea and this selection from the current group shows some brilliant examples.

A lovely observation on the experience of this weeks task summed up the aims of our project so well, “ I realised I was looking in a way I’ve not looked before”.

Photos from The Mindful Photo Project's post 09/10/2022

Our reflections task always brings some quirky and playful images and this group with shared some delightful photos. The reflections photo task can also be great for metaphors and thoughts about our own lives and circumstances.

Photos from The Mindful Photo Project's post 07/10/2022

Mindfulness can be a challenging idea when we have such busy lives and busy minds. Something simple like taking a walk can actually be a really mindful way to spend some time and brings so many benefits. Time to press the pause button.

That’s exactly what our current participants did for their first photo task. It was so interesting to share our photos and see the autumnal world through somebody else’s eyes.

We hope you also enjoy the photos from week 2 of our latest TMMP group.


We are delighted to start a new Mindful Project with Novus this week.

The start with a new group of participants always reminds me of what mindfulness is and what it isn’t. It certainly isn’t a miracle cure for anxiety and stress, and it isn’t easy for many of us! Quite often it can feel awkward or uncomfortable when we start. Personally I was resistant to anything like this for so long, telling myself that my busy mind is just who I am.

Mindfulness is a tool we can learn, it about learning to notice our thoughts (and distractions) rather than thinking they shouldn’t be there. Simply taking a few minutes at the start of our group sessions to press the pause button, to take a few moments to simply breathe and notice can be so helpful. But it’s called a mindfulness practice for a reason, we need to learn and practice for it to be useful and to feel more comfortable.

We look forward to sharing the photos from this new group with you over the next few weeks. Jill


Combining photography and recovery stories is the aim of this workshop with TMPP’s Jill Whittingham in Wrexham on 27 September. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please take a look at the Eventbrite link in the post.

Only three places left on the Recovery In Focus Workshop I’m running with these guys from Eternal Media! Join us for this look at how we can use photography to tell our stories of recovery.

All you need is

*a smartphone
* a desire to stay clean and sober

The workshop is taking place at Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham. Places are free but do have to be booked. Link below

I’d love to see you there. Book today or message me for more info. Go on - join us!

If you know others in the recovery community who might be interested, please do share.


Join Jill as she discusses therapeutic photography with Maddie of MOO and BOOM!

OUR NEXT LIVE✨ ARGHH so excited for this one!!

I started the lives to show off our workshops and the people we work with who are all involved with health, well-being and spirituality🌱

On Tuesday 16th August I am going LIVE on facebook with (give her a follow) talking about her new workshop on the 3rd September…

In Focus is a new workshop to us, combining photography with well-being… this is a workshop to take some time for YOU!

Remember to follow give us both a like on facebook to be notified when we are LIVE…see you then🌈

Timeline photos 25/06/2022

Check out our event in Liverpool next Saturday, with Joe Lee talking about The Mindful Photo Project we recently ran at HMP Thorn Cross. We’d love you to come along and hear about how the project is being used in settings like this - follow the link for details.

Join us on SAT 2 JULY 3–4PM for a discussion on the Novus Mindful Photo Project at HMP Thorn Cross. The work on display, chosen by the men, is a glimpse of what the world looks like from their perspective, showing how they began to connect through mindful photography


“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” Lao Tzu"

What does this quote mean to you?


Very proud to be working with staff and learners with Novus. Thank you for your comments!

For we wanted to share the work of the brilliant The Mindful Photo Project

Following successful courses supporting Novus colleagues, we recently started to run the project at HMP Thorn Cross with great results.


“Reawakened my love of photography”

“Encouraged me to dust my camera off”

“Gave me permission to be creative again”

Just some of the feedback from the most recent Mindful Photo Project with staff at . This particular group included experienced photographers who came at the project from a slightly different angle. It was great to hear them reflecting on how TMPP encouraged them to dust off some of those creative skills.


…and then there was a dad

Photos from The Mindful Photo Project's post 08/05/2022

Bit of a theme going on with the photos from group this week


Our “found photo” assignment this week encouraged the group to look at old photos - it’s a nostalgic and personal task. What astonished us was that ALL the group shared pictures related to parents. Most were around mothers.

This photo by Simon is of his mum who he lost a little while ago. The photo had been lost but now found and treasured by both Simon and his father. The photo in the background is also Simon’s mother. An incredibly special photo.


An incredibly powerful photo by Darren in our current group gave us so much to explore. There are so many layers to this image and it’s story, reminding and I exactly why we started this project -

We take photos
We share stories
We connect

Photos from The Mindful Photo Project's post 02/05/2022

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” Henry Ward Beecher.

The task for our group this week was to take a photo that represents gratitude. Sounds simple but we tried to look a little beyond the obvious and notice the bits that sometimes go unnoticed.


Just arrived! The new book on mindful photography by

Looking forward to reading it this weekend.


The self portrait task is often my favourite of each TMPP project and this weeks group took us a little further into their worlds with a varied and imaginative interpretation of the brief. This shot doesn’t even show the photographers face yet tells us so much about her character. Just look at the hat, the badges and the highlights in her hair. And that’s before she told us the story of that day.

Photos from The Mindful Photo Project's post 15/04/2022

A self portrait can often feel like a challenge, where we might have to face self esteem and self image beliefs. Also, to consider the difference between a self portrait and a selfie - that grin and filter, ubiquitous kind of photo we have got so used to seeing.

This weeks participants from smashed it! And each image came with a fantastic insight into personalities and lives.

Also interesting to note the use of black and white photos here and the power that can give to a self portrait.


As a counsellor I have explored many ways to manage anxiety but this was a new one to me! A participant in our current group shared with us this image of her bees … which her daughter uses as a tool to cope with anxiety. Such a mindful moment at the hive when the beekeeper has to be calm, composed and still. Totally focussed on that one moment in time.

I’d heard of therapy dogs and cats, and of course equine therapy but not bees!

Photos from The Mindful Photo Project's post 11/04/2022

Light was the subject for last weeks group and we love to see the different interpretations of each task. We’re half way through this particular group project and as always it’s been a powerful process to see a group of people scattered around the country come together and share in this way.


The first task on each Mindful Photo Project is based around a mindful walk. To take a walk we are familiar with and try to experience it in a slightly different way. This morning I woke early and saw this amazing sunrise. What a beautiful way to start the day.

Photo by


It’s been a while since we’ve posted here and in that time we’ve been pretty busy! We have run more groups (including one with service veterans in North Wales) and spent time developing as a social enterprise.

Today saw the start of another group with , bringing together employees from all around the country. We’re already looking forward to seeing what this group share for their first task!


Breathe - consciously deeply and intentionally, directing your breath to where you need it most.

Can you try that as you read this post?

Each group session begins with a short mindfulness meditation led by Joe or Jill. Both project facilitators are experienced and trained in this deeply healing form of self care.


“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” Thich Nhat Hanh

We begin each of our groups with a short mindfulness meditation to help us all put aside what we can and settle into the group time together. Some participants are familiar with mindfulness and some are completely new to it. Some tell us they are actually very uncomfortable or perhaps know they are resistant to approaches like this and we simply ask that we are all open. Open to ideas and open to the possibilities for mindfulness. It’s a very inclusive and peaceful start to the group sessions.

Photo by Andrew, TMPP #3

