Stop 5G in Moray

Stop 5G in Moray

Campaign to prevent the roll out of 5G in Moray.

We are part of an international movement to educate and encourage public to demand a moratorium on this dangerous and untested technology.


RESTORE NATURE NOW - march today in London…

Tory staff running network of anti-Ulez Facebook groups riddled with racism and abuse 29/04/2024

An investigation has identified 36 facebook groups that appear to be separate grassroots movements opposing the expansion of ultra-low emission zone (Ulez) schemes to reduce air pollution, set up by Conservative party staff and activists, which do not say they were set up by the Conservatives as part of a coordinated political campaign.

The closed groups have a combined membership of 38,000 – and have been a forum for Islamophobic attacks on Labour’s London mayor Sadiq Khan, posts promoting white supremacist slogans, antisemitic conspiracy theories.

The findings by Greenpeace’s investigative unit, Unearthed, shared with the Observer - read their article in full here:

Tory staff running network of anti-Ulez Facebook groups riddled with racism and abuse Investigation finds groups hosting Islamophobic attacks on London mayor Sadiq Khan, white supremacist slogans and antisemitic conspiracy theories

Newly Published Research Underscores the Dangers of 5G 14/04/2024

The shocking research on 5G impacts on health -and also how best to protect ourselves from excessive EMF's

Newly Published Research Underscores the Dangers of 5G Several studies published between 2022 and 2024 highlight the potential dangers of 5G, a technology that ultimately puts public health at great risk.

National Residents Association – Enable the community 25/03/2024

Hello - all followers of this group - you may want to consider joining the Moray Residents Association ( MRA ) which looks at the wider context of the 5G lobby - MRA stands for the rights,freedom and well-being of people in Moray. We are a group for all who question and challenge the assumptions and policies of globalist unaccountable bodies, principally the UN, WHO and the WEF. We are aware that such policies are being implemented at the local level without consultation or our agreement. Do join us.
We are an autonomous group affiliated to the National Residents Association- website and we have an email address - [email protected] and a FB page Moray Residents Association

National Residents Association – Enable the community Formation Resources Sep 20, 2022 Admin Our technical Go to on all aspects of EMF Interactive MAP OF 5G rollouts Great repositary for information on health Great work being done here on educating…

US & Israel’s Fake ‘Ceasefire Deal’ and What Hamas Is Really Demanding 08/03/2024

US & Israel’s Fake ‘Ceasefire Deal’ and What Hamas Is Really Demanding The United States has vetoed a ceasefire resolution in Gaza three times in the United Nations, but is now blaming Hamas for the absence of one. In the negoti...

Organise: Get heard at work 06/03/2024

Organise: Get heard at work Over 1 million workers are using Organise to let off steam and take action together. Join for free:

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign 03/02/2024

Told you, told you, told you. But it's perfectly fine that not one single one of you insane vaxxers can admit I was right.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign Our understanding of COVID-19 vaccinations and their impact on health and mortality has evolved substantially since the first vaccine rollouts. Published reports from the original randomized phase 3 trials concluded that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could greatly reduce COVID-19 symptoms. In the inter...

Bassem Youssef Interview 💔 Part 7 #israelpalestineconflict #hamasattack #britishjournalist 26/11/2023

I love this man to bits

Bassem Youssef Interview 💔 Part 7 #israelpalestineconflict #hamasattack #britishjournalist Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef and later on by co-founder of the Daily Wire, Jeremy Boreing, for a heated and emotive ...

Experts Raise Public Health Fears About Microwave Syndrome From 5G Masts – The Daily Sceptic 16/11/2023

Experts Raise Public Health Fears About Microwave Syndrome From 5G Masts – The Daily Sceptic Swedish oncologist Professor Lennart Hardell is among experts raising concerns about a possible link between 'microwave syndrome' and the rollout of high-energy 5G masts.

Petition: Require energy companies to maintain a supply of analogue meters 12/11/2023

Petition: Require energy companies to maintain a supply of analogue meters Some people don't wish to have smart meters installed for several reasons including concerns they have about privacy and health.

BRICS prepare peace plan as Gaza evacuation looms 13/10/2023

At long fkn last, the end of the fascist, apartheid, n**i zionist regime appears to be in sight. Free Palestine!

BRICS prepare peace plan as Gaza evacuation looms BRICS prepare peace plan as Gaza evacuation loomsThe Duran: Episode 1720*****LOCALS COMMUNITY***** https://theduran.locals.com1 MONTH FREE TRIAL:https://thed...

Racehorses at Churchill Downs - Cellular Phone Task Force 17/06/2023

Racehorses at Churchill Downs - Cellular Phone Task Force Horse named Lost in Limbo dies at Churchill Downs RACEHORSES AT CHURCHILL DOWNS Racehorses are among the most finely tuned, exquisitely sensitive creatures on earth. So what happens when you give them all cell phones to wear during a race? They start dropping like... well, horses. That is exactly wh...

Legal Action Against 5G led by Michael Mansfield 09/02/2023

Legal Action Against 5G led by Michael Mansfield Challenging the irresponsibility of the UK government sanctioning 5G.

Ookla 5G Map - Tracking 5G Network Rollouts Around the World 31/08/2022

5g now in Elgin

Ookla 5G Map - Tracking 5G Network Rollouts Around the World See the latest 5G rollouts across the world with our interactive 5G map. We’re tracking 5G cellular networks so you don’t have to. The Ookla 5G map will be updated with new cities as we see results.

Home 08/12/2021

Home EMF protection clothing and accessories All products are lined with silver metal to provide shielding from EMF radiation. Where There Is Hope, There Is Always A Silver Lining.

Sherwood Forest set for 5G upgrade and robot dogs 19/10/2021

What a nightmare -
Robot dogs, internet-controlled drones and a 5G upgrade are among technology being trialled to enhance the visitor experience at Sherwood Forest.

Sherwood Forest set for 5G upgrade and robot dogs It is hoped new technology will attract more visitors to the Nottinghamshire attraction.

Ookla 5G Map - Tracking 5G Network Rollouts Around the World 21/02/2021

First 5G installation in Inverness :(

Ookla 5G Map - Tracking 5G Network Rollouts Around the World See the latest 5G rollouts across the world with our interactive 5G map. We’re tracking 5G cellular networks so you don’t have to. The Ookla 5G map will be updated with new cities as we see results.

5G roll-out should stop while ‘suspected adverse health effects’ investigated, expert claims 20/01/2021

hope policy advisers listen to informed view of Prof Frank

5G roll-out should stop while ‘suspected adverse health effects’ investigated, expert claims University of Edinburgh professor calls for ‘a moratorium on exposure, pending adequate scientific investigation’

FRANCE: Lille City Council adopts a moratorium on 5G deployment - Environmental Health Trust 26/10/2020

FRANCE: Lille City Council adopts a moratorium on 5G deployment - Environmental Health Trust FRANCE: Lille City Council adopts a moratorium on 5G deployment Mayor Martine Aubry has “doubts” about the health and environmental impacts of 5G. Article by By Le Figaro with AFP Lille City Council adopts a moratorium on 5G deployment Published on 10 October 2020 at 11: 14, updated on 11 Octobe...

The 5G TROJAN NANOBOT 2020 27/09/2020

This is the WHO boss talking!

The 5G TROJAN NANOBOT 2020 IF this is their plan..Do You think they tell us? ►Although the 'Nano Domestic Quell' Secret DARPA-Document has been DEBUNKED.. Coincidental...everytyhing wr...

Emergency measures could allow networks to switch off household power 19/09/2020

Ofgem reviewing plans to give energy networks the ability to shut down domestic electricity supplies
A new sort of smart meter would need to be installed in every home in the UK
Would have the ability to switch off high usage devices such as electric vehicle chargers and central heating systems
Sources close to discussions told us that government is 'open' to proposing legislation to support these powers

Emergency measures could allow networks to switch off household power A series of backdoor 'modifications' to the Smart Energy Code have been proposed by officials and look set to pass into law by next spring.


When telecom companies themselves admit that there are health risks associated with their wireless products, you know we have a problem.

Threats to security, health, public infrastructure—and other potential costs of Canada's 5G rollout - Wrong Kind of Green 27/08/2020

Cory Morningstar is with Alison Hawver McDowell and 5 others.
2d ·
Article by David Zarnett, originally published in Maclean's news magazine, February 19, 2020

If you find yourself believing that the state finally cares about the climate - or our health - perhaps reference this.

Excerpts. The cost of 5G to our environment & health.

[David Zarnett is a lecturer and undergraduate advisor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. He has a Ph.D. in political science, and his current research focuses on Canadian policy on wireless technology.]

"A5G’s expansion of IoT, including billions of connected devices, may mean a significant rise in energy consumption. A larger number of connected devices will result in huge increases in data that need to be stored in energy-intensive data centres, which are expected to emit more carbon than the international aviation industry. It also means an exponential increase in the number of wireless networks, which are energy-guzzlers (and estimated to be 10-times less efficient than wired networks). In 2015 alone, the energy used to power wireless networks generated approximately 30 megatonnes of carbon, the same as 4.9 million cars...

Additionally, no one knows what impact 5G frequencies and radiation intensities will have on our health. There are no published long-term studies on the topic. As one U.S. Senator put it, with 5G, “we’re kind of flying blind here, as far as health and safety is concerned.” For this reason, 273 scientists and doctors in the European Union have signed a declaration calling for all 5G rollout plans to be stopped...

Some suggest that 5G may increase the public’s involuntary exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR). According to Health Canada, as long as 5G radiation emissions do not exceed federal exposure limits, there is no threat to public health. However, the scientific merits of these exposure limits are hotly contested. A group of more than 50 international scientists has referred to Health Canada’s guideline as “fundamentally flawed,” and one expert has described them as a “disaster to public health.” Further, the most recent review of the exposure limits was seen by some to include too many scientists with “major links to the telecommunications industry,” raising concerns about conflicts of interest.

In contrast to the fears many have with Huawei, which are based on hypothesized scenarios rather than smoking-gun evidence, there is a large body of scientific literature dating back to at least the 1950s documenting harm from RFR. Most recently, a 2018 $30-million dollar study, conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program, found that radiation from 2G and 3G cell phones could damage DNA and lead to malignant tumours. According to the authors of a recent paper published in Environmental Research, there is now enough evidence to classify RFR as carcinogenic to humans...

Lastly, 5G may challenge the public’s right to have a say in how public land is used. Unlike 3G and 4G systems, 5G will require a dense infrastructure of small-cell antennae placed on rooftops, lampposts and hydro poles. This is because it will use higher frequency radio waves that travel only short distances. It is estimated that 5G will require the installation of approximately 273,000 small antennae across the country.

Current regulations maintain that the public should be consulted for the building of a cell tower, but there are no such rights for the installation of 5G small-cell antennae (a “non-tower structure”), despite potential health risks. This means that telecommunications companies can install a small-cell antenna just metres from a bedroom window without public consent."

Threats to security, health, public infrastructure—and other potential costs of Canada's 5G rollout - Wrong Kind of Green Maclean's February 19, 2020 By David Zarnett     "What are we willing to sacrifice in exchange for faster downloads and self-driving cars?" (A pedestrian walks past an advertisement displaying a 5G sign in London, Britain, on Jan. 29, 2020. The Government has decided to let the ...

Lift-off: Approval granted for spaceport in Scotland 25/08/2020

Scottish Government innovation minister Ivan McKee said: .
“The space sector has a key role to play in the fight against global climate change "

I have to ask how this effects climate change- are they going to let the telecom industry blast more 5G satellites from Scotland

Lift-off: Approval granted for spaceport in Scotland Final approval has been granted for satellite rockets to be launched from a spaceport in Sutherland.


well done all involved in this ongoing case- it is worth opening this file, i can assure you


