

Set up to improve communication with residents by Elizabeth Eyre, Conservative Councillor, County: Chairman Pension Committee, Cotswold AONB Board Member.

District Council: Vice Chairman of Planning, Chairman of the Member Conduct Committee


Today the Chief Officer and Police and Crime Commissioner came to WCC full council to answer questions.

I thanked them for attending, was pleased to hear that 69 community speed watch arrangements were in place in Worcestershire and more were planned. I will be encouraging my parishes to apply for specific areas to have community speed watch.

No prizes for guessing what my questions were.

1. Many villages collect Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) data - how do the police use such data.

2. Would two VAS strategically placed on Fish Hill reduce the police’s manpower costs by giving police assess to VAS speed data and further intelligence as to the times when most speeding occurs.

3. If two VAS could assist with reducing speeding ( though I appreciate that might not reduce motor bike noise) would the PCC fund 50% of the cost such cameras.

I have at the PCC’s request that I write to him personally and I will share his response as soon as I have it.



(U45409 Colletts Gardens, Broadway) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024
An order made: to close that part of U45409 Colletts Gardens from its junction with U45408 Colletts Gardens to its junction with U45411 Bibsworth Avenue.
Reason: Installation of new dropped kerb by WCC.
Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises fronting the highway affected where there is no other form of access; and to allow the works to be undertaken.
Alternative route: U45408 Colletts Fields, U45413 Orchard Avenue, U45411 Bibsworth Avenue and vice versa.
Maximum duration: 18 Months. Anticipated duration: 4 days; Commencing: 15 January 2024


Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (As Amended) (Footpath BY-633, Broadway)(Temporary Closure Order) 2023

Proposed Order: to close Footpath BY-633, Broadway for its entire length.

The Order has been made due to construction associated with the upgrade of Sewage Treatment Works on land crossed by the footpath. Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises having a frontage to the highway affected where there is no other form of access; and to allow the necessary works to be undertaken.

Alternative route: Footpath BY-543, Broadway, C2007 Childswickham Road, Footpath BY-544, Broadway, B4632 Cheltenham Road (Broadway) and vice versa.

The proposed Order will continue in force for a period not exceeding 6 months or until the works which it is proposed to be carried out have been completed, whichever is earlier.

However, it is anticipated that the Order will only be operative for 6 months commencing on 12 December 2023.


No permits have been agreed for the High Street, No information passed to our Streetworks team of any intended permits, Tomorrow we (WCC) will check the signage and take away if necessary.


There is a Severn Trent raw sewage issue down Keytes Lane . Manhole blocked

I have reported it - reference 2006267149

Suggest parents don’t use toilets in Activity Park

And access park via track by side of the Museum

Notifying the District Council and Fire Authority

County Councillor Elizabeth Eyre

I can’t post to spotted broadway please add if you can and noticeboard


Time to cut back your foliage!

Overhanging foliage on public paths and roads is riparian owners' responsibility. Don't wait to get a letter from PC.

Now that the bird nesting season has finished, we are asking that you cut back any overgrown foliage to help stop your bushes, hedges, and trees growing over our public roads and pavements.

Overgrown shrubbery can impact on the visibility of junctions, signs, and streetlights so it would be a huge help if you could grab your loppers this weekend and give your greenery a good trim back.


RAAC Update

NO RAAC has been found in schools which are maintained by Worcestershire County Council.

So Broadway First is unaffected.

We are currently unable to confirm the extent of academy schools with suspected or confirmed cases as they are required to report any confirmed or suspected RAAC directly to the Department for Education. We are aware Pershore High School's drama building has closed as a precaution.


Leamington Road footway works - 5 days from 10th August - temporary traffic lights - sorry for the inconvenience but needs doing.


Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
(U45416 Sandscroft Avenue, Broadway) (Temporary Closure) Order 2023
Proposed Order: to close that part of U45415 Sandscroft Avenue from its junction with U45411 Bibsworth Avenue to its junction with U45417 Sheldon Avenue.
Reason: To renew a communication pipe by Severn Trent Water.
Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises fronting the highway affected where there is no other form of access; and to allow the works to be undertaken.
Alternative route: C2300 Leamington Road, U45408 Collets Fields, U45409 Collets Gardens
and vice versa.
Maximum duration: 18 months. Anticipated duration: 3 days (24hrs). Commencing: 28 August 2023


Just an update

I have been advised Sands residents have seen a lorry with poles on the Leamington Road – I challenged Full Fibre this is the response I received.

Apologies, I missed this initially but have been checking around our teams. I can categorically say this is not us.

We have poling teams in Droitwich, Bromyard and Ross on Wye only at present so its inconceivable even that its one of our teams stopping for lunch on their way somewhere else.

It does rather prove the point that its not just us that are engaged in poling though.

I’ve no idea whether this is Openreach or Gigaclear or maybe someone else who will be putting them up in Broadway without going through the pain of communicating with people beforehand as is often the case or as above whether they’re on their way somewhere else and have just stopped for lunch.

The parish and myself as your County Councillor ( though it is not a County Council issue) have asked Full Fibre and the MP to come to another meeting and discuss the poles and receive the petition.

We are awaiting a response.

And I am still talking to Full Fibre Heroes re Lifford Gardens and the Sands

If they are unable to duct then I think the best we can do is ask for descoping the area.

We will have to fight the issue with any company coming forward with poles as the solution.

I am even worried about gigaclear because I understand their trenching goes to the pavement not the premises and the trench or microduct cannot be used by any other company.

There are three companies currently looking at coming into the areas not done from pavement boxes to premises ( exchange to pavement boxes seems to be done)

Openreach future
Gigaclear next May
Full Fibre Heroes now

Hoping to meet with MP Saturday and parish looking to hold meeting with Full Gibre Heroes and MP - no date yet

Cllr Eyre


Re Telegraph poles

The Head of Public Procurement & Engagement of Full Fibre Ltd has contacted residents in Broadway to advise them of their plans to install a good number of new telegraph poles, around 38, in Broadway to bring Gigabit-capable broadband to premises in Averill Close, Bloxham Road, Fleece Road, Lifford Gardens, Mills Close, Morris Road, Parker Place, Phillips Road and Tythe Road.

This morning I asked that any streetwork permissions be put on hold so consultation with the parish could take place.

I understand the objective, however, I believe there are real caveats in the legislation which ensure the proper approach where the area is in an ANOB or a Conservation Area.

1. There should be proper consultation, an email to councillors is not enough – dialogue is needed

2. in some places permitted development rights are enough, but in AONBs and conservation areas Full Fibre does not need to submit a full planning application but may need to apply for ‘prior approval’. This does not stop but allows the LPA to consider the proposals, their likely impacts, and how these can be mitigated.

3. Poles are a cheap way of addressing the issue but Wychavon has a design code, it is looking to enhance street scenes – mitigation could help meet both the resident's needs and the wider objective.

I have asked for an initial meeting with the appropriate officers and members in Broadway to discuss this matter, before meeting with full fibre.


On 14 March 2022, the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) Order 2022[1] was laid before Parliament. The legislation gives effect to the Government’s response to their technical consultation which was published last year on changes to permitted development rights (“PD rights”) for electronic communications infrastructure.

The changes extend and improve mobile coverage to benefit communities and businesses and to support the Government’s mission that, by 2030, the UK will have nationwide gigabit-capable broadband and 4G coverage, with 5G coverage for the majority of the population.

The changes, in theory, support mobile infrastructure disparities between rural and urban areas.

The legislation amends Class A of Part 16 of Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (the “GPDO”). The GPDO provides for the granting of certain classes of development without the requirement for a full planning application to be made. The Government has taken a measured approach concerning Article 2(3) land (which includes Conservation Areas, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, areas specified for the enhancement and protection of natural beauty and amenities of the countryside, the Broads, National Parks and World Heritage Sites) and sites of special scientific interest (“SSSI”).
The changes relating to these areas are more limited in scale and subject to greater control.

The legislation also includes a provision for new planning conditions to be included in Part 16 of the GPDO to provide added protection for more sensitive areas where development may not require prior approval.

A new Code of Practice[3] for Wireless Network Development in England has also been published which provides updated guidance for all those involved in network deployment, and which has a stronger focus on the siting and design of wireless infrastructure and the process for engaging with local authorities and communities.

Where prior approval is required under the GPDO, the operator will not need to submit a full planning application to the Local Planning Authority (“LPA”) but will be required to apply for ‘prior approval’. This allows the LPA to consider the proposals, their likely impacts and how these can be mitigated. The principle of development is not an issue, and the LPA can only consider the siting and appearance of the proposal.

Where the development exceeds the limits identified in the GPDO, full planning permission will be required, and operators will need to submit a planning application to the LPA in the ordinary manner.


Please note: Street Light repairs Monday 22nd - Lime Tree Avenue


Our gritters have travelled 3 times around the world this winter!

The winter season has now come to an end but since October last year, we have carried out an impressive 54 gritting runs, spreading over 5,000 tonnes of salt, keeping our roads moving and safe for motorists.

Nearly 70,000 miles were covered, which is the equivalent of three times around the circumference of our planet, from the six depots across Worcestershire.

For more info: https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/news/successful-busy-winter-season-comes-end-worcestershire


First steps following the campaigning

A46 road closure

17/04/2023 to 21/04/2023

21.00 pm -6.00 am

Reason: To install speed limit signage both North Bound and South Bound and on approaches to the A46 down to 40mph speed limit
Total closure of A46, NB and SB, Hinton Cross to Sedgeberrow full closure, both directions, and full closures of side roads onto the

After the National Highway’s announcement, this is expected and welcomed by many but it will cause issues for some individuals,
The diversion route will affect
A46 - Cheltenham Road
A46 - Evesham Bypass
A44 - Broadway Road
A44 - Longdon Hill
A44 - Pitchers Hill
A44 - Evesham Road
A44 - Broadway bypass
C2300 - Leamington Road
C2299 - High Street
B4632 - Cheltenham Road
B4632 - Gloucestershire
B4077 - Gloucestershire
A46 - Cheltenham Road

and vice versa

Consultations - Wychavon District Council 07/03/2023

May I highlight an opportunity for you to have your say re the look of future housing developments across Wychavon.

The council has worked with myself as Wychavon’s design champion, members, officers and consultants Create Streets to come up with a design code to guide developers, which will be a first for the district.

The council is keen to offer residents the chance to influence how their towns, villages and streets are developed / look through their engagement with this consultation.

The design codes can include everything from the type of material that can be used, the street scene, to whether buildings should avoid being north facing so it's easier to install solar panels on them.

To have your say on this important topic please put this link below in your search engine

https://www.wychavon.gov.uk/about-wychavon-district-council/consultations and look for the design consultation.

I would be disappointed if you noted a development looks like Warrington and does not seem to reflect the place you live or you don’t like the design guide for your area if you have not commented on this design guide

Consultations - Wychavon District Council Your views are vital to us in providing the best services possible. That's why consultation is important and to share your views and suggestions.


A46 improvement at Hinton Cross – good news – Managed to get an update

National Highways (NH) have made great progress with the speed limit reduction to cover the A46 between the junctions at Hinton Cross and Sedgeberrow North to introduce a lower 40mph limit. They are planning work to start shortly to install 40pmh signs and repeaters mounted on posts. They are also installing 40mph roundels on a red road surface and dragons' teeth road markings at the gateway to the speed restriction to encourage adherence to the lower speed limit. They will monitor speeds during the next 18 months, as well as collision data to understand if the speed reduction has reduced the likelihood of incidents in this area with a view to making the 40mph speed limit permanent.

It's a good start though more to do.

They are also working closely with the sign manufacturer to develop the details for the installation of a Vehicle Activated sign north of Hinton Cross to alert southbound drivers of vehicles waiting to join the A46 at the approaching junction. They are working through complex constraints such as access to sufficient power and identifying the safest position to locate the sign. We’re also liaising with them to agree on the optimum timeline for delivery and will provide you with more details on this once these have been agreed upon. As soon as they have finalised the details and dates for the work to install the signs and road markings, they will update me. They are currently planning the work to take around two weeks and are looking to minimise the disruption by working at night as much as possible.



Shared ownership properties - in Blackminster


Shared ownership properties - these are open to a number of villages -including BROADWAY, and WICKHAMFORD Read on

Good Afternoon,
Following your recent interest in the above development, in Blackminster, Rooftops are pleased to advise that their shared ownership properties are now available to reserve off plan.

They have 2 x 3 bed semi detached properties priced at £295,000 (full open market value) – based on a 50% share monthly rent would be £338.02 and service charge £30.16.

They are offering a minimum of a 50% share dependent on affordability.

The properties comes with flooring throughout as well as hob, oven, cooker hood and fridge-freezer in the kitchen.

Rooftops took handover from the developer this month - January 2023. They can share with you floor and site plans.

Please note these properties are subject to a local connection and will initially be open to applications from people with a connection to Badsey and Offenham until two weeks post-handover and then also to people with a connection to Bretforton, Broadway and Wickhamford for the following two weeks before being open to applicants within the Wychavon district.

To apply please there are Eligibility Checklist and How to Apply documents that you can get from Rooftops

They will give you details of the information you need to provide to Rooftops to enable an affordability assessment to be carried out.

Please contact [email protected]. Please note your application can not be considered until all documentation is received. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact one of the sales team on 01386 420837 or [email protected]

Do not contact me I am merely helping get this information out.


Prepare your pets for tonight - there are fireworks up at the Dormy and who knows maybe at the Lygon.


A44 Abandoned Trailer
I thought I would keep you posted in case anyone mentions this, Wychavon is dealing with an abandoned trailer at Pitchers Hill, they are currently liaising with partners and discussing the best way to get it removed.


Chief Fire Officer/Chief Executive Johnathon Pryce attended WCC full Council today, 10th November 2022

Delighted to see Broadway’s single fire on-call station is fully funded for a new station, fitting to Broadway’s environment, and it is ready to start construction this November, sorting out the last few questions with Wychavon.

Prevention of wildfires has been a concern for me, following, the London fires this summer and residents' concerns. The preventative strategy is a key area for the authority. Increasingly these days there is a tension between the need to support the environment and keep it natural and the need to control wildfires. We are fortunate that the National Lead for wildfires is an officer in the Hereford and Worcester Authority. The risks are well understood and the prevention of wildfires, within the authority's Prevention and Security Strategy, ensures advice goes out each year, ahead of the summer. If any resident is aware of an area of concern and knows the landowner they should contact their parish clerk.

Can I just remind residents the authority is currently promoting the service to females, ladies this could be an excellent career move for you? Can I encourage you to think about it?


Aware of fireworks and bonfire tonight - remember to take precautions re pets


Residents urged to put their bin out on time

The time that waste and recycling bins are collected across Wychavon may change for some residents next week. Changes are being made to all waste and recycling collection rounds across Wychavon to further improve efficiency and ensure the current high standard of service is maintained.

Only Chawson residents in Droitwich Spa will see a change to their collection day and residents have already been contacted about this.

Across the rest of the district, collection days will remain the same but the time bin crews arrive may change from what people are used to. To make sure nobody misses their bin collection, residents are being urged from Monday (7 November) to make sure their bin is out by 7am on the day of their scheduled collection. Crews will collect anytime between 7am and 6pm.

Can’t say when in Broadway but it may be earlier!


Slowing the speeds down Snowshill Road

My engineers agree with me for a starter we can provide dragon teeth leading to the 30 mph terminal point and a pair of repeater roundels near the junction of West End.

Wondering what Dragon teeth are - see the approach to the bridge on Evesham Road coming from Evesham ( just before the garage). Wherever they have painted dragon teeth on the road the reduction in speed is measurable - not great, won't stop the 70mph nutters but it will help.

Hope to have order completed by end of the year ( why so long amazing amount of work going on to reduce speed around the County.)


Are you keen on cycling?

Evesham's new £2 million cycle hub is set to open as work finishes
Work on the Velo Park, based on the site of Evesham United FC, has now been completed. An official opening is planned for later this month for those involved with the project, then a date will be announced for when it will open to the public. Watched a drone view of it taken by our engineers - one word - WOW


Update concerning the A46 National Highways - dated 14th October

Work Completed

The scheme of works on the Worcestershire bends and junctions along the A46 is now complete. New hazard delineation bollards, signs, and passive posts designed to crumple when struck by a vehicle reducing the risk of injuries to the driver have been installed. Some road markings have been refreshed.

Work In progress

1. Vehicle Activated Sign design work is back on track
Unfortunately, progress on the commissioned design work, for the Vehicle Activated Sign, alerting southbound traffic of the junction at Hinton Cross, was delayed by a change in our suppliers in July. The design work is now in progress through the new contract.

2. Implementation of a temporary speed reduction for the A46 from North of Hinton Cross to South of the Sedgeberrow north turn. The NH is looking to implement a temporary speed limit reduction for the A46 from North of Hinton Cross to South of the Sedgeberrow north turn. They are liaising with the police as they develop this proposal and are currently looking at a 40mph limit for this short (approx. 1km) section. They are planning to implement this in early 2023, subject to successfully securing the necessary Highways Orders, which as it is a legal process takes time.
The NH is planning for this to be in place for up to 18 months and if it is found to be successful, then they will look to make it permanent. The NH is in discussions with the police about potential enforcement for this reduced speed limit and understands that there is a parking place within this section that they may have used previously for enforcement. They are liaising with them as we progress with the design for these proposals. I can advise as the local County Councillor I am aware of enforcement in this area and know of those fined.

3. Cleansing Drains on the A46: As part of the NH's routine safety inspections, they have identified drains along the A46 between the Cheltenham Road Island and Sedgeberrow that require cleansing, The work is due to start on these by the end of the month.

4. The footway and cycleway between Broadway Road at
Hinton Cross, and Sedgeberrow: The area of the footway and cycleway between Broadway Road at Hinton Cross, and Sedgeberrow has cracks forming. The NH is working hard to understand the cause of the deformation and design a solution. In the meantime, they planning interim work to level out the footway to maintain safety.

5. Turning left onto the A46 from Elmley: The NH has yet to follow up on my request for a left-turning lane onto the A46 from Elmley. This can only be achieved with the involvement of Worcestershire County Council. The NH will follow up with Worcestershire CC on a joint approach to turning left onto the A46 from Elmley, contacting them in the next week to discuss the options.


Enterprising Worcestershire has a variety of support programmes:

For start-up individuals
For early-stage businesses in Worcestershire
12 hours of bespoke business coaching, to SMEs less than five years old.
Consultancy support for high-growth Worcestershire SMEs, less than two years old through the High Growth Activate programme.

Plus one-week start-up club workshops delivered across the county.


Grant funding to help businesses less than three years with investments.

Please Google Worcestershire Council’s website: Home, Business, Support for Business, Enterprising Worcestershire Start-Up Grant

Create Streets 10/10/2022

Consulting you on design. Please read on and give Wychavon your views.

I am the design champion for Wychavon. I am very keen that when a planning application comes forward, and it meets policy, the design element is also fit for purpose - design should fit the place, rather than be Warrington in Worcestershire if you see what I mean.

Wychavon aims to become an ‘exemplar rural council for urban design with beautiful new and old towns and streets supporting greater prosperity, sustainability, health, and wellbeing. We’re currently working on a new design code to set standards for how buildings, streets and public spaces in the south of Wychavon (the area within the boundary) should look and feel.

To get this right we are preparing a supplementary planning guide for the Revised South Worcestershire Development Plan coming through, starting with the Broadway /Bredon area.

I wanted to write to personally let you know that the Create Communities map for the south of Wychavon (encompassing Broadway, Bredon Hill and surrounding areas) was launched last week.

Please tell us what you think by:

a. Zooming in and clicking on any building or place and giving your views (you can add up to 10 comments on the map); or

b. Clicking on one of the people icons to give your views on pre-selected buildings.

You can do either but, if you can spare the time, please do both. Thank you!

Copy the link into your browser https://communities.createstreets.com/wychavonsouth

The map has several pre-selected buildings, but we’re also keen to hear residents’ views on other buildings and places of their choice. Ideally, the more we hear about favourite and least favourite buildings, green spaces, street furniture and all the other elements which make up a town or village, the more closely the design code can reflect the community’s aspirations.

Create Streets


Childswickham Road - people parking in a very dangerous way, tagging onto the end of the existing double yellow lines in Childswickham Road on the blind bend.

I would hope they were ignorant of the damage potential to their car, the no.of reported near misses, and the danger they were causing others but sadly it isn’t always the same vehicle and maybe some people were prepared to act dangerously with risk to their vehicles and others just to avoid car parking charges.

With this in mind, I have asked WCC to extend the double yellow lines to take parking off the bend and discourage the temptation to park at the end of new restrictions.


Open Morning
If you foster or are thinking about fostering, why not come along and meet other fostering families at our open morning in celebration of Foster Care Fortnight from 10:30am to 1pm on Saturday 21 May at County Hall, Worcester WR5 2NP. Light buffet and refreshments provided. Please register your interest via email at: [email protected]

