Daily Tai Chi Exercise Session

Daily Tai Chi Exercise Session

Hello, come and watch or join in with my live daily Tai Chi Exercise Session - streamed to this page. All welcome, do as little or as much as you like.


Tai Chi Courses - August
Location: Rushden, Northamptonshire.


Well, 71 today, another year completed and now to start an even more entertaining and busy one (I hope) - lots of plans for Tai Chi, Scuba Diving, Travel, and more besides. May your life be as excitng and interesting as I hope mine will be.


The best vote


Thursday evening - Tai Chi for Self Defence - Rushden Northamptonshire -

Self Defence Tai Chi Session Tai Chi For Self Defence

Robert Agar-Hutton - Tai Chi is live 04/06/2024

Recent YouTube video -

Robert Agar-Hutton - Tai Chi is live

subscribepage.io 03/05/2024

Interested in Tai Chi?
Get our monthly newsletter
Example at: https://ahtca.co.uk/info/april
Join newsletter list at: https://ahtca.co.uk/info/1j


World Tai Chi and Qigong Day 12/04/2024

27th April - World Tai Chi Day - Free Zoom Session

Come along for the whole 2 hours or just jump in for the bit(s) that you want.

12:00 to 12:05 - Welcome and explanation of Tai Chi and Qigong.
12:05 to 12:20 - Loosening exercises.
12:20 to 12:50 - Tai Chi form - the heart of Tai Chi - with a seated option.
12:50 to 1:00 - Five Elements Qigong - with a seated option.
1:00 to 1:05 - Break (grab a drink).
1:05 to 1:15 - Joint mobility exercises.
1:15 to 1:45 - Tai Chi form - the heart of Tai Chi - with a seated option.
1:45 to 1:55 - Heaven and Earth Qigong - with a seated option.
1:55 to 2:00 - Closing.


World Tai Chi and Qigong Day Opt-in form for joining in with the Agar-Hutton Tai Chi Academy's free online ZOOM training to celebrate World Tai Chi and Qigong Day.


Please register (it's free) at: https://subscribepage.io/w2IWU2


Jan 1st 2024 and I'm almost ready to send out my monthly Tai Chi Newsletter - it will be sent later today - if you would like to see it, go to: https://subscribepage.io/ahtcajoinnewsletter and join - you can unsubscribe at any time and only I use your email address for sending you Tai Chi info.



www.subscribepage.com 06/06/2023

According to 'MailerLite', Newsletters in the Health and Fitness category have an average open rate of 41.23% - Our June Tai Chi Newsletter which we sent out yesterday, currently has an 61.06% open rate - want to know why our newsletter is so popular.... Join here:



If you would like to attend a one hour Tai Chi session on Zoom this coming Tuesday the 21st March at 6pm UK time. It's completely free by the way. Let me know by commenting 'YES'.

Tai Chi Fan - Mirthy 16/01/2023

12 noon - teaching Tai Chi Fan - on Mirthy Zoom - FREE to attend - https://www.mirthy.co.uk/event-calendar/tai-chi-fan/ (OK if you don't have a fan, grab a wooden spoon or a rolled up magazine or just empty hands).

Tai Chi Fan - Mirthy Slow moving, elegant, interesting and a little bit challenging. The Tai Chi fan form will teach you Tai Chi and how to use the Tai Chi fan. The form is graceful and pretty to look at and is suitable for everyone. You will also get an insight into how in ‘time gone by’ the fan was used as a defen...

Power Tai Chi - Mirthy 01/01/2023

HAPPY NEW YEAR - I hope that 2023 brings you health and happiness.
Please join me (there is no charge) live tomorrow Monday 2nd January 2023 at 12 noon (UK time) on Zoom as I present Power Tai Chi for Mirthy.
Go to https://ahtca.co.uk/info/12 to see the details.
Mirthy are a training platform that allows you to access training on lots of different subjects. Subjects are in areas as diverse as exercise, book clubs, yoga, historical talks, and even live music performances. You can attend 4 sessions a month at no charge or join as a member for complete access at a low (and it is low) fee.
Yes, I am a fan and a member of Mirthy and personally attend sessions on a variety of subjects. Also, if you want to attend a session and then circumstances make you miss it - they send you a link to a recording :)
So please go to https://ahtca.co.uk/info/12 and I'll see you tomorrow.
All the best.

Power Tai Chi - Mirthy You may have seen Tai Chi being performed slowly and gently, but that is just one aspect of the art. Power Tai Chi will introduce you to the art’s faster and more energetic aspects and give you a fun and interesting workout. You will also be guided in how to adjust the intensity to meet your own a...




December Tai Chi training half price offer - only two slots left - https://taichitraining.pro/specialoffer.html



I'm offering a half price personal Tai Chi session (Live or via Zoom) details at: https://ahtca.co.uk/info/11

Power Tai Chi - Mirthy 15/11/2022

Have you ever practiced Power Tai Chi?

Tomorrow at 4 PM GMT I will be teaching a session that you can attend via Zoom without any cost - I am presenting it for Mirthy and you can join their free program and come and watch and/or participate.

The link is: https://www.mirthy.co.uk/event-calendar/power-tai-chi/

Please note, that this is Power Tai Chi, so it is more physically demanding than you may be used to compared to 'slow' Tai Chi. But it's not as arduous as running a marathon or going six rounds with Mike Tyson :) Also there will be options that let you reduce the intensity if you want to.

It will also be new (as I haven't taught this publicly before) and fun. So come along and give it a go.

Power Tai Chi - Mirthy You may have seen Tai Chi being performed slowly and gently, but that is just one aspect of the art. Power Tai Chi will introduce you to the art’s faster and more energetic aspects and give you a fun and interesting workout. You will also be guided in how to adjust the intensity to meet your own a...


Our new website is coming within a week (maybe within a couple of days) and this offer will not be on it - want access to free Tai Chi training - go here and join NOW

Bronze Program - TaiChiTraining Free Online Tai Chi Training Program.

A-H Tai Chi Online 30/08/2022

Hello - Here is the link to my Bronze Tai Chi program - https://ahtca.co.uk/info/freeb - there is NO contract, or commitment, or further payments - you get a complete introduction to Tai Chi and Qigong for FREE.

A-H Tai Chi Online SUBSCRIPTIONS & SINGLE PRODUCTS 1) Subscription Cancellation - Contact us at [email protected] Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time and refunds will be given if you request a refund within 5 working days of a payment being made. A refund will be made as soon as possible and normally...

A-H Tai Chi Online - Tai Chi BRONZE Program 27/08/2022

Starting next Tuesday, I am going to offer my Bronze Tai Chi program - which normally costs £19.99 (See: https://ahtca.co.uk/info/brprev ) at a special price of £0.00 - yes you read that correctly, for a short time you will be able to get it for FREE.
This great offer will only last for a short while, so if you want to give Tai Chi a go, like or comment on this message and keep a look out for the details when the offer begins.
Also, please share this post with your friends, Tai Chi is so helpful, in so many ways, everyone should try it.

A-H Tai Chi Online - Tai Chi BRONZE Program This is our basic Tai Chi for health and fitness membership program. It gives you access to a number of pre-recorded Tai Chi courses and to one live Zoom vide

Thursday Chen 11 Form Tai Chi Session 20/07/2022

Would you like to give Chen style Tai Chi a go? Chen is famous for it's Silk Reeling exercises and power.

Come along to tomorrow's live Zoom session at 6 p.m. (UK time).

Buy your ticket now at:

Thursday Chen 11 Form Tai Chi Session On Jul 21, 2022 - get a ticket now!


Get Your Tai Chi Newsletters Here: https://www.ahtca.co.uk/taichinewsletters.html

Heaven and Earth Qigong 'Lite' Version 31/05/2022

A 'Lite' i.e. easier version of the Heaven and Earth Qigong exercise routine. https://youtu.be/VjAX3cAVjwM

Heaven and Earth Qigong 'Lite' Version A shorter and easier version of Heaven and Earth Qigong. However, as with any exercise, only do what you can do, stop if you feel pain, and YOU take full res...

A-H Tai Chi Online - Tai Chi PLATINUM Program 24/05/2022

Tai Chi - How do you get £59.99 worth of Tai Chi training for virtually half price? If you act swiftly, you can get it for just £29.99

Our Gold Program of pre-recorded Tai Chi courses costs £19.99 a month and our live Tue & Wed Zoom sessions cost £5 each (so in a 4 week month, that's a total of £59.99). But our new Platinum Program combines the Gold Program and access to all the live Zoom sessions on Tue & Wed evenings for only £29.99

That's a super offer and I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep the introductory Platinum price, so check it out now https://ahtca.co.uk/info/platinum

There's no contract so you can cancel anytime you want to - but you may well not want to because the program is a complete Tai Chi training that will take you from complete beginner through to an advanced level Tai Chi practitioner.

A-H Tai Chi Online - Tai Chi PLATINUM Program This is full and immediate access to all our courses and access to our, hour long, Tuesday and Wednesday evening (6 p.m. UK time) live Zoom sessions. As a Pla

Tai Chi Session 06/05/2022

A video of a Tai Chi taster session I ran this last week - https://youtu.be/m0nua3fuD-E

Tai Chi Session This is a lightly edited version of a Zoom Tai Chi session that I delivered to a group of people who had no prior exposure to what I do and some of whom knew...


You should Tai Chi - it has so many benefits... but time is precious and getting to a class can be difficult. So, the simple answer is live online classes that you can join with a PC, Laptop, tablet, iPad, or smartphone. Easy and convenient from your own home or wherever you happen to be (Internet/Data connection obviously required).

Tomorrow evening (Thursday) will be the first of our every other week Chen Style Tai Chi practice sessions. These sessions will be step by step and slow-paced to make learning easy. They will be interactive and questions can be asked (indeed questions will be most welcome) so as to make learning Chen Tai Chi easy as possible for you.

There is a charge of £5 per session and you can book your place at: https://ahtca.co.uk/info/p




My new online Tai Chi training program on Zoom, starts on the 1st March - Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, 6 p.m. (UK Time) are Yang style Tai Chi with a variety of forms being taught from easy through to advanced and every other Thursday evening at 6 p.m. an introduction to Chen Style Tai Chi's 11 Move Form.

The sessions can be bought on an individual basis: https://ahtca.co.uk/info/n or the Tuesday and Wednesday sessions by monthly bundle: https://ahtca.co.uk/info/o

Message me if you would like extra details at my personal email address of: [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you.

Tai Chi Exercise Session Mon 14th February 14/02/2022

Recording of this morning's exercise session, watch, join in, have fun - https://youtu.be/JTVPfNe26nw

Tai Chi Exercise Session Mon 14th February Tai Chi Exercise Session Mon 14th February

Test 14/02/2022

Exercise (gentle 'Tai Chi' style) session starting in 30+ minutes at 8:30 a.m. - go to https://www.youtube.com/RobertAgarHutton/live


Videos (show all)

Tai Chi Exercise Session Thu 2nd December
Tai Chi Exercise Session Wed 1st December
Tai Chi Exercise Session Tue 30th November
Tai Chi Exercise Session Mon 29th November
Tai Chi Exercise Session Sun 28th November
Tai Chi Exercise Session Sat 27th November
Tai Chi Exercise Session Fri 26th November
Tai Chi Exercise Session Thu 25th November
Tai Chi Exercise Session Wed 24th November
Tai Chi Exercise Session Tue 23rd November
Tai Chi Exercise Session Mon 22nd November
Tai Chi Exercise Session Sun 21st November
