The Human Hub Therapy

The Human Hub Therapy

Integrative counsellor and psychotherapist (MBACP). I offer trauma-focussed psychotherapy Face to face or online in Hertfordshire and North London.

Short-term and long term therapy offered (12-50 sessions)

Additional session availability discussed on a case by case basis

Counselling directory profile:


Very few people think about dying by su***de and then act on it straight away.

There are warning signs including: talking about emptiness or hopelessness, about being a burden, ongoing depression, taking part in risky, life-threatening behaviours, changes in eating or sleeping habits.....

If you're concerned about someone, tell them. Ask a direct question.

Your instincts may be wrong, but what if they're not? ❤️

***deprevention ***de


As social beings, we want to belong and connect. We will do our best to fit in and avoid being outcast from family and community, even at the cost of our mental and emotional well-being. We can learn to respond by making choices about who we keep in our lives. It's a process ❤️


Who am I? What is my purpose? Do I deserve to be loved? Working through such questions can be a long and painful process but the 'lightbulb' moments necessary for growth will occur. Have faith. Keep going ❤️


When you think of the word 'abuse' where does your mind go? Sexual abuse, domestic abuse, beating?

What if you were never hit or physically violated?

Emotional and psychological abuse are often overlooked as a key part of any form of abuse. It is the emotional abandonment that needs the most work to heal from.

It's okay to ask for help ❤️


We have had a fantastic response to our support group initiative and are looking forward to starting on 7 November. There is still time if you want to sign up. Drop me a line by 6pm on Monday 1 November 🙏🏼❤️

***deprevention ***de


Let's talk about anger.

This will be one of the topics reviewed in our support group for south Asian males launching on 7 November. Details here

Photos from The Human Hub Therapy's post 29/09/2021

So excited and grateful to have developed our first group offering! Feel free to send a direct message if you have any questions and to send me an email to reserve a place. ❤️



Had a wonderful time delivering a training workshop today. Great seeing people face to face! In return I received a short history lesson in a 600 year old library. So grateful for the opportunities that present themselves ❤️


The more that I learn to trust in myself and the process of life, the less I believe in coincidence. What a lovely day. So blessed 🙏🏼❤️


'Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves....' (Bruce Lee) ❤️


But like so many free things, taken for granted and not given or received so freely. Credit to artist ❤️

Photos from The Human Hub Therapy's post 06/08/2021

There are many things that I can't get across in these pics - the refreshing breeze or the bird song as examples. It's blissful. Let's not wait until tomorrow to look after our mental and physical health. Do something today - whatever that is for you. ❤️

Photos from The Human Hub Therapy's post 31/07/2021

No questioning, no worrying. Just beeing. ❤️


Constant criticism leaves us wondering what to do, where to turn. We can start to give up or over compensate through achievement. Even success can feel like failure. In any case, it's exhausting, frustrating, anger inducing and a lot more besides ❤️


A simple and timely reminder from one of my clients today.

This young person has made incredible progress in managing anxiety and it's humbling to have been a part of the process.

Grateful 🙏🏼❤️


So grateful to have spent a couple of hours with Professor Ernesto Spinelli and lots of peers. I never thought that becoming a fool would be useful tools for working with clients! Lots to ponder. Every day is a school day ❤️


Fear by Khalil Gibran.
Came across this and found it really inspiring. The river represents all of us. We all need to move forward, it's in our very nature. It can be really scary to do so. The past is safe, it's what we know best. Change is a risk, but the opportunity of embracing life fully has got to be worth it right? ❤️

Photos from The Human Hub Therapy's post 01/05/2021

So grateful to have spent some time in nature today. Really helps with perspective ❤️


This definition of forgiveness really works for me. Forgiveness is about making a heroic choice to regain your personal power. It can be the hardest thing in the world to visualise and get to such a point, but what a great thing to put your energy to. Your thoughts? ❤️


It's easy to forget how far we have come and the work we have put into ourselves to grow and heal. Just as you would allow the body to recover after intense exercise in order to rebuild stronger, it's important to allow the mind to recognise all of the things that we have learned about ourselves, parts of ourselves that were lost and now found and feelings that we have avoided. We can rebuild ourselves with self awareness, self acceptance and self compassion. 💪❤️

Image was shared by a colleague, credit currently unknown.


From personal experience. What are your thoughts? ❤️



Inspired by a conversation with my father this morning.

Are there relationships in your life that you could approach differently? What would they look like? How can you change your frequency?

Its not always possible, but it has to be worth a(nother) try. Start with your relationship with yourself. The rest will follow ♥️


Had some fun this afternoon combining ancient Eastern wisdom with modern Western tech. An immersive mindfulness experience on the Oculus Quest. It was a little different to my regular practice and the real time feedback was great. 30% uplift in mood after 20 minutes! Definitely recommended 👍🏼❤️

Thanks to for creating the opportunity


I've been thinking a lot about this statement. On the face of it its confrontational. However, going to war with our current selves to me means challenging ourselves deeply and continually - thoughts, expectations, ideas, behaviours, way of being... It means getting to a point of personal responsibility and ownership for where we are and where we want to be. It means considering and facing uncomfortable truths sometimes raised by those closest to us, with an open mind and heart. ❤️

Thank you and credit to .ramsay for the spark


We have so much more and are so much more than we give ourselves credit for. We don't always see this and look to external 'comforts' to give us a sense of well-being. We think about what we don't have and forget what we do.

Let's learn to value our wholeness ❤️


'Well done, you're so smart!' is a positive and well intentioned message that parents can give to their children. A less well-intentioned message on the other hand it could be 'You're useless, why can't you be like your brother?' these messages can have similar outcomes. If we are so smart, we don't challenge ourselves for fear of not appearing smart. If we are useless we don't challenge ourselves because we will never be like someone else.

If we don't challenge ourselves then we can't fail. If we don't fail then we can't grow. Without growth our self-esteem suffers.

Let's raise awareness of the messages we give our children and the messages they receive from school. ❤️


Feel what? We are often so busy doing 'stuff' that we don't allow ourselves to just sit and reflect on how we are feeling and why. I give myself permission at least daily to just 'sit with it' and get some clarity. You could do this in the presence of a partner, a trusted friend or a therapist. Simply being on your own can be enlightening. Try it. You never know what you might find ❤️


We all grow from challenge. Difficult relationships, bereavement, falling over and grazing a knee. The list goes on. People (even little ones) have a natural instinct to grow and learn but when we 'fix' stuff it can discourage this. It's most important for kids to know that we are there. A kind word, a listening ear, a hug can work wonders in helping them make sense of experiences. No fixing, just being together ❤️


So grateful to have attended a live Q&A with Christine A. Padesky, PhD this evening - she is hugely influential in the field of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). I came away with a much greater appreciation for the discipline. As an integrative therapist it's essential to be able to respond to clients' individual needs with appropriate approaches. CBT is often misunderstood by both clients and therapists, however with the right therapist skill level and a collaborative approach it can be hugely effective, particularly for challenges with anxiety and depression. My hand aches from taking notes. The learning never stops! 😁❤️


We are conditioned by people and experiences, particularly in early life. We are taught how life is and who we are (or should be). If we have been protected too much, constantly questioned or denied it can cause us to lose trust in ourselves and our instincts. Daily situations can become a challenge, for example going for a promotion at work or striking up a conversation with someone. We experience 'paralysis by analysis' and don't get things done. Going back to our authentic selves involves 'unlearning' this conditioning and building up trust in ourselves through experience. It's absolutely possible. It's in our nature ❤️

Videos (show all)

Let's talk about anger. This will be one of the topics reviewed in our support group for south Asian males launching on ...
'Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way ar...
Constant criticism leaves us wondering what to do, where to turn. We can start to give up or  over compensate through ac...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:30
Thursday 09:00 - 21:30
Friday 09:00 - 21:30
Saturday 08:00 - 12:00