

We love, create and sell comic books ... and more

Timeline photos 06/08/2020

It's a year now that we published Esemtu and we want to thank all of you who read the book, and especially the bookstagrammers who shared their thoughts about it in their books. It gave us a ton of valuable advice we tried to heed when writing volume 2 - still proof reading, but I hope it won't take too long now ...⁠

Timeline photos 06/08/2020

Just one more little story about Utu: His grandson was called Gilgamesh and became the king of Uruk. Utu helped Gilgamesh on his quest and was very disappointed when Gilgamesh died, just as his father and his uncle did, although he had less human genome than they had, being not only the grandson of Utu but also the son of the goddess Ninsum. ⁠

It's hardly surprising that when some of the gods turned against humanity Utu joined them with some enthusiasm.⁠

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

August is the month of the sun god, Utu. His father is Nanna the moon god and his sister is Inanna, the goddess of love.⁠
During the day he observed man from high up in the sky and in the night he withdrew to the underworld, where he had the position of a judge. ⁠

As a patron deity he rallies confident outgoing and attractive people around himself because he believes that they are the strongest and will make their way. As flattering as this seems to be, you never know if he protects his charge or just leaves them on their own.⁠

Do you like reading your horoscope from time to time? If you do, try our Sumerian style predictions for August under the link in the bio.

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

Space, galaxies, stars, planets, they always fascinated people. They are seen as something managed by a higher order and have therefore been taken as a symbol of omniscience, of the gods, of power throughout the times.⁠

Of the Sumerians it is said that they knew about the solar system and the number of planets in it without having had the technical devices to see them. ⁠

Do believe in horoscopes? ⁠

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

It all began with three students, Dave, the kind and caring theologist, Izzy the art lover and archaeologist and Ethan, who could be a dangerous hacker, if he didn't have the dream of becoming a great detective ...⁠

I love detective stories and anything with a historic background and of course all those topics packed into beautifully designed graphic novels. How about you? What's your favourite genre?

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

Jetzt ist er endlich da! Esemt, Band 1 als e-book, erhältlich über unsere Website in der Bio, über Amazon oder in der Buchhandlung deines Vertrauens!⁠

We're so proud that volume 1 is now available in 2 languages- So if you prefer reading German, or like German with an Austrian twist or want to learn Gernan in an entertaining way - this one is for you!

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

We are happy to announce that Esemtu Vol. 1 will be launched in German language next Friday!⁠

Esemtu ist ab nächstem Freitag auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Wir freuen uns, nach einem Jahr auf dem englischsprachigen Markt, nun auch deutschsprachigen Lesern Esemtu Vol.1 vorstellen zu dürfen. Es geht um drei Studenten, die in einen Kriminalfall verwickelt werden und bei ihren Ermittlungen feststellen, dass die sumerische Mythologie keineswegs tot ist.⁠

Seht auch unsere Website an, da gibt es jede Menge Infos und das älteste Horoskop der Welt!⁠

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

These are the cuneiform signs of our book title, esemtu, meaning statue of a god. Divine powers make the esemtus special and dangerous, even if the Sumerian is long gone.⁠

I love digging in books and brings these old things back to life in our stories. Are you interested in ancient mythology? Which divine power would you like to have?

Photos from esemtu_author's post 16/04/2020

Dive into the world of Esemtu, a world of ancient Sumerian , -magic. .... a world we believed was dead .... and is now stirring up modern society