

The Horse Hub – all things training, management, health and welfare



“I have less money than ever, I didn’t know I wouldn’t be able to work when I got my horse, now I’m going without food/ heating/ diesel to provide for him. I have a life limiting illness which has brought on pretty severe mental health problems, as well as dire financial stresses. If I didn’t have him, I’d have no reason to live but I can’t afford him.”

This is not an isolated case as horse owners across the UK struggle to keep their animals through the soaring cost of living crisis, and the effects of climate change.

Most horse owners have always put their horse's needs way above their own, the reality is that going without holidays, new clothes and meals out is no longer enough to keep their horses in the best way they can.

Selling would be like selling a child and an inconceivable choice, not forgetting that many horses are beloved old friends ,and are too old or retired to sell.

Read the results of the National Equine Welfare Council (NEWC) survey here ...


Where will your horse's life end?

World Horse Welfare condemns slaughterhouse cruelty revealed in last night's RTE One documentary, showing that the horse meat scandal never went away. The charity calls for government action after horrifying footage of terrified horses is aired.

For more information and to support the campaign to stop this once and for all follow the link

Thehorsehub The Horse Hub – all things training, management, health and welfare



What are we asking of our horses and are they able to achieve it?

This webinar is approved CPD for The British Horse Society coaches

Liz Eaton FBHS Equitation with Empathy will be talking with PhysioFi Dr Fiona Bloom Phd Msc BSc CSP ACPAT Cat A. Fiona is an experienced horsewoman, Team GB International competitor and FEI Permitted Therapist. She is also Chef d’Equipe for the Team GB Endurance Team, alongside her very busy veterinary and human physiotherapy practice.

What is going on inside the horse’s body when we ask for engagement and self-carriage? Are we expecting the impossible before the horse has a chance to gain the necessary strength and understanding required to achieve it?
What happens when horses change discipline, or even just riders or routine?
How long does it take for well-developed muscles in one area to soften off, and for others to become strong enough to support a new discipline that is asked of the horse?
What happens when it all goes wrong?
How do horses compensate for badly fitting tack, poor hoof balance or mixed messages from their riders?

To understand more about what it takes for your horse to achieve self-carriage and how to help them achieve it, join us for what we know will be another fascinating conversation with two incredibly knowledgeable equestrian professionals.

Wednesday 26th June
Online 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Tickets £6.00
Links to watch live are emailed the day before.
Tickets purchased after 6pm on 26th June may only receive the recording link.

All our webinars are recorded so if you are unable to join us on the night just buy a ticket and you will be emailed the on-demand link as soon as it's ready (usually the next day).

CPD certificates will be available for those who need them details on the website.



An update from the British Army announces the cavalry horses that were most seriously injured on 24th April in London, are recovering well, and now enjoying some respite care at The Horse Trust. The other horses injured in the incident are now back on duty, after their own down time with the Horse Trust.

To read more follow the link ...

Photos from Thehorsehub's post 31/05/2024

It's all about preventative management this week on The Horse Hub!

Check out our pages on 'Itchy skin and sweet itch'; 'Weight management' and, 'Laminitis'. All featured on our home page so, to read more follow the link ...



An owner hiding under a 'veneer of respectability', has been jailed for 12 months for neglect and cruelty. Of the nineteen suffering ponies many in extreme pain from severe laminitis, eight were in such serious condition they needed to be euthanised.

Read more here ...

Photos from Louisa Maria CUOMO Saddles's post 16/05/2024

Louisa most definitely is not just a ‘saddle fitter’ and we’re excited to hear her in what we know will be an amazing conversation with Liz Eaton. It’s not too late to join us tonight or, buy a ticket so you can watch the recording whenever you like. We’re so looking forward to this.


Links have now been emailed so please check your spam if you can't find yours.

We're really looking forward to tonight's webinar with Liz Eaton FBHS Equitation with Empathy, and Louisa Cuomo Louisa Maria CUOMO Saddles. It promises to be another great conversation packed with ways we can all understand more about saddle fitting and, how we can make our horses feel more comfortable.

There's still time to purchase a ticket or, if you cannot join us tonight the recording will be available to watch from tomorrow. Purchases made after 6.15pm tonight may only receive the recording link.

If you'd like a CPD certificate please purchase one through the website putting 'saddle fit' as a note if not bought with the webinar.

For ticket and more information, follow the link ...

At last! The UK bans the live export of horses for slaughter - The Horse Hub 14/05/2024



Finally the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill has reached the end of its parliamentary journey, and now only needs Royal Assent before it passes into law.

Read more ...

At last! The UK bans the live export of horses for slaughter - The Horse Hub History in the making – finally the UK bans the live export of horses for slaughter In a landmark achievement culminating a century's efforts, World Horse Welfare reports the pivotal Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill has reached the end of its Parliamentary journey. Receiving its third and f...


Last chance to win a fantastic bunch of prizes - competition closes tonight

🌟✨ Thank you, everyone, for an incredible Strangles Awareness Week 2024! 🌟✨

We are overwhelmed by the amazing support and enthusiasm shown by all of you in spreading awareness and taking part in our SAW competition. Your dedication and commitment to spreading awareness and protecting our beloved horses against Strangles truly makes a difference.

🏅 A massive shoutout to our celebrity riders, William Fox-Pitt, Lucinda Green, Richard Davison, and Riding with Rhi, for supporting our cause. Your involvement has helped amplify our message and inspire countless others to take action.

🎁 We must extend our gratitude to all the generous brands who contributed to our BEST prize bundle, making it truly the BEST ever prize bundle, worth over £6,000!

🐴 Huge thanks also go out to our SAW ambassadors for their tireless efforts in spreading our messages far and wide. Your dedication to raising awareness has been instrumental in our success.

👏 Last but not least, a massive round of applause to all our SAW collaborators. Your collaboration and support have been invaluable in making Strangles Awareness Week a reality.

Together, we are all transforming SAW into an industry-wide collaboration, with everyone working towards the best for our horses.

Because every horse can get Strangles, and TOGETHER, all of us can make a difference. 🌎💚

P.S Don't forget to check our social media channels Monday 13th May where we will be revealing the winner of our competition! If you haven't entered, you have until 23:59pm tonight!


Photos from PainLess Equestrian Therapy's post 12/05/2024

Fantastic pics too good not to share - did anyone else take any with their horses? We’d love to see them.


Time to check in for another Strangles Awareness Week video

The biomechanics of saddle fit - The Horse Hub 09/05/2024

Following on from our very popular webinar 'The biomechanics of bridle and bit fit', this time we move to the saddle and its impact - both good and bad, on the horse and rider. This webinar is also approved CPD for The British Horse Society Accredited Coaches and CPD certificates are available.

Why does 1/2 inch make such a big difference?
What are the signs of a poorly fitting saddle?
Why do we need to bin the phrase - 'he always does that' – is your horse's 'bad behaviour' really saying 'no' to a painful saddle?

Join us for another great conversation with Liz Eaton FBHS Equitation with Empathy, chatting with Louisa Cuomo Louisa Maria CUOMO Saddles, about all things saddle fit.

Passionate about straightness and, with a deep understanding of both horse and rider biomechanics, Louisa will answer these and, many more questions. She will explain how and why she uses high tech equipment including the Quintec Performance Camera and Tekscan Pressure Mat, to help achieve maximum comfort for both horse and rider.

When: Thursday 16th May
Where: Online at 7pm-8.30pm
Tickets £6.00

All webinars on THH are recorded so if you cannot join us live, just buy a ticket and we will email you a link to the recording when it is ready.
For more information follow the link ....

The biomechanics of saddle fit - The Horse Hub Thursday 16th May Online 7pm - 8.30pm


It's Strangles Awareness Week and The Horse Hub is proud to be a SAW ambassador – If you haven't checked out the amazing prizes you could win yet, find out more below. And, for more information about strangles, symptoms, treatment and containment follow the link


Valuable information

Hemlock and Cow Parsley are two very common plants that you may come across when out and about this Summer. To the untrained eye, both these plants can appear almost identical 🤏

As horse owners it is important to know the difference between Hemlock and Cow Parsley. This is because one is a tasty, harmless treat and the other is EXTREMELY toxic! ☠️

Here we've summarised the key differences between these two plants that can assist in identification however if you have any doubts about any plant you see, do NOT let your horse graze it - doing so can result in a very expensive vet bill or worse... 🤕


Huge congratulations to Roly Owers Chief Executive at World Horse Welfare on receiving his OBE earlier this week, for services to equine welfare.

Photos from Thehorsehub's post 01/05/2024


We are absolutely delighted to announce that all webinars currently available on The Horse Hub are now accredited CPD for The British Horse Society coaches at all levels!

Of course this doesn't mean they are not suitable for horse owners, it just underlines the fact that the information we provide is of the highest quality presented by the most knowledgeable professionals.

Again, thank you to our awesome speakers Bit and Bridle consultant Sue Stanbridge, Mental Performance Coach Debbie Hill Ahead For Sport, Louisa Cuomo Louisa Maria CUOMO Saddles, Remedial Farrier Richard Chard Dip WCF, CNBF, AWCF, and of course our awesome host Liz Eaton FBHS, Equitation with Empathy.

The option to purchase a CPD certificate for those who require them, will soon be available on The Horse Hub website (where we will be able to check attendance) - more on this soon.

Follow the link to check out our webinars - all are recorded and available to watch on demand ....


Inspirational words - this is why we love Liz Eaton Equitation with Empathy her philosophy and, the wisdom she brings to hosting our webinars. Thank you Liz 🙏

"Every behavior has an underlying need. When you meet that need instead of correcting the behavior, the behavior goes away”.
Warwick Schiller posted this on his page and I think it is a perfect explanation to help people recognise that we have given behaviour negative labels such as “napping”.
When the horse’s priority is survival he will act in a way that is undesirable for us and our goals. If the horse is lacking confidence in us, his environment or in himself, it is our responsibility to set aside our personal priorities and take the time it takes to develop trust and mutual understanding.



We are very excited to welcome Louisa Cuomo Louisa Maria CUOMO Saddles to chat with our host, Liz Eaton FBHS Equitation with Empathy.
This webinar is The British Horse Society accredited CPD for coaches at all levels.

Louisa is not just a qualified 'saddle fitter’. She is continually expanding her knowledge for example, being the only saddle fitter to attend the Global Veterinary Congress in Amsterdam looking at diagnostic procedures, nutrition, kissing spine procedures, and pre purchase examinations.

Louisa is an experienced dressage rider, British Dressage judge and Testt Certified Coach, qualified to assess and correct rider symmetry using the Testt process.

Her detailed understanding of equine anatomy gained from attending many whole horse and targeted area dissections of the horse, means we are in for a great discussion on the biomechanics of horse and rider. How does saddle fit influence them both and, what signs should the trainer and rider be aware of that the horse is not as comfortable as he should be?

Join us on
7pm - 8.30pm online
Tickets £6.00

All our webinars are recorded so if you cannot join us on the night just buy a ticket and we will email you a link to watch whenever you like.

Live links are emailed the day before so don't forget to check your spam!



On-demand links for last night's fantastic webinar with Liz Eaton and remedial farrier Richard Chard have now been emailed - we hope you enjoy this brilliant conversation as much as we did.

Also, tickets are now on sale for 'The biomechanics of saddle fit' with Liz Eaton FBHS Equitation with Empathy and Louisa Cuomo Louisa Maria CUOMO Saddles. More information to follow on Facebook but for now here's the link to the event for more information and tickets :)

Household Cavalry horses escape and weave through London traffic during rush hour 25/04/2024


We now know the incident in London yesterday was caused by builders shooting rubble down a waste tube directly next to the horses as they went past. Two of them are in serious condition and are of course receiving the best possible veterinary care at Hyde Park Barracks – we all hope they make a full recovery. But, many of us as riders will know that it will take a long time - if at all to rebuild their confidence on going back out on the road - which is probably true for all the horses involved.

After seeing the state of the bus one of the horses ran into, we really hope this helps drivers and other road users appreciate how much damage a scared horse can do and, how a catastrophic situation can arise in a split second.

Household Cavalry horses escape and weave through London traffic during rush hour Three Household Cavalry horses escaped and wove through London traffic during the rush hour. Source: SWNS



Reports have been shared that blood covered cavalry horses were loose in London after a horse was spooked during morning exercise.

Read more here

From the ground up – the biomechanics and function of the equine hoof - The Horse Hub 22/04/2024

The horse's hoof - does 1mm really make a difference?

Have you looked at your horse's toes and thought 'they look a bit long' and have you thought 'he's not as forward as he used to be'?

To learn more about hoof conformation and how it affects the whole horse above it, including how much extra stress just 1mm of extra toe length can put on tendons and soft tissues, join Liz Eaton FBHS Equitation with Empathy, and remedial farrier Richard Chard Dip WCF(Hons) AWCF CNBF, in conversation this week.

FROM THE GROUND UP - the biomechanics of the equine hoof
Wednesday 24th April 7pm-8.30pm
Tickets £6.00

From the ground up – the biomechanics and function of the equine hoof - The Horse Hub Wednesday 24th April Online 7-8pm



Visit our new WEIGHT MANAGEMENT HUB to understand more about the risks and how to help your horse lose weight safely.


Familiar to anyone???

Just waiting for the truck to be out of sight :)

Videos (show all)

GROUNDWORK - BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS WITH YOUR HORSESaturday 11th March 2023, Chelwood Equestrian, Nutley, East Suss...
Sleepy pony! Sound onAnyone else’s horses just don’t want to get up in the morning? Share your sleepy horse videos below...
