Amlwch, Cemaes & Surrounding Areas Covid-19 Community Support Group

Amlwch, Cemaes & Surrounding Areas Covid-19 Community Support Group

Covid-19 community group for Amlwch, Bull Bay, Rhosybol, Rhosgoch, Cemaes and Tregele.

Grŵp cymunedol Covid-19 ar gyfer Amlwch, Bull Bay, Rhosybol, Rhosgoch, Cemaes a Tregele.

Photos from Banc Bwyd Amlwch Food Bank's post 03/02/2022

We have availability for some drop ins today in the surgery covid clinic. Come down before 4.00 pm

Timeline photos 27/12/2021

We have a COVID-19 drop-in session today (27/12/21) and tomorrow (28/12/21) at Ysbyty Penrhos Stanley, Holyhead, from 8:30am to 9pm.

This clinic is available for those aged 12 years and above to get their first, second or booster vaccine.

No appointment is needed. Please note there could be a wait as vaccines will be given on a first come, first served basis.

Isle of Anglesey County Council

Start of January school term pushed back for all pupils in Wales 16/12/2021

Start of January school term pushed back for all pupils in Wales Education Minister Jeremy Miles has laid out a plan in a letter addressed to all Head Teachers

Find your local authority | GOV.WALES 16/12/2021

Find your local authority | GOV.WALES Find the website for your local authority.


NHS COVID Pass - NHS Covid Status

Photos from Amlwch, Cemaes & Surrounding Areas Covid-19 Community Support Group's post 14/12/2021

On the 22nd of December a hamper with everything a family needs to prepare a Christmas Dinner, a few treats and a toy for children will be delivered to as many of those in need as we possibly can. Donations of the following would be most welcome. Thank you for your continued support - donation points in Cemaes High Street, Amlwch Coop and Llanfechell Shop

Ar 22 Rhagfyr bydd hamper gyda phopeth sydd ei angen I teulu baratoi Cinio Nadolig, ychydig o ddanteithion a thegan I blant yn cael eu danfon i gynifer o’r rhai mewn angen ag y gallwn. Byddai croeso mawr I roddion y canlynol. Diolch am eich roddion parhaus - mae man roddion yn Stryd Fawr Gemaes, Coop Amlwch a Siop Llanfechell.

Universal Credit Welsh families to get £100 payment 16/11/2021

Universal Credit Welsh families to get £100 payment All households under pension age in receipt of means-tested benefits are entitled to the payment


Instrument Donation Station 🎸

We have teamed up with the inspirational Electric Umbrella charity to become a “donation station” for unwanted instruments! 😄

Electric Umbrella create live, interactive music experiences for learning disabled people - and you can help! 🙏🏻

If you have any instruments lying around in the attic, you can bring them to Melin Llynon and we will pass them onto Electric Umbrella.

It is no secret that I am obsessed with guitars … I even studied music technology in University! 😄Although it’s not the career I eventually chose (obviously), guitars are what I use to relax and wind down. Music can be helpful in so many ways!

I was honoured to be approached for this collaboration 🥰 To find out more, visit:


Donation Station Offerynnau 🎸

Da ni wedi dod ar ein gilydd hefo Electric Umbrella i fod yn “donation station” ar gyfer offerynnau da chi ddim isio dim mwy! 😄

Mae Electric Umbrella yn sefydliad sy’n creu profiadau byw, rhyngweithiol ar gyfer pobl anabl sy’n dysgu! 🙌🏻

Os oes gennych chi offerynnau da chi ddiM angen dim mwy, dewch a nhw acw i Melin Llynon a nawn ni pasio nhw ymlaen i Electric Umbrella.

Dio ddim yn gyfrinach fy mod i yn obsessed hefo gitars! Nes i astudio cerddoriaeth technoleg yn brif ysgol ☺️ Dwi’n defnyddio gitars i helpy ymlacio ar diwedd dydd. Mae cerddoriaeth yn defnyddiol mewn lot o ffyrf gwahanol!

Mai’n pleser fod yn rhan o hyn 🥰


Timeline photos 04/10/2021

No one should feel unsafe.

That is why we are supporting the StreetSafe pilot which is a new tool on the Police UK website that allows members of the public to anonymously pinpoint places which make them feel unsafe and say why.

Tell us about places in north Wales that you’re concerned about and we’ll work with partners to make the area a safer place to be.

Report concerns here ➡️

***This is not a tool to report crime. Please report crime t our website, by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency***


For the attention of the Anglesey Council tenants

How would you like to start growing your own vegetables ?

Would you like the chance of winning your own home growing vegetable starter kit? We have both indoor and outdoor kits available!

Comment indoor or outdoor below to be in with a chance of winning one of the kits.

Competition will close on the 20/08/21.

Good luck!

MônFM Menter Mon Medrwn Môn Llinos Medi Cynghorydd Teulu Môn

Photos from Y Bartneriaeth Awyr Agored - The  Outdoor Partnership's post 15/08/2021
Restaurant Deals & Vouchers 09/08/2021

Restaurant Deals & Vouchers Save money with restaurant vouchers on 2for1s, meal deals, and takeaways. Top deals to use with the Eat Out to Help Out scheme.


Are you interested in learning about the various properties of plants, unlocking the knowledge of our ancestors?

Then join us on a Foraging Workshop at Holyhead Breakwater Country Park that's COMPLETELY FREE. To book your place visit :

Visit Anglesey Môn Actif Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Natural Resources Wales Medrwn Môn Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Ynys Mon / Anglesey Youth Service Teulu Môn

Wales moves to alert level zero | GOV.WALES 05/08/2021

Wales moves to alert level zero | GOV.WALES First Minister Mark Drakeford will urge everyone to continue to help prevent the spread of coronavirus as he confirms Wales will move to the new alert level zero on Saturday [August 7].

Photos from Gwesty Gadlys Hotel & The Bay View Restaurant & Bar's post 26/07/2021

Hello everyone! Thank you for joining us here on this beautiful day! We can’t thank you enough for how incredibly patient you, our customers, have been waiting for an update from ourselves, we are eternally grateful.

So after what feels an eternity, we can finally announce we are up and running again! 😍😍😍

As you know when the pandemic hit, we were hit hard, we didn’t qualify for any financial help being a new business and this caused a downward spiral almost ending us as a business , a lot of you selflessly donated to help us keeping feeding our alpaca which was just incredible and we can’t thank you enough.

We did need to re-home a few unfortunately, we had also just rescued some alpaca when all this happened and this was a costly process as you can imagine!

Financially we hit rock bottom, we had to move our farm and find a new place to live along with our brood of animals and find new walking locations, which we are so happy to announce that we have!!

It has been the longest hardest time we as a family business have had to endure, so your forever support and patience is incredibly appreciated.

⭐️ Now for the happy news - our booking system goes live 10am Monday morning (26th July) !!! for walks taking place at the stunning Carreglwyd Estate ⭐️

We will be doing walks throughout summer - as always terms and conditions apply - if it is too hot like this week, we do not walk for the welfare of our alpaca, same goes for adverse weather - things like this are out of our hands and ultimately we will always put their welfare first as you can understand, so any walks booked will be rescheduled, full t’s & c’s are readily available on the website of course.

🔴🔴 voucher holders that have been patiently awaiting us to reopen - if you hold a voucher from December 2019 to March 2020 please contact us directly via Email - [email protected] or via our contact form on the website along with your voucher number and proof of purchase 🔴🔴 we will get you booked in across the summer for your walks, and again thank you SO much for your patience!

If you have a voucher AFTER march 2020, please use these as normal via the booking system.

We will be releasing dates and more information in the upcoming days - if you wish to subscribe to our newsletter please do by visiting our website to stay up to date and receive any future offers.

Thank you all for reading and for sticking by us! Here’s to moving forward and building up Anglesey Alpacas once again! The biggest thank you to the people that made this happen, you know who you are!


Anglesey's Track, Trace and Protect (TTP) are looking for Contact Advisers and Contact Tracers to join the team.

Please see below poster and link for more information.

MônFM Menter Mon Medrwn Môn Visit Anglesey Teulu Môn Betsi Cadwaladr Public Health Wales


🌞🌞Wedi agor/ Open🌞🌞🥛🥛🥛🐄🐄
Neuadd, Cemaes, LL67 0NB

Llefrith , ysgytlaeth, bagia a chacennau ar gael!
Milk, milkshakes, bags and cakes in our vending machines!!

**Card payment only**
Plis byddwch yn amyneddgar efo ni heddiw 🙈😁
Please be patient with us today 🙈😁

Milkshakes: strawberry, banana, chocolate and white chocolate 😍

Timeline photos 22/07/2021

🐶 🚘 ❌

In this current heatwave please remember that pets such as dogs should never be left in hot cars, even if the windows are open.

If you see a dog in distress in a hot car dial 9️⃣ 9️⃣ 9️⃣


Anglesey Council are urgently looking for accommodation for a family, under the Home Office Refugee Resettlement Scheme, who are at serious risk of harm.

If you think you can help, please contact [email protected] for more information.

Landlord incentives are available including 3 months full rent in advance.

MônFM Menter Mon Medrwn Môn Teulu Môn


Thank you to everyone for continuing to donate to Amlwch Food Bank, every single donation big or small is hugely appreciated. If you would like to donate, there is a current need for tinned soup. Donation points are in Cemaes High Street, Llanfechell shop and Amlwch coop.

Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb sydd yn parhau i roi i Fanc Bwyd Amlwch, rydym yn werthfawr o bob un rhodd, fawr neu fach. Os eich byswch chi yn hoffi rhoi, mae yna angen ar gawl tun. Mae yna safleoedd rhoi yn Stryd Fawr Gemaes, siop Llanfechell a Coop Amlwch.


Diolch i bawb am eich roddion i’r banc bwyd, rydym mor ddiolchgar. Rydym dal i dderbyn roddion ag ar hyn o bryd angen pwdin reis efo cylch tynnu ar ben yr angen arferol. Diolch i chi gyd 👏🏻

Thank you to everyone or their donations to the food bank, we are so grateful. We are still accepting donations and at the moment are in need of ring pull rice pudding on top of our usual needs. Thanks to you all 👏🏻

Careers at Gwesty Gadlys Hotel 14/04/2021

Careers at Gwesty Gadlys Hotel Find your next great career opportunity at Gwesty Gadlys Hotel

Book a coronavirus vaccination 13/04/2021

Book a coronavirus vaccination Book your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination appointments using this service.


Help required!!! / Angen help!!!

Due to the furlough situation recruitment in the hospitality industry has become a bit of a nightmare. Please could you help us by liking and sharing this post or by tagging anybody you think may be interested in working in the kitchen at Catch 22, thanks.

Chef de Partie and Sous Chef required for modern brasserie serving international cuisine using local ingredients, all food made in house.

45 hour working week average
2.5 days off per week
Wage up to £25k dependant on experience (+tips)

For more details please send a CV and covering letter to [email protected] (FAO: Neil)


Oherwydd y sefyllfa furlough mae recriwtio yn y diwydiant lletygarwch wedi dod yn dipyn o hunllef. A allech chi ein helpu ni trwy hoffi a rhannu'r post hwn neu drwy dagio unrhyw un rydych chi'n meddwl a allai fod â diddordeb mewn gweithio yn y gegin yn Catch 22, diolch.

Mae angen Chef de Partie a Sous Chef ar gyfer brasserie modern sy'n gweini bwyd rhyngwladol gan ddefnyddio cynhwysion lleol, yr holl fwyd a wneir yn fewnol.

Cyfartaledd wythnos waith 45 awr
2.5 diwrnod i ffwrdd yr wythnos
Cyflog hyd at £25k yn dibynnu ar brofiad (+ tips)

Am fwy o fanylion anfonwch CV a llythyr eglurhaol at [email protected] (FAO: Neil)


Thank you very much for everyone's continued donations to the food bank. If you would like to donate, we are short of toiletries at the moment such as body wash, shampoo and toothpaste. We appreciate every donation, you are all helping to make a real difference.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am roddion parhaol bawb i'r banc bwyd. Os fysech chi yn hoffi rhoi, mi rydym yn fyr ar bethau ymolchi ar y funud, fel gel cawod, siampŵ a phast dannedd. Mi rydym yn ddiolchgar am bob rhodd, rydych chi yn helpu neud gwahaniaeth enfawr.


We're looking for more volunteers to help us distribute the Coronavirus testing kits in Holyhead this week.

Can you help ?

HGC Ynys Môn / NWP Anglesey Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Ynys Mon / Anglesey Youth Service Holyhead Hotspur Holyhead and Anglesey Weightlifting and Fitness Centre Holyhead Town Council - Cyngor Tref Caergybi Medrwn Môn Anglesey Socialmedia


Following concerns raised by residents in Holyhead regarding the upcoming Covid Vaccination Clinic in Ysbyty Penrhos Stanley this weekend, we would like to reassure anyone due to attend that there will be strict adherence to social distancing measures in place, full Covid precautionary measures including use of PPE and cleaning between each attendee.

Whilst residents of Holyhead are encouraged not to travel unless essential, coming for your vaccination is an essential journey and the current outbreak should not prevent individuals from attending for vaccination. Do not attend the vaccination clinic if you are waiting for the result of a Covid test, have had a positive Covid test, and are in the isolation period, or if you have any symptoms of Covid:

- Fever or raised temperature
- New persistent cough (with or without sputum)
- Influenza-like symptoms including any or all of: muscle ache or pain, excessive lethargy or fatigue, persistent headache, runny or blocked nose, persistent sneezing, sore throat and/or hoarseness, shortness of breath or wheezing
- Altered or absent sense of smell or taste
- Generally feeling unwell and a history of being in contact with a known COVID-19 case
- Diarrhoea or vomiting
- Any new or change in symptoms is an indication for a test in someone with a previous negative test.

Vaccination against Covid will help to reduce future outbreaks such as this and is the most important way to provide protection to the community.

Isle of Anglesey County Council.

