On The Line Digital

On The Line Digital

Social Media Marketing authority who's vision is that all business' find success online.



Here at On The Line Digital, we're expanding our family! As our Agency grows and grows, I'm looking to bring on 2 more people who are looking to progress their career in the VA/EA or Media Buyer Space.

Media Buyer Spec -

As the On The Line Digital family grows with the new clients we're onboarding weekly, we're looking to grow our internal family too. We're looking for a vibrant, direction driven and ambitious individual to join the team as a Media Buyer. Your tasks will include:

- Ad Creation and Build Out
- Recommendations on Strategy and Direction
- Management of Ad Spend
- Reporting back to myself on account performance on all of the above
- Liasing with VA on requirements for creatives
- Form/Funnel Creation

This is an entry level role, which for the right person, will progress into a guided career path as Senior Media Buyer or CMO role. Preferable experience in the Lead Generation industry rather than eCommerce.

Experience necessary in the Meta Ad Platform. Google and any other platforms are a plus, but not required. Any additional training will be provided along the way.

Pay is DOE, but will be on a per-account basis. A commission structure will be applied too for any new business introduced.

Media Buyer Application - https://forms.gle/8vU1ruDevB6JhZpP9

VA Spec -

Your tasks will include:

- Facebook Group Growth and Management
- Personal Brand Management of Founder
- Contracts and Onboarding
- Payment Processing and Invoicing
- Company Branding and Graphic Creation
- Initial Messaging

This is an entry level role, which for the right person, will progress into a guided career path as an EA.

Again, pay is DOE and a commission structure will be applied too for any new business introduced.

VA Application - https://forms.gle/1akLW93GagAtbEMg9

Both roles are on a self-employed basis.

Both applications close on Monday 30th Jan at 5pm. Applicants will not be contacted before then.


As a Veteran Owned and operated business, we take the time today to remember.

Lest we forget🌹


As a Veteran Owned Company, our heartfelt condolences go out to the Royal Family.

A true stalwart, and the epitome of service and dedication. It was our greatest honour to serve you, like you selflessly served our Nation.

God Save The Queen🇬🇧


To celebrate our founders 26th birthday, for today only, we're offering 26% off your first month working with us, across any service! So if you're looking to:

-Increase your revenue
-Nail down an effective pipeline process
-Gain more customers
-Retain more customers


Get educated to start your own Facebook Ads, drop us a message!


Today is the last day to save a whopping £500 off any service we provide.

So if you're sat on the fence about:

- Growing your business through paid advertising
- Learning how to do the above yourself
- Making more money and increasing your cashflow

Drop me a message, and we'll chat it out to see if we're a good fit.

No lengthy contracts
No Bu****it

Just good people doing good s**t together.



Mitigation note - Dec 1st was a large, pre-existing tender for an NHS client.

On course for £140,000+ in annual sales for this client of ours.

They've been onboard a while, and when we first started together last year, we were nowhere near here.

Things we've worked on:

- TOF traffic to feed into MOF/BOF retargeting sources.
- Increasing returning customer rate through retargeting and email campaigns
- Update in branding, which has helped the brand come across as more professional

Overall, a great start to '22, a very happy client, and their clients are over the moon with their products.

Want to save yourself £500 off any of our services? Get in touch to find out how before April's up!


A cheeky little win today for our education client.
£319.41 in
£8,449 out
On a £99pcm subscription course. That gives us a ROAS of 27.7x
Here's a breakdown for you:
This client presented to us with an immensely strong organic presence across Facebook and Instagram, and great monthly revenue purely from an organic presence.
They wanted to introduce paid advertising into the marketing mix to increase their monthly revenue, and the number of people in their programme, and subsequently expand their offer.
Identifying the customer avatar was largely already done through the data we had available to us straight away, but as always, we've kept testing, monitoring, and adjusting how a 'living organism' looks with the client eco-system, enabling us to hit the correct people, every time and increase the chance of a conversion.
Top Of Funnel/Cold:
As mentioned before, our audience was pretty pre-defined, so that was the basis to begin our testing phase.
Magnet is a free workshop, that gives away a free module of the course, and the first steps that someone needs to begin on their journey without having to purchase the programme.
Middle Of Funnel/Warm:
Once people had started to hit our landing page, we were able to analyse where they were clicking off, what actions they were or weren't taking, and adjust the funnel from there.
This is also the point we started to introduce retargeting ads, essentially following those people around Social Media prompting them to come and take action again and pick up where they left off, or start the process again if they haven't already.
Depending on the phase of the funnel they were in, they would also be sent emails. These have the same effect as the retargeting ads but also had 2 other purposes. It gave them the option to unsubscribe from the funnel, meaning we wouldn't be contacting them again, we also followed up with a Breakup Intent Survey, which allows us to see who isn't purchasing from us, as well as those who are. It also, at a certain stage, gave them a chance to take a quiz, to see whether or not entering the programme was the right decision for them, or to address any frustrations they may have about it.
Bottom Of Funnel/Hot:
We hit them with a 3-pronged approach here.
1) The sales page after the workshop, offering them a chance to enter the programme at a discounted rate.
2) A retargeting ad for the above, with the discount code, valid for 7 days as a FOMO incitement.
3) Email retargeting again at 3 phases, the last offering them a free one-to-one consultation to speak with one of the team, and get them in, or breakup with them. If at any point, anyone opted out, they were also sent the breakup intent form.
A 27.7x Return on Ad Spend, for a converting funnel, which is continually tested and adjusted.
A further 3-month commitment from them, saving them cash over a monthly rolling agreement and allowing us to nurture this further.
A cash reward for introducing 2 further clients into our programme.
So if you want to make money in your biz, want to save £500 by signing up in April AND have the potential to earn commission on referrals, drop the word "RESULTS" into the comments and I'll be in touch!

Meta Business Suite - 8 April 2022 08/04/2022

Facebook has bought out a new appointment tool, but not everyone has noticed, has missed appointments and it's affecting businesses. Here's a quick, less than 2 minute video of where you can find and admin it!

Happy Friday!

Link: https://www.loom.com/share/c5737431540748809974bd15ccc99a4f

Meta Business Suite - 8 April 2022


Speed is KEY when it comes to engaging with your leads.

It's all too common that you're tied up in actually providing your service, that you think you can't sell it, ultimately meaning you're still working in your business and not on it.

It's easy to think that the leads in your pipeline will be there forever, waiting for your service, but the reality is they won't.

When someone sends an enquiry, they're typically in the consideration or decision phase of the purchasing journey, meaning they're ready to buy. This is where speed comes in.

Leads that are engaged within 5 minutes of initial contact, have 21x the chance of converting, if you can contact them instantly, they have a 4000x chance of converting into a customer.

On average, a company will take up to 5 days to respond (Yes, you read that right!)

We give our clients this capacity to do so, increasing their conversion rate whilst being as hands-off as possible.

Want to be better and close more?

DM Us for more info!


A common question we get is "Will Facebook ads work for my business?"

Our founder, Marc, dissects it here for you👇

P.s, the answers yes!


What is CRO marketing, why is it important, and how to strategise and implement it in your business?

CRO stands for Conversion Rate Optimisation. In short, it's a method of increasing the conversion rate of your website visitors. The more people that convert, the higher your bottom line becomes.

A conversion is a customer taking a desired action on your website. For argument's sake for this piece, a conversion is a sale, however, it could also mean a lead submitted, newsletter signup, or a content download to name a few. These Key indicators all benefit your business, either by directly generating revenue or increasing brand awareness.

How to calculate a conversion rate?

Luckily, the majority of online website platforms, such as Shopify or Wix, now include this with your analytics, but if you need to figure it out manually, here's a simple way to do it:

Total number of conversions / total number of web visitors x100 = conversion rate. So if in Feb, you had 10,000 visitors, 1,000 of who converted, your conversion rate would be 10% ( 1,000/ 10,00 x 100 = 10)

Why is it important?

If you're using a Digital Marketing Strategy within your business, CRO is vital as it:

Generates direct or indirect revenue as mentioned before.

Improves your customer experience. A higher conversion rate, means more of your potential customers are engaging more with your business. This could be done by something as simple as a font change so it's easier on the eye, an article of interest to your target audience, one that solves a problem for them, or an improved checkout experience.

Adds value from existing customers. A few simple changes on your website, retargeting, or retaining existing customers will encourage conversions from existing customers, which is cheaper than acquiring a cold customer. This could be done through a warm retargeting ad or email nurture campaign.

Builds affinity with your audience. All this engagement leads to a greater top-of-mind awareness, meaning when your audience moves from the awareness and consideration phase of the purchasing journey into the decision phase, they're more likely to choose you.

How to implement:

Define what a conversion is to you: Is it a purchase, lead, signup, or something else?

Analyse your customer journey: Knowing how your customers found and interact with your brand is key. Without this knowledge, it's impossible to determine which areas need to be improved to drive conversions. A customer avatar is the best place to start for this.

- Demographic
- Psychographics
- Geographics
- Interests
- Occupations
- Behaviours
- Priorities

Map your conversion process: Reverse engineer this from them receiving their product or service. Why are your site visitors not converting?

Slow loading pages?
Lack of testimonials or reviews?
Incorrectly formatted images?
Lack of CTA?
Convoluted checkout process?

TEST TEST TEST. Never stop testing.

If you want to know how we can improve this for you? Comment 'GROW' below and i'll DM you, or you can book in here: https://calendly.com/onthelinedigitalltd/discovery-call

Photos from On The Line Digital's post 27/02/2022

Sales is as much about the build-up process to that sales call, as much as it is about the sales call itself.

If you're not closing as much as you like, it's down to probably one of 2 things.

Your pipeline is not full, or it being full of underqualified leads.

Now, having a full pipeline is something we all need in that sales process, and it's the bread and butter of what I do through a myriad of paid strategies, but they also need to be qualified too.

Nobody likes being pitched cold, and nobody likes pitching cold
(Trust me, really nobody likes this!)

Filling your pipeline, qualifying, and then closing that business is not as hard, or as distant as you think. Below, I'm attaching a case study of how we did just that, giving a potential pipeline of £19,500 in less than 2 weeks.

Even better than that, i'm backing it with a guarantee that I can do it for your business!

As always, some feedback on these is always appreciated!

What do you find hardest about filling your pipeline? Let's problem solve in the comments!


As a Veteran Owned and Operated business, On The Line Digital is taking the time, this year, to remember with Grace and Thanks, those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country, and those who continue to suffer as a result of conflict around the globe.

OTLD will be closed for the 11th November, including to existing clients (Less we set something on fire by mistake).

We thank you for your patience.

Lest We Forget.



'I don't think i'd still have a business if I hadn't found you mate'

It's words that I love to hear, and makes all the long hours worth it.

But that's the truth of the impact our services are having on our clients businesses.

Many business owners, are reluctant to relinquish control, to let someone else look after their baby.

I want everyone who's reading this to know it's totally normal.

I experienced it too, everyone does. The human brain is a little crazy.

When you try to go it alone, you can make it work. There's no doubt about that.

But the best of the best know, when there's a weakness there, it's usually a subconcious weakness which holds you back.

It's your ego getting in the away, because it's saying you SHOULD know it all, that it get's angry at you and you get angry back because you're stuck in that cycle and never making any major change.

If you've never worked with an agency, it makes total sense as to why you'd question it, as you have nothing to compare to what we do. And makes sense that the ego of not having figured this out yourself would be a huge contributing factor to it.

It's okay to not have all the answers.

It's okay to say you don't know what to do next.

What isn't okay is to let that shame and ego get in the way of your growth and progress, and to let it eat away at you.

No matter what level your business is at, i'm here to help if you want to chat. Even if it's just to gain clarity around your strategy.

Less ego, you've got this.

P.s, you can book in for a call in the first comment.


The team at On The Line will be away from office tomorrow, celebrating the 3 lions no matter the result 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

All current clients are being managed as usual, but new enquries will be answered on Tuesday

Stay safe, have fun and enjoy!


Pleased to add Mehrad to the family today!

Mehrad is coming on as a media buyer, with good experience in generating great results for the clients that choose to work with us.

Great service delivery is what we pride ourselves on, and having Mehrad as a valuable member of our team is really going to enhance that.

Welcome to the family mate!

Photos from On The Line Digital's post 02/03/2021

Ridiculous ROAS and Rock steady profits ✅


IOS14 could be an absolute tangle if you're running ads and don't have a clue what you're doing. Here's my top 5 tips.

⭕ Attribution windows- Attribution windows are changing from 28 days, to 7 days, meaning you'll have to view days 1-7, then 8-14 and so on separately. Currently a huge pain in the arsenal, but means you'll have to do some simple maths in-between. If you can't do that, use a calculator.

⭕ Optimisation Events- You'll now only be able to set 8 optimisation events (Checkouts, ATC etc...). Not too much of an issue, if you're tracking more than this anyway, you're more than likely going way more in depth than you need to be. These will need to be listed in heirachial order of importance (Purchases, Add to Carts, and Initiated Checkouts) Be aware, if a customer purchases, it'll only show as that, not an ATC or IC.

⭕ Limited Targeting - Pretty self explanatory but you'll need to get creative with this. We're more than likely going to lose the ability to target age and gender demographics. So, think outside the box. Target interests that are generally gender or age specific. For example, if you're in the women's fashion industry, target retailers which are predominantly female driven.

⭕ Retargeting - In a week or 2, IOS14 is going to be the mandated IOS for Apple Users. This is going to cause HUGE issues when it comes to retargeting. You need to be making sure, NOW, that you're building solid cold audiences. Text and email lists, subscribers and so on. Of course, getting these solid lists is going to be hard, but now you're giving yourself the best chance of succeeding

⭕ Be flexible - Naturally as a business owner, you should be flexible. Digital marketing has evolved hugely in the last decade and in the next, its going to change even more. Don't panic, it isn't the end of the world.

Make it count.


The Facebook Pixel

What is a Facebook Pixel and how can it help you?

Put simply, the Facebook Pixel is a piece of code installed on your website, linked to your Facebook Business Manager, and is a way of measuring results, users across your pages and sites from Facebook and Instagram traffic, building audiences, and tracking conversion values.

With the new IOS14 rollout being implemented, now is an important time to be gathering as much data as possible about your customers and potential customers. Effectively utilising your pixel correctly can really help mitigate some of the issues you could face!

It’s simple to set up with any website host and starts working straight away. When running ads for any objective, you can track results, see where you need to make improvements, test and implement effective strategies, and track the return on your ad spend.

Install the pixel, it’s free to do, easy to use, and crucial to your growth when advertising online.

Don’t have the time or knowledge? I’m offering a done for your service where we can set up your pixel and business manager, for a one-off fee of £49. Everything back end will be set up for you and ready to go. Just drop me a message or leave a comment below to get started!



We’re at the time of year where people are setting their goals or have done already, but are they smart? Have you just listed random things down on a piece of paper, pinned it to your desk, and just hoping for the best?

Last year, I did a short video on my IGTV for smart goals, you can check it out on the app at . But, let me lay it out here for you, to give you the best shot at reaching your goals for 2021 and getting you, your life, relationships, and business to where you want it.

What are SMART goals?

SMART is a given framework for goal setting, each letter corresponds to a step of the goal-setting process and attributes to its success. Broken down, it stands for Specific, Measurable, achievable, realistic/relevant, and time-bound. Let’s break that down.

Specific - What is it specifically you want to achieve? More monthly revenue in your business? Okay, cool how much? How? Make it specific. “I want to increase my revenue from £ # # PCM to £ # # PCM.” - Say it out loud, write it down. Your goal is now specific.

Measurable - So you’ve now set your goal, how are you going to measure it? Well, this one’s pretty easy as you can see this going into your accounts each month, but you need to ensure each goal you set is measured and can be measured.

Achievable - Is it achievable? Does your business have the capacity to reach your revenue goal? If not, why not? Make it achievable, if you don’t and you can’t hit crucial goals, you’re going to be dejected. Start the year right,

Realistic/Relevant -  Is it realistic or relevant to you? Are you going to be able to do this? Will you need to outsource or hire to do this? Make sure it’s realistic, “I want to be a millionaire in 12 months” Whilst possible, isn’t necessarily realistic to everyone.

Time-bound - Give yourself a time frame to achieve this. Break your goals down into Short, Medium, and Long term, then break each goal down again within that timeline. “I want to hit £ # # by the end of Q2” That gives you 6 months to reach your goal and milestones to breakdown within that.

Set your goals, make them SMART, then smash them out of the park in 2021.


IOS 14 Update in January is going to be restricting the way you push ads to your audiences.

Sounds scary, right?

Well it probably isn't going to be as bad as you think.

More to follow


tip of the day...


If you are running ads and aren't retargeting your audience, YOU ARE LEAVING HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY ON THE TABLE.

98% of visitors to your website do NOT purchase on the first view.

Let's say you get 1000 visitors a day to your site, 20 people make a purchase of £10. Perfect, that's £200. But, 980 other people have looked at your products/services. Many would've been distracted in the process and closed your site, many would've added to cart then got cold feet and many would vow to return but never do.

That's ££££'s of sales DAILY being left on the table. Invest in retargeting along side your ad campaigns. I promise, it will change your business.


tip of the day!

Know your audience!

Create custom audiences to test from your existing data sources ( Facebook Pixel, Existing Customer Lists etc..)


Create a Lookalike Audience from these custom lists, Test your %'s and you'll have the most powerful and unbeatable audience's to boost your revenue, brand and sales through the roof!

Timeline photos 26/08/2020

An idea without a goal, is just a dream

As business owners, we need to set SMART goals in order to reach our dreams. Otherwise, we run around in circles, chasing our tails like puppies.

Make sure they're SPECIFIC to your business.

MEASURE your goal, how do you know you're on target? What are your metrics??

Make sure they're ACHIEVEABLE! Making £1m overnight probably isn't going to happen.

Make sure they're RELEVANT to your business, brand and direction you want it go.

Put a TIME limit on it, give yourself a finish line to aim for. If you don't reach it in time, at least you're failing forward!

Set smart goals, and thrive going into Q4.


You can also keep up with us over on instagram for more informative content, engaging stories and advertising insights!

Photos from On The Line Digital's post 17/08/2020

It's no secret that small businesses need help now more than ever due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Businesses and venues will now be able to host online, socially distanced events through Facebook for FREE using their new feature, Paid Online Events.

The name might be lacking in creativity points, but this new feature from Facebook is a unique way for small businesses, creators, and influencers to make some extra cash. Available (and free!) now, the feature allows you to run paid events on Facebook. Here are the details:

Everything, from payment processing and ticketing to event hosting, is done on Facebook. The new feature makes it surprisingly simple to set up, promote, and run a paid online event of your own.

You’ll get to keep 100% of the revenue – except on iOS. If your users are paying through iOS, Apple will take a 30% commission on the revenue, in what Facebook calls an ‘App Store tax’. Epic Games is currently in a battle royale with Apple on this same

This new feature has plenty of potential for marketers. It’s also being reported that you’ll be able to create custom audiences based on event attendees, which could open up some new doors for advertising. @ Manchester, United Kingdom

Timeline photos 29/06/2020

What you can't see behind this post is the grimace

The grimace of how business' in 2020 who have had to take everything online STILL can not understand the importance of Social Media Marketing

Advertising is getting cheaper and cheaper on Social Media, the current average cost for 1000 HYPERTARGETED impressions is less than £1.50 and getting cheaper!

If you are not utilising this, you are leaving money on the table and not giving your business the best chance to survive!

But what do we know? We recently ran ads for a restaurant running a takeaway only service. Cost per result sat at 14p with 60,000 hypertargeted local impressions and 7000+ of those taking action on their website to book/buy or redeem offers

If you want to smash your revenue through the roof post Covid-19 Schedule a call with me below


Timeline photos 27/06/2020

The 27th June every year marks Armed Forces Day. A day to show our appreciation for the veterans and those who continue to strap up their boots everyday for us.

As a Veteran Owned and operated business ourselves.

Any who run their business' will automatically recieve 20% off our services as a display of gratitude!

Certa Cito🇬🇧

Videos (show all)

A common question we get is "Will Facebook ads work for my business?" Our founder, Marc, dissects it here for you👇P.s, t...
