Noah's Nighttimes

Noah's Nighttimes

⭐Certified Baby+Child Sleep Consultant (0-6 yrs)⭐
⭐Bespoke Sleep Plans⭐
⭐Gentle & loving Approaches⭐


Take a look at my beautiful new website, built by my very clever partner.
A very happy sleep consultant 🥰

To celebrate my new website, I am offering a 50% discount off of my packages. Contact me to discuss 💤😴


No guidebook can teach the love and dedication you pour into this journey. So here’s to celebrating the small victories, learning from the tough moments, and growing alongside our children. 💕 You are doing an amazing job, and don’t let the tough days make you think otherwise! ❤❤


Is your toddler up with the stars? 🌟👶 Waking before 6 AM can disrupt the whole family’s sleep routine. From adjusting bedtime routines to optimising the sleep environment, I’m here to help you reclaim those precious morning hours. 🌅💤

Here are a few factors that my be causing the early rising:

💫 Are they too hot or cold?
💫 Is the room too bright?
💫 Are they going to bed at an appropriate time?
💫 Could there be any internal or external noises waking them up? eg boiler coming on or a neighbour leaving for work
💫 Are they able to self settle?

DM me if you need any help with early rising ❤️

Cat x

Photos from Noah's Nighttimes's post 06/05/2024

Does bedtime feel like a battle? 😟 If the thought of getting your little ones to sleep fills you with anxiety, you're not alone. Many parents share the same nightly challenge. 🌙✨

But imagine this: ending your day with smiles, not stress. 😊 I’m here to help transform bedtime into the peaceful, joyful experience it should be for you and your child.
Let’s make those bedtime fears disappear! 🌟💤

Cat x


Just a little post to say, Thank You for Becoming a Valued Member of my Sleep-Loving Community!

Please take a moment to leave a comment below and let me know what sleep-related topics you'd like to see more of or any questions you may have. I am here to provide the guidance and support you need on your sleep journey! 😊


To all you incredible parents out there, here's to the bravery it takes to embark on the sleep training journey with your precious little one! 😴👶💤

It's not always easy, but remember: Every night of soothing reassurance and every gentle lullaby you sing, you're nurturing a resilient sleeper and fostering their independence. 🌙✨

Being brave means making choices that help your baby develop healthy sleep patterns and, ultimately, thrive. 🌟

So, keep your spirits high, trust your instincts, and know that brighter, well-rested days are just around the corner! 🌈☀️

You've got this, and your baby is lucky to have you as their guiding star through the night. 💫💛


Welcoming 2024 with Hearts Full of Gratitude! ❤️

As we embark on this brand new year, I want to pause and extend my deepest thanks to all of you, my wonderful followers.

Looking ahead to 2024, I am thrilled to keep navigating this path with you, armed with fresh ideas, strategies, and many more successful nights of sleep.

Wishing you all a 2024 filled with good health, endless happiness, and the most peaceful of dreams.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Cat xx


As parents, we all dream of uninterrupted nights and blissful sleep for our babies and toddlers. But did you know that the right environment plays a huge role in how well your child sleeps? Here are a few tips to help create the perfect sleep environment:

🚫 Block Out the Light: A dark room is essential. Blackout curtains can be a game-changer, signalling that it’s time to wind down.

🔇 Quiet Please: A noise machine or a soft lullaby can mask household sounds. Gentle, consistent sound can soothe them into a deeper sleep.

🌡️ Cool and Cozy: The ideal room temperature for sleep is around 20C. Not too hot, not too cold. Along with the correct clothing/bedding.

🌈 Soothing Colours: Opt for calming colours in the nursery. Soft blues, greens, and neutral tones can create a tranquil space.

🔴 Red Night Light: red light softly nurtures melatonin production - the key hormone for restful sleep.

✨ Minimal Stimulation: Keep toys and bright, stimulating decor to a minimum in the sleep area to encourage relaxation.

Need more tips for your child’s sleep environment? DM me for a consultation.
Together, we can make those sleep goals a reality! 🌜


The sparkle and boom of fireworks might be too much for our little ones. Try these soothing strategies to ensure they stay snug and smiling during the fireworks festivities! 🎆🎇

* Preparation is Key: Talk to your children about fireworks and what to expect on firework night to prepare them for the sights and sounds.

* Create a Safe Space: Set up a comfortable area in the home where the noise is muffled. Use pillows, blankets, and their favourite toys to make it cozy.

* Soundproofing: If you are choosing to stay in, close all windows and doors to minimise the noise. Playing white noise, calming music, or children's stories can help mask the sound of the fireworks.

* Distractions: Plan activities to keep them distracted during the peak noise times, like drawing, puzzles, or watching a favourite movie.

* Use Ear Protection: Consider earplugs or noise-canceling headphones for kids who are particularly sensitive to loud sounds.

* Be Calm and Reassuring: Children often look to adults for cues, so maintain a calm demeanour. Reassure them that the fireworks are part of the celebration and they are safe.

* Routine is Comforting: Try to stick to your regular bedtime routine to provide stability and predictability.

* Watch Fireworks on TV: If going outside is too much, watching a fireworks display on television can be a safer and more controlled introduction.

* Visibility: If they want to watch the fireworks, watch from a window where they can be safe from the noise and sparks.

Cat xx

Photos from Noah's Nighttimes's post 26/09/2023

Have you ever mistaken overtiredness for tiredness? I definitely have!

👶 Tired: This is your baby's optimal window for sleep. Catching these signs early is key!

👶 Overtired: If a tired baby isn't settled to sleep, they can become overtired, making it harder for them to fall and stay asleep.

The trick is to catch those early sleep cues and start the wind-down process, ensuring your baby sleeps before reaching the overtired stage.

Need more advice? I'm here to help! DM or comment below! 💤


In the first few months after your baby is born, getting a sleep routine in place can be tough. This is mainly because their natural sleep-wake cycle isn't fully set until they're about three months old.

I usually suggest waiting until your baby is four months old before starting any sleep training. But even before that, there are some simple tips you can use to help your little one start learning good sleep habits.

The tips I'm going to share can easily become part of your daily routine, helping your baby get on the right track to sleeping well on their own.

1. WAKE WINDOWS ⏰: Always be aware of your Childs wake window. For a newborn this is between 45 mins- 1.5hrs. If they look tired, get them in their sleep space or rock them gently to help them get to sleep at the right time. An overtired baby will not sleep as well as a well rested baby. (sleep breeds sleep)

2. DAY AND NIGHT 🌘: Newborns do not know the difference between day and night to begin with. Help them to learn the difference, for example, at night time, always keep it dark and quiet, less eye contact and speak in a hushed tone. Keep the room dark, do your feeds and nappy changes without turning on lights. During the daytime, lots of kisses and cuddles, louder voices, lots of eye contact, lots of fresh air. This is teaching your baby the difference between day and night from a young age.

3. PRACTICE PUTTING BABY DOWN TO SLEEP 🛌: Start with once a day putting your baby in their sleep space for their naps when they are awake. Make sure they are drowsy but due a sleep. See if you can get them to settle in their sleep space and put themselves to sleep with perhaps your hand on them and some gentle ‘shhing’. White noise can help stop them getting disturbed by noises during their sleep.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Don’t get frustrated if they are struggling to sleep to begin with, it takes time. Enjoy your special time with you newborn. ❤️

Please feel free to reach out for more newborn tips and tricks.

Cat xx


✨ Hello Amazing Parents, I know it's been a while... ✨

As a certified child sleep consultant, my purpose is more than just troubleshooting sleep issues; it's to provide a listening ear, a comforting voice, and a helping hand. 💝

Let's navigate the world of dreamy nights together, one peaceful rest at a time. 💤

Feel free to reach out for a judgment-free chat anytime. 😘


July is flying by.... Don't miss out on this fantastic discount! 🫶🌈🤗🌙 Drop me a message and we can discuss any sleep issues. Cat x


Happy Father’s Day 2023, to dads, granddads, stepdads, foster dads, dads in heaven, future dads, bereaved dads, and dad figures: we’re thinking of you and sending love and hugs.

Tag a dad to show he is loved and appreciated..... 🥰

🏆 👔 💙 👨‍🍼 👨‍🦱


Nap time is more than just a break for you and your little one! 💤

Here are some of the benefits that come along with your child's nap time:

🌱 Supports Growth & Development: Napping provides much-needed rest, especially during periods of rapid growth and change.

🧠 Boosts Learning:
Studies show that napping can enhance learning abilities. Regular nappers even perform better on memory games!

❤️ Enhances Emotional Regulation:
Yes, a well-rested child is a happier child! Napping can help your little ones better manage their emotions.

🏃‍♂️ Promotes Physical Health:
Napping plays a role in maintaining a healthy weight in children. A good nap can help curb overeating and keep your child active.

🌜Aids Nighttime Sleep:
Surprisingly, daytime naps can support better sleep at night. Over-tiredness can actually make it harder to fall asleep!

So the next time your little one goes for a nap, remember they're not just sleeping - they're growing, learning, and so much more! 🌈 🥰


Hello my awesome followers! 🌟

I've created a special tool just for your little ones – a Reward Sleep Chart! 🌙💤

This fun and engaging chart is designed to make bedtime easier and more exciting for kids aged 2 and up. If your little one struggles with going to bed or waking up during the night, this chart is perfect for them!

To receive your free Reward Sleep Chart, simply like this post and drop a '🛌' in the comments. I can't wait to help make your bedtime routine smoother and more enjoyable for both you and your little one!

Remember, good sleep is essential for your child's growth, development and overall well-being. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to make bedtime a breeze and morning wake-ups a delight!

Stay rested, and take care! ❤️

(Don't forget to tag someone who may benefit from my free chart 🥰)


Don't feel guilty for not getting all of the housework done... The washing will still be there tomorrow. Sometimes you just need a day on the sofa with your loved ones 🥰


Let’s be honest, screen time happens in the majority of houses…. I’m not going to fib to you and say my children don’t have screen time…. 📺 🕓

It’s just about limiting it and setting boundaries with children and their devices.

Screen time before bed definitely does affect falling asleep, I recommend to stop using devices 1-2 hours before bed. Here are a few reasons why switching off the screen is important before sleep:

⭐ Exposure to the blue light emitted by devices can disrupt circadian rhythms and natural sleep cycles (the blue light makes the body believe its daytime, this means less melatonin is produced in the body which delays sleepiness)

⭐ Devices can overstimulate the brain, making it harder to switch off and fall asleep

⭐ Watching things on screens/devices can cause nightmares in children 2yrs +

⭐ While not officially recognised as a disorder, excessive screen use can resemble addictive behaviour patterns, causing concern among parents and experts

⭐ Extended screen time may interfere with a child’s energy levels and overall health and wellbeing

Lets turn those screens off and grab a book instead 📖 ❤️


Here are a small selection of messages I have received from my clients whilst sleep training.

I cannot explain the excitement I feel when I get these amazing messages, that is nothing compared to how these sleep deprived parents are feeling.

Imagine the feeling of finally getting well deserved rest again!! 😁

Please reach out if you want to be sending me these messages when we succeed in getting your little one sleeping better 🥰

Cat xx


Beauty sleep is real..... 😴

Sleep plays a crucial role in a baby's development.

1. Cognitive Development:
Sleep is associated with overall cognitive development in babies, including memory and language.

2. Physical Growth:
Babies experience growth spurts during sleep. The release of growth hormone in children is primarily triggered by sleep.

3. Emotional Regulation:
Quality sleep also helps in emotional regulation. Babies and toddlers who don’t get enough sleep may have more trouble controlling their emotions, leading to more tantrums.

4. Health:
Good sleep is essential for a strong immune system. When babies sleep, their bodies can dedicate more resources to growth and repair, including helping the immune system to fight off infections.

5. Learning:
While babies sleep, their brains are busy processing the day's events. During sleep, babies consolidate information they've learned into their long-term memory.


What is the one thing that you would struggle to live without?

Share in the comments below
🏃‍♀️ ☕ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 😴 🍷

My answer is definitely A! 😴


Are you feeling overwhelmed by conflicting information on sleep training for your little one? You're not alone! As a sleep consultant, I know how confusing and stressful it can be to navigate all the different approaches out there.

But here's the good news: it doesn't have to be complicated or harsh! My goal is to make sleep training as straight forward and gentle as possible.

I believe in taking a personalised approach, based on your family's unique needs and preferences. That means I'll work with you to create a custom plan that respects your baby's individual temperament and developmental stage, while also addressing any underlying sleep challenges or concerns.

Whether you're looking to improve nighttime sleep, naps, or both, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can create a peaceful and restful sleep environment for your little one.

So if you're ready to say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to well-rested days, let's connect! I'm here to help make sleep training a positive and empowering experience for you and your family. 💤😴


Happy Easter 2023 🐣🐰🍫


☀️ Let's embrace this new season and all the possibilities it brings! ☀️

Sunday 26th March at 1am, the clocks will be SPRINGing forward an hour. 💐

I wanted to share 3 ways of managing the clock change with your little ones sleep...

🥰 Option 1:
Start moving bedtime 15 minutes earlier starting on wed, by the time you get to Sunday evening, bedtime will be 1 hour earlier. (This works well for younger children and children sensitive to changes in routines)

🥰 Option 2:
Move bedtime 30 mins earlier on Friday night and 30 mins earlier on Saturday night.
(The hour difference is split over 2 nights)

🥰 Option 3:
Do nothing
(early risers, this one is for you!)

Send me a message if you would like me to run through this in more detail and work out which option may be best for you and your little one 😍

Who's looking forward to welcoming Spring? I certainly am! 🐝🌸


Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mums out there! ❤️

Lets Share the love today...

Tag a mum who inspires you and tell us what makes her so special 🥰💐

I will begin.....


March 13th -19th is Safer Sleep Week.👣

Here are a few tips for safe sleep for newborns:

❤️ Always place baby on their back.

❤️ Use a firm, flat mattress with a fitted sheet.

❤️ No loose bedding/pillows/cuddly toys/cot bumpers.

❤️ Place baby with their feet at the bottom of their sleep space.

❤️ Never fall asleep on the sofa/armchair with young baby.

❤️ Keep the room at a constant temperature, ideally between 16-20C

Have a look at the for more safe sleep tips.

Cat x


Happy International Women's Day to all the incredible women out there!
Today we celebrate the achievements of women, as well as the progress we have made towards gender equality. Let's continue to push for a world where women have equal rights and opportunities, and where their voices are heard and valued. Here's to strong women. May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.

Tag the strong women in your life!


Transitioning a baby from sleeping in your room to sleeping in a cot in their own room can be overwhelming.

Here are some tips to help make the transition as smooth as possible:

💫 Start by getting your baby comfortable with their new room. Put your baby in the cot for a few minutes while you're in the room with them, so they can get used to the new surroundings.

💫 Make sure the cot is a safe sleeping environment. The cot should have a firm, flat mattress and no loose bedding or pillows. (Ensure the cot meets safety standards)

💫 Create a calm and relaxing sleep environment. Make sure the room is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Consider using a white noise machine.

💫 Be patient and expect some setbacks. It's normal for your baby to have difficulty adjusting to their new sleeping environment, and it may take some time for them to get used to sleeping in their own room. Be patient, and try to stay consistent with your approach.

💫 Invest in a baby monitor so that you can rest easy knowing that you will be able to hear your little one.

Are you ready to make this transition? DM with any questions you may have.

I am happy to help you set up the nursery for a perfect sleep environment for your little treasure ❤️

Cat xx

Photos from Mum2mum market Surrey's post 03/03/2023

Looking forward to having a stall here tomorrow! I have lots of stickers and bubbles for the little ones. Come on down and say hi 🥰💤

Videos (show all)

🎉 Celebrate with me! 🎉 Today (1st July) I turn 33 and In honour of my birthday, I'm offering a huge 33% off all my Sleep...
Don't forget to enter my competition for a chance to win 3 great prizes! Follow me on fb and Instagram and tag 2 friends...
So the Autumn clock change is fast approaching. 🍂🍂🍂It is the more difficult clock change as it means keeping your little...
💛 Sleep is a very important part of your child's mental and physical health.💛 It allows your brain to rest and recover.💛...
I went to get Jaxon up from his nap this afternoon and the cheeky boy closed his eyes again and pretended to still be sl...
5* testimonial 💛💛
