

Offering 1-2-1 Personal Training sessions, outdoor group training and nutritional advice

Photos from LydFit_'s post 16/08/2024

No, online coaching isn’t personal training sessions on Zoom!👇🏽

So what does it actually entail?

If you swipe to the left you’ll be able to see the process of what we focus on

It’s everything down to your goals, training, diet, managing social events, work stress

And that’s just the surface. In order to get you real results (which aren’t short lived!) coaching you through how to manage keeping on top of things when life gets stressful, is essential🚀

If you’re interested in achieving your transformation with head to the link in my bio or send me a DM with the word ‘COACHING’ to get started✨


(I’ve got you!)

Don’t worry this is a common worry lots of dieters have which is usually the reason they ‘have to start fresh on Monday’ or feel like they’re constantly running in circles as their social plans don’t line up with their weight loss plans!

I’ve got a few tips for you to make the most out of your diet whilst you’re out the house enjoying yourself…

Now number 1 it does depend on what sort of outing you have planned this weekend so first off if you’re eating out here’s a couple of ways to keep on track

1️⃣Stick to the 1 plate rule

Now I known when we go out it’s so tempting to have a 3 course meal topped with lots of drinks and snacking but sticking to the 1 plate rule is a game changer when you’re dieting!

You can reduce your calorie intake by saying no to a starter and dessert but still be a part of the social occasion and enjoy your meal out!

2️⃣Aim to get some protein in with that meal!

This one is to help with the hunger… if you prioritise eating dishes with more protein based foods, you won’t even feel hungry enough for those extra 2 courses🤷🏽‍♀️ plus if you can stick to lean protein sources, calories are likely to be a little lower too!

Next up if you have an outing this weekend that doesn’t impact your nutrition but your activity instead here’s a few tips…

1️⃣Aim to get more steps in earlier in the day to get it out the way
2️⃣^You could also aim for more in the week to make up for a lower step day!
3️⃣Find out if you can substitute any transport for some extra walks to get to and from places
4️⃣Standing over sitting💁🏽‍♀️ sounds really simple, maybe a bit silly but just being on your feet will invite you to move your body more so if you can, why not try it out!

And finally, just a reminder- 1 weekend out is not going to ruin all of your progress, make it as easy as possible to get yourself back to routine once you get home!

For more tips make sure you’re following and if you’d like specific help towards your goal feel free to drop me a DM and we’ll have a chat!☺️

Photos from LydFit_'s post 08/08/2024

Recap of 2024 so far✨🫶🏽🧚🏼‍♂️

I know we’ve passed the half way point and it’s basically Christmas already🤯 but this last week or so I’ve been reflecting on how my year has gone and what direction I want to lean in over the upcoming months…

I’ve been extremely lucky and feeling very grateful for the experiences I’ve had this year- SO many holidays, moving out, rebranding , completing a half marathon and a million other things🥹

I’ve allowed myself to experience new things and really show up for myself in areas out of my comfort zone. I’ve also learnt to be more present and enjoy life outside of work, which in turn has made my work even more for fulfilling✨

I use to be someone who (as backwards as it sounds) didn’t feel like I deserved to enjoy the present because I wasn’t at “my end goal” and didn’t want to be side tracked. This year has taught me I can reach those goals AND enjoy the journey getting there

So here is to the last few months of 2024🥂 I’m now in the process of setting some new goals and can’t wait see them come to life🧘🏽‍♀️🤓

Photos from LydFit_'s post 26/07/2024

When you go on a diet is alcohol the first thing to go?

Does that then lead you to giving up after a week as soon as work invites you out for drinks?

Reducing your alcohol consumption can be really beneficial on your long and short term health. If you want to improve your diet or drop body fat, making some of these alcoholic swaps could be a game changer for you!

Swipe through to find out what easy swaps you can make to help with your progress but also stop you from feeling FOMO🥂➡️


get me back in the sun🌶️

Photos from LydFit_'s post 20/06/2024

Having good meal hygiene is the 🔑 when it comes to successful weight loss and how to enjoy your food without overindulging👇🏽

Swipe to find out what it actually means and how you improve yours today🙌🏽

Photos from LydFit_'s post 18/06/2024



holiday season

Photos from LydFit_'s post 14/06/2024

It’s holiday season✈️

And you might be a little worried about what is going to happen to all your progress when you jet off…

Incase this is you I’ve got a few tips which I like to use when I’m on holiday to help me keep on track but still enjoy and get the most out of my holiday! Swipe to find out👉🏽



Photos from LydFit_'s post 12/06/2024

Here are a few tips which I give my clients to help them when they are out to eat but also trying to lose weight👆🏽

Super easy things you can adopt to speed up the diet and improve your overall ‘meal hygiene’ to keep the weight off too☺️

Photos from LydFit_'s post 11/06/2024

sardinia 🩷

Photos from LydFit_'s post 08/06/2024


Photos from LydFit_'s post 05/06/2024

Dubai nights🌃🌙✨

Photos from LydFit_'s post 29/05/2024

Dubai birthdayyy dump👙☀️🇦🇪




Chapter 24🎂 thankyou to everyone who made my birthday so special✨


A very happy, healthy hello again👋🏽 so this week whilst I was away I took some well needed time away from posting; mainly to be in the moment and enjoy my time on holiday but also as I feel like this year has flew by already and I just wanted some time to hit the reset button!😴

Now I’m back I’m so ready to get into the swing of things again, back to routine, training and moving a little more- I’m currently writing this in the car before I head into the gym so that’s a good start to the day🫡

I’m wishing everyone a productive, progressive week as we come to the end of April!🤯 enjoy yourself, push yourself and remind yourself it’s okay to have a break from everything every now and then🙂‍↔️✨ (also good luck to everyone running the marathon today! Go smash it🏃🏽‍♀️)



So for those who are new here, it might help you to know I was never this confident when it came to the gym

When I first started going to the gym, the thought of going into the weights section was petrifying. I didn’t have a clue what to do in there and it just looked scary

It use to annoy me though cos I just thought ‘I want to be able to do certain exercises’ but rather than learning (like everyone HAS to do) I felt like I should already know🤦🏽‍♀️

It wasn’t until

1. I realised these expectations of what I should and shouldn’t know in the gym were all in my head, nobody cares what I’m doing and everyone has to start learning somewhere

2. I had a plan of what exercises to do in the gym and was taught how to use certain pieces of equipment

That I felt more confident and comfortable being in the gym

So my point here is, no, you probably won’t feel super confident and comfortable in the gym if you are new or just starting out, but that’s completely normal! It takes time to feel comfortable in a new environment⌛️

And if you want to speed up the process, having a plan of what to do in the gym is super helpful. It will cut the ‘lost’ feeling in half and make you feel a little more like you’re supposed to be there!

If you would like some more help with your fitness journey and feeling confident in the gym, get 30% OFF online coaching until the 14th April! DM me the word COACHING to enquire!🫶🏽🔥


lounge wear for the win😮‍💨

Photos from LydFit_'s post 24/03/2024

Clearly happier with a cocktail in my hand🥂


Happpy Friday gorgeous people🍭🪵🌼🍄

Photos from LydFit_'s post 09/03/2024

BTS mirror selfies from todays shoot😮‍💨🎥


When was the last time you got all dressed up and felt really confident?

And when was the last time you didn’t actually dread the ‘what the hell am I gonna wear?’ part of a night out🫠

For so long this would be the first thought on my mind whenever one of my girls would want to go out

I’d stick to wearing the same outfit over and over again cos nothing I wore made me feel confident

So like in any story, one day I decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore and I wanted to do something about it

Something needed to change

Now as we all know if you want to see a difference you’ve got to put in the work, my point here is sometimes it takes a few times to recognise what’s making you feel a certain way to actually say ‘f**k it’ and commit to yourself!

If you want to make that change, commit to yourself and feel confident, message me the words ONLINE COACHING

To have a chat about your own transformation and exactly how to get there🦋



Photos from LydFit_'s post 01/03/2024

‘I’m feeling more confident in my skin’


My client Ellie’s transformation is absolutely insane and I’m so proud of all the hard work and dedication she has put in to see these results

Not only has she achieved a physical transformation but a massive mental one too

Ellie came to me feeling like she had always struggled with feeling confident

And in turn this would stop her from putting herself forward for so many opportunities and ultimately stop living her life as she was too shy!

I made it my mission to boost Ellie’s confidence by showing her how to take control of her physical and mental health

With exercise and by just being a little kinder to herself this lead to this massive transformation being achieved

If you struggle with confidence, don’t have a clue where to start and just want to feel better about yourself already

Drop me a DM with the word CONFIDENCE🫶🏽

Photos from LydFit_'s post 25/02/2024

Have you hit a plateau with your training?

Do you feel like the results you was once getting have slowed down and something needs to change?

Or maybe you’ve just got a little comfortable and complacent and need that little extra push?

Kim came to me with the goal of dropping body fat and to continue to grow muscle

She wasn’t a stranger to the gym though, she was regularly training and already had some pretty good healthy habits

What she really needed was that extra level of accountability

Kim had already managed to get herself super far on her fitness journey, she just recognised to get that extra mile she needed a little extra push to check on her consistency and awareness on when she was actually showing up for herself🫡

I’m super proud of what she has been able to achieve during her coaching journey and all of the skills she’s learnt too🏋🏽‍♀️🚀

If you feel like you need that extra push to break through your plateau, drop me a message and we’ll set you up with a little roadmap of how to get started

Coaching spaces are also now available so if you need that extra push, I’ll talk you through how it works!🫶🏽



Shoutout to my amazing client Molly! Molly was with me for 16 weeks and look at these insane results she’s been able to achieve!

I’m super proud of her hard work and dedication to not only her training but her nutrition too!

For 16 weeks we worked together working super hard to gain muscle, build up strength and hit some great PB’s aswell👏🏽

Here’s to more results!🥂

If you want to commit to your health, build up some structure in your day to day and get stronger, drop me a message with the word ‘TRANSFORM’

You don’t want to miss out!

Photos from LydFit_'s post 17/02/2024

So I thought it would be nice to share one of my girls journeys so far since starting her coaching…

When Milla first came to me she had already had quite a journey with her confidence, goals and physique. She wanted to put an end to all the ups and downs and wanted to start seeing some long term results

So thats exactly what we aimed for, there’s no point in using methods to get to your goal which aren’t going to be sustainable in the long term

Because one day you’ll get super stressed out or things won’t go your way (cos that’s life!) and you won’t be able to keep up and instead you’ll fall into old habits which got you to where you were in the first place

Milla wanted results but also a lifestyle change which she’d be able to enjoy and keep up with

From prioritising this, not only has she absolutely transformed her physique but got super strong in the gym, knows exactly what foods to have to fuel her body and can keep up with all of this even through social events and life getting in the way!

Massive well done to Milla, SO proud of how far she has come🤩🥹

So if you are thinking about your health and fitness goals, make sure you are considering the long term, not just the here and now and short cut your way to success

Put in the work just like Milla did, you’ll thank yourself a whole lot more!👀

If you are interested in getting some help with this too, send me a message with the word


And we’ll start off by brainstorming some of the things which you can implement today to get started!

And again to finish off, BIG well done to Milla👏🏽🏋🏽‍♀️

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