Learning Levels Early Years Training and Consultancy

Learning Levels Early Years Training and Consultancy

Promoting professional potential Planning for Improvement
Why continue to develop as an individual and as a service?

There is an increasing expectation for those working in Early Learning and Childcare to undertake Continuing Professional Development, regardless of career level, job role, and responsibility. At Learning Levels, we recognise the importance of quality leadership and management; of the workforce to be committed to ongoing professional development and their understanding of Early Years pedagogy. Our


Volcanos, diarists, and spectacular light shows

Children’s interests and curiosities are as diverse and unique as children are themselves. They gather information from various sources and given the chance they love to talk about what they know.
In our daily practice, how do we provide opportunities for children to share knowledge, and ‘expertise’?


‘I didn’t tell them about possums’.

Watching this clip reminded me of some of the wonderful conversations I have had, with nursery children, that have been initiated by questions, their questions about my knowledge.

Some of these have included…
‘Do you know where the best place to see the Aurora Borealis is?’ I was informed that it was from space.

‘What do you know about Samuel Pepys diaries and the Great Fire of London?’ As the dough station changed to the Pudding Lane bakery.
‘Do you know about Krakatoa? I have been to the library with my dad, and we got some books.’
I’m sure you will agree that's an incredible range of subjects which could easily feature on Mastermind.

We can learn so much from children if we create the conditions for a learning community to flourish.
Do we value the knowledge young children possess and recognise how important it is for us to give time and space to allow them to share it?
In our busy day create time to talk - following up a child’s questions and comments often leads to the richest conversation.
Whether it’s natural phenomena, historical figures, and events, or erupting volcanos in Indonesia, create an environment for conversation and who knows where the children may lead us!


With time for a little reflection and a coffee, I look back over this last year and can honestly say… what a great year! I feel I should pinch myself!
Being responsive to the development needs of services has enabled me to deliver bespoke sessions including; Pedagogical leadership, Creating emotionally enabling environments, Recognising partnerships in the learning process, Building our capacity for self-evaluation, to name but a few.
The sessions have enabled staff to focus on, ‘What matters here?’ A question we should all be asking ourselves as we strive to give our youngest learners the best possible start.

So, with only a few hours of 2022 left, I would like to take a moment to thank the wonderful early years teams that I have had the privilege of working alongside this year.

To the leadership teams of our early years services, a huge heartfelt thank you for investing in your staff and for allowing me to continue to bring my passion, enthusiasm, and knowledge to your service.

To the practitioners, trainees, and students, thank you for showing such commitment and dedication to developing your practice. It’s such a pleasure to work in partnership with you all.

To my friends and family thank you for your ongoing support, enabling me to be the best I can be and fulfill my dreams and ambitions.

I look forward to 2023 with genuine excitement as to what the year will hold. Bring it on!

Wishing you all a fantastic new year.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash.


Happy Monday and hello to the new working week!
My working week started on Saturday morning, (or was that my working week ending?)

I had the privilege of delivering a training session to the team at Little Scholars Nursery, Dundee, and their sister nursery, Redwood Nursery, East Kilbride. It was a delight to work with a new team and I also enjoyed the familiarity of some ‘weel kent’ faces.

The focus was Developing Quality through Pedagogical Leadership and all those that attended were in a leadership role, some more established than others.

Exploring pedagogical leadership required us to rethink the way we work and learn with other adults and to consider the influence we have on others.

As leaders, we must be self-aware, of our own strengths and development needs, and have an understanding of how our personality traits, habits, and abilities affect our interactions with those around us. And, most importantly for me, an awareness of our identity, our reputation, and who we aspire to be.

Working together in a climate of mutual respect and collaboration, where leaders and practitioners reflect upon and challenge their day-to-day practice and being uncertain as they grow and develop, helps to flatten the hierarchy type of leadership.

As the leaders from Saturday’s session continue to find ways to be effective and authentic in their role, I offered five Cs. To be courageous, connected, compassionate, clear, and creative.

I am certain you could add a few more.

Enjoy the week ahead.


And just like that… The summer break is over. Hurrah! I hear you shout, as you skip along the corridor.

How time flies when you’re having fun!
I’ve had a wonderful time re-charging my batteries and now I’m ready to do what I do best and support those that work with our youngest learners.

Yesterday kickstarted this academic year for me with a training session with the University of Dundee Nursery staff. This was the third in a series of sessions focussing on involvement and wellbeing.
We spent the morning reflecting on the benefits of creating an emotionally enabling environment and fostering and developing a sense of belonging, being, and becoming.
As our conversations opened up, and staff shared their thoughts, it was recognised that it is not just the children who need such an environment but our staff does too.

For many of our children, developing a sense of belonging, being, and becoming has been interrupted and it is imperative that we ensure that emotional wellbeing is at the forefront of our practice.

Children are resilient and most have that bounce-back ability that is much needed in life, but the higher the levels of wellbeing (and involvement) we can achieve, the more we can add to a child’s holistic development and influence their life chances.

Some staff felt that if there was a positive from the past few challenging years, it would be that it has provided an opportunity to reflect more deeply on how they interact and engage with children.

An emotionally enabling environment? You may say, ‘We already do that’ but if I respond with ‘Show me,' what evidence would you provide?

Can you show how you are:
Supporting children to experience ‘belonging’ – knowing where and with whom you belong?

Recognising the significance of the here and now in children’s lives – ‘being’ in the present?

Valuing the uniqueness of each child as they develop an understanding of themselves – ‘becoming’ me?

So, with a skip in my step and a happy heart, I wish you all a super year ahead and I look forward to working alongside many of you as you continue to be the very best you can be.


I would like to say a huge thank you to the staff from for allowing me to work alongside them and for their commitment to improving their leadership skills and capabilities.

Tuesday evening was the final of three sessions which have enabled staff to look in-depth at Pedagogical Leadership, Distributed Leadership and Developing Working Groups, Building Leadership Capacity and Improving Self-Leadership.

Reflecting on leadership strengths and areas for improvement identified, for some, the need to improve their levels of confidence. A challenge for many of us, I know, but if we are to encourage and support our young children to become confident individuals there is a need to understand what confidence means for us, as individuals, how we can develop it further and successfully model it for our children.

I believe it is the responsibility of all to help create and encourage the confidence of others through support and empowerment; celebrating one another’s achievements and encouraging collaboration and contribution.

staff is now focused on implementing their learning to create a culture of authentic leadership. Where the importance of every practitioner and every leader finding their voice is not underestimated and leading from their heart and soul will be a motivating force behind their decisions and actions.

What a wonderful world it would be if our leadership practices were led by the magic of relationships and kindness.

I look forward to celebrating the developments and achievements of the Balgillo Nursery teams as I return to work alongside them in the new academic year.

In the meantime, have a wonderful summer everyone, and find a little time to rest and relax.


Delighted to have had the opportunity to work alongside a fantastic team at Nursery Rhymes Nursery, Dundee, yesterday as we considered how to embed a Loving Pedagogy into daily practice.
Such an enthusiastic and engaged team, looking for ways to be the best they can be for their children and families.
There were lots of discussions, reflection, laughter, and emotions as we explored how to support children with our 'Head, Heart, and Hands: Developing Authentic Relationships with Infants and Toddlers.

I posed the questions,’ How does love fit with professional practice?’… and ‘Where is the word ‘love’ in our policies, documentation, and guidance?’
In the words of the Black-Eyed Peas… ‘Where is the Love?’
(Hmm... perhaps I should offer up a small prize if you find it?) I did eventually manage, so feel free to ask where!

As we navigate our way back to ‘normality’ in our settings, we face the challenge of children (and staff) who perhaps need additional support with their emotional wellbeing and mental health.

So, among other things, the team has been tasked with identifying the primary ‘love languages’ of their key children to enable them to understand how best to sensitively respond, be more attuned and develop stronger relationships with flourishing children.
And, to reflect on ‘Who nurtures the nurturers?’ Our emotional buckets need to be filled too!

I understand that the term, pedagogical love/professional love can sometimes cause practitioners to feel uncomfortable or unsure, and definitely something that needs to be discussed with colleagues.
But, if our EY settings are not nurturing places full of love then where?
Working towards embedding a loving pedagogy creates an ethos of permission for practitioners to talk and act in loving ways.

And as the song goes… ‘All You Need is Love’

Have a lovely and loving weekend.


Happy Friday everyone!

What a wonderful way to get back to face-to-face networking.
I attended the Women in Business Network event last night at the most stunning venue, Hospitalfield House
A huge thank you to Business Gateway (Tayside) for facilitating and to Michelle Almeida for her contribution.

It was fantastic to meet such a diverse group of women, passionate and full of energy, keen to take their business, hopes, and dreams to the next level. Insightful conversations had, leading to great connections being made.

A special mention goes out to Scott Byrne, General Manager, I could have listened to the history of Hospitalfield all evening. Also a huge thank you to the catering staff for the most delicious food and drinks. I’ll definitely be booking a table for lunch.

Have a super weekend and if you’re at a loose end you may want a spend a little time in the gardens/fernery/cafe at Hospitalfield

Faye's first fundraiser 13/05/2022

Good morning everyone and happy Friday!

I would like to share a link to Faye’s First Fundraiser page for tommys.org the incredibly worthwhile and much-need pregnancy charity.

Faye has set a target of £100. I know things are tricky for lots of people at the moment but if you could donate a pound or two it would be terrific!
Definitely, worth seeing Faye in her cowboy outfit! Yee-ha!

On behalf of Faye and all the families that are supported by the wonderful Tommys Charity, thank you in advance for your generosity.

p.s. Please feel free to share this post!

Faye's first fundraiser Faye's first fundraiser - Raising money for Tommy's Sensathon


Happy Friday everyone!
I am delighted to share the news that Dundee City Council has accepted my Tender Offer for the Flexible Framework Agreement for Education & Social Support Services – Children & Families. I have been successful in tendering for Lot 8 - Professional Learning & Development.

Earlier in 2021, I was accepted for Aberdeen City Council’s Dynamic Purchasing System and the University of Dundee’s Procurement System. What an exciting time!
I would like to express my gratitude to the private nursery sector and the services I continue to work alongside, as always, it’s a pleasure and a privilege. The Summer term will be a busy and exciting one as I am delivering a range of CPD to nursery services, including,
• Developing Quality Through Pedagogical Leadership
• Leading Practice in Partnership with Colleagues - Distributed Leadership and the Development of Working Groups
• Building Leadership Capacity and Improving Self-Leadership
• Enabling Environments for Babies and Toddlers
• Conversations, Interactions, and Creating a Listening Environment
If you are a service or know of a service that would benefit from high-quality Early Learning and Childcare training or would like to discuss an aspect of practice that you would like to develop, then please just get in touch.

As we hop towards Easter, I would like to take this opportunity to wish those of you that are finishing the term today a very happy holiday. Take some time to rest, relax and put your feet up. Perhaps indulge in the odd hot cross bun or piece of chocolate egg with a well-deserved cuppa!

Have a cracking time!


Delighted to have had an opportunity to deliver in-person training with a brilliant group of practitioners last week. The focus was, Enabling Environments for Babies and Toddlers.

Thought-provoking discussions about how surroundings have such a powerful influence on babies and toddlers, and how it supports them to discover and process the world around them.

Fantastic feedback on the impact of the session, with staff feeling motivated, inspired, and ready to view their environment from a new perspective.

I look forward to watching your progress.


An IT session? Me? Who knew!

A big thumbs up and a thank you to Gary@NSDesign for the informative Digital Boost webinar this morning; booked through Business Gateway.

Great hints and tips to help me get the most out of the Learning Levels business page.

There's no holding me back now!


Encouraging Curiosity by Being More Neotenous

“We should seek to see our world with fresh eyes and to wonder about it. We need to be neotenous – retaining childlike dispositions into adulthood.” Berger, 2014

While preparing a meal recently, my grandson, Samuel, asked, “How does the egg stick to the shell? Let’s use the laptop to find out, Grandma”.

His curiosity took us on a journey of discovery as we spent time searching for the information he desired. His delight and excitement in his newfound knowledge were infectious and I found myself equally fascinated and excited as we discovered an Emu egg incubation and hatching, ‘A Chick called Albert’ and the adventures of a Barn Owl family to name but a few.
As we know only too well, this kind of exploration and discovery always leads us in many directions and have further questions and ponderings/wonderings. So, for now, the learning journey continues.

How privileged we are that children share their gifts of curiosity, awe, and wonder with us each day. They create opportunities for joyful learning.

In a blog for CORE Education (core-ed.org), Philippa Nicoll Antipas discusses the need for educators to be curious just as much as children.
(There is a link to the blog on the Learning Levels website.)

What do you do to nurture your own curiosity? What are you fascinated by? Do you experience awe and wonder in the things around you?
For me, it can be as simple as a sunrise/sunset, a visit to an art gallery, a lone sunflower growing from the rocks on the beach, or the hatching of an Emu egg!

I'd love to hear what you are wondering about at the moment.

In the meantime, feel free to pop over to the Learning Levels website to read the full blog and more information on the following course:

Creativity Across Learning
Creating contexts for learning through exploration, play, and inquiry that drive communities of learners and practitioners to ‘dig deeper and explore wider’.

And just in case you have found it a little tricky to have retained your enthusiasm for awe and wonder during the last couple of years, you may find a couple of book suggestions to re-ignite your passion.

Continue to be 'awe-some and wonder-ful'


Not many hours of 2021 left and as time ticks away, we may want to take a few of those precious minutes to reflect on the experiences we have had in yet another crazy year.

Personally, I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all the settings; practitioners and management alike, that I have worked alongside this past year.

As always, it’s a pleasure and a privilege to be able to support teams as they strive to be the best they can be and make a positive impact on the lives of children and families.

As for 2022, I can’t wait to get started.
Here are just a few of the training courses that I have been commissioned to deliver:
• Conversations, Interactions and Creating a Listening

• Emotionally Enabling Environments

• Head, Hands, and Heart ~ Authentic Relationships for Babies
and Toddlers

• Building Leadership Capacity and Improving Self-Leadership

• Learning Stories – Recognising Powerful Frameworks

Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and successful 2022!


Going at your own pace!

As the leaves begin to turn brown and autumn arrive, the summer break becomes a distant memory and in my case, I literally had a break (my ankle).
Although I’m well and truly on the mend and back on my feet, it has been a little frustrating not being able to do the things I enjoy. Being an active person, I normally plan an early morning walk several times a week. I had also started the Couch to 5K challenge with a friend and should have been starting week 5 just when I had my accident! Argh!

My recovery has been fast but not necessarily pain-free. Last week, I managed to restart my morning walk and today was the first time I attempted a run. To be honest it’s more of a Nana shuffle but I’m happy with that.
My friend has continued through the summer with her Coach to 5K Challenge and although we head out together, she has her own pace and is further ahead with her progress. This slower pace of mine gave me time to reflect on how important it is to go at your own pace and with what feels right for you.

This is exactly what we should be supporting our youngest learners to do. Learning and development are individual, and each child’s journey is unique. We should ensure that our environments are enabling our children to engage with learning that is meaningful and supporting their capacity to learn through exploration, discovery, investigation, and experimentation.
Often children are involved in active, physical play experiences that use the great outdoors but there are also those moments to consider when the time for reflection and stillness is needed to watch an insect or gently pick up a tiny shell.

“Some of nature’s most exquisite handiwork is on a miniature scale, as anyone knows who has applied a magnifying glass to a snowflake.” Rachel Carson

There is constant interaction between children and their environment. As educators, our challenge is to slow down this fast-paced world in which we work, be more present and observe children, the environment, and truly notice what is happening in the moment.

Slowing down helps you to notice more of the things around you rather than whizzing along and failing to see. It may also help to remind us of why we do the work we do.

How do you support children with the challenges of growing up in a rapidly changing, fast-paced world? What kind of role model are you?
In the words of Sir John Jones, “Do you walk to the pace of Moon River?” I must admit to having more of an ‘I’m a Fire Starter’ walking pace but I’m working on that!

What would your song/pace be?

Photos from Learning Levels Early Years Training and Consultancy's post 29/07/2021

Hello folks!

Delighted that my latest book order arrived today! The ever-growing book tower continues to reach skywards!

I’m referencing the experts in these books to support me in developing the latest training course I’m currently creating: Head, Heart, and Hands: Developing Authentic Relationships with Infants and Toddlers.

The aim of the course is to encourage practitioners working with children under three to explore how they can support their children by holding them in mind, valuing them, and promoting their best interests.

Exploring the philosophy/approach of Emmi Pikler and Magda Ge**er enables practitioners to reflect on their practice in relation to:
• Respectful care practices with infants and toddlers
• Respect for children’s confidence and competence
• The centrality of relationships between adult and child

Focusing on connections, relationships, and respect helps to develop a loving pedagogy and a sense of belonging and warmth in our settings, creating nurturing places.

If you feel your team could benefit from this training course, please just get in touch.

Enjoy the rest of your week and keep checking the Learning Levels website for a release date: www.learninglevels.co.uk


A previous post on the Learning Levels FB page highlighted workforce wellbeing and the importance of caring for yourself while caring for children.

So, with that in mind and the summer break within touching distance, many of our practitioners/team members are looking forward to a well-earned rest and an opportunity to recharge and re-energise.

How do you plan to use the gift of ‘down time’ from work?

Will you breathe a sigh of relief and free up space to give your all to fewer things and perhaps newer things?

Continuous professional development and supporting staff to be the best version of themselves is very close to my heart but personal development is an equally vital part of an individual’s growth and progression.

Personal development is the process of self-improvement, which focuses on building up your own awareness, knowledge, and skills, as well as an overall sense of identity.
Activities can include anything from developing a talent or fulfilling personal aspirations to improving your health and lifestyle or learning a new skill.

Personal development might seem separate from your professional life, but it could actually be a great way to achieve your career goals.
And it’s not just what you learn that could help you thrive at work; by making a commitment to personal development you’ll be able to demonstrate an ability to learn and grow.

My summer plans include completing the Couch to 5K challenge and wild water swimming is on the cards (health), dusting off that Ukulele and trying yet again (head), spending quality time with my ‘brood’ (heart).

You’ll figure out what you want to do but whatever it is, enjoy and make the most of your time.

I’d love to hear about your plans if you care to share.

Wishing all my colleagues, past and present, a superb and sunny summer.


Happy Tuesday folks!
The latest training course has been published on the Learning Levels website www.learninglevels.co.uk
Belonging, Being, and Becoming
Creating an Emotionally Enabling Environment

Why not take a moment or two to visit the site and find out a little more? It could be just what you and your team are looking for to support and challenge current practice.
And while you're there please say hello!

The session, Belonging, Being, and Becoming focuses on fostering connectedness, wellbeing, and confidence-building by creating an emotionally enabling environment.

Further training opportunities focusing on aspects of the emotional environment in services will be added soon.

Feel free to share this post far and wide and contact me if this would be relevant and beneficial for your staff/service.

Have a super day!


Happy Friday!

As the working week draws to a close for many of us, remember to take a little time to relax and recharge.

If you find yourself with a quiet moment to spare, why not pop over to the Learning Levels website, www.learninglevels.co.uk/post/the-habit-of-being-peaceful and read my most recent blog where I highlight workforce wellbeing and the importance of caring for yourself while caring for children.

A big part of your job is taking care of others. But making time to care for yourself is important too.

So the question for us all is; how can we ensure there is a greater focus on self-care within our teams?


Good afternoon everyone,
Feel free to begin a discussion or comment on this quote…

“If you think hiring someone, training them, and having them leave is expensive. Try hiring them, not training them and having them stay.” Anon

What are your thoughts on professional development and growth?
What motivates you to continue to learn?


Good morning everyone,
Many of you will not be in 'work' mode today but maybe having a leisurely coffee and a browse through your social media.

If so, can I ask you to take a moment to like/follow the Learning Levels page? I wouldn't want you to miss out on the latest news and updates.

Thank you to those who have already taken the time to connect and are now following LL.

Have a super day!


Welcome to the very first post on the Learning Levels page!
For those of you that know me well, this will raise a smile.

I’d like to start off by saying a huge thank you to those settings that have already commissioned Learning Levels and are allowing me to be part of their journey to improve practice and ultimately outcomes for young children. For this, I will be forever grateful.

Feel free to pop over to the Learning Levels website to check out the most fantastic testimonials that have been received from both management and staff alike.

As we tentatively move forward and try to re-establish the great practice we had in our settings ‘pre-Covid’, and you feel that you and your team could benefit from bespoke training or perhaps an initial consultation to help shape your direction of travel, then please just get in touch.