L & R Marketing

L & R Marketing

We help people create a life they will love, achieving life goals and following their dreams! Feel free to reach out to us for more info.


Travelling has the ability to take you out of our daily routine and into new surroundings and experiences and this can reset your body and mind πŸ˜„

Do you have plans over summer?β˜€οΈ


Don't bow down to negativity otherwise get stuck in a mindset you can't escape!


Thinking of better days ahead πŸŒ΄β˜€οΈ


You always have 2 choices in life! πŸ’―

That's why only 5% succeed while the other 95% continue to struggle!

Live your Freedom life with our support πŸ˜„


Sometimes, you need to step outside, get some fresh air, and remind yourself of who you want to be because life is what you make it!πŸ‘ŒπŸ’―


Love this πŸ‘ŒπŸ’―%

The people who risk nothing do nothing!


Why do we wait for the right time to start?

Does the right time even exist?πŸ€”

β€œMost people tiptoe their way through life, hoping they make it safely to death.”

The only sure thing in the world is constant change.

So grow and evolve!πŸ‘†

The right time to take them first steps is right now!

Life is to short! Start something that could potentially change your life!

Fine your Freedom, make that list take a risk and enjoy the reward!πŸ₯³



We have a Free Live-WebClass you can ask as many questions as you like at 8pm UK time tonight! Please message the page for the link πŸ₯³


Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity! 🀯

Your big OPPORTUNITY may be right where you are now. πŸ’―%

Message the page for the link to be sent for our Free Live web-class on Sunday night 8 pm UK time. This is where you can ask any questions you may have on how you can work online πŸ₯³


I have thoughts and aim to make them happen!

I know people are scared to come out of their comfort zone no matter what you do in life but this is exactly what's stopping you achieving what you've always wanted! It could be Speaking to someone you want to know, spending a lot of money on something, It could be doing an activity, or maybe it's investing in yourself / your future! I just hope more people will have a think about how their mindset works but I believe if you really want something that much then you will do absolutely anything to get it! After all, it's better to look back on life and say... I can't believe I did that! Than to look back and say... I wish I did that! πŸ˜„πŸŒžπŸŒ΄



Always focus on the perfect moments and always remember life changes in a positive way if you let it! ❀


"Anything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile initially scared me to death. "

You don't get anywhere without overcoming your fears! 🀩


Mindset is what separates the best from the rest! πŸ’―%

Only positivity allowed in here ❀


When you’re scared to jump, that is exactly when you jump, otherwise you’ll end up staying in the same place for the rest of your life! πŸ‘€

Invest in you! ❀


Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow ❀


"Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories." ❀


Dreaming of a holiday πŸ‘€πŸ™

Maldives again or Costa Rica? Help us out 😩


It's so important to work on a good mindset to be able to move forward and achieve your goals πŸ˜„πŸš€


Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for your success! πŸš€πŸŒ 

When we reflect back on our life, We regret many choices we made in the past and the bumps in the road we had to overcome to find the direction we wanted to go. For us is was knowing how we can get there, having the tools and positive mindset without letting others put us down telling us we can't achieve it.
It's when you let go of them people, your life totally changes! Being positive when times are hard, pushing yourself to get better when everything is working out! Having the right money mindset! Your life is how you want it to be! What you dream about, but your heads telling you that you'll never make it? We had the exact thoughts but believe us your dreams are certainly a few steps away from reality! You now have a choice to change and go get what you've always wanted πŸ˜€πŸŽ‰ We sit here today knowing we can help others believe in themselves, achieving goals they didn't think they could! And most importantly living the life they will be proud of 🌏❀️

We're literally a message away for a chat!
Have a fab day πŸ˜„


If you could travel anywhere in the world! Where would your dream destination be and why? 🌏✈️

Let us know in the comments πŸ‘‡


We just want to share how you could be getting in the Way of Your Own Success without even knowing it πŸ˜΅πŸ‘Ž

As you know, once you get to a certain level of maturity, you realize no one has hindered your success but you? It’s a hard pill to swallow, but once you accept that you’ve been putting yourself into an imaginary box, you can break the lid and thrive!

We've left a list of 14 ways that could be getting in the way of your own success πŸ‘‡

1 - Being Lazy
2 - Being insecure
3 - Being shy
4 - Being rude
5 - Being ungrateful
6 - Self-doubt
7 - Comparing
8 - Holding on to the past
9 - Perfectionism
10 - Fear
11 - Leaving it β€˜til tomorrow
12 - Being disorganized
13 - Doing it alone
14 - Not setting goals

We recommend being honest with yourself and ticking these off one by one to help you overcome them over time πŸ˜„πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Don't forget to celebrate the Wins πŸŽ‰

β€œChange your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale ❀️


Did you know once lockdown is over 95% of people will go back to how life was before lockdown started, while the other 5% go into our new world with...

πŸ‘‰ New side husstle with potential income.
πŸ‘‰ New skills learned for life.
πŸ‘‰ New goals to aim for that can totally transform your future.

The problem is most people don't win in life because they are to scared of loosing! You have a choice πŸ˜€ don't be in the 95%... Join the 5% who aim to succeed πŸ”₯


Every single moment there are three decisions we are making to shape our lives.

πŸ‘‰ What are you focusing on?
πŸ‘‰ What meaning are you assigning?
πŸ‘‰ What action are you taking?

Photos from L & R Marketing's post 28/05/2020

One of our Wins for today was our 12.7km walk! Were definitely feeling it now though πŸ’ͺ😴


Surround yourself with people who have dreams, desire and ambition; they'll help you push for, and realize your own. πŸ™Œ

We're forever greatfull for the community behind us in making it possible to realise our dreams! ❀️ We seek to help others follow their freedom with our mentorship and our whole community to push you on! πŸ’―


Goodnight eveyone! 😴

Timeline photos 21/05/2020

Life opens up opportunities to you,
And you either take them or you stay
Afraid of taking them! πŸ’Ž


We do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want! πŸ‘Ž Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life! πŸ’Ž It takes that first step to believe in yourself and forget about what others around you may think or believe in! 😊

Only You can make the choice to create your future and reach your goals 🀩🌍🏝️ 🏞

Timeline photos 18/05/2020

Value your time and use it wiseleyπŸ‘Œ

πŸ™Œ πŸ‘” πŸ’­

Timeline photos 17/05/2020

What an experience this was! 🌎😎


What is FREEDOM to you?

Our freedom is to travel when we want, where we want and however many times we want! You should always aim for the life you dream of living πŸŒŽπŸŒ΄πŸ‘«β˜€οΈ

Timeline photos 16/05/2020

Really missing the days out and spending time creating memories πŸ˜• I'm using my time wisely to help others discover their true abilities and reaching life goals!!

What is it your missing the most while in Lockdown and what have you done to better yourself when we eventually get back to normal life? πŸ˜„

I would love to know πŸ’ͺπŸ”₯❀️


Timeline photos 15/05/2020

This is our happy place ☺️

Timeline photos 15/05/2020

Your own positive future begins in this moment. All you have is right now. Every goal is possible from hereπŸ”₯

Let me help you reach your goals! πŸ’Ž

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