
Piping hot since 1947.


SPOTTED: former EiCs are up to no good


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What i find really funny about this page is how much people are willing to sound off anonymously but no one puts their money where their mouth is and interacts publicly. Really sums up how much varsity hacks stand by their values.


I'm saying this as a contributor: can we please have a serious conversation about how downhill the quality of writing has gone over the years? Harder to notice in gradual increments but look at this beauty of an article from 2008 and tell me we've put out anything even near to this quality in terms of prose and style this past year! Can be actually make a bit of effort to write in an engaging way? All the news reporting is so so bland and dry and boring, we're a student newspaper can't we have a little fun?!


Editing 4 Varsity be like..


RIP weekly commissions, always in our hearts


The only thing that’ll get me through Lent term is EO and MH’s flourishing bromance


Can't believe TCS have gone from having a s**t website to having a s**t website that costs £200 per year and doesn't even show up when you google "tcs"/"the cambridge student".


Telegraph son or Guardian daughter?


, if you bother to read up on on historic articles, Reporter, Tab, TCS too etc etc, the SU have at least, since as early as 2015, been on record, repeatedly and consistently briefing against us, to the University of Cambridge authorities, and the wider membership of Cambridge students and accused of us telling lies and the always, been proven wrong. Read the history, and until then, maybe just f**k off yeah?


who keeps posting about SU nonsense on here? no one cares about the Sabbs but whoever this one person is, you're only fuelling their main character complexes. It undermine's legitimate attempts to hold them to account and is just annoying, go buy a diary or something


All the SU have Sabbs have left in their arsenal is posting s**t chat on camfess about us......


'Savannah SU' and the rest of the SU.. keep posting here - and on Cam Fess too - nobody believes you... whether you all post in public or in secret...


Did anyone else see that SU sabb get utterly pwned multiple times over our coverage on camfess? LOL! Also? Mebbe stop posting negative s**t here too- SU?


What happened to the puzzles? The sudoku is the only reason I pick the paper up


when your reportage is swashbuckling but you didn't pick up on a fresher being locked away for 38 hours for a whole term


An outstanding first print edition! A great effort from the new team. Any first term edition from any new team will never, ever be perfect, but well done everybody!


Well done team!!!


as a casual varsity reader, can I just say what a banger this first issue of term is - congrats guys! Looks slick, and full of really interesting, thought out articles!


Massive shoutout to DH in magazine section for helping us figure out how to set print- lifesaver fr


The Varsity office is just the best place to be right now, such a cool, happy, inclusive place to work on the paper, or even just hang out for a while. The new Eic's have really turned things around.


Crikey, you don't realise how toxic last term was, until we turned up to work on Varsity in the office this week. What a great, happy, inclusive enviroment the current Eic's have created. Let's keep it up!


Anyone who tries to mute the conversation during Varsity MS Teams chats - we all still know you farted.


Eic's meeting new writers for the first time..


Ok, I apologise for all my earlier posts, if Varsity could be likened to anything on TV, last term, it would be "Community", Season 5, you know, the one with meow meow beans..


"Dallali had described Muslim Cleric Yusuf Al-Qaradi as “the moral compass for the Muslim community at large” despite his description of the Holocaust as “divine punishment” for Jewish people. Cambridge SU declined to comment on whether the NUS was right to sack Dallali"


"I actually find it hilarious" jog on, SU sabbs.


nice to see that fashion is back to its pretentious i’m not like the other girls ways


I actually find it hilarious that a post I submitted is being accused of being from the SU. Like, despite the fact this page was pretty consistently s**tting on Varsity all this term, all of a sudden any criticism must come from the SU, and not the couple dozen of people who were f**ked over by the previous team.


SU sabs posting again.. ffs..