Islamic reminder Videos

Videos by Islamic reminder. Islamic Reminders: Qur'an, Khutba, Talks and Duas. Ask Question to Imam.

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"The greatest tragedy of this Ummah is not that it’s weak, but that it believes it’s weak when everybody else believes it’s strong. It believes it doesn’t have strength when the world still sees that it has strength and that strength needs to be contained." MUST WATCH. How can we empower ourselves to speak for the voiceless when the whole world is against us? Listen to Sami Hamdi's profound response. #Gaza #Palestine #islamicquotes #GazaUnderAttack #history

The Ummah's Du'aa. Say Ameen. #shaykh Ali hammuda #Palestine #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack

Dua for Palestine and all the Muslims ☪️. #Palestine #Gaza #islam #hospital #islam #

Surah al baqarah verse 152-157

Babies Decapitated?! Welcome to Atrocity Propaganda Ustad #Ali hammuda

HOW ISRAEL STOLE PALESTINE - Brief History #Palestine #Gaza #islam #Israel #history

" perish in your rage" for all the tyrants and those that support apartheids.

One of the many regrets on the day Regret Speaker, Shiekh Ali hammuda

Welcoming Dhul Hijjah, What You Need To Know About At-Takbeer During Dhul Hijjah | Shiekh Abu Bakr Zoud

The imam and the cat, that went viral during last ramadan. Translation English

All Praise is due to Allah, we praise him and we seek his help. Whoever Allah guides, no one can misguide him, and whoever Allah turns to misguidance no one can guide him. I testify none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, with no partners. And I testify that Mohammed (pbuh) is his slave and Messenger.

Advice the one being wronged. Friday khutbah. Shaykh Dr Yasir qadhi

Confronting the Transgender ideology. Khutbah Shaykh/Dr #yasirqadhi

"Happiness" - The buzzword of the 21st century. Speaker Sheikh #alihammuda

Sheikh idrees abkar. Surah al furqan

Speak shiekh abu bakr Zoud. #Abubakar

Why was it called Laylat Al-Qadr Speaker abu bakr zoud #abubakrzoud