Deborah Taylor - Bluebell Cottage Therapy

Deborah Taylor - Bluebell Cottage Therapy

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy help people make significant positive changes in their lives. We can work remotely. (I do offer home visits by arrangement.)

I offer face to face consultations locally and via Skype/Zoom worldwide. Hypnotherapy via the Internet is highly effective as an online therapy as there is no physical contact during the therapy sessions and is really useful for people out of the area or for people who cannot travel for face to face appointments.


Please accept my apologies for not posting menopause information. I have been ill with multiple chest infections and completely knocked off my feet. I am finally getting slowly back to normal and will be back within the next week with some helpful information! Thank you for bearing with me! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Happy Saturday everyone. What are your plans? Work or Relaxing


When it comes to boosting our moods and mind function, dopamine is an important neurotransmitter. The happy drug we can make ourselves and there are a number of ways of encouraging the natural production of dopamine and one is a morning coffee, yes coffee stimulates the production of dopamine! Enjoy๐Ÿ˜


Good morning everyone, sorry for the radio silence, I got locked out of my social media accounts. no idea how, who or why by with IT support I am back. I am going to be posting about the importance of Dopamine, our happy hormone, and how it plays a important role in helping us feel satisfied, motivated and of course our smile


Here's why hypnotherapy could be your key to quitting smokingโ 
Mind Over Matter: โ 
Hypnotherapy taps into the power of your subconscious, reshaping the thought patterns that fuel the smoking habit. It's like hitting the reset button for your mind!โ 
Stress-Busting: Smoking often becomes a crutch for stress relief. Hypnotherapy equips you with alternative coping mechanisms, helping you navigate stress without reaching for a cigarette.โ 
Personalised Approach: One size doesn't fit all, and neither does hypnotherapy. It's tailored to your unique needs and triggers, making the journey to quit smoking a personalised and effective one.โ 
No Judgment: Quitting smoking is a journey, not a destination. Hypnotherapy creates a judgment-free space, supporting you every step of the way without shame or guilt.โ 
This is done by 2 sessions but 99% of clients stop after the first session!โ 
So, if you're considering breaking up with ci******es, hypnotherapy might just be your superhero sidekick! ๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’จ Remember, it's never too late to embrace a healthier, smoke-free life. โ 


Here's why hypnotherapy could be your key to quitting smoking
Mind Over Matter:

Hypnotherapy taps into the power of your subconscious, reshaping the thought patterns that fuel the smoking habit. It's like hitting the reset button for your mind!

Stress-Busting: Smoking often becomes a crutch for stress relief. Hypnotherapy equips you with alternative coping mechanisms, helping you navigate stress without reaching for a cigarette.

Personalised Approach: One size doesn't fit all, and neither does hypnotherapy. It's tailored to your unique needs and triggers, making the journey to quit smoking a personalised and effective one.

No Judgment: Quitting smoking is a journey, not a destination. Hypnotherapy creates a judgment-free space, supporting you every step of the way without shame or guilt.

This is done by 2 sessions but 99% of clients stop after the first session!

So, if you're considering breaking up with ci******es, hypnotherapy might just be your superhero sidekick! ๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’จ Remember, it's never too late to embrace a healthier, smoke-free life.


Thhe power of your mind, is greater than the power of your body! Once you decide to make a change let me show you how.


What are your plans for January? what do you want to achieve and what difference will they make to your life? It all starts with today.


today is the first day of 2024! what will you achieve this year?

Media Source:
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash


HAPPY NEW YEAR! what will you achieve this year?


Embrace a Growth Mindset: Every challenge is an opportunity for growth. Approach the new year with curiosity, resilience, and a belief in your ability to overcome anything that comes your way.
et's make 2024 a year of kindness, self-love, and pursuing dreams with passion.


I am going off line, as about to be in an area with no WiFi for 4 days ๐Ÿ˜ฑin the Atlantic Ocean!


Set Intentions, Not Resolutions: Instead of resolutions, set positive intentions for the year ahead. What do you want to invite into your life? Focus on goals that align with your values and bring you genuine happiness. ๐ŸŽฏ๐Ÿ’ซ

Let's make 2024 a year of kindness, self-love, and pursuing dreams with passion.


Gratitude Attitude: Cultivate a daily practice of gratitude. Count your blessings, big or small, and let gratitude be the compass guiding you through the year. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

Let's make 2024 a year of kindness, self-love, and pursuing dreams with passion.


Life throws challenges our way, no doubt about it. But here's the secret potion - it's not about the challenge itself, but how we choose to tackle it.
๐ŸŒฑ Growth Mindset: Shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset is the key to overcoming obstacles. Instead of viewing challenges as roadblocks, see them as opportunities for personal and professional growth.
๐Ÿšง Obstacles vs. Opportunities: It's all about perspective, right? When faced with a hurdle, ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" Trust me, it changes everything. Challenges become stepping stones to a stronger, wiser you.
๐Ÿค” Positive Self-Talk: The words we tell ourselves matter. practicing positive self-talk like it's my daily mantra. Affirmations and encouraging words create a mindset that believes in its own ability to overcome anything.
๐Ÿ’ก Adaptability: Life is a journey, and sometimes we need to pivot. Embracing change with an open mind has allowed me to navigate challenges more smoothly. Flexibility is a superpower!
Remember, it's not about avoiding challenges; it's about facing them head-on with a mindset that believes in your resilience. ๐Ÿ’ชโœจ So here's to growth, positive vibes, and conquering challenges.


Surround Yourself with Positivity: Choose to be in environments and with people who uplift and inspire you. Positive energy is contagious, and it sets the tone for a joyful and fulfilling year. ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒŸ
Let's make 2024 a year of kindness, self-love, and pursuing dreams with passion.


There are an endless list of symptoms of menopause, you have the power to break free and live the life you want, have the career you want. the relationships you want. Make today the first day of the rest of your life.


As we stand on the cusp of a brand new year, I wanted to share some vibes of positivity, hope, and excitement! Here's to kicking off 2024 on the right foot and making it a year filled with joy, growth, and positive vibes

Reflect and Release: Take a moment to reflect on the lessons of the past year. Acknowledge your achievements, learn from challenges, and release anything that no longer serves you.

Let's make 2024 a year of kindness, self-love, and pursuing dreams with passion.


If you focus on what might go wrong, you cause anxiety. Instead focus on the best result you could hope for, if everything worked out better than you could image....what would that look like, how would you feel?


The holiday season can be stressful. family gatherings and trying to make everything perfect, it can get overwhelming. Remember it doesnโ€™t need to be perfect, embrace the chaos and remember the little things that bring joy and laughter, it will help if you set realistic expectations, delegate and donโ€™t forget to make time for yourself.
Have a wonderful day and remember it is just one day of many.


Loving Christmas in the sunshine, hello Dominican ๐Ÿ˜ a little bit early for cocktails ๐Ÿธ. Remember just because you are menopausal doesnโ€™t mean you canโ€™t shine. Embrace your 50โ€™s and beyond girls !


Make self care a priority this festive season. What are you doing to prioritise yourself?


Anxiety is telling you that you don't feel safe or in control. Focus on what you can control and control anxiety.


Let's keep it real โ€“ the holiday season, while magical, can also bring its fair share of stress. Whether it's the hustle and bustle of shopping, family gatherings, or just trying to make everything perfect, it can get overwhelming. But fear not, because I've got some tips to keep the stress at bay!

Prioritize Self-Care: Amid the holiday chaos, don't forget to make time for yourself. Whether it's a quiet cup of tea, a brisk walk, or a few minutes of deep breathing, self-care is your secret weapon.

Set Realistic Expectations: It's okay if everything doesn't go as planned. Embrace imperfections, and remember that the joy of the season comes from the moments shared, not the perfection of every detail.

Delegate and Collaborate: You don't have to do it all alone! Share responsibilities, whether it's cooking, decorating, or organizing. Sometimes, involving others makes the process more enjoyable.

Create Boundaries: Learn to say no. It's perfectly okay to decline invitations or commitments that add unnecessary stress. Protect your time and energy for the things that truly matter.

Celebrate Imperfectly Perfect Moments: The most cherished memories often come from the unplanned and imperfect moments. Embrace the chaos, laugh at the mishaps, and savour the joy in the little things.

Remember, the essence of the holiday season lies in love, connection, and shared moments. Let's make this Christmas a celebration of joy, not stress. Sending you all heaps of love and holiday cheer! ๐ŸŽ…โค๏ธ


Take a moment and breath, remember you are are important


In Japan, menopause is called konenki which means renewal, season & energy


So how many Xmas dinners have you already eaten?


The power of women lies in our diversity. We are a force to be reckoned with, each bringing our unique strengths, perspectives, and talents to the table. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿค


Happy Sunday! How are you spending today?โ 

Videos (show all)

sharing my personal journey with Bell's Palsy
Coping with Grief
When we are navigating the menopause journey it is vital to care for all our Mind, Body and Self. One of the minerals we...
Taking the first steps to understanding Anxiety


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday 08:30 - 13:00