Sleep Better Live Better

Sleep Better Live Better

Unlocking true human potential through deeper rest.


Sleep is the best drug on the planet! 💊 💤

To quote the famous Matthew Walker, PhD - "Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day - Mother Nature's best effort yet at contra-death."

I think we're in agreement that we'd all like to live as long and as well as possible?

Perhaps focusing on your sleep is the key... 🔑

At the very least, the latest science clearly demonstrates that it is one of the most natural and potent inner healing, emotionally balancing and performance-enhancing forces that exist.

That's why we made it Sleep Better Live Better's mission to deliver truly impactful sleep solutions that can unlock the enormous pool of untapped human potential that results from being well-rested.

🚨 Hot off the press, one week into our latest sleep programme...

💬 "I'm definitely feeling more positive already and seem to have more energy and a more positive outlook - I'm beginning to think this course will be the answer to helping my sleep problems long-term."

💬 "I'm feeling so much more energised in the mornings!"

💬 "I'm already waking up less during the night and getting to sleep earlier. Overall, incorporating all of the advice that you've shared so far is already making me feel much better."

💬 "I’m feeling a lot less tired throughout the day - I'm not necessarily sleeping longer (I already sleep a good amount) but I feel more rested when I wake up."

How different would your life look if you unlocked your full personal and professional potential by mastering your sleep?

Join us for our next free masterclass "Sleeping for Success: How Busy Professionals Can Skyrocket Their Productivity, Performance, Health & Well-being" to find out how.

🗓 Wednesday 13th December @ 6 PM (UK) - details in post comments.

PS. Register to receive the recording if you can't make it live.

An introduction to sleep and circadian rhythms with Daniel White 26/06/2023

An introduction to sleep and circadian rhythms with Daniel White Daniel is a registered nutritionist, functional medicine certified health coach and sleep expert. He is the founder of Sleep Better Live Better and chairman of the Sleep Better Live Better Foundation. His organisation’s mission is to deliver innovative sleep solutions that combine the best of scie...


Wherever you are in the world and whatever the weather may have in store for your weekend, remember this:

Every single cell of your body is governed by a circadian timing mechanism. The chief conductor of your circadian orchestra is the quality of your light exposure. Your relationship with natural light governs your health.

Two of our favourite quotes include:

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”

- Theodosius Dobzhansky

”The idea is to learn from evolution and marry it with science”

- Valter Longo

Science is fantastic, but it is impossible to empirically study all of the impacts of exposure to natural light.

If we reduce our behaviours only to that recommended by science, we're ignoring universal wisdom.

➡ Seek more morning, midday and afternoon sunshine ☀ ⛅ 🌦 ☁

➡ Remove, reduce and block artificial light at night 📺 💻 💡 🕶

Nature will take care of the rest 💚



Our founder Daniel White Health recently launched the "Guernsey Schools Sleep Project", an intervention funded by the Sleep Better Live Better Foundation that seeks to deliver sleep education and tools to adolescents in 🇬🇬 schools with the aim of improving the mental and physical well-being of our youth.

As part of the project's launch, Ewan Champion-Smith interviewed Daniel to talk about his story and the journey that led him to launch Sleep Better Live Better, and later the school's project.

In this short clip, Ewan asked the question...

"Where did your interest in sleep begin?"

Daniel responds by discussing the challenges he faced in his youth (beginning around 2006-2009) due to the overuse of technology devices and exposure to artificial light at night.

If you want to learn more about the project you can read this recent article featured in Bailiwick Express:

Blue light blocking glasses trial undertaken in Guernsey schools 17/03/2023

Our charitable foundation made the news today! We’re thrilled to be able to positively impact the youth of Guernsey.

Happy World Sleep Day! 💚💤🌍

Blue light blocking glasses trial undertaken in Guernsey schools Hundreds of students across Guernsey have taken part in a trial which has generated data on the efficacy of blue light blocking glasses and ‘sleep education’ in developing better quality sleep.


We’re passionate advocates for improving children's sleep.

We believe that proper sleep is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of optimising the growth and development of future generations.

As a teenager, our founder suffered from severe mental and physical health challenges because of addictions to artificially lit technology devices (it doesn't take a genius to recognise that a vast proportion of modern humans, both younger and older, are struggling with these challenges too).

From the age of 13 to 16 he gained over 4 stone in weight and began to experience severe anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and severe losses in self-confidence and self-esteem. 

He only achieved between 5 to 6 hours of sleep each night (very common for teenagers these days) and this meant that he wasn't able to maintain school attendance or remain focused, concentrated and engaged enough to perform well during the most important years of my academic studies.

He felt that he was no use to himself, his family or his friends... and he certainly wasn't on a trajectory to positively contribute to society at large.

Thankfully, this journey led to his passion for delivering education and science-led interventions that can empower children, adolescents and young adults with the knowledge that can stop them from experiencing the pitfalls he encountered in his youth.

Our future rests on future generations…

We truly believe that there are no challenges we currently face in the world that can't be solved by dedicated and passionate people who are well-rested and functioning to their full potential.

The problems we humans face in the future (of which there are many) will be solved by future generations who need all the support they can get to grow and develop in the best ways possible.

The time to act is now...

As parents, caregivers, teachers and policymakers, we believe that it's our duty to ensure our children get enough rest to build their minds and bodies to prepare for a rapidly changing world.

We believe that together we can build the next generation of strong and able youth, starting with the foundation of proper sleep!


Sometimes   strikes in the oddest moments.

We’ve been deep in thought experiments about the impacts of   on   as we write an article for a publisher.

Our meandering led to the authoring of this poem and we thought we’d like to share with you all.

“Sleep is a vital component of leadership,
A rested mind is sharp and clear,
It helps with focus, decision-making,
And assists us to manage our fears.

Cognitive function is key to good leadership,
With a well-rested brain it thrives,
To solve problems, think creatively,
And put the gears in forward drive.

Communication is vital for leadership,
With clarity and empathy as key,
A well-rested leader listens with intent,
And conveys messages effectively.

Emotional regulation is a leadership must,
With stress and pressure often so high,
A good night's sleep can soothe the soul,
And help boost team moral to the sky.

Role modelling sets the tone for all,
Of what is acceptable and right,
When a leader prioritises self-care and rest,
Their team follows suit with delight.

So let us not forget the importance of sleep,
In the life of an effective leader,
With a well-rested mind and body,
They inspire all to become succeeders."

We hope to inspire future leaders to lead better by helping them to unlock their true human potential through deeper rest ☀️ 🌙



This is a gentle reminder to all of our Facebook followers for the weekend ahead that only YOU can be the one who prioritises your sleep! 💤 💚

Sleep really is the best medicine!

It's your superpower and a force multiplier for all of the efforts you exert to improve your well-being and performance in other domains of life.

All effects of healthy eating, exercising and other healthy habits you apply are greatly improved when you're also sleeping well!
.. but the thing about sleep is that, in order to unlock its true potential, YOU need to prioritise it!

YOU need to be the one to take charge - to set boundaries and apply the lifestyle habits and behaviours that can ensure you have the opportunity of getting the best sleep possible.

So few of us in modern society really feel the benefits of truly and .

We believe this is a huge shame, as our deepest states of sleep are what can help to unlock our truest potential.

Perhaps for one weekend, this weekend, you could 'try on' arranging your enjoyment so that it prioritises your sleep, instead of arranging your sleep so that it priorities your enjoyment?

We sure believe that life is to be lived...
.. but the richness of our human experience can be felt most fully after achieving the deepest and most restorative rest.

Sweet dreams! 😴


As Matthew Walker, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and Founder and Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science wrote:

"Sleep is the Swiss army knife of health. When sleep is deficient, there is sickness and disease. And when sleep is abundant, there is vitality and health.”

We can’t help but think that if everyone in our world knew of the true power that could be cultivated through prioritising being well-rested, the human race would achieve far more than we ever thought to be possible.

We're committed to making our vision for a well-rested world a reality.

By the year 2025, we aim to support 1,000,000 adults and children to sleep deeper and live lighter so that the future of our world becomes brighter.

We're achieving this through our dedication to three goals:

[1] Working with businesses

Through the delivery of truly impactful sleep solutions that can help to unlock the enormous pool of untapped potential within your organisation.

[2] Working with schools, children and families

Our charitable foundation is pioneering research and education interventions that can support communities of children, teenagers and young adults to achieve better sleep.

[3] Working to support individuals

Providing Functional Medicine based holistic health coaching that can help individuals to address the root cause of their sleep challenges.

You can visit us online to learn more @

Introducing DNB: Do Not Burnout - 1 More Thing 12/12/2022

A big thank you to Dave Colombo Jenkins from 1 More Thing for featuring the free online well-being event that we are running in collaboration with MC Fokus, Daniel White Health & Selection. this coming Saturday 17th December from 15:00 - 17:00.

You can still sign up for if you'd like to learn more about the tools and techniques we use to:

- Feel happier and sharper mentally through our nutrition, lifestyle and diet

- Feel calmer, more relaxed and more positive every day

- Get to sleep easier, sleep deeper and wake up feeling more energised and positive

- Increase your focus and prioritise the things that are most important to you in life

- Create and sustain new healthy habits and helpful routines in your life


Introducing DNB: Do Not Burnout - 1 More Thing MC Fokus and Daniel White want to help you thrive in life...

Timeline photos 11/12/2022

As Matthew Walker, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and Founder and Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science wrote:

"Sleep is the Swiss army knife of health. When sleep is deficient, there is sickness and disease. And when sleep is abundant, there is vitality and health.”

We can’t help but think that if everyone in our world knew of the true power that could be cultivated through prioritising being well-rested, that the human race would achieve far more than we ever thought to be possible.

We've committed to making our vision for a well-rested world a reality.

By the year 2025, we aim to support 1,000,000 adults and children to sleep deeper and live lighter so that the future of our world becomes brighter.

We're achieving this through our dedication to three goals:

[1] Working with businesses

Through the delivery of truly impactful sleep solutions that can help to unlock the enormous pool of untapped potential within your organisation.

[2] Working with schools, children and families

Our charitable foundation is pioneering research that can support communities of children, teenagers and young adults to achieve better sleep.

[3] Working to support individuals

Providing Functional Medicine based holistic health coaching that can help individuals to address the root cause of their sleep challenges.�

You can visit us online to learn more @

Photos from Sleep Better Live Better's post 11/12/2022

Meet our founder 👋

Daniel White is a Registered Nutritionist (MSc, ANutr) and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) with extensive educational, research and clinical experience in the fields of nutrition, psychology, stress management, sleep science, health education and human behaviour change.

As a teenager, he suffered from severe mental and physical health challenges because of addictions to artificially lit technology devices.

From the age of 13 to 16 he gained over 4 stone in weight and began to experience severe anxiety, depression and losses in self-confidence and self-esteem.

Due to only achieving between 5 to 6 hours of sleep each night on average, this meant that he wasn't able to maintain school attendance or remain focused, concentrated and engaged enough to perform well during the most important years of his schooling.

Over a 10 year journey that uncovered the answers to my own health challenges, he completed degrees in Psychology and Nutrition, as well as becoming a Registered Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach.

"In 2018, after suffering from a period of personal and professional burnout, I once again lost touch with the magic of deep sleep and found myself struggling in all areas of life as a result. This was another challenging period of life which inspired me to dive deep into the science of sleep and to learn about emerging fields of study such as light (photobiomodulation), mind body medicine, electromagnetism, quantum biology and other fundamental topics which merged with my understandings of nutrition and holistic medicine to form a comprehensive understanding of how to manage my own sleep.

In 2020, I launched Sleep Better Live Better as platform to combine my decade long studies, experience and passion for the betterment of human health by improving awareness and providing education and tools that can support the health of all in our society through bettering our sleep!”

Timeline photos 11/12/2022

At Sleep Better Live Better, we think that everybody should be able to access practical, research-based advice, information and products that can help to improve the way that we sleep, meaning that we can all get the most out of every day of our waking lives.

We believe there is an enormous pool of untapped human potential that can arise from our world being well-rested, as the science clearly demonstrates that sleep is the most potent inner healing, emotionally balancing and performance enhancing force that exists.

When we first set out as passionate sleep advocates we asked ourselves, how different would societies be if everyone felt healthier and happier as a result of better sleep?

Would we have happier and healthier mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, students, teachers, friends, colleagues, managers, entrepreneurs and leaders?

Would every one of these people be able to experience what it means to truly live, celebrate life and discover the unique contribution that they are here to make for their communities?

When we sleep better, we feel better and our mental and physical health can flourish. As a result, there can be less hate, less fear, more love and a greater understanding of ourselves and others at a time when the world requires its strongest sense of community connectedness.

We truly believe that there are no challenges we're currently face that cannot be solved by dedicated and passionate people who are well rested and functioning to their full potential.

That's why our mission is to deliver truly impactful sleep solutions that can unlock the enormous pool of untapped human potential that results from being well-rested.


This Black Friday weekend we are GIVING BACK! 🙏🏻

For every purchase of blue light blocking glasses, we'll match this by donating a pair to help the child whose sleep needs it most.*

🟦 Our Daytime Lenses protect you from harmful blue light during the day so your focus and energy stay at an all-time high.
🟥 Our Nighttime Lenses protect you from harmful blue light at night so you can sleep like a (really well behaved) baby every single night.

For this weekend only, there is 20-25% off all sleep-enhancing products site-wide!

*Valid on all purchases until Wednesday 30th November

Timeline photos 08/02/2022

I love podcasting 🎙️

There's nothing more enjoyable for me than to converse with other inspiring and openminded human beings about passion-fuelled topics.

Most of my conversations take place privately, but occasionally I'm gitfted the opportunity to bring these conversations public and online.

Last week I spent an hour with the wonderful Oliver Thompson on the OTT podcast.

With over 25 years’ experience Oliver is a celebrated Keynote speaker, author, corporate trainer and executive coach who works with leaders and organisations creating measurable results through a combination of neuro-linguistics, behavioural psychology and other cutting-edge learning techniques.

Having made an impact within many start-ups, SMEs and house hold names such as Coca Cola, Estee Lauder, BMW, Zara, Samsung, Tesco and British Athletics he continues to be passionate about making learning stimulating, exciting, creative and above all outcome focused.

On the show, Oliver and I sat down to discuss the many reasons why sleep is so important to our well-being and why it is often something we tend to neglect at our peril.

As always, I made sure to sprinkle lots of tangible real-life tips that can help listeners to start sleeping smarter.

The episode is avaialble on Spotify if you search for "OTT Podcast"

Timeline photos 20/01/2022

A groundbreaking new study in pre-school children...

Please read this twice and let it sink in...

"High sensitivity of melatonin suppression response to evening light in preschool-aged children."

"Light exposure 1 hour before bedtime suppresses melatonin levels in pre-school children by as much as 98%. These findings indicate that preschool-aged children are highly sensitive to light exposure in the hour before bedtime and suggest the lighting environment may play a crucial role in the development and the maintenance of behavioral sleep problems through impacts on the circadian timing system."

Melatonin is the key sleep hormone that controls rejuvenation, growth, recovery and the immune system.

Every human being is suffering as a result of toxic artificial light exposure at night. That's why one large part of my life's mission is to educate and support people to make changes to their light environment.

On the Sleep Better Live Better website, there exists some simple interventions that you could quite frankly transform yours and your family's life.

I hope you'll consider buying some of our blue light blocking glasses or sleep-friendly lighting to support me on this mission.

Next month I'll be sharing the results of a large trial that I've just run with a local school, providing pairs of our glasses to teachers and students.

I'll let you in for a secret... the results have been phenomenal. When we asked them...

"Have our glasses helped to improve your sleep?"

87.6% responded... "Yes"

I'm not resting until this situation changes.

I could be here a few years.

I think I've got my work cut out for me.

Thank you for all of your support.

With love and gratitude,


Timeline photos 01/12/2021

Ring ring 📞

When are we going to pick up the phone and get the message?

Light = Information for your body ☀️ 💡

Information: "The act of informing or the condition of being informed"

Light informs your body's biology how it should function.

The right light keeps your body in balance (homeostasis) ⚖️

Balance keeps your mind and body functioning optimally.

A disruption to balance causes sickness and disease 🤢

What happens when you view the wrong types of light at the wrong times of day?

The right information is lost and you fall out of balance.

Vital functions such as energy production, sleep, immunity and reproduction begin to break down 👎

You begin feeling unhappy, unmotivated and unenergised.

Do you want to know what's even worse?

You begin to believe that feeling that way is OK.

You start to think it's normal and it becomes your default operating mode.

Light matters 🔆

You must choose the light in your environment wisely.

Nature provides the perfect types of light to optimise our mind body.

Cool white LED light and those screens and devices containing too much blue light are slowly killing us.

They are aging your body and mind.

They are decreasing human potential.

Three key reasons blue light is so bad:

1️⃣ Blue light reduces your melatonin production. You need this to get into deep sleep and to repair and regenerate.

2️⃣ Blue light causes inflammation. Chronic inflammation drives all chronic disease.

3️⃣ Blue light disrupts your biological clock 🕰️. This controls your growth, metabolism and hormones.

💬 The message is very clear..

Avoid and filter artificial blue light, especially at night...

▶️ Use blue light blocking glasses (link in bio)

▶️ Install red light bulbs in some lamps around your house.

▶️ Install on your laptop, computer and mobile.

▶️ Turn off any bright LED lighting (except red) at night.

I talk about this topic because it's important ‼️

🙏 Please stop settling for less health than you deserve


I'm not a huge fan of the Black Friday concept.

Truth be told I personally believe that it drives an attachment to many things that we don't really need in our lives - things that may only bring a fleeting sense of pleasure without lasting fulfillment.

I will, however, always encourage you to support businesses that I believe are doing good in the world.

In that way, I see a huge benefit of a seasonal sale that can help people more affordably access things that can support them to live stronger, healthier and happier lives.

At Sleep Better Live Better, we've decided to launch a 'Light Friday' deal 💡 so that you can enjoy the gift of more energy and better health approaching this holiday season.

Life uses light and dark to keep track of time in our bodies ☀️ 🌕

With trillions of biological processes occurring simultaneously, the perfect timing of light is required for our circadian rhythms to stay in sync.

The closer that our body is tuned to the natural circadian rhythms of the earth (as was expected throughout thousands of years of our evolution) the better every system of our body functions.

Before considering making any purchases with us, please give yourself a free gift by starting to go outside every morning and watching the sunrise or being exposed to morning sunlight for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

This will fire up your biology, increasing your mood and energy whilst fine-tuning your circadian rhythm for the day ahead.

After the sun sets, you can then wear our Sleep Better Live Better Night Lenses to block artificial blue light, which disrupts your body's internal clock and dampens your shine.

Wearing our glasses for just a few hours before bed will protect your sleep, replenish your energy and improve your health.

The benefits are immediate and almost all of our customers report feeling a difference in their sleep after just ONE night of wearing them!

Head over to and save 20% on all of our glasses until Friday 3rd December.

I guarantee you'll be glad that you did - so much so that if you aren't satisfied with any order placed until the offer ends, you can return your glasses and receive a full refund with no questions asked.

With love and light,


PS. Don't forget to read our reviews 😁


What is the Guernsey Childrens' Sleep Project all about?

Since the pandemic, collectively, childrens' and teenagers' quality of sleep and mental health is the worst that it's been in our history. 

Parents are concerned about the health of their children and the impact that this has on their school performance and career opportunities for the future.

I understand these issues all too well because I was the child who was suffering at the hands of poor sleep (and therefore poor mental and physical health) from the age of 13.

As a teenager, I was overweight, depressed, anxious and unable to focus or concentrate in school which severely affected my grades.

My personal health journey and subsequent career have helped me to understand all of the reasons why conventional solutions to solving sleep difficulties and related mental health issues aren't always effective and which solutions are required to get to the root cause.

I'm now uniquely positioned to understand the challenges faced by young people in the 21st century because I was that young person.

My life could have been much different if I had received the information that could have helped me to sleep better. 

That's why I'm launching the Guernsey Childrens' Sleep Project - to provide the education and support that I didn't receive as a young person.

Today I'm taking the next steps to officially launch the initiative. 

To help explain the purpose of the project and the opportunity that everyone has to get involved, I've recorded a short video to discuss its origins and mission.

I hope you will take the time to listen and get involved in this important work.

If you have any friends, family or loved ones who could also benefit, please forward them this email and encourage them to register via the link in my bio.

If you have any questions or would like to collaborate please feel free to get in touch.

Timeline photos 12/11/2021

Nothing beats a great night's sleep.

Unfortunately, in our modern world there is one environment pollutant causing more damage to our sleep and overall health than any other.

I'm talking about exposure to artificial blue light at night💡 🔵

Firstly, it messes up your sleep, because when the brain senses blue light through your eyes after sunset, it think it's still daytime and stops releasing melatonin.

Melatonin regulates your circadian rhythm and supports you to enter deep and restorative sleep.

More melatonin = the kind sleep that you wake up from feeling amazing.

Almost everyone can benefit from deeper sleep, but without enough melatonin, your sleep is doomed to be far less restorative than it could be.


Melatonin also regenerates photoreceptors, rods and cones, is anti-cancer and anti-tumor and it stabalises your mitochondria.

Enough natural melatonin production keeps you performing better so you have more energy to get more done.

When your circadian rhythm is in sync with nature, everything you do feels easier; weight loss, having more energy, increased resilience to stress, and sleeping well just happen naturally.

If you're doing it "all right" but you still aren't where you want to be; having a disrupted circadian rhythm often plays a role here.

Staying up late staring at blue light at night is disrupting your circadian rhythm.

Blue light exposure at night also increases blood sugar and can drive cravings... then you eat more food creating a vicious cycle of poor sleep, low energy, weight gain, and not feeling your best.

One of the simplest ways to protect yourself is by wearing blue light blockers.

When you block out blue light using blue blockers, you have more melatonin so you fall asleep faster, sleep deeper, repair damage, and wake up feeling years younger.

Hundreds of our customers and clients can't be wrong.

If you want a pair, check out our website!


Did you sleep well last night?

If the answer to that question is no, you’re not alone.

We’re in the midst of a sleep deprivation epidemic, where two-thirds of adults throughout all developed nations are unable to achieve the amount of sleep recommended each night.

In our 21st century, globalised, fast-paced, high-stakes “always on” culture – something has to give – usually, that something is the quality and quantity of our sleep.

Videos (show all)

Our founder Daniel White Health recently launched the "Guernsey Schools Sleep Project", an intervention funded by the Sl...
What is the Guernsey Childrens' Sleep Project all about?
Since the pandemic, collectively, childrens' and teenagers' qua...
Have you ever used blue light blocking glasses before?Here's a short clip where I explain their benefits. There's a reas...