OBS notsonice

OBS notsonice

We are hear to address and oppose the new N.I.C.E guidelines for black and brown women and birthing people


I was doing some research for a talk today. Some interesting information.

-10-12% of women have chronic diseases (Scime 2021)

- Medication is a barrier to breastfeeding ((McClatchey 2018)

-We don’t have research on > 50% of medications in breastmilk

-Women with chronic diseases are 2 and a half times more likely to not meet their breastfeeding goals because of medication (Odom 2013)

But in my experience most chronic conditions can be treated and breastfeeding continue as normal


⚠️TW: Speaking on abortion

📝Firstly please keep comments compassionate. Many people are in pain and this is not the place to begin a debate or spread hurtful or malicious opinions.

I’m truly heartbroken. No good can come of this!

People will lose their lives, and to the men partners and those that are involved, this affects you too! Don’t forget in America, child support is mandatory and a criminal offence. How would an unexpected, unplanned, unwanted pregnancy affect you? Could you afford to survive a forced pregnancy?

With poor perinatal mental health at such a high and no signs of improvement of care how can the detrimental rise that is inevitably going to follow be accommodated.

There are so many ways a compromise at the very least could have been met.

I could go on and on but for now, with a sincere and heavy heart all I can say is I’m so so sorry to those that this impacts first hand.


Ok so until I know what information can be shared I am going to postpone Fridays meeting. I will update you as soon as I can and if that is this week then I will hop on here live to update you.

Leah x


Our voices have been heard.

Dr Paul Chrisp, Director of NICE’s centre for guidelines has responded to the petition.

Details to follow shortly.

I want to take this opportunity to once again thank you all for all of your support. Thank you for following, sharing, liking and getting involved.

I never thought my petition would reach so many and it has given me so much motivation to keep pushing and striving for what we deserve. Thank you!

This is for us! We did this! There is still so much to do. Let’s keep pushing. We need that 100,000 signatures.

Keep sharing the message! We are not done yet!

With Love



Save, Tag, Share and I’ll see you there.



Been a bit quiet since being unwell but I’m still here, pushing on and continuing to fight the good fight.

SOOOOO….. would you be interested in speaking at the live event or no someone who would?

Get in touch: [email protected] doula



Hi Everyone,

Despite postponing the meeting, I am still keeping busy in the background.

Here’s a bit of insight to what’s going on and will discuss this in more depth at the next open meeting.

I want to express my continued thanks and gratitude for those of you that continue to reach out and offer support.

If you or any organisations you know are interested in supporting the campaign please get in touch. [email protected]


Some of you are already aware but for those that are not: I always try to remain open and honest whilst remaining true to myself.

I currently have covid so I’m unable to continue with tomorrow’s meeting and so will need to postpone. Talking is putting to much pressure on my chest and I want to keep our meetings productive.

I will reschedule as soon as I can and please do keep sharing your birth stories and images with me.

The petition has now been signed by over 60,000 and climbing. Please keep pushing as these signatures will be accompanying the revised statement I am currently working on.

Lastly, I am working through all of your emails and apologise for the delay.

Thanks again for all of your support.



⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

The pressure to induce for me started at bang on 40 weeks with "we NEED to book you in for an induction at 41+5 because the risk of stillbirth doubles after 42". I'd had a perfectly healthy pregnancy, wasn't too uncomfortable and had read up myself on the risks of induction so declined... repeatedly. Again and again I was told the baby needed to come out asap, things were dangerous now but babies movements stayed strong, regular and predictable, CTGs were aced in minimal time and scans all looked spot on so I held out. At 42+6 the pressure got too much and I allowed my waters to be broken. Nothing happened so then it had to be the drip. Nothing happened. The dose was ramped up. Babies heart rate spiked but still no contractions or dilation. My baby was just not ready to be born! At that point I had had enough and requested a c section, partially because I was terrified after the heartrate spike and partially because I was (and still am!) convinced it was going to end that way anyway...

Continued in the comments.

Sign the petition!


I’ve had lots of messages about people having similar birth experiences. If you feel able and happy to share, please email me with your story and an image. need to understand what these lived experiences do to us and how they are creating a guideline to inflict pain, fear and trauma on us.

The standard should be individualised person centred care, not blanket guidelines with a one size fits all approach. It’s unfair, unethical, unjust and damn well unacceptable!

Photos from OBS notsonice's post 21/07/2021




I had my birth experiences before officially becoming a doula. It was the catalyst to me becoming a doula.

My first child I practiced hypnobirthing, meditation, wanting to have as close to a natural birth as possible, or what I understood it to be at the time.

Having been through fertility treatment following multiple miscarriages I was automatically deemed as high risk. Once I’m labour the care from my first midwife was perfect, there was then a shift change. The second midwife and she “didn’t get me” resulting in having rupture of membranes. 3rd midwife - rude and unsupportive. 4th midwife beautifully kind hearted and a great comfort. She heard me. I couldn’t fight the urge to push. By this point I was moved from midwife unit to delivery.

I had now had the drip going for a while and blacked out from the intensity of the contractions which were measuring 1 per minute but to me it felt like it was just one continuous contractions, they reduced the frequency and then the famous words followed “failure to progress”.
The drip was increased. I cried for pain relief to no avail. I pushed for 9 hours. They strapped my legs into stirrups. I was exhausted, emotional and scared. They tried forceps, I started to bleed, they tried with smaller forceps, more blood, more doctors.

My baby was stuck, I was told I had a confused cervix and my babies head was swelling in my pelvis as I was pushing.

I opened my eyes, my husband holding my face so I turned to look down and all I could see was blood everywhere. The door flew open and I sobbed as I counted 13 Medical professionals rush in. My bed dropped. “It’s a level 4 we need to go”. I was in the corridor and my husband disappeared. By the time I blinked I was in theatre.

Continued in comments

Sign the petition

Photos from OBS notsonice's post 21/07/2021

So… after a few hours of discussion there were a few minutes to reflect on our concerns….. this was the response.

What’s yours?



Day 1 – Wednesday 2nd September
4:40pm - I had my first examination which showed I was 1cm dilated on the outer cervix, but the inner cervix was closed. I had the first Prostin gel.
5:45pm – I started to get quite painful twinges
6:45pm – I took some paracetamol for the pain, but the cramps were becoming more painful and more frequent
8:45pm – The pain continued to get worse, so I was given some codeine

Day 2 – Thursday 3rd September
12:30am – I was given a Terbutaline injection to slow everything down as the pains turned out to be contractions and were now 6 in every 10 minutes.
12:50am – The contractions eased down to 4 in every 10 minutes.
2:20am – I was given another Terbutaline injection with more paracetamol and codeine as the contractions had restarted and intensified again.
6:30am – Contractions were slow but still painful
8:00am – Contractions intensified again so I was given more paracetamol and codeine.
10:00am – I was reexamined but there was no change to the dilation.
1:10pm – Contractions had slowed right down. I had only had 2 or 3 since the last examination. I started to feel sick and was given Ondansetron.
2:45pm – I was put back on CTG monitoring as contractions had completely stopped
4:30pm – I was given a 2nd Prostin gel. These were meant to be 6hourly but due to the intensity of the contractions overnight we held off.

Day 3 – Friday 4th September
6:20am – I managed to sleep but contractions were sporadic and had woken me up multiple times in the night. I was given more Cocodamol.
10:50am – I had another examination which still showed 1cm dilation. I was put on 24hour stop from any more gels. First round of induction had failed.

Day 4 – Saturday 5th September
12:40am – We started the second round of induction, and I had another Prostin gel.
9:03am – There was no change to dilation, so I was given a second

Continued in the comments

Sign the petition - Link In Bio



I gave birth at Worcester Royal in May 2021

"Advising induction based solely on race to healthy people with uncomplicated pregnancies, I think is racist. I recently had my second child and was advised to take induction at 37 weeks, for minor findings outside 'normal' parameters in previous scans. I knew I wanted a water birth and decided I wanted to instead have additional monitoring up until spontaneous labour, unless the monitoring detected something more (had this not been my second baby or if I was younger (I'm 30), I probably would have just done as advised) Whilst I was receiving the extra monitoring (which I almost didn't get) the findings which were previously outside the normal parameters, were found to be back in within expected parameters. This was great news and allowed me to continue with my choice for spontaneous labour and have the BEST birth experience in a birth pool, with a low amount of pain, a fast labour and zero tears, cuts or stitches. I went to hospital at 11am 5cm dilated, had my baby at 2pm and got an early discharge at 6:30pm. I left hospital feeling so well physically and emotionally, which has enabled me to fully enjoy every moment after birth with my baby. To take the opportunity of an experience like this away from anyone who isn't white by scaring them into induction is horrifying and racist." - Chanelle Campbell

Sign the petition - Link in bio


NICE Public Meeting

21st July 2021 @ 13.30

Registration link in bio


Mother’s, father’s, birthing people, parents and carers, Midwives and Birth-workers.

Please email me your stories and images if you are happy for me to share. Let’s show N.I.C.E what we mean buy “experience” because I’m almost certain our Expedia different to theirs!

Email me: [email protected].

to email and webpage


I’m genuinely interested in your thoughts!

Comment below.

If you haven’t already, sign the petition! Link in bio.


My application to register as a stakeholder has been approved and as the campaign continues I will continue to make our voices heard.

Thank you to those that have been in touch, I will be sending details of our next meeting shortly.

Thank you so much.



We need to do more than talk!
We need to move forward and take ACTION.

If you want to be part of making the change we all do desperately want and need, get involved.

We need Allys, Supporters and Experts.

Make yourself know, Tag them and email me at [email protected] to get involved.

Link in bio



We need to do more than talk!
We need to move forward and take ACTION.

If you want to be part of making the change we all do desperately want and need, get involved.

We need Comms and Marketing Professionals and Experts.

Make yourself know, Tag them and email me at [email protected] to get involved.

Link in bio



We need to do more than talk!
We need to move forward and take ACTION.

If you want to be part of making the change we all do desperately want and need, get involved.

We need Legal Professionals and Experts.

Make yourself know, Tag them and email me at [email protected] to get involved.

Link in bio


So there has been an update.

It almost seems as if they don’t really want the public to be involved. 🤔

Stakeholders are now being asked to sign an NDA. 😤

Only one person per stakeholder organisations can comment and make changes, but ONLY for major errors! 🧐

Oh, and they are not allowed to share!!!!!! 🤭

So…. Anyone want to comment and quote the freedom of information act 2000! 🤔

They are giving two weeks notice, which conveniently won’t give any opposers enough time!

Does this seem like they are acting with honesty and integrity to ensure that they do no harm? Or could it be perceived that they are behaving irrationally?

Share your thoughts in the comments.

We have work to do! If you really want to do something to stop this email me to get involved: [email protected]



We need to do more than talk!
We need to move forward and take ACTION.

If you want to be part of making the change we all do desperately want and need, get involved.

We need Medical Professionals and Experts.

Make yourself know, Tag them and email me at [email protected] to get involved.

Link in bio



We need to do more than talk!
We need to move forward and take ACTION.

If you want to be part of making the change we all do desperately want and need, get involved.

We need Academics and researchers.

Make yourself know, Tag them and email me at [email protected] to get involved.

Link in bio


Thank you, thank you, thank you! We made it to 25k!

Let’s keep pushing. We need to build back that momentum, now more than ever!

Link in bio!

Don’t forget to send your emails in to us today with your short and long term goals for the campaign as well as your area of expertise and network.

Keep your eyes peeled those off you that have been in touch via email already, I’ll be getting back to you shortly.

Happy Monday!


Good morning,

The campaign is far from over. Let’s keep the momentum and keep the message clear.

Once again thank you for your support. This is for us!

Keep your eyes peeled for updates.

Videos (show all)

#RoeVsWade ⚠️TW: Speaking on abortion📝Firstly please keep comments compassionate. Many people are in pain and this is no...
