The Body Confidence Co.

The Body Confidence Co.

The Body Confidence Co. is a coaching company dedicated to helping ladies transform their life šŸ’ƒ


Iā€™m not gonna lieā€¦

Iā€™ve felt pants this week and I never get ill šŸ˜‚

Iā€™m blaming the air con on the flight back from Spain

But itā€™s a small price to pay for what was a lovely weekend last weekend celebrating Tom and Aimee tying the knot so Iā€™m not complaining

And to be fair, Dougā€™s been enjoying me sleeping on the couch with him (top tip - donā€™t unintentionally p**s your pregnant wife off by coughing and spluttering at night) šŸ˜‚

Whilst I was away, Aeron had been busy panelling and decorating our bedroom and it looks the dogs danglies

Sheā€™s the DIY expert in this house, thatā€™s for sure

Although this weeks been a bit of a right off in terms of how Iā€™ve been feeling and my own training, itā€™s still been productive

Over in The Body Confidence Coā€¦

- My good friend Cal came in to deliver a transformational breathwork session that was absolutely incredible

- We welcomed Vanessa, Sarah and Fiona to the team

- Juneā€™s pipeline went live and weā€™ve got a Snowdon walk and a private group gym session lined up, as well as our usual Confidence Clinic sessions and Monday Kickstart private podcast episodes

- We had a lot of our monthly 1-1 catch ups with the ladies so that theyā€™re all set and clear on what they need to focus on for the month ahead

Baby update, Aeronā€™s 18 weeks gone now and things are flying

Hard to believe sheā€™s almost at the half way point

We donā€™t plan on finding out what weā€™re having but my moneyā€™s on a girl



šŸ¤Æ It blows their mindā€¦

When ladies join my private 1-1 coaching and realise they donā€™t have to put their life on hold to lose the weight they want to lose.

One of the biggest (that puts so many ladies off) is their perception of what they need to do to get to where they want to be.

Mainly because of what theyā€™ve done and tried previously (countless diets and various slimming clubs)ā€¦

They believe that they have to choose between either:

A. Living and enjoying their life and not losing weight


B. Putting their life on hold, living a miserable existence and losing weight

But itā€™s not as black and white as that.

Like anything, of course there are some trade offs.

And as the saying goes, if nothing changes, nothing changes.

But my clients are always shocked and stunned at how little they really need to do and change in the grand scheme of things, to lose the weight that theyā€™d like to loseā€¦


Because in my 1-1 private coaching everything is on a completely different level to anything any of my clients have ever done before.

Everything is:

āœ… Completely personalised

āœ… Simplified

āœ… Flexible and adaptable

āœ… With endless amounts of help and support

Donā€™t let previous experiences put you off because youā€™re not destined to stay stuck.

You can do it!



Know what to do but just not doing it? šŸ‘‡šŸ»

Make sure youā€™ve got these 7 things in placeā€¦

And youā€™ll NEVER worry about motivation ever again šŸŽÆ

1. Results

There's nothing more motivating than seeing rewards for the effort that you're putting in

If youā€™re putting a ton of effort in and not seeing results, itā€™s naturally going to lead to you second-guessing yourself

2. Having a clear vision

Knowing where you're heading and where you want to be will naturally inspire and excite you to want to

Most ladies donā€™t actually know what theyā€™re working towards because they havenā€™t got a big enough vision

3. Your why

Understanding why you want to make a change is going to help spur you on throughout the process
If the reasons behind wanting to make a change arenā€™t clear or important to you, youā€™ll struggle

4. A plan

When you have a plan in place that's built specifically to help you achieve your goals you're able to take the necessary action steps

After all, a dream without a plan is just a wish

5. Support

It doesnā€™t matter how motivated you are, there are going to be days when you canā€™t be bothered but thatā€™s when support comes into play
Without having the right people in your corner youā€™ll start to doubt your ability to get to where you want to be

6. Accountability

Holding yourself accountable to other people can really help with keeping the promises you make to yourself

Without any accountability, thereā€™s always the temptation to put things off or procrastinate

7. Your environment

If youā€™re surrounded by people who inspire you, whom you feel safe around, who are a positive influence and who just ā€œget itā€, youā€™re in the best position

If youā€™re constantly around people who are trying to sabotage your efforts and who are negative, itā€™s going to rub off on you and how you feel



šŸ’­ I know what to do but Iā€™m just not doing itā€¦


Enjoyed a crackinā€™ Aber Falls walk with some of team this weekendā€¦

Heading to the gym, jumping in the cold tub, assembling my new office chair and giving Doug a trim with Aeron is as wild as my bank holiday got.

Not that Iā€™m complaining - I love a quiet one these days! šŸ¤£

Over in The Body Confidence Coā€¦

āœ… I caught up with some of my ladies via their Private 1-1 Catch Up/Review calls

Earlier this year I introduced 1-1 calls for all of my Private clients and weā€™ve not looked back - theyā€™re been a complete game changer

We leave nothing to chance so every month we sit down and review, tweak and plan the following month to ensure theyā€™re maximising their progress

āœ… We welcomed Juliet and Tammy to the fold

I canā€™t wait to help provide them with everything they need to achieve genuine, life-changing results

āœ… Mayā€™s pipeline went live

So alongside our weekly Private Podcast episodes and Live Confidence Clinic sessions, we also have the pleasure of my good friend Cal coming into the group to deliver a breathwork session and an in-person, private gym, group meet-up training session

Itā€™s not all been sunshine and rainbows this week though

I get my eyes checked every 6-12 months or so because Iā€™ve got a birthmark/mole at the back of my right eye that they like to keep tabs on

And whilst I was at a routine eye appointment, the ophthalmologist spotted a tear in my retina

Apparently, itā€™s caused by trauma but I canā€™t put my finger on where how itā€™s happened

She thinks itā€™s been there a while but the good news is right now itā€™s not having any impact on my vision right now - hopefully it stays that way

Thereā€™s not a great deal I can do about it other than keep an eye on it (pun intended) šŸ˜‚

But with a little one on the way itā€™s a big reminder that I canā€™t take my health for granted.



āœ… There are so many ways you can get to where you want to be - donā€™t let this one thing put you off from getting startedā€¦


āš–ļø Over the years Iā€™ve lost 6 stone, hereā€™s 5 things Iā€™d do differently knowing what I know nowā€¦ šŸš€


šŸšØ Want to make a change? But just canā€™t get motivated? Hereā€™s why youā€™re strugglingā€¦


Itā€™s the one thing that holds so many ladies backā€¦

The worry and fear of signing up and not getting results

Sadly, the vast majority of ladies I work with are apprehensive because theyā€™ve tried and failed so many times before

Theyā€™re worried that they wonā€™t be able to follow the action steps and advice

Thatā€™s why we do things very differently within my 1-1 Private Coaching

The plan and the approach for each and every one of our ladies adopt is built specifically around them

We take everything into consideration which in turn, makes life so much easier because it takes away all of the barriers

We focus on what they can do, not what they canā€™t do

When progress slows down or life happens as if inevitably does

Weā€™re able to make the necessary adjustments along the way to ensure they continue to progress!

Thatā€™s the beauty of the coaching process

Nothing is set in stone and because we know and genuinely care about each and every one of our ladies

Weā€™re able to work with them on a completely different level and achieve truly life-changing results

Thereā€™s no one size fits all or itā€™s my way or the highway here.

Everything we do is centred around helping, guiding, supporting and educating the ladies we help.

There are only 3 reasons why ladies who join us wonā€™t get results and they are:

1 - Weā€™re not suited to work together

2- Theyā€™re not ready to change, therefore donā€™t follow their personalised plan or engage fully with our coaching setup

3 - They bury their head in the sand and donā€™t reach out for help as and when they need it

If youā€™re ready to drop dress sizes and skyrocket your health, fitness and confidence just in time for summer, Iā€™m only a message away



You probably wonā€™t believe me when I tell you thisā€¦

But there are just 5 weeks between these sets of photos

So much can change in such a short period of time

And with summer around the corner, I wanted to demonstrate whatā€™s really possible

Like the majority of the ladies I help, when she reached out for help sheā€¦

- Felt like sheā€™d let herself go

- Felt uncomfortable in her clothes

- Found herself hiding her body, wearing baggy tops and leggings most of the time

- Was avoiding doing the things she wanted to do because of how she felt

- Knew she wanted to do something about it but struggled to get motivated

So, whatā€™s the secret?

There isnā€™t one.

This lady has made the progress she has because sheā€™s taken the necessary daily and weekly action steps to make things happen šŸ‘šŸ»

There have been no crazy restrictions, training for hours on end in the gym, ā€œbeing goodā€ or any of that carry-on

A simplified, well-structured, personalised plan alongside the all-important guidance, support and accountability has meant that sheā€™sā€¦

āœ… Dramatically changed her body shape

āœ… Fitting into other clothes in her wardrobe

āœ… Got more energy and enthusiasm

āœ… Feels in a better headspace and mood

āœ… Enjoying taking care of her self-care and prioritising her health and fitness

āœ… Already feeling more confident in all areas of her life

Donā€™t forget to show this lovely lady some support and encouragement šŸŒŸ


Canā€™t beat a Sunday roast, Happy Easter šŸ£


Canā€™t go wrong with an Easter Sunday roast šŸ£


5 reasons why ladies typically struggle to drop dress sizes and lose weight šŸ‘‡šŸ»


I still canā€™t believe it, Iā€™m thirty bloody one! šŸ¤£

Had a lovely time celebrating eating out two nights on the bounce

Steak in Miller & Carter on Sunday with Aeron

Then on Monday went to Hickoryā€™s with my Mum and Dad

I canā€™t complainā€¦ Other than time seems to go so much faster the older you get šŸ˜‚

Over in The Body Confidence Co. weā€™ve been making some exciting new updates, this week we:

āœ… Launched The Body Confidence Co. App and introduced our brand new partner programme

āœ… Launched Aprilā€™s pipeline over in our community group

āœ… Restructured the delivery of our Confidence Clinic sessions

Yesterday, over in my free help, support and guidance community group I went live to talk about all things nutrition and covered why all nutrition approaches can and do work along with some essential things to avoid

If youā€™re interested in dropping dress sizes and living a healthier, happier lifestyle and youā€™re not in the group, youā€™re definitely missing out

Send me a message and Iā€™ll send the link to you directly if youā€™d like to join us

Over in my client groupā€¦

šŸŽÆ Gailā€™s only been with us for a month and sheā€™s already dropped 7 lbs and 10cm and

šŸŽÆ Cara recently signed up for the gym (something she wouldnā€™t have done before) and loves it. Not only is she making amazing physical progress, losing 48 lbs down and over 40 cm, but most importantly sheā€™s much happier

šŸŽÆ Not only has Jen lost over 8cm over the month of March, but sheā€™s also feeling the strongest sheā€™s felt from completing her home-based training sessions! Sheā€™s really been pushing herself and enjoying the challenge

šŸŽÆ Steph absolutely smashed her back-to-back performances in Sister Act, with her local amateur operatic and dramatic society

Just imagine what you could achieve with the right plan, support and guidance in place šŸ‘€

One thing thatā€™s hit me this week is time waits for no one šŸ˜‚

Did I mention? Iā€™m 31 šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤£

And I get that making a change can be really scary and daunting

But itā€™s nowhere near as scary or daunting as the prospect of living with regret

Donā€™t wait to make things happen



Itā€™s the number 1 thing that holds ladies backā€¦
And thatā€™s their perception of what they need to do to get results.ā£
This might surprise you but despite what the majority of the ā€œfitnessā€ and ā€œdietā€ industry would have you believe:
āŒ You donā€™t have to stop eating your favourite foodsā£
āŒ You donā€™t have to avoid eating carbohydratesā£
āŒ You donā€™t have to worry about weight gain if you eat after 6pmā£
āŒ You don't have to track or worry about how many grams of carbohydrates and fats you're eatingā£
āŒ You donā€™t have to stop enjoying a glass of wine on the weekendsā£
āŒ You donā€™t have to eat out of Tupperwareā£
āŒ You donā€™t have to say no to going out with the girlsā£
āŒ You donā€™t have to live in the gymā£
āŒ You donā€™t have to feel motivated all of the timeā£
And, most importantlyā€¦ā£
āŒ You donā€™t have to commit to living a life that deep down, you havenā€™t got any interest in living.ā£
Lifelong, life-changing results are inevitable when you make your life as easy as possible and you've got the right support and guidance in place.
When you're able to remove the friction so that things gel, are easy to follow and are aligned with your vision, the magic happens.



šŸ¤” Have you ever wondered what itā€™s like to join The Body Confidence Co? šŸš€

Hereā€™s a step-by-step breakdown of how my coaching works...

1. We have a connection call

To explore where you are currently, the things youā€™re finding challenging and your goals, and mutually agree we'd work well together

2. Youā€™ll complete the onboarding process

Youā€™ll receive an email with your unique log in details to our exclusive Body Confidence Co. app and youā€™ll be added and introduced to our Private Support Community

3. Iā€™ll get to work on your personalised plan

Whilst Iā€™m formulating everything you need to get to where you want to be, youā€™ll receive your starter pack so youā€™re able to hit the ground running

4. We have your Clarity Call

When your personalised plan is ready weā€™ll run over it together to make sure youā€™re crystal clear on everything and make any tweaks or adjustments if theyā€™re needed

5. Weā€™ll keep in touch

Youā€™ll complete a weekly check-in form ready for your feedback the following week and youā€™ll be fully supported both privately (1-1) and via our community group to ask any questions you have or get any help you need

6. We have your 1-1 Monthly Catch Up/Review Call

We have a catch-up call every month to review how everything is going, to ensure youā€™re on track to hit your goals and to make any adjustments to your plan if they're needed

7. On top of thatā€¦

Youā€™ll have access to our monthly pipeline schedule which includes our weekly live Confidence Clinic group call sessions, our Private Membersā€™ Podcast episodes and in-person meet-ups

Everything is delivered to guarantee the ladies we work with results āœ…

If this sounds like something youā€™d like some more information aboutā€¦

Send me a message with the word ā€œINFOā€ and weā€™ll schedule a connection call to see if this is exactly what you need šŸ“²


Thank you for the Birthday messages, todayā€™s my 31st year on the planet! šŸ¤Æ

Just for a bit of funā€¦

Here are 31 fun facts/things you probably donā€™t know about meā€¦

1. ā° I arrived on the planet 11,322 days ago via a caesarean section

2. šŸ¾ Iā€™m a proud dad! To Doug, a cocker spaniel

3. šŸŽ¹ Iā€™m a BIG Elton John fan (Iā€™ve seen him 6 times)

4. šŸ¤“ In my secondary school I was deputy head boy and in primary school, I was house captain

5. šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ I travelled the East coast of Australia on my Todd when I was 19

6. šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ Iā€™ve worked in the fitness space for over a decade

7. šŸ¤Ŗ Iā€™m a bit of a thrill seeker - Iā€™ve skydived, bungee jumped, paraglided, been white water rafting etc.

8. āš­ I'm a married man, Iā€™ve been with my now wife for close to 8 years

9. āš–ļø At my heaviest, I weighed 16 stone 8lbs

10. šŸ“ø At my lightest, as an adult, pre-photoshoot, I weighed 10 stone 7lbs

11. šŸ‰ I used to play a lot of rugby and represented the county a few times back in the day

12. šŸ‘€ I went to a sports uni to do a sports degree and ironically I didnā€™t play any sports

13. šŸ„Š I love watching most sports but my sport of choice to watch these days is boxing or UFC

14. šŸ’” Iā€™ve got BIG, BIG plans for The Body Confidence Co.

15. šŸ¦  Prior to covid I ran my own outdoor bootcamp called Bootcamp Co.

16. šŸŗ Iā€™m partial to a beer, a cigar and a good night out

17. šŸ”“ Iā€™m an Arsenal fan

18. šŸ“ I live in the village I grew up in

19. ā›· I love skiing

20. šŸ½ I did a ski season in Val Dā€™sere as a kitchen porter washing pots for 10 weeks before realising my calling in life

21. šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ø I went on my first lads holiday to Magaluf when I was 17

22. šŸ¤£ The nickname I had on the back of my shirt was LARGE DWARF (Iā€™m 5ā€™7)

23. šŸŒŽ Iā€™ve visited 17 countries so far, a few of them more than once

24. āœˆļø I want to travel a hell of a lot more in the next 10 years

25. šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘§ā€šŸ‘¦ I want a family

26. šŸˆā€ā¬› Iā€™m allergic to cats

27. šŸ· I once got on my hands and knees and got told to ā€œsqueal like a pigā€ by a stripper whilst going around a poll in a lap dancing club in Blackpool (for my 21st birthday)

28. šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø A couple of years back I ran The Greater Manchester Marathon and raised over Ā£500 for BEAT - the UKā€™s eating disorder charity (I hate running)

29. šŸ’ I was best man for one of my best mates earlier this year

30. šŸŽ¬ Kevin And Perry Go Large is without question my favourite film

31. šŸ” Iā€™m off out for a meal this evening to celebrate with a burger šŸ¤£

Here's to another fun-filled and challenging year on this planet! šŸŒŽ


Having no energy and feeling tired all of the time? šŸŖ«

Don't ignore it.

It's a sign...

Itā€™s feedback to let you know that you need to get back to looking after yourself.

You can only pour from an empty cup for so long.

Something somewhere has got to give.

And the past 2-3 years have been challenging and stressful, to say the least!

But now summer's around the corner...

It's time to put self-care back on the top of your priority list.

When youā€™re stuck in the habit of being selfless, it's so easy to forget that you matter and that you're important.

But taking time out to look after yourself isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.

So rather than feel guilty for taking time out for you...

Remember that for you to be at your best, you need to look after yourself.

Here are 2 really easy things you can do right now to get back to having more energy and enthusiasm so you can start enjoying life again!

#1 Say no more often...

Because youā€™ll constantly feel like youā€™re being dragged from pillar to post by everyone and everything else if you donā€™t.

#2 Build your day around you...

Factor in routine and structure which means you can go for a walk, exercise, relax and enjoy downtime.

Because if you don't, youā€™ll fall into the trap of making sure everyone and everything else is okay at the expense of your own health and well-being.

When you consistently say no more often and build your day around you, it'll take your results, confidence and life to the next level.

Lifeā€™s too short to feel tired and sluggish all of the time isn't it?!



šŸ‘€ ā€œThis, hands down has been the BEST thing Iā€™ve ever doneā€ šŸ™šŸ»

Things can change SO much in such a short period of time with the right plan and support in placeā€¦

Superstar Kirstyā€™s an incredible example!

When Kirsty and I first had a chat, she was struggling.

Like the majority of ladies I help and work with:

āœ… Sheā€™d tried slimming world multiple times, had some success but had never been able to maintain her progress


āœ… Sheā€™d fallen into the trap of putting everyone elseā€™s wants and needs before her ownā€¦

Which, over time resulted in her feeling stuck, frustrated and not really knowing what to do or where to turn.

When youā€™ve got a plan in place thatā€™s suited to your life and how you want to live, with the support you need, everyone benefits - including the people around you.



šŸ¤Æ It. Blows. Their. Mindā€¦

When ladies join my Private 1-1 Coaching and realise they donā€™t have to put their life on hold to lose the weight they want to loseā€¦

One of the biggest (that puts so many ladies off) is their perception of what they need to do to get to where they want to be.

Mainly because of what theyā€™ve done and tried previously (countless diets and various slimming clubs)ā€¦

They believe that they have to choose between either:

A. Living and enjoying their life and not losing weight


B. Putting their life on hold, living a miserable existence and losing weight

But itā€™s not as black and white as that.

Like anything, of course there are some trade offs.

And as the saying goes, if nothing changes, nothing changes.

But my clients are always shocked and stunned at how little they really need to do and change in the grand scheme of things, to lose the weight that theyā€™d like to loseā€¦


Because in my Private 1-1 Coaching everything is on a completely different level to anything any of my clients have ever done before.

Everything is:

āœ… Completely personalised

āœ… Simplified

āœ… Flexible and adaptable

āœ… With endless amounts of help and support

Donā€™t let previous experiences put you off because youā€™re not destined to stay stuck.

You can do it šŸŽÆ


If you didnā€™t eat or drink for a week, youā€™d lose weightā€¦ā£ā£
But itā€™s not something Iā€™d recommend šŸ¤£ā£ā£
I spoke to a lady recently and the exact words she said to me were...ā£ā£
ā€œIā€™ve tried quick fixes but they donā€™t change anythingā€.ā£ā£
Although sheā€™s right (they donā€™t change anything long term), if we eat and drink as few calories as possible, weā€™ll lose weight.ā£ā£
At the expensive of living in misery for days on end...ā£ā£
BUT youā€™ll lose weight though, so itā€™s worth it right?ā£ā£
Or is it? ā£ā£
Because once the honeymoon period comes to an end and the novelty of the various ā€œproductsā€ or ā€œdietsā€ wear off...ā£ā£
What then?ā£ā£
Youā€™re left back at square one, arguably in a worse position than you were in, feeling like youā€™ve failed.ā£ā£
Unfortunately thatā€™s the nature of the beast.ā£ā£
Quick fixes arenā€™t a long term, permanent solution.ā£ā£
And letā€™s face it, eating and drinking is an enjoyable part of lifeā€¦ā£ā£
So whatā€™s the point in putting unrealistic expectations and restrictions on yourself and trying to live a lifestyle that deep down, youā€™re not prepared to live?ā£ā£
The life changing results come about when you understand that you can make progress and live life on your own terms, without missing out on the things you enjoy.ā£ā£


āŒ One of the biggest things that holds ladies back from being happyā€¦

Is a serious lack of self compassion.

How we speak to ourselves matters.

Beating yourself up and feeling guilty wonā€™t help you achieve the body, confidence or lifestyle you want.

It just doesnā€™t work.

Not forgetting, life is way too short for that.

When youā€™re able to start appreciating just how incredible you are and what youā€™re worthy and capable of, everything changes.

Itā€™s why we work so heavily on this with all of the ladies within my Private 1-1 Coaching.

The next time you find yourself beating yourself up ask yourselfā€¦

Would I speak to a friend the same way Iā€™m speaking to myself right now?

If the answerā€™s no, figure out what you would say and take that advice instead.



Hey there! Unfortunately, I lost my previous businesss page so this is my completely new one...

I do post here on my page but if you'd like to connect and check out more of my content, here's the link to my personal page:


Quite literally come off a hot seat with my client Samantha!

Samā€™s feeling the best she ever has from a body confidence perspective and it was some session it was šŸ”„

Hereā€˜s a snippet of 5 super insightful and helpful things that Sam shared with the teamā€¦



šŸ—£ ā€œThis has honestly been the best thing Iā€™ve ever done and Iā€™ve loved itā€ šŸ¤©

The main thing that makes what we do very different is the level and quality of service we provide.

There is no one size fits all approach within my 1-1 Private Coaching.

Everything is built and tailored specifically to everyone who joins usā€¦

We work very closely with all of our ladies to provide them with everything they need to guarantee them the results theyā€™re looking for.

From nutrition to training, to lifestyle - itā€™s all covered and specifically designed so that everyone who joins us can follow their plan with ease, right from the get-go.

We even sit down 1 to 1 with all of our ladies, to map out their plan with them, to make sure theyā€™re crystal clear on their plan, and everything in between and answer any questions they have.

And of course, when things pop up and ā€œlife happensā€ (as I like to call it) because it inevitably doesā€¦

Every single one of our ladies within my Private Coaching has access to both direct, 1-1 private support and group support access to ensure they get all of the necessary help they need to stay on track.

And thatā€™s not mentioning our Private Membersā€™ Area, our Private Podcast, Weekly Confidence Clinic Sessions or group meet-upsā€¦

Nothing is left to chance but thatā€™s what allows us to provide our ladies with everything they need to succeed and change their life forever.



šŸ—£ā€ Iā€™m struggling with motivation" āŒ

Here are 7 things that will help you skyrocket your motivation...

1. Results

There's nothing more motivating than seeing rewards for the effort that you're putting in

If youā€™re putting a ton of effort in and not seeing results, itā€™s naturally going to lead to you second-guessing yourself

2. Having a clear vision

Knowing where you're heading and where you want to be will naturally inspire and excite you to want to

Most ladies donā€™t actually know what theyā€™re working towards because they havenā€™t got a big enough vision

3. Your why

Understanding why you want to make a change is going to help spur you on throughout the process

If the reasons behind wanting to make a change arenā€™t clear or important to you, youā€™ll struggle

4. A plan

When you have a plan in place that's built specifically to help you achieve your goals you're able to take the necessary action steps

After all, a dream without a plan is just a wish

5. Support

It doesnā€™t matter how motivated you are, there are going to be days when you canā€™t be bothered but thatā€™s when support comes into play

Without having the right people in your corner youā€™ll start to doubt your ability to get to where you want to be

6. Accountability

Holding yourself accountable to other people can really help with keeping the promises you make to yourself

Without any accountability, thereā€™s always the temptation to put things off or procrastinate

7. Your environment

If youā€™re surrounded by people who inspire you, whom you feel safe around, who are a positive influence and who just ā€œget itā€, youā€™re in the best position

If youā€™re constantly around people who are trying to sabotage your efforts and who are negative, itā€™s going to rub off on you and how you feel

Iā€™d love to know, how many of the 7 do you currently have in place?

And, what can you add to what youā€™re currently doing, to help skyrocket your motivation?



90 days may not seem like a lot of timeā€¦

ā€¦but lives are changed dramatically in the blink of an eye šŸ¤©

The craziest thing is, it doesnā€™t require extreme methods either.

In fact, I can almost guarantee that youā€™ve taken MORE extreme methods than my incredible clients in one diet or another.

Take this particular client, for example, she:

āŒ didnā€™t have to workout 7 days a week

āŒ didnā€™t have to give up a single food of choice - or drink for that matterā€¦

āŒ didnā€™t have to miss a single social event

She DID, however:

āœ… follow a simple plan that was so ā€˜HERā€™ that she was able to continue for life, for life-long RESULTS without restrictionā€¦

āœ… have FUN throughout the process (yup, actual shock at how enjoyable it can be when itā€™s bespoke to you and not simply carbon-copy-pain straight out of a magazine)

āœ… have a coach that cared more about their results than they didā€¦

My favourite thing of all?

Itā€™s not the pounds dropped.

Itā€™s how my clients FEEL now the pounds have dropped.

Confident, full of energy and happier than they have been in years.



I'm yet to meet anyone who regrets making the decision to change their life...

In fact, they almost always wish that theyā€™d done it sooner.

Itā€™s why itā€™s important not to wait.

There wonā€™t ever be a right time.

There will always be a reason not to do something if you look hard enough.

But putting things off doesnā€™t change anything.

In fact, it only prolongs the pain and discomfort.

I understand that the prospect of making a change is daunting.

But with the right guidance, support and people in your corner, it doesnā€™t have to be.



šŸ’ƒ Meet my superstar client Sam! šŸ¤©

ā€œPrior to working with Jase, I was in a rut and I was yo-yo dieting.

I wasnā€™t happy with who I was and I really struggled with my confidence and looking in the mirror.

I had an unhealthy relationship with the scales and Iā€™d weigh myself multiple times a day.

Since working with Jase, Iā€™ve seen both physical and mental changes.

Iā€™ve lost over a stone and multiple inches from all over my body.

When I look in the mirror I love what I see and mentally, Iā€™m so much more confident and resilient in general.

Iā€™ve fallen back in love with myself and my body and Iā€™m very happy.

Iā€™ve always wanted to train in the gym but Iā€™d never felt confident enough to do so.

Now I love going!

My relationship with the scales and with food is healthier and I know the exact steps to take, to achieve the goals I set for myself.

Prior to reaching out to Jase, Iā€™d tried slimming world, keto, fasting etc.

You name it Iā€™ve tried.

But I was missing the actual knowledge and skills I needed to make the changes I wanted to make effectively.

Jase genuinely wants to help and wants to see you achieve your goals.

He knows what heā€™s talking about and heā€™s the support you need, just like the group.

Iā€™ve really enjoyed being around a group of women that are so supportive and there to offer a helping hand!

The best way to describe working with Jase and the ladies is amazing - Iā€™ve learnt so much about myself and Iā€™ll be forever grateful to him.

I would definitely recommend working with Jase.

If youā€™re on the fence and you need that help to build your confidence, drop dress sizes and build the skills and knowledge to get to where you want to be then heā€™s the man.ā€


Videos (show all)

Letā€™s talk the C wordā€¦ #weightloss
Worried about enjoying yourself just incase you undo your progress? Watch this šŸš€
šŸ’­ I know what to do but Iā€™m just not doing itā€¦
šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøI guarantee youā€™ll drop drop dress sizes and lose weight if you do this with your nutritionā€¦
āœ… There are so many ways you can get to where you want to be - donā€™t let this one thing put you off from getting started...
āš–ļø Over the years Iā€™ve lost 6 stone, hereā€™s 5 things Iā€™d do differently knowing what I know nowā€¦ šŸš€
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