

Working with teams and individuals to bridge the GAP between a current situation and future vision

Comptons Tennis Club 13/05/2023

Comptons Tennis Club Comptons Tennis Club Horsham Sussex


Are your decisions coming from a place of fear or drive?

When you look at your future, when you have big decisions to make, do you find yourself staying in your comfort zone and taking the easier/safer option, do you find yourself listening to that little voice in your head that tells you that you can't do what you want to, that you will fail, that it is too risky to try something new, that it did not work last time so why try again? If this is the case then you are making decisions from a position of fear!

What if that little voice said, yes you can do what you want! yes it is risky but you will learn a lot on the way and you will grow as a person! that failing is actually successfully finding a solution that did not work and that you are therefore a step closer to finding the right solution!

Changing your thoughts is not an over night process but starting to challenge your thoughts and re programming how you talk to yourself can start straight away.

With a feeling of understanding a new challenge is a chance to grow, to learn, to develop and success could be at the other end of that journey you can start to make a decision from a place of drive. A drive to succeed, a drive to improve, a drive to be better.

Try to catch those negative thoughts when you consider a new idea, those thoughts that come from a place of fear and reframe with positive thoughts of what success could bring you and will help drive you towards your target.

Good luck!


How often do you take a break?

I don't mean a holiday or a weekend off from work, I mean a 10 minute break in the middle of your day just to check in and see how you are doing, an hour in your week to make sure you are on track with where you want to be and dealing with the most important things that keep you moving forward in the right direction, or a slot in your day where you stop everything and allow yourself to be more mindful.

In my opinion It's not just Ok to take a break, it is essential!

Taking a break, or checking in with yourself is a great way to keep yourself out of the rat race and being reactive to everything that comes into your inbox or lands on your desk, and to be more pro active in making sure you are on track and prioritising the things that you wish to do, with the idea of working smarter and not harder.

This year I have made a very conscious effort to keep myself on track, to not get overwhelmed, to take breaks in my day and to meditate once a day and give myself the time to re-energise and be ready to tackle the tasks I have prioritised. I am by no means perfect at this and I find myself slipping back into old habits and thought processes, but after 33 days of effort I can clearly see a difference in myself, my energy levels and my ability to make better decisions and be more present with my work.

What things would you like to change in 2023? What habits would you like to create? What is stopping you having these habits already?

Take action today to start to create the future that you want.


Are things happening to you or are you happening to things?

Do you find yourself procrastinating or just feeling like things are just the way they are and that is all there is? Do you feel like you have great ideas but don't act on them?

How do you make change? How do you start to influence your future more pro actively?

Coaching is a great way to start to take a deep dive into what you want to achieve, or to make the initial steps that you require to start to get things moving and to help you make things happen.

If you would like more information on how coaching can help then send me a message or reach out by email to [email protected]


How long do you have to work at something to get success?

Listening to a recent podcast the description or journey of success was described as being like the Chinese Bamboo. If you plant the seed and you give it water and sun and everything it needs to grow, in year 1 it does not grow, in year 2 you give it the water and sun that it needs it does not grow or appear from the soil, if you do the same in years 3 and year 4 you still see nothing, but in year 5 it can grow up to 80ft in 6 weeks.

Success towards our goals can be the same. We start out with great enthusiasm but after a few days or weeks with no significant results we can give up, we can think things are not working and stop. But if we had stuck at that idea for 5 years what would have happened? How many great ideas failed because we just didn't stick at it long enough and realise that it was happening, it was growing it just needed more time.

Another analogy of success is like a snowball rolling down a mountain, in the first 10 feet you will be able to stop it easily but if it rolls a lot further gaining speed, and picking up more snow it becomes much more difficult to stop. Success requires commitment and momentum, momentum comes with time and continually working at what you are aiming to achieve.

If you would like help looking at your goals, really digging deep into why you want to achieve them and setting out the stepping stones to start to fill the GAP between where you are and where you want to be then please drop me a message or send me an email to [email protected]


This reminds me of the quote "nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care"


So true.


Comptons Tennis Club is a great place to play.



Sometimes we find ourselves focusing on the obstacles rather than the solutions. We can get stuck within our current reality and feel that we have no control over the future.

1:1 Coaching is a great way to spend time looking at solutions that are suitable for the future that you wish to create and to understand the options that are available to you.

If you would like more information on 1:1 coaching send me a message or email me on [email protected]


Taken from my book Good Vibes, Good Life.


This week I was listening to and used the quote "you can't read the label from inside the jar". This really resonated with me in my role as a Coach, as it is through the skills of coaching that I help people to get out of the jar so they are able to read the label. So much goes on within our own heads, that we can go round and round in circles, and rather than see the the way forward to where we are trying to go we just see the reasons why we can't or won't be able to get there. Coaching really helps people to get out of their own heads and current thinking process and to see the opportunities and options that are available to achieve the goals and dreams that they have.

If you would like support in "getting out of the jar" then send me a message or email me at [email protected]


Thanks to Scott for his video feedback on working with me and how the sessions have helped him. If you have a project/idea/goal that you would like support with, through coaching, then please reach out with a message or by emailing [email protected]

Is it OK to Give Advice in a Coaching Session? — Catalyst 14 07/12/2022

This is a great read around giving advice during Coaching sessions.

Is it OK to Give Advice in a Coaching Session? — Catalyst 14 We explore why giving advice may have become a hardwired conversational habit — and what we can do to shift from “doing” to “being” in a coaching conversation.


Great questions help create a different way of thinking and can open new neural networks in our brain which can be associated with innovation and creativity.

Getting stuck and looking at a problem in the same way over and over again can become very tiring, demotivating and can cause us to give up on the vision that we have. But is the problem really the problem or is it just the way we are looking at it? Are we thinking clearly or challenging ourselves in the right way or are we digging a deeper hole and just repeating the same mistake or seeing the same outcome over and over again.

Coaching/mentoring really does give you the chance to spend time over an issue you may have or a goal that you are looking to achieve. If you find yourself stuck in a bit of a rut and not seeing the woods for the trees then participating in a coaching session could be right for you.

I will look to support and guide you to help you understand your current thought process and to help you look at the problem from different angles. If you are motivated to make a change or solve a problem I would love to be able to help.

GAPCoaching22 is here to support sports coaches and business men & woman to achieve their aims. If you would like more information please send me a message or email [email protected]


Here is part 2 of video feedback from Chris. In this video Chris talks about why he chose to work with me and the kind of people he would recommend to use GAPCoaching22. A massive thanks to Christian Colvin for creating this feedback.

If you would like more information on how GAPCoaching22 can help you then please get in touch with a private message or email [email protected]


As a High-Performance Coach, I support individuals & businesses to understand and achieve their desired outcomes. I work with individuals and businesses to move towards their goals and ambitions by giving them the time, ‘mental space’ and questioning to truly understand the ‘GAP’ that needs to be bridged.

Once we truly understand the GAP between where we are and where we are looking to be, we can break down the actions into the required steps and manageable chunks to move forwards.

As Stephen Covey said “If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster”

I will help you to understand if the goal is really the goal, why it is the goal and the meaning behind achieving it. Once that clarity is gained, I will support you in planning the next steps, understanding where you have support and where your strengths and weaknesses are.

If you are interested in finding out more, then send me a message or email on [email protected]


People often ask me what I do when mentoring or coaching.

I found this quote to be very useful in describing one aspect of what I do when supporting a client. I help people to reframe their thinking, look at problems differently, explore perceived problems from different angles and help create a different vision and outcome to their current issue. Providing time and space, questioning for a deeper understanding and meaning, and challenging the current status quo supports people/businesses to think differently about problems they may be facing.

I am not providing people with answers, but helping them understand how to find more of the answers themselves by raising awareness of different ways to perceive and see the problem.

If you would like to know more about what I do and If I can help you then please get in touch on [email protected]


Great to be part of this team this weekend.

A huge congratulations to our team of Rhys Hanger Julie Hanger Scott Tawse and Helen Prinsloo beating the Towers Club to become mixed medley national champions. A huge shout out to Paul Mumford who was part of the team in the earlier rounds.

Thanks to all the supporters who came to watch, it made it a great atmosphere.


Here is a video from a sports coach I am working with describing what he wanted to achieve and how I have helped him. Chris is a Level 5 Coach who is striving to develop himself to be able to support his athletes better, and it has been a real pleasure to support him on this journey. Chris is highly motivated and very clear on the impact he wishes to have within the industry he works. Chris has set some very clear goals and it has been great to work with him and see him move towards the vision he has for his future.

Christian Colvin thank you for the feedback!

If you would like more information on how I can support you then please send a message.


Have you ever found yourself chasing something you thought you wanted, but when you got there it was not right? This could, for example, be the next job promotion, a change of workplace, a change of strategy, new goals, a new project or business idea. I know I have certainly made decisions that did not work out as I expected.

One of my roles at GAPCoaching22 is to help you evaluate the reasons behind the change you are trying to create, and to understand what is the driving force from your current situation and the pull towards the new. Through identifying these push and pull factors you can make sure that the decision you make at that time put's your ladder against the right wall so you can take confident steps towards the right place.

Below is feedback from a client who required support over the direction of their business.

“It changed my life. Rhys gave me the skills, and more importantly, the confidence and self-belief to create a thriving coaching business. I am just entering the second year of full time coaching, and I am fully booked a year in advance.” T

If you would like more information on the services and packages available from GAPCoaching22 then please reach out by email to [email protected]

Videos (show all)

Thanks to Scott for his video feedback on working with me and how the sessions have helped him. If you have a project/id...
Here is part 2 of video feedback from Chris. In this video Chris talks about why he chose to work with me and the kind o...
Here is a video from a sports coach I am working with describing what he wanted to achieve and how I have helped him. Ch...

