Therapy with Teresa

Therapy with Teresa

My name is Teresa Palmieri and I am an accredited Clinical Psychologist and Cognitive Behavioural Ps


Niente resoconto finale o risoluzione per il nuovo anno.

Invece, vi lascio questa poesia scritta da Steven Eserin, mio supervisore clinico. Uno spaccato dell' esperienza che noi psicologi viviamo ogni volta che un io incontra un tu, e dello spazio tra quel io e quel tu, pieno di amore, perdite, sofferenza e crescita. Un privilegio che non si può descrivere a parole.

You are scared by the dark places,
where you fear to look.
Afraid of the grasping roots,
afraid to water them.
To explore their twisted paths.
But you are also the glorious tree
Spreading in the light.
Nurturing with your fruit.
Neither part could be
without the other.
No tree can stand the storm
Without roots deep set in the shadows.

Con l'augurio che ciascuno di noi non smetta mai di esplorare, dentro e fuori.


son-der noun.

The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own – populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness – an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

Extract from: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. 01/04/2022

April is stress awareness month. 74% of adults in the UK have felt so stressed that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope (Mental Health Foundation, 2020).
How do you manage stress?


On the importance of practicing helpful thinking.


"People do better with the truth than without. Most of us underestimate ourselves and spend unnecessary energy protecting ourselves from the truth which instead will make us stronger and happier."

I recommend watching the documentary series 'Couples therapy' on BBC Iplayer if you want to watch the beautiful complexity of our relationships. As a therapist, I really enjoyed this show which, whether genuine or very well staged, reflects the difficult yet enjoyable and extremely rewarding work we do.


As we're stepping into another new year, may we never underestimate the power of our choices and the options that may be open to us.


Wishing you all a good mental health in 2022

You and your mental health still matter this Christmas 14/12/2021

Christmas can be a joyful time of year for some people, through connecting to people they love and joining in with celebrations. And it can be a hard time of year for others, through feelings of obligation to social plans or an increase in feelings of loneliness and isolation.

You and your mental health still matter this Christmas Handy tips for looking after your mental health this Christmas.

"Procrastination" Tales Of Mere Existence 09/12/2021

Procrastination is a common part of human behaviour. It is important to remember that everyone procrastinates. However, problematic procrastination can be distinguished from more general procrastination, by how bad the negative consequences are of us not following through on things. Enjoy this short video.

"Procrastination" Tales Of Mere Existence Lev gets his stuff doneSUBSCRIBE for more of my videos: Check out my last video, "MEANING OF LIF...


6 questions to help develop the foundation for psychological safety with your team.

Dr. Aaron T. Beck, Developer of Cognitive Therapy, Dies at 100 02/11/2021

RIP Dr Beck and thank you for developing a fabulous treatment intervention which helps so many 🙏

Dr. Aaron T. Beck, Developer of Cognitive Therapy, Dies at 100 It was an answer to Freudian analysis: a pragmatic, thought-monitoring approach to treating anxiety, depression and other mental disorders, and it changed psychiatry.


ARTICOLO A CURA DI Dott. Marco Cappadonna Psicologo

Tempo di lettura stimato: 20 secondi ⏳

La psicoterapia produce cambiamenti significativi sul nostro cervello.

In uno studio condotto su 12 pazienti fobici sono stati osservati gli effetti prodotti da 1 mese di psicoterapia.

Le immagini sono state ottenute attraverso l'utilizzo di fRMI. Nell'immagine di sinistra il giro paraippocampale viene attivato dallo stimolo fobico. A destra la risposta fobica è scomparsa.

La psicoterapia è molto più di una semplice chiacchiera che ci rende più leggeri. È un processo che conduce a cambiamenti significativi attraverso l'uso di tecniche, strategie, emozioni e intuito.

📌Beauregard, Mario (2009). Effect of mind on brain activity: Evidence from neuroimaging studies of psychotherapy and placebo effect.


Let's raise awareness of the issues around mental health and the importance good mental health.

The Stageshow Metaphor 09/10/2021

Sharing it with you all ❤️
Dr Harris and the Stageshow metaphor

The Stageshow Metaphor This animation explores the ‘observing self’ or ‘observer self’: that part of the mind which we use for awareness, attention, and focus. Find out more in thi...

World Mental Health Day: 'No face-to-face appointment for 18 months' 09/10/2021

Tomorrow is World Mental Health day.
As much as I'd love to talk about what we, as individuals, can do to help ourselves and support one another, I cannot ignore the reality and the struggle of many people in need who cannot afford private therapy.
I dream of a world where everybody is able to access the care they need.
Sending lots of love to those who need help and are not receiving it ❤️

World Mental Health Day: 'No face-to-face appointment for 18 months' Aimee has tried to take her own life and has previously been sectioned.


Our thoughts, like our breathing, can either be deliberate or automatic. Just as we can breathe deliberately, we can choose to think about a certain problem or situation. This is one of the gifts, but also a challenge, of being human.
We cannot stop our thoughts, but we can learn to observe them. We can notice when our mind goes into certain looping patterns. The more practice we have in noticing that these thoughts (and the feelings they create) do pass, the more able we’ll be to recognize them in our day-to-day lives without acting on them. They’re just thoughts.


It's important and helpful to take a break and look after ourselves. Let's take a break before we feel the need for it.

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00