Tamworth and Lichfield Methodist Circuit

Tamworth and Lichfield Methodist Circuit

Seeking to share the heart and Good News of Jesus Christ within the communities in the Tamworth and Lichfield area.


On Sunday 31st December, we gathered at St Andrew's Methodist Church to say our Farewell's to Deacon Joy Sykes. We shared in prayers, readings and hymns/carols; Deacon Joy and Rev. Jo led 2 messages; and we presented Joy with gifts, thanking her for her devotion and service to our Circuit.

As she makes her final preparations for her move later this week, we want to wish her God's richest blessing and strength as she moves to her new appointment in Bradford.

"The Lord will send his angel with you and will make your mission successful." 📖 (Genesis 24:40)


Today we share in celebration and sadness as we say farewell to Deacon Joy Sykes.

Joy joined our Circuit in September 2020. She has journeyed with us through challenging circumstances (Covid!) and has been a blessing to the churches in and around Tamworth. We give thanks for her faithfulness and pray God's richest blessing on her in her new role in Bradford.

All are welcome to join us today at 10:30am at St Andrew's Methodist Church for Joy's farewell service


Happy Christmas!

As you celebrate the excitement of the day, may you be reminded of God’s love for you when he sent us an extraordinary gift – Jesus, light of the world. The extraordinary gift that keeps on giving to us today.

We keep our gaze focussed on the light that shines in the darkness, the light that cannot be extinguished, the light that shines love, joy and hope through us into a world that needs Good News.

We invite you to pray with us 🙏


Happy Christmas

May the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, the obedience of Joseph and Mary, and the peace of the Christ child be yours this Christmas. Amen.


How often do we have a conversation with someone, and we don’t truly listen and pay attention to what they’re saying? We sit with them and hear the words, but don’t really listen. It can be the same with God. God’s message is out there all the time. In the things that we may consider ordinary – a conversation with a friend, neighbour; a walk in the park; in the peace and quiet. But how ready are we to listen?

This Christmas Eve, let us open our ears to listen, our eyes to see and our hearts to love. Let's be messengers of Good News.

We invite you to pray with us 🙏


If your life was made into a story, what would be in it? How would you describe it? No story is perfect - and yours may not be - it may have twists, turns, cliff hangers and tragedies, and that's all ok. Whatever your story holds, and will hold in the future, God is with you. "I’ll be with you, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)

Today we ask God to shine through us - through our words and actions - that others may glimpse his light.

Head to our website to think more about stepping out of the ordinary this Christmas by reading the Advent Reflections: www.tamworthandlichfieldmethodist.org.uk/advent-reflections

Lichfield Methodist Church


Sunday Highlights from Trinity Methodist Church in Shenstone where we celebrated our Christmas Tree Service.

A wonderful, community filled, service in which we sung some well-known carols, dedicated toys to be sent to the Birmingham City Mission Toy Link Scheme, and celebrated the community activities around Shenstone.

Thank you to all the community groups that decorated trees to be displayed. 🎄


We often follow a pattern of familiarity - not only at Christmas, but also in our everyday lives. Same routine, same traditions. Whilst there's comfort in that, there may be missed opportunities of encountering and experiencing greatness and beauty.

Today we ask God to challenge us and give us strength to think about how we can dust off and change our ways.

Head to our website to think more about stepping out of the ordinary this Christmas by reading the Advent Reflections: www.tamworthandlichfieldmethodist.org.uk/advent-reflections

The Methodist Church Lichfield Methodist Church


When do you prepare for Christmas? Have you had the preparations in place for weeks or are you a last minute planner? Today we reflect on our preparations and think about what we need to change - to step out of the ordinary and familiar - in order to discover God's extraordinary love in new ways.

We invite you to join us at 7pm to pause, pray and reflect.

If you can't wait until 7pm, head to our website to explore and view: https://www.tamworthandlichfieldmethodist.org.uk/advent-reflections

The Methodist Church Lichfield Methodist Church


Exciting Job opportunity in Tamworth

We are looking to appoint a Full Time Community Worker to support and encourage our members in Tamworth as they seek opportunities to step out in faith and to share God’s love.

For Job Advert, Job Description and Person Specification, please visit our website: https://www.tamworthandlichfieldmethodist.org.uk/vacancies

For an application pack, please email the Circuit Administrator: [email protected]

Closing Date for applications is Monday 18th December


Today, on the first Sunday in Advent, we begin our journey of preparation. So much of this time is filled with a calendar of activities and gatherings. In the busy-ness and anticipation of the season, we can find extraordinary treasures, we just need to be open to see them.

Each Sunday during Advent, we will be hitting the pause button to be still. We invite you to do the same by praying with us through these "Advent Prayer and Reflection" videos or by visiting our website to read through the written reflections.

Advent God, challenge us today. 🙏


The scene is being set and our Advent journey has begun. Among all the decorations, gatherings, present wrapping, Christmas lights (and more!), we invite you to join us at 7pm to pause, pray and reflect.

Scratch beneath the surface this Advent and out of the ordinary everyday encounters, may we discover God's extraordinary love.

If you can't wait until 7pm, head to our website to explore and view: www.tamworthandlichfieldmethodist.org.uk/advent-reflections

The Methodist Church Lichfield Methodist Church

Photos from Tamworth and Lichfield Methodist Circuit's post 30/11/2023

Scratch beneath the surface with us this Advent and Christmas, as we discover God's extraordinary love for us out of the ordinary.

Each Sunday we will be pausing to reflect and pray with a short video and encourage you to visit our website where you will find a "worship at home" pack to delve a little deeper. The first of these will be coming THIS SUNDAY, on the First Sunday in Advent.

Lichfield Methodist Church

Photos from Tamworth and Lichfield Methodist Circuit's post 29/11/2023

The days are getting shorter and the dark nights are setting in, so why not light your way by making a Christingle?

There are 2 events happening THIS WEEKEND:

Christingle Messy Church at St Andrew's (Thackeray Drive), Saturday 2nd, 2-4pm - Come along and meet friends, enjoy crafting, making a Christingle,stories and food!

Family Outdoor Christingle in Lichfield (organised by Lichfield Methodist Church) - join together on Sunday 3rd, at 3pm, by Stowe Pool swings; followed by refreshments and more crafts at Lichfield Methodist Church

Open to All to get crafting!

Photos from Tamworth and Lichfield Methodist Circuit's post 28/11/2023

We have some fantastic activities and services lined up during December. Whether you are after a festive craft activity for the children or a reflective candlelight service, there is something for everyone - all are welcome.

Join us at Alrewas, Hopwas, Lichfield, Shenstone and St Andrew's as we scratch beneath the surface this Christmas and discover God's amazing love for us in the simple and ordinary.



We are looking to appoint a Full Time Community Worker to support and encourage our Methodist members in Tamworth as they seek opportunities to step out in faith and to share God’s love.

For Job Advert, Job Description and Person Specification, please visit our website: https://www.tamworthandlichfieldmethodist.org.uk/vacancies

For an application pack, please email the Circuit Administrator: [email protected]

Closing Date for applications is Monday 18th December


As we face the challenges of life, let us remember the words of Exodus 14:14 and find peace in the knowledge that God is fighting for us. He is our refuge and strength, our ever-present help in times of trouble. We need only to be still, to trust, and to allow Him to manifest His power in our lives.


This Christmas we are scratching beneath the surface of the ordinary to see the extraordinary. We invite you to join us to experience the wonder of God's love for you through our activities, events and services. Keep your eyes peeled over the next few weeks to discover more.


Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for Your Holy Spirit. Thank You that You have not given me a spirit of fear, but one of power, and love, and of a sound mind. May I not fear, but instead rekindle my faith in Christ so that in Him, I may stand firm. Amen.


Pray with us for Remembrance Sunday 🙏

God of all, whose commitment to the world knows no end, in this season of remembrance we turn to you our refuge and hope. We acknowledge that you are the source of all justice and peace.

Graciously draw near to us at this time to stir our thinking, deepen our reflections and shape our living.

We remember before you all who have given their lives in the service of others in war. In gratitude we honour those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. May their example of self-giving love be an inspiration to us all.

We hold in your presence those who continue to suffer because of war. Comfort and sustain all who bear the scars and tears of conflict. May we find the wisdom and grace to support one another in times of need.

We commend to your care His Majesty’s Armed Forces. Uphold and guide the men and women of the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force as they strive to be a force for good in our world. May they be professional and effective in carrying out the tasks required of them.

We seek your peace for all people. Bless and strengthen those from every area of society who are endeavouring to bring an end to injustice, hostilities and conflict. In our peace-making, together may we find courage, resilience and hope.

These prayers are offered in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer by The Revd David Barrett, Deputy Chaplain General in the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department, and Methodist Minister.

Read more Remembrance prayers at www.methodist.org.uk/our-work/our-work-in-britain/chaplaincy/exploring-chaplaincy/forces-chaplaincy/resources-for-chaplains-and-churches/resources-for-methodist-churches/


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.


We will remember them.


This weekend, we shall be commemorating Remembrance Day. On Remembrance Sunday, we remember those who have walked through the valley of the shadow of death in service to our country. We honour their sacrifice and courage. We also remember that God is with us, even in the darkest of times.


As the days begin to get a little cooler, why not come along to a warm space for a cuppa and a chat?

MONDAY CLUB @ St Andrew's Methodist Church, 2-4pm

Come and be among friends as you have a warm drink! Bring your newspaper/magazine (we could do the crossword together!); play a board game or show us your craft projects!

We can't wait to welcome you 💛


Fun Friday is BACK!!

After a half term break, our Youth Club at Alrewas Methodist Church starts again this Friday (3:45pm-5:15pm). Your children will have great enjoyment meeting with their friends, playing games, crafting, developing skills, and much more!

For more information, contact Gemma on [email protected]

Photos from Tamworth and Lichfield Methodist Circuit's post 26/10/2023

Family Friendly, Autumn Fun Activities to do with the children this Half Term! 🍂🍁

Saturday 28th October - Autumn Messy Church at St Andrew's Methodist Church, 2-4pm

Wednesday 1st November - Woodland Crunch at Lichfield Methodist Church, 10-11:30am


O God, Light of the world, I pray for your light to shine in me and through me. Fill me with your light, that I may see clearly. Guide me with your light, that I may not stumble. Use me as your instrument of light, to bring hope and healing to others.

In the beginning God spoke creation into being. By the power of God’s word, light appeared. There is so much wonder in the working power of the word of God. What “God wonder’s” have you witnessed recently?


Stuck with what to do during Half Term? Why not join us at St Andrew's Methodist Church (Thackeray Drive) for our AUTUMN MESSY CHURCH?

Saturday 28th October, 2-4pm. Come along and meet friends, and enjoy crafting, stories and food! ALL welcome.

(Children must be accompanied by an adult)


"Your Adventure starts here"

FUN FRIDAY Youth Club - a space for children aged 7-11 years old to meet with friends, play games (including consoles), discuss and develop skills, be creative, enjoy some snacks and much more!!

THIS FRIDAY - Friday 20th October - come along between 3:45pm-5:15pm at Alrewas Methodist Church (cost: £1)

Urban Saints Central

Videos (show all)

On Sunday 31st December, we gathered at St Andrew's Methodist Church to say our Farewell's to Deacon Joy Sykes. We share...
Happy Christmas!As you celebrate the excitement of the day, may you be reminded of God’s love for you when he sent us an...
Happy ChristmasMay the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, the obedienc...
How often do we have a conversation with someone, and we don’t truly listen and pay attention to what they’re saying? We...
If your life was made into a story, what would be in it? How would you describe it? No story is perfect - and yours may ...
Sunday Highlights from Trinity Methodist Church in Shenstone where we celebrated our Christmas Tree Service. A wonderful...
We often follow a pattern of familiarity - not only at Christmas, but also in our everyday lives. Same routine, same tra...
Today, on the first Sunday in Advent, we begin our journey of preparation. So much of this time is filled with a calenda...
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down ...
Stuck with what to do during Half Term? Why not join us at St Andrew's Methodist Church (Thackeray Drive) for our AUTUMN...
Your Easter Eggs may all be eaten and the Easter weekend be a distant memory, but we'll be rejoicing about our Risen Lor...
It is night... It is still; It is dark; It is quiet. 🙏