St Barnabas Church, Danesmoor

St Barnabas Church, Danesmoor

We are a community of believers, part of the Church of England.We meet at 5pm on Sundays. All welcome


Worshipping God is not just about singing praises, it's about praising Him, thanking Him for everything He does for you, and everything He has created, when you are in awe of His creation that's praising God. Those of you that also say well I can't sing, you can still worship God, when you pray, the first thing you should do is thank God, challenge yourself to say thank you for a different thing everyday, see how long you can do it, how about thank you for running water, electricity, keep it simple, but say thank you and praise God everyday.
God bless Jo-anne ♥

Home - YouVersion 30/04/2023

If your not sure where to start reading the bible, you version app is a good place to start they have short targeted plans, full bible plans, daily readings, daily prayers, you can read them, but you can listen as each plan can be read to you, they also have different Bible versions, from King James, to Niv, to the message, listen everyday, but focus on what your listening too, don't just have it in the background as noise, God's not in the background. God bless Jo-anne ♥

Home - YouVersion We wholeheartedly believe a daily rhythm of seeking intimacy with God has the power to transform lives. That’s why YouVersion creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day.


Do you live for yourself and tag in Jesus when your in need, that's not what He wants, Jesus died for us, He wants to be in every area of our lives, not just Sundays, not just for show, not just when you need help, the everyday mundane things He is with you, let Him be, come to Him just as you are, and you must keep the conversation going to grow, then the Holy spirit will guide and grow in you too, so the everyday thing's you will grow bigger than, and away from, will die away, and your old self will die away as your filled with new life in the Holy spirit. God bless Jo-anne ♥


Throughout our day we need to put God first, when you wake up the first thing you need to do is to pray, say thankyou for a new day, ask for help as you start your day, but start it with God, keep Him there all day and end the day as you get in bed with prayer, with thanks, then set up tomorrow, surround each day in prayer, you will get closer to God, now when I say pray all day I don't mean you have to sit for 24 hrs and pray all day, I mean keep talking throughout your day, 5 mins if that's all you have, arrow prayers when you see a need or have a need yourself, the important thing is to keep the conversation with God ongoing, bring yourself closer to Him.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


The expected messiah was thought to come with a big announcement, parading with a crown and a big show, living in a Palace, but He didn't do that, He came into this world as a baby, grew up with a very humble family, lived a very modest life, to show us the way. We in hindsight see, those around Him lived it as it happened, God's word is relevant and is a living word today as much as when it was originally written, take time today as you read His word think about the people at the time, and people today, thank God for His living word, given for us to read, the fact that we can now read it in our homes, on devices is amazing, it's being translated into so many languages but still more to go. Thank you for your living word and that so many of us have access today.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


You Lord our my Shield, let that sink in, God is your shield, standing with you by your side, infront of you, behind you, where He needs to be to protect you, He's not an unreachable God, He is God with us, by your side, the Holy spirit is in us, God wants to protect us, we only have to ask, speak to Him about things you need protecting from, whether that's other people, or yourself, or certain things, He listens, He is with you through it, whether it's a long or short road, but you will learn alot as you go through it with God.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


Do you give thanks to God, or do you just go into prayer asking things from Him, whether for yourself or not, it's important to thank God, not just for big things, but for little things too, also its important to add prayer for yourself and not just others, it's all about balance, God's love endures forever He loves us unconditionally, when you talk to Him say thank you, not just for the amazing planet we live on, but for running water, a roof over your head, flowers, heating, take each day and say thank you for something different see what you notice more, or what others notice in you.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


This year is the 150th anniversary of St. Mary's Church.

In August we would like to present a festival of wedding dresses from people who have been married at St. Marys.

We are appealing for anyone who still has their wedding dress if they would like to display it in church, alongside photos of their magical day.

Even if you don't still have your dress, displaying photos of your wedding day would be a wonderful celebration of the history of St. Mary's.

Please direct message us via Messanger page if you would love to participate in our Wedding Dress Festival.


God teaches us to say no to ungodly things, some take time to work through, and others can be instant, I know some people are afraid to say they believe in God because they know that there behaviour is wrong, but that's when God will help you the most, come to Him just as you are, now this minute, He loves you! And will always love you, He will help you work through things, and everyone messes up, but God will help you through, sometimes it takes longer so you can learn more from it. God is our teacher, pick up your Bible He will guide you through His Word.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


Jesus said "I am the vine you are the branches" we need the source to survive, without the vine the branches won't flourish, they will just whither off and decay, we need our source to survive, our source also wants us, to have a relationship, to learn about Him, through His Word, to follow Him, and tell Him everything, relationships are two way, so you have to make time to listen as well, also don't make everything me, me, me, think about how you want to be treated by people, God wants you to treat Him as your best friend, tell Him everything and He will guide you and be your rod, to keep you near, and to listen to Him, the closer you get, the more He will speak to you, if you listen, God speaks in so many ways, through His Word, prayers, hymns, Christians, songs, radio, TV, books, non Christians, nature, what you need, He will give you, it may not always be what you want.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


In genesis God said "let there be light" Jesus came to be our "guiding light" showing us the way, enlightening our paths, becoming the "light of the world" whatever we walk through, Jesus walks with us or carries us, we will never walk in darkness with Him by our side, He is our constant light, through anything, He is with us.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


Jesus said "I am the bread of life" He gives us everything we need, if you hunger and thirst for God's righteousness, He will guide you, He wants a relationship with you, start by talking to Him, reading His word, He will give you what you NEED, which isn't the same as what you WANT, listen to Him, He speaks out in so many different ways, but you have to know His voice first. May God help you to hear His voice today and help you to know Him.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


We decorate the cross at church on Easter morning, to celebrate new life, new beginnings, because Jesus rose from the grave, He defeated death, to give us eternal life, through Him, He takes all our sins on Him, He is the bridge to have a relationship with God and He wants to know each one of us, come to Him just as you are, God will never love you anymore than He does right now, His love for you will never change, don't be afraid to talk to Him, He will help you just ask.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


Remember Jesus did this for you, He suffered, and was crucified, He died, He defeated death, He raised up from it, and showed people I'm here look see my wounds, Hallelujah He is Risen.

He said, “Don’t be afraid. I know you’re looking for Jesus the Nazarene, the One they nailed on the cross. He’s been raised up; he’s here no longer. You can see for yourselves that the place is empty. Now—on your way. Tell his disciples and Peter that he is going on ahead of you to Galilee. You’ll see him there, exactly as he said.” Mark 16:6‭-‬7 MSG
God bless Jo-anne ♥


I’m happy from the inside out, and from the outside in, I’m firmly formed. You canceled my ticket to hell— that’s not my destination!
Psalms 16:9‭-‬10 MSG
Today really think about the sacrifice Jesus made for YOU, that God sent his only son, to die on the cross for YOU, we have eternal life because of Jesus, we can talk to God in prayer through Jesus, because of His sacrifice for us, come to Him just as you are now, He loves you, and wants a relationship with you, he wants you to talk to Him in prayer.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


There is still time to book a place for tonight’s Good Friday event at the centre starts at 5pm. £5 per ticket including a 2 course meal


People turned away when Jesus was crucified they didn't understand what was happening, but we do, they didnt understand what was going to happen, but we do, But the fact is, it was our pains he carried— our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us. They thought he brought it on himself, that God was punishing him for his own failures. But it was our sins that did that to him, that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins! He took the punishment, and that made us whole. Through his bruises we get healed. We’re all like sheep who’ve wandered off and gotten lost. We’ve all done our own thing, gone our own way. And God has piled all our sins, everything we’ve done wrong, on him, on Jesus, He takes them all and through Him we are forgiven, He loves YOU, just as you are at this minute reading this, He wants a relationship with YOU, now as you are, He loves you.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus's last supper, where he redirects the passover meal, remembering freedom from slavery to pharaoh, as a lambs blood was smeared on the lintel of the door frames to protect God's people from the final plague, to remembering Jesus as the ultimate Sacrifice, the lamb of God. Jesus said do this in rembrance of me, he knew what was coming, remember this through the bread and wine, the bread is His body, the wine is His blood, do this in rembrance of Him. Today really think about where you are with God, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, are you working as a team, listening to the Spirit, talking to God through Jesus, and reading His Word, or are you in conflict, contradicting what one thing tells you, altering it to help you, ignoring it, if your going round in circles it's probably the latter. Regroup, breath and look and listen, God uses lots of amazing ways to speak to you if you just look and listen for them.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


What does Jesus mean to you? As we reflect this holy week, he died on the cross for YOU, think about that, while we where still sinners he DIED, he also defeated DEATH, as he ROSE from grave, but today think about what HE was preparing to do, HE knew what was coming and HE still did it, because HE LOVES YOU, if you are a new Christian find a church that helps you to grow and learn in your faith, if it doesn't go and find another one, a good church teachers and helps you to grow in faith, in the holy spirit and teachers about the good and bad, not just the good, and all about the band, worshipping God is through everything you do, having a relationship with Him, telling Him everything, good and bad, and growing with your church family, this verse meant Jesus wouldn't be with the disciples in the flesh but HE is ALWAYS With us. God bless Jo-anne ♥


Jesus said his house is for prayer, we are the church, so we need to make time for prayer, quite personal reflective prayers, where you have time to listen as well, which is also important, arrow prayers as you go about your day, prayer meetings, prayer walking, prayer is talking to God, he wants a relationship with us, so as you go about your day, whatever time you have pray. 5 mins in a morning or an hour, commuting out and about, pray when you see a need straight away, and you can be quite or if your bold, go and pray out loud but all prayers God hears.
God bless Jo-anne ♥


As we are now in Lent, alot of people give things up for Lent, depends what you give up and the reason behind it, are you giving up chocolate, caffeine etc for you, your health or another reason. Some people add things in to start a habit, same applies, what's your reason behind the promises, can you keep the promises or are they just empty. Praying or reading the bible everyday to help you get into the habit for lent, if you miss a day, kick yourself and miss more then give up. However Jesus should be the focus of Lent, what he did for us, what he does for us now, don't kick yourself if you fail, if you've already set yourself up to fail to start with, start small but put Jesus in there. Now some people will start big and keep going through Lent, but what about afterwards, really pray and think, what does Jesus want me to do this season of Lent.
Focus on him. God bless
Jo-anne ♥


What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" is a hit single recorded by Jimmy Ruffin and released on Motown Records' Soul label in the summer of 1966. It is a ballad about the pain of a love that's “now departed” .

Are you struggling to overcome sadness after a breakup or loss ?If so you might hope to sleep through Valentines day this year …or shout it’s not fair who loves me?!.…

Be encouraged you ARE very precious to God .LOVED from the beginning of time . Jesus came to show love in action by suffering for you on the cross .

Real love is beautiful …and sacrificial .

Perhaps we might throw ourselves into the path of danger for a partner or child because we love them dearly?

Jesus sacrificed his life to save each and every one of us from sins penalty of eternal death .

You may not feel lovable ,but God draws nearest to the vulnerable, hurt or broken hearted .

He is waiting with arms outstretched .Jesus is waiting for you ,beloved , to come into His tender and eternal embrace .

John 316 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life


Focus on God, give yourself time to really listen, not half hearted, but full, full of peace, full of joy, full of the holy spirit, take everything to Him in prayer, but take the time to listen for His answers, they don't always come straight away, and they can be when you least expect them, listening focuses you, so you know His voice. God bless
Jo-anne ♥


This week is prayer week in our team, before you pray, breathe, be quite and still, say sorry for anything, you have done or may have done that stands in the way between you and God and accept His forgiveness, if nothing else this week, seek Jesus, put on some worship, maybe sing to Him (it doesn't matter if you can't sing) let us not just believe in Jesus but seek to come to know Jesus better. Here is Tuedays prayer any comments, pictures, thoughts, may God bless you and guide you as you continue through your prayer journey.
Jo-anne ♥


This week is prayer week in our team, before you pray, breathe, be quite and still, say sorry for anything, you have done or may have done that stands in the way between you and God and accept His forgiveness, if nothing else this week, seek Jesus, put on some worship, maybe sing to Him (it doesn't matter if you can't sing) let us not just believe in Jesus but seek to come to know Jesus better. Here Mondays prayer any comments, pictures, thoughts, may God bless you and guide you through your prayer journey.
Jo-anne ♥


There's a difference with the love you show for others and being in love, Love one another is showing respect, and treating people with kindness and love, how you would want to be treated, no matter who they are, the rude person who just pushed passed you, the person queue jumping, the family member you've never got on with and never will, but you can show them kindness and love, it's easy to show good people love, but God said to love everyone, He loved us all while we where still sinners, He showed that love by dying on the cross, for you and me, if God can love the worse in us, show Him how you can love others, with the same Love. Go out of your way to show that love, out of your comfort, if you think I can't, remember Jesus died for You, loving You, He will strengthen and help you to love others, especially those you find hard to Love. If you go shopping and see a homeless person sat outside, talk to them and instead of putting spare change in, buy them a warm drink and food from inside, ask them, tea or coffee? what food? It doesn't have to be alot but show them God's love. What will you do today?
God bless Jo-anne ♥