

Sacred Drum Medicine, Creative Medicine, Drum Circles, Shamanic Practioner.


In the balance of night and day. Between eclipses the Equinox sits, Libra and Aquarius are all about our relationship to ourselves and others. We hang in the balance of letting go and starting afresh. It feels special this year.

Breath in that magical air and prepare. Prepare to walk through the portal of change.
Blessings one and all.
πŸ’«πŸ§‘πŸπŸ‚ πŸŒ•πŸŒŸπŸŒš

Photos from hollowbonesacreddrum's post 19/09/2024

Oak reminds us of our inner strength and integrity as we reconnect with our divine nature. This is a time to revisit our roots so we can heal old wounds and stand strong in our truth.

I've never seen a tree so abundant in acorns. Beautiful, as it sits between the harvest moon and the Equinox, marking big change.

Walking the same path daily, I notice subtle changes in nature, as the Medicine Wheel keeps turning. Changes in seasons, changes in myself, changes in Mum. Changes in the air and bird song. The damp cool mornings show how busy spider has been, seeing the unseen. Magical.

Once we open ourselves to the blessings of the Medicine Wheel, we can begin to see and feel our place in the macrocosm. The only constant is change. Life beginning and life ending.


Rattle Medicine.
When Raffi has pain in his leg, there's nothing he likes better than a little Rattle Medicine when it hurts. He lies back and lets the sound flow around his body. He's always less stiff after a few minutes with Rattle.

A gentle swooshing of the tiny 405 stones around the deer raw hide casing creates a sound like rain, breaking up any stuck energy, moving that pain on. Rattle can also crack like a bolt of lightening to scare the bajesus out of negativity.
The 405 stones represent the number of Spirit helpers I have available to guide me in healing. They are the element of Earth. The stones speak as I rattle, I listen for stuck energy. There is mystery in healing with the Rattle.

Rattle is a valuable healing tool, it can be worked with in so many ways. It can call in Spirits, clear houses of negative energies, it can be used for journeying or meditation. It can be used to ground ourselves or clear auras, even divination.

Feel blessed to have this amazing tool in my Medicine bag.

Like most of my healing offerings, Rattle Medicine travels through the mysterious ether to work it's magic.

Photos from hollowbonesacreddrum's post 08/09/2024

Giving Mum a change of scenery for a couple of weeks. Think we managed to cram everything in, beach, fish n chips, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, family. I was able to tackle my wild garden and cut the hedges. My wonderful neighbours showered us with vegetables and fruit, I made cakes and jam and repaid kindness with that. Alice managed to get some epic blisters on a 26 km hike across unmarked territory, (training for Mt Kilamanjaro) , and took some fabulous photos for her work. .in.the.wild

Mum scaled the dizzy heights of the cottage vertical stairs, to get to the loo 6 times a day and only toppled over once. Reckon she could climb Kilamanjaro with Alice after that training.

So all in all a successful trip. Here's to the next !


Oooh look .in.the.wild found a baby Welsh Dragon.

Photos from hollowbonesacreddrum's post 05/09/2024
Photos from hollowbonesacreddrum's post 03/09/2024

A little time for exploration in Elan valley. Such spectacular countryside, I can't fathom why I haven't been before. So much beauty on my door step. Looking forward to having the space to really get to know my Motherland again.

Living on an Island 9km x 4km for 10 years, rather narrows one's perspective. I became used to living in a confined space (apart from trips abroad, I mean). It seemed like a big deal driving the length of the island for a meal out !

Although my wings are still clipped, in some respects, I look forward to the exploration of this damp, green, dragon filled country. πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰

Photos: .in.the.wild

Photos from hollowbonesacreddrum's post 01/09/2024



The other side of the triangle, my son Peregrine. Also using his creativity and love of nature to build an outdoor theatre on the farm. Watch this space.
Very proud of my children.

Oh and not forgetting Raffi the healing dog. Originally P and I called him Raphael, after the artist, but I have come to realise he is named Raphael, because of his ability to heal, on all levels. Wonder dog.


Doing what heals and doing what inspires, should be our daily quest.

Gathering inspiration as Ali and I spend a little Mother, Daughter time mulling over ideas for our next individual projects. We both share a love of nature and the outdoors but come at it from different perspectives. One Libra one Aries, opposite sides of the same wheel, different takes on life coming from the same heart.
Alice inspires others through photography and I do it through way showing. Great combo !
in.the.wild for photographic shoots.


I’ve been working with my ancestors for the last 30 days, following a really in-depth clearing of curses and intrusions. I’ve been tracking my line back (through journeying) for millennia, back to the first woman. Changing contracts that have been holding me back, acknowledging the pain and suffering my ancestors went through and releasing that.

I picked this card from the Angels and Ancestors deck this morning, kinda sums up all the work I have been doing. Tapping into the wisdom that lies in my soul. Interestingly White Owl came in to help with this task, and I’m a Crow person, the darkness behind the crone signifies the shadow work needed, the moon showing up the unseen.
Gotta love oracle cards.

Ancestral work is super powerful, it knocks back the ego and settles us into a place of unknowing, eyes wide open in the dark. Fascinating work and I believe essential.


Fox/dog attack the other day, lost one signet and the adult male seems in a bad way. So Swan rescue have taken him in for assessment.
All part of nature, even so it's upsetting. This breeding pair have been here for many many years.
Fingers crossed, the male makes a full recovery.
They bring so much joy.

Photos from hollowbonesacreddrum's post 04/08/2024

This was the start of something profound, many years ago, on Gozo. I started a Spirit doll circle with a small group of friends. We gathered once a month to make these Medicine Dolls. Then before long it was every 2 weeks. We all brought fabrics and beads to share, I made some simple clay faces, and the Medicine began.

We often sat in silence as the healing flowed, sometimes we shared a problem, sometimes we laughed, but we were always changed by the experience. These dolls had a messages to share for each and everyone of us, bringing to light something that was hidden.

I continue to work with this powerful healing Medicine, both for my self and for others. My process has deepened, the magic is potent and the creativity flows in ways that you can't imagine.


Beautiful day for a Sacred Drum Medicine remote healing. Just preparing the space.
I work as if the person was in my sacred space with me. Video link before and after the session connects us humans, then Spirit does the rest. Super powerful.

Have a beautiful day πŸŒžπŸ¦…πŸ’«

Photos from hollowbonesacreddrum's post 30/07/2024

Feeling blessed on a lovely, early, evening kayak, in perfect weather conditions. Joined by Red Kites and Buzzard. Floating around chatting to my friend, being wholly in the now. Perfect.


Just arrived home, what a beautiful gift from the garden.


I'm back in the Healing Hut, Mochdre, next week, only for a couple of weeks though. If anyone is waiting for in-person healing sessions, now's the time to get in touch. πŸ’«πŸ¦…πŸͺΆπŸ‰

Distance healing is always available.

I could fit in a 1:1 Drum birthing, (single side or double sided) and/or Medicine Shield making too.

See website for pricing. 😁

Photos from hollowbonesacreddrum's post 16/07/2024


It's only been a few days and already Foxy has melded back into the Earth. The shell of it's being becoming part of Grandmother again. The Spirit and energy dispersed, into another Foxling perhaps, into maggots, nourishment for the tree and nearby plants and insects. By the time all the flesh, hair and skin dissolve, only bones will remain. They will then be eaten by other animals for the calcium they provide. Such a beautiful process, giving of itself until nothing is left, nothing wasted.
Thank you little Foxling 🦊 for your Medicine.


Came across this beautiful young Fox. No obvious signs of trauma, so who knows how it ended up lying here.

When I see dead animals or birds, I often reflect on how nature accepts life and death. They don't spend their lives worrying about what tomorrow might bring. The don't become depressed about the past or anxious about the future. They just be, in the moment.

A timely reminder, when the world seems to he collapsing around our ears.


My Life Journey is the number 5, always changing.
My soul Journey is always on the path to inner alchemy.


Shadow work. From the depths of our being, cold dark shadows arise as we perceive an uncomfortable energy. It claws away at our truth, spitting fire and rage, or causing us to hide away, trembling at our memories.

Carl Jung said, what you hate in others is what you hate in yourself. Now that's a pretty bitter pill to swallow.
Sit with it. Can you see where that truth lies within you ?

Shadow energy work is at the core of Shamanic healing. If we can just unlock that energy of fear, just long enough to see it, acknowledge it and welcome it in, we can begin to loosen it's grip and allow it to return from whence it came.

Next time you feel triggered, ask that energy in for a cup of tea and look it straight between the eyes. πŸ‘€


Dragons everywhere I lookπŸ‰


The river Thames snaking its way through London and out to the sea.
Great Serpent and her wisdom, speaks to shedding her skin in one go, no dilly dallying in the art of shadow work.
Back in Blighty after a truly healing time in Gozo and Malta.

Surprisingly it's hot in the UK today πŸ₯° Glorious.


When the Sisters gather, magic happens. So good to be back with these beautiful women. Ritual, drumming, sharing both healing and food. Reaffirming a strong connection to each other and Great Spirit.
A very special magical Solstice and Full Moon gathering. This is a potent time to close off any loose ends and to begin a new chapter.
Ho !


Dragons show up in the most unlikely places. After a very healing Solstice gathering, when we connected to Dragon energy, the fire of creativity, I took a walk. A well worn path of my time on Gozo. I came to this root Dragon. It was a being I talked to daily, one to offer grounding wisdom, daily nuggets and insights. It was good to reconnect on this auspicious day. A day of completion, of shining the light, moving forward.

How did you spend today ?

Photos from hollowbonesacreddrum's post 20/06/2024

I'm back talking to these ancient cliffs, the ones who hold the truth and wisdom of these islands. The ones who have witnessed the birth of the land, the arrival of the hunter gatherers, the medicine women, the women who drummed, the priestesses and temple builders. Then came the pirates, ra**ng and pillaging.
The ancient ones now stand fast again, as the islands are being destroyed by yet more pirates, driven by greed and the lust for power. They stand solid and steadfast in this wave of destruction, knowing, this too will pass and the islands will once again return to pacha mama, peace and the Medicine will flow


Back with my bestie on a boat, catching up the last 18 months.

The best boat and crew for a day charter.
thanks Simon and Becky for a wonderful afternoon. Good to catch up with you two.


Riding down south for the Sunday fish market and a coffee.

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Join me in connecting to the spirits of the land.Equinox Drum Healing Circle 20th March.  Hafan Yr Afon  Newtown. DM for...