Inside Jogging Podcast

Inside Jogging Podcast

Weekly UK running pod with Matt Clowes (2:13), Aaron Scott (2:16) and Josh Lunn (2:17). Training Tal


It's 2022, Happy New Year, episode 33 is here! Shorter episode coming at you, as everyone we've tried to interview over the last couple of weeks have been busy with this Christmas thing.

It might be short, but it's a good one, as we go through our weeks, which sees Josh taking a bit more flack than the other two as per usual. We also answer some listener questions about goals for the year ahead, we round up the latest news, thank you our patreons, and generally do our thing to create this 80 mins of pure radio gold.

Matthew Clowes talks us through a nice little weekend 20 miler around his latest Wrexham industrial estate loop, despite having a dodgy achilles.

Josh Lunn is up at them again, and in his 115 mile week he enjoyed a day of running 26 miles in 300m circles indoors, as well as a tasty 8 x 1mi session at slightly lower altitude.

Aaron Scott again finds excuses to not be fully back at the races, and bemoans his lack of energy. Things could be changing though thanks to a breakthrough in Eliza's sleeping habits - the alcohol consumption had to work one day.

Hope you've all enjoyed yourselves over the festive season, and we hope to announce a new patreon series very soon!

Thanks for the support (I promise I'll buy Josh some wifi for next week)

Aaron, Matt and Josh (and Ruth)


In a week that’s seen parts of Europe heading back into lockdown, Matt has also had Josh locked down on an enforced rest week.

Matthew Clowes been feeling the dreaded winter fatigue and is struggling a bit for motivation, but still manages to knock out a swift little session on the weekend. Aaron Scott been running more this week than he has for a long time, although his Sunday is hampered somewhat by childcare issues. While Josh Lunn is adamant that he feels worse off an 80 mile week than he does a 120 mile week, be sure to stay tuned for scientific insights into his training...

We’ll do the usual and talk through our weeks and see whether Josh has obeyed the draconian measures. We’ll also thank some patrons, answer some listener questions, discuss what’s been happening in the world of running in the past 7 days, and then we’ve got an interview with the 3rd fastest British female marathon runner of all time, Charlotte Purdue.

We've just published episode 2 of our training talk with Jake Liam Smith over on Patreon, so support the show and get access to our bonus content!

Have an average week,

Aaron, Matt and Josh xoxo


Support us on Patreon -

Big week to crack through on our 6 month birthday, as we go through our weeks, look at the Strava leaderboard, there’s a big announcement on how you can support the show (go to Patreon to support us for just £10 a month -, we answer some listener questions, go into the latest running news and after all of that have a brilliant interview with the host of Inside Running Podcast, Brady Threlfall- Inside Running Podcast.

In a week that’s seen our leaders talk about reducing carbon emissions, Josh Lunn has upped his carbon footprint with a few fast laps in his Next %s around Battersea. He's been smashing a couple of sessions out the park, stay tuned to see if Clowesy is pleased with this, or whether he's concerned that he's pushing too soon.

Matthew Clowes been knocking out some super quick reps around the Wrexham industrial estate loops, and also been getting lost in London. He gets so lost this week that he has to get a cable car over the Thames to get him back to his original destination.

Aaron's had a ticking off by a man who paints the lines at the cricket pitch, but his training is back on the up. Eliza still isn't sleeping through the night, but thanks to some advice from Matt, he might start mixing the milk bottle with a bit of Bailey's to keep her going through the night.

Have a great week,
Aaron, Matt and Josh


Sorry, been slacking this week. We recorded on Monday evening and I forgot to post. However, it ties into what I am about to tell you quite nicely.

We're live on Patreon - 🙌

There's three ways of supporting the show, and if you do that even Aaron will like you.

Don’t worry the show will still be free, and always will be free for those who don’t think we’re worth it 😂

Back to the episode, short and sweet as Josh Lunn recaps Reading. Aaron Scott is back on some mileage, while Matthew Clowes turns up when he wants and talks us through his past seven days.

Enjoy, IJP xoxo@[1358239864223264:11809:]


Episode 24 is here! Quiet week this one, with not much running news to go off. Aaron Scott gets interrupted by trick or treaters, Josh Lunn is buzzing off a rapid 6 mile tempo and Matthew Clowes thinks he can turbo boost his runs by squeezing (“squosing”) his hands.

Apologies for the delay, I’m working off a 1990s modem right now, so the episode took about 12 hours to upload.


Episode 23 is here! Another big week coming at you, as there’s been a marathon in Rotterdam, a big 10k in Leeds and a world record over the half in Valencia. We’ve got an excellent interview with Becky Briggs, who posted the second fastest u23 UK marathon of all time at London a couple of weeks ago.

Matthew Clowes just about makes the podcast this week as he's a busy guy. His image is put to good use on the front of the Newport 10k t-shirts and he's been busy battling the drizzle of Wales. He's not entirely sure what a stiff breeze is, maybe he should come to the fens to experience it.

Josh Lunn is up and at it, now he's put his computer controller away he's even more unbearable than before. He talks us through tempo runs in the dark and why everyone should run hard on easy runs. His calves are looking in good shape, and he talks Clowesy through how to do isometric holds.

Aaron Scott is back and finally hit a 100km week, he's even been hitting the gym with Josh. If ever you want to see a pathetic sight then it's well worth watching some content of Aaron and Josh lifting. He's gearing up for a big weekend ahead of Eliza's 1st birthday, when he won't be giving her a bottle of JD despite Clowesy's recommendation.

Have a middle of the road week, listeners xoxo


Big week coming at you as we talk to the new King of London and 2:12 man, Phil Sesemann. We chat about his build up, what it was like on race day, plus get the scoop on his big new sponsorship deal with dog food brand Skinners.

Matt has been getting stuck into some sewing this week, trying to repair a coat or something along those lines. He's already back knocking out sub 5 minute pace tempos, that's despite consuming a Lindor ball or two a day.

Josh is back in Peterborough and completed his first week of running post marathon. He's on a mission to get hench this winter, so has been frequenting a friends local gym, but worrying has been doing his exercises in just a pair of lycra shorts and a pair of Invicibles.

Aaron is also on the road to recovery and completed a week of over 50 miles at an average of sub 7s! He's delighted to have Josh back in town, but is worried that Josh is in fact the mystery fly tipper of Wrexham and brought his dirty habit across the country with him.

There's the usual listener questions and news roundups, where the boys divert onto many tangents, such as how long to moths coccoon for?

Have a terrible week, people. IJP 😉 (Matt's emoji of choice)


Back again, with a shorter show for once as all three of us are still in recovery mode for one reason or another. I think this is the lowest ever combined mileage training week, so instead we recap the marathon in Manchester, Chicago and Boston and answer some listener questions.

Josh Lunn must have the sorest thumbs in Britain from all the DM’ing he’s been doing since the great social media blackout, and after his many London marathon posts. He once again got locked out of his flat this week and now thinks he's a master in breaking and entering. He also discusses his diet this week and gets into trouble with Matt for his unscheduled gym work.

Matthew Clowes is adjusting back to the running life after 9 days off running, he ponders why there's so much toilet roll in lay-by's and has been busy blagging himself a new job. He also delights Aaron by admitting he does love cats after all, with a particular shining to little Suzie.

Aaron Scott has been on a stag do in Newcastle and once again failed to complete a week of running. He performed poorly in the beer mile, but thinks maybe the alcohol related events might have helped kickstart is Seville marathon training block.

Right, that's what we've got, we will be doing some guest interviews this week, so stay tuned for some more interesting content soon.

Love you lots, IJP.


Turns out I forgot to post about the fact that we recorded episode 20 last night. In all the madness of Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp going down we still managed to brave the internet wilderness and bring you some top notch content. So if your podcast provider hasn’t notified you yet, you should definitely pop onto it and give it a listen.

It’s a belter this week, thanks to Josh Lunn jogging around the streets of the capital to record a 14th place finish at London Marathon. We have a full race debrief and he answers some of your interesting questions, as well as some of the very average ones that you sent over. He also had an interesting taper week, featuring being locked out of his house without any shoes on, in addition to trying a new diet on race week.

Matt has been resting at home and has been very unproductive this week. He talks us through his latest additions to the wildlife in his garden, with a particular enthusiasm to the birds this week (garden ones that is Gina, don’t you worry yourself).

Aaron is still not up to much but has been inspired by Josh running around London and for one week only is very positive towards his blonde haired Bae from Cardiff. He got DOMS from lifting a few little paving slabs this week and has to play house husband while Jenny goes back to work to touch up men and women.

Have a beautiful week, lots of love, IJP xoxo


Episode 19 is here, day later than usual as we let Matt come off his IV drip and recover a little before interrogating him.

As you might have seen, things didn’t go quite to plan for Matthew Clowes in Berlin, who like many others struggled in the humidity. Matt discusses his race in detail and despite being disappointed with the outcome is still thankfully in one piece. Look, he’s still our hero and that final 2.2k of his shows the depths he can go to when the going gets tough.

Josh Lunn manages to irritate Matt more than that 35-40k of his marathon did, as Josh tells us how he has been up late playing his silly games and wants to start doing yoga during his final week of the taper.

Aaron Scott is on the mend, and nearly hits 50 miles for the week. He’s seen the doc this week, who has given the green light to continue training at a low intensity, so is ready to start planning for Seville in February.

Thanks for downloading people, and remember when the going gets tough, drink some Maurten.


Episode 18 is live, and we talk through all the important topics of the week, such as how you pronounce brands such as Bose and Ritter Sport (other electronic and confectionary brands are available). We also go deep into our milk preferences, so if you want to learn some valuable insights into Josh’s ‘intolerances’ then you won’t want to miss this show.

Matthew Clowes fully into his taper now and wonders why the people of Wrexham are so keen on Fosters. We learn about his chocolate intake per week (basically a lot of Lindor balls), and we link his taper into listener questions this week, so go through all your race week taper queries.

Josh Lunn has been racing again in Swansea, he talks us through his hair dye colour of choice, his thoughts on full tracksuit runs and learn the revelation that he has never had a kebab before. Josh spends the show doing a range of weird stretches, much to the distraction of the others, so apologies for the bad radio it produces.

Aaron Scott had a poorly daughter this week, so on Matt’s advice is considering reducing her alcohol intake to singles moving forwards. He’s been up to watch the Northern Road Relays in Redcar, done a little bit of running and is keen to kick start his running career again now he’s feeling a bit more normal.

Enjoy the show, people, and have a bang average week.


Episode 17 is here and it's a big one as we finally catch up with John Beattie (Move Better Run Better) and talk all things Great North Run.

Josh Lunn has been practicing his marathon effort in Newcastle, but got very distracted by the big boys lining up. He spent more time fangirling Stewy McSweyn than he did playing his silly games on the computer this weekend, which says it all.

Matthew Clowes has finished off his last big week of training with two quality sessions, but more importantly he fills us in on his review of a flat white in a can, in addition to updating us on his fruit harvest this week. Matt also puts out an appeal for people to grow up and stop using acronymns in text and in life... FML he is hardwork.

Aaron has had a bit more discussion with the GP's on his health issues, but helps read out Josh's week of training, due to Josh being in the car whilst recording. He is not best pleased with Josh still wearing spikes on the track for his marathon sessions, but the question is, will Josh ever take note?

Thank you for all your 5 star reviews last week, feel free to comment a review too if you get two minutes spare and can think of anything useful. All of this will help us reach even more people, which should help us be able to bring you more great content ideas we have such as the tales of the farmers dog, or soiled pants weekly.

On that note, we’d love it if you tag fellow runners when we post out this show on social, if you don’t that’s of course your choice, but what I will say is that i’ll think much less of you as a person. We haven’t quite come up with the right idea for thanking our listeners just yet, as Clowesy is too busy to provide home delivery of his fruit produce, so drop us a message if you have any ideas, maybe some merch or a spot in Josh’s computer game team.


Episode 16 is here, and yes we've paid for our subscription this week, so you can listen in full now without any interruption.

The Juggernaut keeps rolling, as Matthew Clowes completes the "Grand Slam" of Wrexham with a win at the Village Bakery Half Marathon (Run Cheshire). Excellent talk from Matt this week, as he details why Costa Coffee makes such a bad flat white, and pushes for a sponsorship deal from Lindt in discussing his love for Lindors.

Josh Lunn has been trying to put his bad experience in Antrim behind him as he pushes out another 100 mile plus week in his build up to London Marathon. He discusses his ability to relieve himself effectively during sessions, and gets dropped by Dan Osborn-Nash on his weekend 24 miler. He might be off to Barcelona for a romantic weekend with his Bowerman Track Club boys, he's so big time...

While Aaron Scott is still struggling, maybe it's time to just put him down.

We answer a whole host of listener questions, giving poor insight into topics such as who is the , Dan your secret is safe with us, mate.

Have an average week, people. Keep that heart rate low, and give us a 5 star review on iTunes.


A few days late, but what's a few days amongst friends. This week we talk through Josh Lunn's trip over to Northern Ireland for Antrim half (or Larne half if you're Scullion), as he just misses out on his sub 70 target.

Matthew Clowes is rolling big still and does 24 miles at 5:20s on Wednesday, before most of us were even out of bed. He also updates us on the soiled pants situation, stay tuned for that one.

While Aaron Scott has some postive news on the bloods front, but some negative news on the elevated HR situation. But, as always that doesn't stop him getting stuck into Josh's training.

Have a lovely mediocre rest of the week, people. If you've got any listener questions then don't be shy, get on the slide into our DM's.


We're back again and we’ve got an action packed show this week, as Matthew Clowes speeds around the streets of London and cements his status as the king of the podcast.

Aaron is still not right, so has had another week of nothing to report.

Josh Lunn has been smashing the miles and he’s hit 200km in his last 7 days, which sounds a bit better than 124 miles. Not much to find fault in his training this week, but we do discuss his LinkedIn status and seperating strides in his Strava upload.

We dial into Jake Smith fresh off his race victory at the Big Half and ask whether he needs a trip to Specsavers, as he resorted to asking strangers how far he had to go, instead of using any one of the massive markers by the side of the road. The audio is very ropey, sorry about that.

We’ve got a listener question to tackle, round up some other results from the week, and then do an intro call with our guest for the next couple of weeks, 28:32 10k man and 2010 commonwealth games representative, John Beattie (Move Better Run Better).

Enjoy and have a better week than Aaron has been having.


Episode 13 is here, bit late, but good things come to those who wait.

Shorter week as Aaron has been very poorly and wasn't able to do the extensive prep that we always do. Interviews will commence again from next week, but for this week you'll have to do with just us.

Josh Lunn and Matthew Clowes have had a romantic weekend away at the England Athletics marathon camp, and recap their training weeks.

There's been the announcement of elite fields at London, which feature our very own Josh Lunn, and we run throught the list of who Josh will be spending 2 hours studying the backside of.

Apologies for the delay in uploading, and please send your messages of love and encouragement to Aaron on social media. Man flu is a very real issue and should be discussed more openly.

Thanks for listening, share it please, and have a terrible week. xoxo


Episode 12 is here!

The Olympics has come and gone, and it’s been a hectic week trying to catch the action, whilst trying to get some sleep and still putting in the miles. We do the usual and talk through our weeks, catch up on the best of the Olympic action, take some listener questions and generally talk rubbish.

Josh Lunn has been busy moving house, although it's debateable he actually did anything, and assures us tiredness and a lack of energy are two separate things. Big session of 16 x 1 mile in the books this week for Josh with his new best friend "the Nasher".

Matthew Clowes has been midweek long running, knocking out 20+ miles before most of us have even woken up. He's got a niggling achilles still, but at least he knows where his achilles is... unlike some people. He also discusses the farmers dog on the 2 mile Redwick loop, be sure to listen in to find out what he named it.

Aaron Scott has finally managed a half decent week of training, thanks to two long runs on coaching duties. He tried out a new long run session on Saturday and is keen to get Matt's thoughts on it. Plus, he's still busy trying to work out which marathon he should run this Autumn.

Give it a listen, give us a review, send us your feedback, and share the pod!

Have a beautiful week, people.


Episode 11 is here, as the Olympics gets under way, so does the boys marathon prep. Download all good podcast providers, and some terrible ones too -

Matthew Clowes has been dropping some outrageous marathon sessions this week, completing a 12 mile session in under an hour. He wants to start a campaign to clear up the UK footpaths, and gives us his thoughts on finding soiled pants out in the middle of nowhere on his runs.

Josh Lunn thinks he's in 2:13 shape again and is bullish about his philosphies on training, despite pressure from Aaron to change his ways. He's nine weeks out from London and has hit his first 100 mile week of the training block.

Aaron Scott has had another week of not doing much, but promises to get back into the swing of things next week. He's been busy betting on the Olympics, in the hope he wins big and can put Eliza through life. He lets Matt know why cereal was invented, and is want an Inside Running Podcast v Inside Jogging Podcast marathon smackdown.

Thanks for downloading people, keep sharing the pod, and as always have an average week!


Episode 10 is here, an Olympic special featuring Ross Murray, download on all platforms, link is here -

Big episode coming your way as we chat to Ross Murray about his 2012 Olympic experience and get some insight into what it will be like for the athletes in Tokyo. Athletics kicks off on Friday, so make sure you get those distance events in your diary.

Another week, another win for Matthew Clowes as he takes the W at Helena Tipping 10k in Wrexham. He talks us through his hate for footpaths, and ponders why there are naked people in fields at 6:30 in the morning...

Josh Lunn has been nursing his achilles/calf/foot/leg/body injury, but seems to be on the mend. He's been at a wedding this week and shocks the boys with his evening wear attire.

While Aaron has decided against London and is busy trying to source an alternative marathon this Autumn. Valencia seemed the best bet, but that's proving difficult, so if anyone fancies helping him find a marathon then send us a DM!

Parkrun is back, we answer some listener questions and round up the results. Thanks for downloading people, keep sharing the pod, and as always have an average week!


Episode 9 is here, download on all platforms, link is here -

Shorter show heading your way this week, as the interview I have lined up is still pending. Quieter week in terms of results, but there's action on the roads to catch up with and we discuss the Soar MK 5k PB special. It turns out there was an England champs on the track too this weekend, not that any of us (or a lot of athletes) knew about it! The boys discuss all things running and meteorology, which according to Josh and Clowesy is the study of Meteors...

Josh Lunn is not best pleased about reporting for co-hosting duties a few hours earlier than scheduled, and being pulled out of one of his Gameboy games. His achilles seems to be on the mend, but his HR got very elevated on Sunday, maybe because it's well hot... might be too hot... might be.

Matthew Clowes is back taking W's on the local road racing scene, with a hilly victory at the Nick Beer 10k in Llandudno (no-one on the pod is pronouncing it correctly, so apologies real Welsh people). His build up to Berlin is getting serious, but his build up to raspberry season might be reaching a peak too.

Aaron Scott has had it with social media, and can't get his head around the toxicity on some of these platforms these days. He's had a big weekend of training to make up for some of the rubbish days during the week and is busy doing lateral flow tests, to check he's not contracted COVID during any sessions this week. Just to note, Inside Jogging Podcast is part of a government pilot scheme, where by the hosts don't need to self isolate, and can test themselves every day instead.

Don't be shy, send us in your comments, feedback and reviews and we might give you a shout out on a future show. In the mean time, have an average week and we will be back next Monday. The next one will *definitely/maybe* include an interview, so stay tune for next week.


Episode 8 is here, download on all platforms, link is here -

With my day ruined yesterday by penalties on Sunday, we recorded a day later than usual. Big week in British running as Bird & Muir set records in Monaco, the U23’s were in action at the Euro Championships in Tallinn and 10000m English champs are crowned at FastFriday (which Josh Lunn was absent from). Huge week in English football too, but I’m not prepared to talk about yet.

Josh Lunn professionally announced his injury for the fans on Instagram, and was a DNS for Fast Friday 10,000m (another DNS for the Inside Jogging Podcast team...). He's been busy not running, but we don't think he's entirely sure that he knows what his achilles is. He's also not the happiest this week (we found a picture from before Wednesday when he was happy), so its a cheery show for you all!

Matthew Clowes kicked off his week with a 4:45am run, and has been out on his travels again. Only one brief hotel review this week, but has a nice downhill tempo and a beautifully consistent long run session to talk about. He's happier than the other two, and talks us through a work morning that involves decapitated heads.

Aaron Scott is depressed, but tries to put on a brave face, after all it's only another 55 years to wait until the next one. He has had an up and down week, but finished it off with a half decent tempo on Friday and a solid long run with the boys on Sunday. He's not happy about the UK footpath scene, and is considering writing into the local councils with his complaints.

Don't be shy, send us in your comments, feedback and reviews and we might give you a shout out on a future show. In the mean time, have an average week and we will be back on track with a show next Monday. The next one will include a big interview, as we finally get our lives back on track and organise this thing!


Episode 7 is here, download on all platforms, link is here -

A quieter week in terms of results this week, but the Olympic Team is out and British Athletics couldn't resist being controversial, leaving out Mark Pearce depsite making the cut based on the rankings.

Matthew Clowes is back being the big dog (even if he misses the first 5 mins of the show), with three quality sessions banked last week. No tractors were in his way on his Friday tempo, and he knocked out 8 miles under 5 min pace. No hotel reviews neither, and he's not entirely sure whether Wrexham is in the West...

Josh Lunn has been doing track sessions while England play Germany, much to Aaron's annoyance. His week is cut short by an achilles ni**le, maybe he shouldn't be pushing the pace targets Clowesy has been giving him. He's also Pfizered out, and wants some sympathy, which none of us are willing to give him.

Aaron Scott is on the road to recovery, but lost a lot of sleep time this weekend looking for his cat, and celebrating England's victory in the pub. He has been causing a stir on Strava with some generous GPS, but promises from next week the cricket pitch sessions will be no more.

Keep sending us your comments (positive only), and pass the pod far and wide. We hope you have an average week, it's coming home!


Episode 6 is here, download it on all platforms, link is here -

Another big show coming your way this week, we’ve got an interview with Sapporo-bound Kevin Seaward, alongside his coach Andy Hobdell, where we talk in depth about the marathon build up and key sessions along the way. It's a cracking interview so you can always skip our terrible chat and go straight to this instead!

I don’t blame it if you missed it, considering how terrible our governing body is at marketing the sport, but the British Olympic trials have been on this weekend and we round up the winners and losers on what has been a huge weekend for British athletes.

Matthew Clowes has been given the all clear by the doc, and is back on track for Berlin. He's spent the week at home for once, and has been dodging tractors on tempo runs.

Josh Lunn manages to get to the show on time for once, but his new hair is questionable to say the least. We get some valuable insight into his reasoning behind the look, as well as hearing why he's spent the day at work doing litter picking around Cardiff.

Aaron Scott is now taking any pills he can get his hands on to resolve his low iron issues. He talks about his big fat DNF in Leeds, and his plans to take it easy for a few weeks.

What you waiting for, listen in, and we hope you have an average week, guys.


Episode 5 has dropped, listen on all your good podcast apps, and some rubbish ones too.

Big show this week as we look ahead to the British Trials in Manchester, with the expert help of world record course organiser, Chris Barnes - Podium 5k

We discuss the latest domestic running news as Jamie Webb and Elliot Giles run 800m PB’s in Poland. We also go Stateside to discuss the American trials in the week which saw Shelby Houlihan receive a four year doping ban for eating a burrito.

Matthew Clowes comes up with a new feature this week (Tripadvisor would argue it's been thought of though), as he rates his hotel stays this week. He looks like he is on the mend, so that's good news as he declares he's building for Berlin marathon.

Josh Lunn is late to the pod once again, and spends the first half an hour trying to connect to the call. He's hyped up after a good week of training, but has he been going too hard too soon?

Aaron Scott is still suffering from hayfever as he builds up to Leeds 10'000m next Thursday. He's also celebrating Father's Day for the first time, not that any of the other two care.

Have a listen, hope we provide good company and don't forget to have a distinctly average week people.


Episode 4 out (iTunes/Spotify/anyone else who will host our rubbish), we'd love it if you gave it a listen.

Another huge week in British distance running, Oliver Dustin is looking v.nicey (copyright Lucian Allison) in Nice, Dever wins the NCAA title, and Butchart sets a BMC record.

Matthew Clowes been here there (Thinks he's Will Smith from Seven Pounds) and everywhere and hopefully has a plan to recovery after seeing the doc.

Josh Lunn is back at peak levels of excitement following a couple of half decent sessions. If anyone wants to take over our WhatsApp chat for us then feel free, as myself and Matt don't have the time to respond to his incessant messaging.

While Aaron Scott bagged his podcast head-to-head win if he simply toes the line in Leeds. He's been suffering with hayfever, and generally feeling pretty tired thanks to Dad life.

No interview this week, but we will try to go in depth into a couple of listener questions, and we will be back with a big interview next week. Have a distinctly average week people, and enjoy the pod.

📷: Dan Vernon

Videos (show all)

Manchester Marathon Watch Party