Anxiety Hypnotherapist

Anxiety Hypnotherapist

Recent review - “A warm & compassionate approach that created a sense of safety & acceptance.”


Last Night I Gave A New Workshop, Emotional Healing Hypnosis, Dissolve Heaviness, Sadness and Improve Mood You Can Watch It On YouTube -


Answering a question from my Facebook group, inner child healing breaking free of CPTSD. Do toxic people know they are toxic? - Live via


It's My Birthday & I Am Having A Sale 🥳🥳🥳 -


Inner Child Healing To Increase Self Love Hypnosis Recording Now On YouTube -


Big Discount On My New Course Become An Inner Child Healing Hypnotherapist Practitioner -


New Inner Child Healing Hypnosis Recording Now On YouTube 😃😃😃 -


Does hypnosis work for trauma? New YouTube video, check the comments👇

What Is Hypnosis? How Can It Help? 06/05/2024

What Is Hypnosis? How Can It Help? Live discussing what hypnosis is and why it works


The Inner Child Program Begins On Sunday | Price Reduced So You Save Big💰 -


Can Memories Be Recovered With Hypnosis? Should You Try To Recover Memories? New Blog Post -


Inner Child Work & Memories

There's a lot of confusion about what hypnosis can and can't do when it comes to memories. Sigmund Freud developed the theory of repressed memories, Freud believed that when a memory was too traumatic to remember it got repressed. A lot of people still subscribe to this idea of repression and believe they need to recover repressed memories in order to overcome phobias, anxiety, etc. It is believed that traumatic memories can be recovered hypnotically. This hypnotic technique can be very useful, many people have benefited from it but it needs to be used very carefully.

So Can Hypnosis Help To Recover Repressed Memories?

It's quite possible that hypnosis can help to recover repressed memories, people have used hypnosis to recover keys, jewellery and stuff. Police have used hypnosis to collect evidence and even to catch criminals although such techniques are not used in most parts of the today. In the U.K evidence obtained through hypnosis cannot be used in court and very strict protocols have been put in place to ensure the evidence of children is not corrupted through suggestion.

Your mind cannot tell the difference between a real or imagined event. When I hold my workshops I explain why this is a benefit of hypnosis and show exercises to prove it works. So, it's possible hypnosis can be used to create memories. Whether or not hypnosis can help you to recover memories depends on why you want to and whether you can deal with what comes up.

As a person begins healing, feeling safer and more secure memories often emerge anyway so healing should be a priority as opposed to the recovery of memories.

The Satanic Panic

The idea of repressed childhood memories was a popular one and hypnosis was believed to be an effective way to recover repressed memories until the 1980’s. A lot of innocent parents were wrongfully convicted and a lot of families were broken up. A very famous example of this is the satanic panic which lead to 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of Satanic ritual abuse, read more about the satanic panic on wikipedia,

This idea of repression still persists today, I often get clients that believe they have repressed memories. Some cannot recall large chunks of their childhood, most people cannot remember much before the age of three.

Toxic Shame Is Repression

Toxic shame is created through repression. If a child is growing up in a dysfunctional environment they need to know about it so they can function and stay safe but they don’t want to see their parents as bad because that could be life threatening, they would live in a constant state of fear. Such a child is going to internalise dysfunction and abuse, they're going to see themselves as bad and develop toxic shame. Trying to cope with toxic shame leads to toxic coping behaviours such as acting out, narcissism or acting in through addictions and self harm.

I do believe it is possible that memories can be repressed and that hypnosis can help to recover them but due to cases like the satanic panic hypnosis has been labelled pseudoscience. I don’t think it is ethical or good for the profession to try to recover repressed memories with every client. Such an approach is certainly not good for most clients

If I work with a client who believes they have repressed memories I do it on the basis that their mind cannot tell the difference between a real or imagined event and whatever comes up may not be real. I only use regression to cause hypnosis as a last resort, if a client has a problem we just can’t shift by any other means. I would never use this type of regression on someone who does not appear totally mentally and emotionally stable, I certainly wouldn’t use it on someone who may be prone to psychosis.

Clean Language

It’s important to use clean language when working with clients in both the pre-talk and hypnosis part of the session. I never lead clients or project my beliefs onto them. The language you use can have a big impact on a person's memory, there have been many studies that prove the effect that language can have on memory. One very famous study showed participants footage of a car crash; they found that people's memory of the incident varied depending on the words interviewers used. If the interviewer used the word crash the participants gave a much more severe account of the incident than if a word like bump was used. You can read more about the study here,


New Video Dispelling Myths Of Hypnotherapy & Inner Child Work -


Inner child work and taking time to heal your inner child is essential if you want to overcome anxiety, build successful relationships or achieve your dreams. A lot of people have a misconception of what inner child work is so first of all I would like to dispel some myths about inner child work.

Myth 1: Inner Child Work Is About Reliving The Past

Inner child work and inner child healing the way I do it is not about reliving the past, it’s not about having a victim mentality and it’s not about blaming parents or family. The first thing I do with one to one clients and on the inner child program is to set goals. Goals are important with any kind of therapy or change of work because if you don’t know where you’re going you’re never going to get there. I don’t encourage clients to live in the past, constantly talking about and reliving the past only reinforces traumatic memories and keeps a person stuck in a negative mental state.

I ask clients what they want their life to look like, what they want to get from our work together and how they will know when it has been successful. The way I do inner child work is about externalising toxic shame, making the inner child feel safe, loved and accepted.

Myth 2: Inner Child Work and Hypnosis Is Triggering

I hear this myth a lot, variations of this myth are will I get stuck in a traumatic event that I can’t escape, will I spontaneously regress to traumatic events that I don’t remember consciously. The answer is no, I have been a hypnotherapist for 8 years and doing inner child work for three. I have never had anyone spontaneously regress to a bad memory and I have never had anyone stuck in a memory. I have definitely never had or heard of anyone being stuck in hypnosis.

I believe this is a story perpetrated by people who don’t understand hypnosis, there used to be a belief that the unconscious mind remembers everything and by using hypnosis we can uncover repressed memories but it is not one I subscribe to, there are therapist who regress people back to memories they don’t consciously have but I am not one of them. As I say on my workshops, your mind can’t tell the difference between a real or imagined event and this is why hypnosis is so effective at helping people make rapid change.

As I said above when I work with people it is on a solution focused basis, if someone is extremely traumatised the first few sessions would be solely based around relaxation and making the client feel safe. When I do group sessions I use extreme levels of relaxation and I take people through a safe space before I do any regression. It is very hard to remember bad memories when you are relaxed but your emotional state actually influences how you perceive memories which means even if someone did spontaneously regress they would not relive the traumatic emotions.

Myth 3: You Have To Close Your Eyes To Go Into Hypnosis
You don’t need your eyes closed to go into hypnosis and you certainly don’t need your eyes closed to make positive changes. Some clients prefer to talk than close their eyes and listen to me telling them to relax, drift deeper and deeper and that’s fine. I can still use hypnotherapy with clients that may be too nervous to close their eyes.

As I explain in my workshops hypnosis is a natural state that we all experience several times during the course of a day. If you have ever been watching T.V and zoned out, that’s hypnosis. Hypnosis is a focused state of attention, you don’t need to close your eyes to experience a hypnotic state in which positive change can occur.

So What Is Inner Child Work? Why Is Inner Child Healing So Important?

Now we have covered what inner child work is not let’s talk about what inner child work actually is. Inner child work is about releasing toxic shame, making the inner child feel safe, loved and accepted. It’s about learning how to properly treat ourselves and others.

Why Is Inner Child Work So Important To Overcome Anxiety?

As I say on my website, “Anxiety symptoms are a natural response to danger, these symptoms can serve us in some circumstance, when we experience anxiety symptoms we are moving into our natural fight or flight response; it’s our sympathetic nervous system working to keep us safe and out of harm’s way by releasing hormones such as cortisol and norepinephrine. It’s not possible to completely eliminate the symptoms of anxiety from your life.”

Fear is a core emotion and you cannot be hypnotised out of your core emotions and even if you could it wouldn’t be healthy, without fear people take all kinds of risks. Fear is part of the fight or flight response and anxiety is a conditioned response from regularly experiencing fear, hypnosis can be used to break conditioning, help you deal with fear more effectively and stop you suffering with anxiety.

How Hypnosis & Inner Child Work Helped Me

Until about 10 years ago I suffered from chronic anxiety and I didn’t know where it had come from. Rather than deal with it I avoided people and developed many toxic coping strategies that I’d use when I couldn’t avoid people. I had several toxic relationships and no real friends by the time I decided things really had to change. I was working online from home and pretty much isolating myself. I, like most people, had grown up around dysfunctional people who projected their toxic shame onto an easy target, me.

A child is dependent on the adults around them to protect, feed and clothe them. They need good enough parents, when we are small helpless children and we don’t have good enough parents it’s life threatening so we internalise the dysfunction and it creates toxic shame and a constant feeling of unease.

Breathing Exercises Are Not Enough

Breathing exercises and visualisation are both effective ways to reduce anxiety but if we want lasting change they are not enough, we need to release the toxic shame, make our inner child feel safe and loved to reach our full potential and live anxiety free. My next inner child program begins in May, send me a message if you want to find out more.


Happy Easter Sale Huge Savings On Upcoming Events -


I have a new overcoming stress and anxiety program beginning this Sunday @ 7PM GMT

This program is for you if:
You feel controlled by your emotions.
Stress is affecting your relationships.
Anxiety stop you from socialising or making new friends.
Your work stresses you out.
You feel out of control.
Your feelings affect you emotionally.
You have irrational fears.
You feel controlled by fear.
You procrastinate.
You feel depressed.
You use food or substances to suppress your emotions.

The introductory price is just £50. The program will never be this price again. To find out more see the first link in the comments or shoot me a message.


Is Hypnotherapy Guaranteed To Help Anxiety? -


How Can Hypnosis Help With Self Sabotage -


Finding things to be grateful for. Writing down the things that you're grateful for every day can really help you with this can really help you to stay positive and focused on the path of being productive and improving your life as can having a regular relaxation practice such as listening to hypnosis recordings or relaxation


How To Find Direction & Purpose In Life | New YouTube Video 🎯🎯 -


How To Get A Sense Of Direction Five Tips To Get Out Of A Directionless Rut

Not having a sense of direction in life, feeling like you have no purpose, like you're going nowhere is something everyone experiences at some point or another. It can cause some people to feel like life has no meaning, worthlessness, low self esteem, feelings of anxiety and depression.

It’s important for a person to feel like they have a purpose in life, something to live for, like they can make a difference in the world. “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. How can you make a difference in the world? What difference would you like to see? How can you get a sense of life direction?

Here are five things you need to do if you are feeling directionless, like life is going nowhere.

Stop watching the news. Whether you believe the globe is boiling, that we’re all going to die in a global pandemic or that the WEF is going to create a totalitarian world state. Whatever side of the political fence you sit on the news is going to stir all kinds of negative emotions in you, it’s going to make it very hard for you to get a sense of direction if you think the world is ending so ignore the news. Don’t let your energy be focused on things you can’t control, you have no control over anything you see on the news. Stay positive, gratitude journaling can really help with this as can a regular relaxation practice and meditation.
Identify your core values. If you feel like something is missing in your life, like you are stuck in a rut and going nowhere it’s likely you are not living life in alignment with your core values. True fulfilment and inner peace can only be found by looking within. By knowing what your values are and living your life in accordance with them. It will also help to know what your strengths and weaknesses are.
Set goals. Know what you want to achieve in life and use the S.M.A.R.T goal formula to help you reach your goals. You can find my goal setting workshop here You may be thinking you don’t know what your goals are and that’s why you are here. Ask yourself, “what would I do if anything is possible?” Almost anything can be achieved if you know what you want, why you want it and are focused on a plan to achieve it.
Once you have set your goals using the S.M.A.R.T goal formula you need to take action to ensure you can achieve them. Like lack of direction, procrastination is a common problem, if you procrastinate you might find this video here useful
Trust your own judgement, you will find people who criticise, tell you your goals are unachievable. Don’t listen to them, maintain your focus, trust your own judgement, surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive. This doesn’t mean you should be unrealistic but believe in yourself and your own abilities. Again, having a S.M.A.R.T goal will allow you to track your progress and ensure your goals are attainable.

Following the above tips will really help you find your sense of purpose and live a meaningful life. If you still cannot get a sense of direction after working through all of the above, consider what adversity you have faced in life, what challenges have you overcome? I grew up with a very dysfunctional family which caused me to suffer low self esteem, anxiety and all kinds of relationship issues. Becoming a hypnotherapist and helping others overcome issues such as anxiety, complex trauma, to increase their confidence and self esteem is what gives me a sense of purpose and direction in my life.


Brand New Program | Overcoming Stress & Anxiety | Special Offer -


Is Hypnotherapy Guaranteed To Cure Anxiety?

Very few things in life are guaranteed, and hypnotherapy is no different. But if a client wants to overcome anxiety, for Climb is motivated to make therapy work for them, the client is willing to actually participate in therapy is extremely likely that hypnotherapy will work for them. It's not a case of just closing your eyes, waking up and being fixed.


Time Is Running Out For The January Inner Child Program | Get It On Sale -


What Is Anxiety


How Anxiety Affected Me. How Hypnotherapy Helped Me Overcome Anxiety.


I have automated systems that collect feedback for nearly everything I do. Here is the latest one.


How Successful Is Hypnotherapy For Anxiety Sufferers? New YouTube Video 📼 -


How Effective Is Hypnotherapy For Anxiety?

Hypnosis is a very effective intervention for people suffering from anxiety. One study found that around 79% of people experienced a reduction in their anxiety when compared to control subjects.

I personally suffered with very bad anxiety which negatively affected all areas of my life. I tried several different modalities including counselling and EFT but I found anxiety hypnotherapy to be the only thing that really helped me and that is why I decided to become a hypnotherapist.

The study mentioned above found “Hypnosis was more effective in reducing anxiety when combined with other psychological interventions than when used as a stand-alone treatment.” When I work with clients I don’t just use hypnotherapy to help them overcome their anxiety. Anxiety is a conditioned response, when a person experiences anxiety they are actually experiencing the symptoms of fear so when I work with clients suffering from anxiety I take a trauma informed approach which often incorporates elements of CBT, mindfulness and inner child work.

Is Hypnotherapy Guaranteed To Help Anxiety?

Very few things in life are guaranteed and hypnotherapy is no different but if a client wants to overcome their anxiety and is willing to actually participate in the therapy it is highly likely that they will find hypnotherapy to be effective. It is not a case of closing your eyes, waking up and being fixed, hypnotherapy does not work like that. For hypnotherapy to be effective a client needs to commit to it and be willing to engage in the session.

I ask clients to commit to three hypnotherapy sessions, based on the feedback and testimonials I have received from clients I would estimate that hypnotherapy is at least 95% effective when it comes to helping people overcome anxiety. With most clients experiencing a rapid improvement after just one session. Feedback and testimonials can be found all over my website and on my page.

When I work with a client I will ask them questions to get to the root cause of their anxiety, show techniques and give exercises that can be used outside of the session. Some clients don’t wish to close their eyes and go into a deep state of trance and this is fine, hypnosis can still be used conversationally to release any trauma, help the client feel less anxious, calmer and more confident in their day to day life.

Why Is Hypnotherapy Such An Effective Modality For Anxiety Sufferers?

The hypnotherapy I provide is effective at helping people to overcome anxiety for the below reasons:

I have experienced and successfully overcome many of the issues my clients are looking for help with so I know what worked for me and my clients.
I take a trauma informed approach to therapy, am present and don’t judge, I am able to “hold space” for my clients allowing them to feel safe and heard.
Hypnosis can be very relaxing, the more a person takes time to relax the easier it actually becomes to relax and the calmer they will feel in their day to day life.
It is a fact that your mind can’t tell the difference between a real and imagined event. Hypnosis increases a person's ability to visualise themselves the way they want to be, visualisation actually creates new neural pathways in the clients brain and allows them to change almost effortlessly.
I use hypnotherapy techniques that are very effective for people suffering from PTSD and complex trauma. Releasing trauma allows people to have better emotional regulation.

Hypnosis is not magic but it can feel like it and clients who really want to overcome anxiety will find that hypnotherapy is effective if they are willing to engage inside and outside of sessions. Book a call via my website if you would like to find out more about hypnotherapy for anxiety and discuss how it can help you.


Most people have been shamed out of their feelings and emotions. Society has taught them that emotions are bad and should be suppressed. Emotions aren’t bad, and trying to suppress them only makes things worse.

Videos (show all)

Do Toxic People Know They Are Toxic - Live via OneStream Live #onestreamlive
Fear is a core emotion, and it cannot be completely eliminated from your life. I don't think it’s possible to hypnotise ...
It's not possible to completely eliminate the symptoms of anxiety from your life, because when you experience anxiety, i...
It's very important to have goals. You wouldn't set out on a journey without knowing what your destination is. And it's ...
Inner child work isn't about reliving the past. The way I do inner child work is about reconnecting with your inner chil...
Hypnosis Makes Visualisation Easy #hypnosis #hypnotherapist #visualization  #selfhypnosisUsing hypnosis, you can visuali...
Using hypnosis, you can visualize yourself the way you want to be. Hypnosis makes it very easy to visualize and studies ...
The first way hypnosis can help you overcome self-sabotage is that you can't be someone you don't perceive yourself to b...
Self-sabotage is kind of like procrastination in that it's caused by low self-esteem, it's caused by a negative self-ima...
People may destroy relationships by projecting their insecurities onto those relationships, by looking for flaws and thi...
Neglecting your health, overeating, food is the most common substance that people use to try and suppress their emotions...
The shadow is a term for anything we can't see in ourselves, so we'll often see how other people are sabotaging themselv...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00