Paladin Hypnotherapy

Paladin Hypnotherapy

Online Hypnotherapy. Worldwide coverage in English or Afrikaans. Past Life Regression from £199.


Website Upgrade

I thought I would let you know that we have been working hard recently to update the website and the page, as well as other social media. My website was launched in 2020 as a co-vid project and it has worked well over the years. But I felt it was time to refresh things and work on some of the feedback I have received since its launch. To find out more, see my blog


Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law states that energy is constantly in motion and always changing form. The universe is a vast dance of energy, where nothing remains static. Everything, be it our thoughts and emotions to physical things, are perpetually changing and evolving. To find out more, see my blog



As I am sure most of us know, hangovers are the unpleasant aftermath of consuming alcohol. But did you know that other more subtle symptoms include increased blood pressure, irritability, depression and even anxiety? To find out more, see my blog


The God Helmet

I recently read an article about what’s called a ‘God Helmet’ or Koren Helmet. It’s a device designed to explore religious experiences and creativity by subtly stimulating the temporal lobes of the brain. To find out more, see my blog


Eating Disorders

I recently read a newspaper article about a girl in Yorkshire, England who had only eaten Yorkshire puddings. Interestingly, this eating disorder was overcome with the use of Hypnotherapy. So, I thought I would talk a bit about Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and how Hypnotherapy can help. To find out more, see my blog



I thought would talk a little about Ho’oponopono as it’s something I found a few months ago and it has really help me. It is a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. To find out more, see my blog


The Law of Divine Oneness

I wanted to talk about another of the twelve spiritual laws of the universe, namely the Law of Divine Oneness. It is an important and foundational law which states that absolutely everything in our universe is interconnected. In other words every action, choice, word, desire, and belief you have will also have an impact on the world, and on the people in your life. To find out more, see my blog



As a Hypnotherapist I know that Hypnotherapy can be very effective in the treatment of cancer and its symptoms. Sadly, it’s not a cure for cancer in itself but I have had success with clients using it as a complementary therapy that can enhance treatment outcomes. To find out more see my blog


World No To***co Day

Hypnosis is an effective technique to help you stop smoking. Now, quitting smoking can be difficult, but hypnotherapy addresses the psychological aspects of addiction and underlying motivations for smoking. To find out more, see my blog


The Law of Compensation
Basically, according to it, you will receive what you put in. It states that everything we do creates an outcome equal to the effort we put in. It is similar to the universal law of cause and effect or the concept of karma. To find out more, see my blog


Psyche Resilience

The concept of self-healing within the psyche is fascinating to me. In moments of stress, trauma or adversity, our psyche often exhibits remarkable resilience. To find out more, see my blog


Boundaries Guide

I recently did a series of workshops about creating and maintaining healthy personal boundaries and I thought I would share some of the keys messages with you now. To find out more, see my blog


Po***ck Twins

Pioneering reincarnation researcher Ian Stevenson investigated this case after learning about it through newspaper coverage. Stevenson, who studied many pairs of twins who remembered past lives, concludes that the Po***ck twins’ case very compelling. To find out more, see my blog


Laws of the Universe

Many people know about the law of attraction, but did you know is just one of twelve universal laws? Becoming more familiar with the other eleven can help us live a more spiritually life. To find out more, see my blog


Forest bathing

I love being in nature. Whether it’s sitting in my garden or walking in a forest I find it very therapeutic and refreshing and it is an important part of my life. And I am not alone. The Japanese have the idea of Shinrin-yoku or Forest bathing. To find out more, see my blog


Guy Ballard

According to Guy Ballard he encountered a man who introduced himself as Count of St. Germain, who is said to have started Ballard on the path to discovering the teachings that would become the “I AM” Activity religious movement. To find out more, see my blog


Hydesville Day

Hydesville Day is celebrated on 31 March each year and is the official day for the international recognition of Spiritualism. To find out more see my blog


Patrick Christenson

Patrick Christenson was born in Michigan in 1991. His mother immediately felt that he was connected to her first son, Kevin, who had died of cancer, aged two, in 1979. Over time she came to notice that Patrick displayed three defects that matched those of her other son when he died. To find out more, see my blog


Luke Humphries

Are you a darts fan? Well, I am not, but even I noticed the incredible story of the two players who recently contested the World Darts Final. Perhaps the most newsworthy player was Luke Littler, a 16 year old rookie. But for me the most remarkable player was his opponent, Luke Humphries, who eventually won. Humphries has in the last few years transformed his life by overcome crippling anxiety and losing weight to make the most of his talents. To find out more see my blog


National Day of Unplugging

Today is National Day of Unplugging. It is a day that encourages us to try a digital detox and not use our phones and computers for 24 hours. Their goal is to have you spend an entire day without electronics, especially smartphones. To find out more, see my blog


Christian Haupt

According to Christian’s mother, he remembered being a ‘tall baseball player’, that he’d played for the New York Yankees and that the legendary Babe Ruth. Christian also described details about major-league baseball in the 1920s and 30s. To find out more, see my blog


Third Man Syndrome

While doing some research recently I came across the idea of The Third Man Factor or Third Man Syndrome. It’s where people report situations where a presence, such as a spirit, provides comfort or support during a traumatic experience. To find out more, see my blog


Dickens Technique

The Dickens technique is a way of visualising, usually, two different paths. It can be useful when facing an important decision, as an intervention to force change or to evaluate change. To find out more, see my blog


Principles of Spiritualism

I wrote recently about Spiritual literacy and that December was Spiritual Literacy month. So I thought I would talk a little more about Spiritualism and the ideas and philosophies behind it. To find out more see my blog


National Time to Talk day

It’s a day that encourages us to talk more about our mental health and to be aware of the health of others. So why not take a moment and ask someone you care about, “Hey, how’s it going?” And be mindful of the response you get. To find out more, see my blog.



Will (not his actual name) was born in the American Midwest in 1980. As a child, he had no explanation for the images and sensations that sometimes came to him. He still recalls, aged six, was an unbearable smell he knew at the time was ‘the smell of death’, and which he associated with the ‘skeleton people’, he saw in his nightmares. To see more, see my blog



In-Yun is a Korean word and means “providence” or “fate”. The word expressed the idea that you can feel a strong connection to someone you have only just met, perhaps because they are part of your soul family or you have known them in a past life. To find out more, see my blog


Male Grief

The treatment of grief is an area I specialise in and I have written before about this almost inevitable experience. And what I wanted to focus on this time is specifically male grief. It’s that men experience grief differently to women is more that often they have fewer resources to cope. To find out more, see my blog


National Obesity Awareness Week

January 10 to 16 is UK National Obesity Awareness Week. As someone who has struggled with their weight for most of my life, I know it can be daunting. The good news is that National Obesity Awareness Week aims to demystify obesity and practice easy ways to prevent it. For more information see my blog

Boundaries Unleashed: A Journey to Empowered Living Workshop By: Allison Biel 05/01/2024

🔒 FREE - Boundaries Unleashed: A Journey to Empowered Living Workshop 🔒

Ready to redefine your limits and reclaim your space?

Join my exclusive Boundaries Course and embark on a transformative journey to personal empowerment.

🌟 What's in store for you?

• We will be discussing the art of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries.
• "I'll share insights on the adjustments we can make within ourselves to effectively communicate our needs and desires.
• "Navigate the art of saying 'yes' to what truly aligns with your values and 'no' to what drains your energy.

• 🚀 Highlights:

• Interactive session
• Engaging group discussion
• Practical exercises to apply boundary-setting in real life
• Supportive community for ongoing growth
• We finish the 1-hour workshop with an awesome meditation.

Your empowered self awaits!

The Magic awaits!

🎁 Exclusive Offer: FREE Workshop.

📆 Save the date: Course Date 13 January 2024 @ 7 pm London Time. Limited spots available!

Reserve your spot now:

Ready to break free from limitations? It's time to thrive within your boundaries! 💪🌈

Boundaries Unleashed: A Journey to Empowered Living Workshop By: Allison Biel Feeling overwhelmed and struggling to set boundaries with yourself and others? Want to find out more about healthy boundaries and how to unlock a life of emp...

Videos (show all)

Famous Hypnotherapy. Many famous and well known people use hypnotherapy to improve their performance or overcome things ...