My Ethical Earth

My Ethical Earth

Building a sustainable world by enabling people to make educated choices and buy ethical products.

eating plant-based abroad 02/10/2022

Sophie enjoyed a summer of plant-based eating in Portugal and Greece (lucky Sophie). Read her latest blog.

eating plant-based abroad Eating plant-based abroad is easy, with loads of choices everywhere; but be alert and read the menu! Get plant-based eating travel tips with Sophie Richards.


Vegan food and ingredients, including a yummy Vegan Kale Bake recipe, is the topic of our latest blog, by Sophie Richards. Enjoy!


Introducing Sophie, our Accidental Vegan, read her story in our latest blog here:

Image: TOP 23 MYSTERY OF NATURE QUOTES | A-Z Quotes 10/03/2022

Rachel Carson, what a lady! She said it so well way back in the day when many weren't even listening to the wisdom of Nature. But now the planet is calling out for us to hear her distress; Gaia, the Blue Planet, Terra, to let us know that we simply have to do better with how we live on Earth.

Image: TOP 23 MYSTERY OF NATURE QUOTES | A-Z Quotes Found on Google from

What do people think of Vegans? - My Ethical Earth 28/12/2021

I have been pondering how I perceived peoples’ responses to my decision to become Vegan, and seeking my friends how they actually felt.

What do people think of Vegans? - My Ethical Earth I’ve been Vegan for a long time, but notice many new Vegans posting their stories on social media about being afraid to “come out” to family and friends...


Some of you may have seen this new Vegan egg on the market, I thought I'd give it a try. I tried scrambling it for "egg on toast" and I was throughly underwhelmed, for four quid I expected better, scrambled tofu is far superior. But then I tried baking with it and made Yorkshire puddings, absolute game changer! They were delicious, I was so pleased with them!


What a fantastic idea! Excellent excuse to eat crisps too 😋

Did you know it takes 80 years for a crisp packet to decompose? Did you know that 150 of them can be ironed together and turned into a survival blanket for a homeless person and will help to keep their sleeping bag dry and insulated?

The iron man are collecting crisp packets and will be making these blankets. If you can collect them between now and Christmas we would be happy to take them off you hands! (Preferably washed first in warm soapy water)

Thank you 🙏

Let’s try get as many in by the 3rd of December!!

Edit: I have made a group and posted it on our page for a little bit more info on what we are doing and where to send them too!

Alternatively you can donate to our go fund me page!

Petition: Plan to phase out animal experiments 20/10/2021

This petition will be debated on 25 October 2021. Please urgently sign and share to show your support. (UK only).

Petition: Plan to phase out animal experiments The Government must recognise the urgent need to use animal-free science and publish a clear and ambitious action plan with timetables and milestones to drive the phase-out of animal experiments. As well as preventing animal suffering, this will benefit public health and business.

Are Wasps Pests? - My Ethical Earth 12/10/2021

Wasps have a hard time of it this time of year, show them some love ❤

Are Wasps Pests? - My Ethical Earth Wasps, specifically Yellow Jackets, have an ability shared by few animals their size. They can clear a room in seconds! One hint of a wasp and ...


If you eat eggs you probably don't know this, but you are paying for day old male chicks to be minced alive.

Animal Communication - My Bella - My Ethical Earth 06/10/2021

Our new blog is up. This one on my beautiful staffie-daughter Bella and a joltingly accurate trip to an animal communication expert.

Animal Communication - My Bella - My Ethical Earth I have written about my beautiful rescue staffy, Bella, many times, and have no doubt I will write about her many more. She is the absolute light of my life.


The last independent inquiry regarding animal testing was held in 1906! …… 115 Years ago!!!!

Since that date we’ve seen
The first flight across the English Channel
Movies with sound
Roald Amundsen reaching the North Poll
First human in space
Women gain the right to vote in the UK
Colour televisions
Programmable computers
Mobile phones
The Internet
…I’m sure you get the where I’m going.

Yet we continue to torture animals in the name of science

It’s time to change this and I urge my friends to please ask their MP to sign “Early Day Motion 175” requesting a Public scientific hearing on animal experiments.

It’s really easy to do click here and simply enter your postcode. Then fill in your post code etc.

Thank you


🔥 “Saddest part about being an ethical vegan is knowing that you really are One in a Million; knowing that it's not just a small group of cruel killers and slave-drivers who you are up against, but that the cause of all the casual violence and normalized injustice lies within the smiling faces of your friends and family and every stranger you come across on street and screen; that the root of the demonic suffering is in the self-serving appetites and vanity of almost the entire human race.

This is the dark agony of hopelessness which engulfs the lone harmless heart.

Much love to my fellow vegans. You are the light here on our forsaken earth home.”



Words and Original Post by Lachelle Julie ♥️

What is down? - My Ethical Earth 28/09/2021

I am constantly surprised how many people don't know what down is, how it is produced, or questioned whether it is cruel. Read our latest blog.

What is down? - My Ethical Earth I am constantly surprised how many people don't know what down is, how it is produced, or questioned whether it is cruel.

Photos from My Ethical Earth's post 26/09/2021

I tried these Vegan chicken style pieces that I found at Sainsburys, at £4.50 a bag they aren't cheap but I was curious. They are made with pea protein rather than soy or seitan so handy for those with allergies.

I find some of the chicken replacements can be a bit rubbery but these were lovely, fantastic texture and they crisped up nicely on the edges when cooked.

I fried them in a little sunflower oil and added a splash of soya sauce because I enjoy a bit more salt. Once cooked I shredded them, added chopped onion and cucumber and a big dollop of mayonnaise, (I used the Heinz Vegan mayo), and had it in a ciabatta roll. It was absolutely delicious, well done to Lazy Vegan, they've nailed it!


If you haven't tried making your own toothpaste yet, why not give it a go? It takes a little getting used to but I love it!

The Best Vegan Rusk Recipe - My Ethical Earth 15/09/2021

Our latest blog is up "The Best Vegan Rusk Recipe"! A little taste of (South African) heaven from Tara van Dam of Wholistic Joy Wellness. Thank you, Tara. They are yummy!

The Best Vegan Rusk Recipe - My Ethical Earth If you are familiar with this little piece of heaven, then the sentiment is perfectly wrapped up in your mind and heart already. If you’re not familiar...


Read our latest blog on yukky polyester bedding by Kerry Duggan. Enjoy!