Cllr Helen Dyke

Cllr Helen Dyke

I have served on Wyre Forest District Council for 25+ years & have a record of continued hard work


Further update on potholes near the sub station on Dunlin Drive.
The maintenance team are inspecting the area tomorrow and meeting the contractors Thursday on site.


Residents have been in touch about the leaning nature reserve fencing at the bottom of Kittiwake Drive. We understand that this has been reported to Severn Trent for repair as soon as possible as it is their responsibility.


We are pleased to report that Community Housing have now acknowledged that the potholes near to the electric substation on Dunlin Drive are their responsibility not Worcestershire County Council. We have asked for the repair work to be carried out as soon as possible and they have agreed to carryit out as soon as possible.
If you wish to report it too please contact Community Housing not WCC.


Please find below an update on the future of the changing rooms on Spennells Playing Field.
Formal planning permission has been granted for the demolition of the changing rooms now. There has to be an ecologist on site with the contractor to oversea the work when it takes place in case any bats are present in the building and this will be arranged. We do not have a confirmed date for start of work yet but it is likely to be in September. There will be strict health and safety measures in place whilst this work is taking place.
As residents may remember we have over the years tried our best to find alternative uses for the building but unfortunately have been unsuccessful.


Dear residents of Aggborough & Spennells,

Every year since getting elected for the first time, I have been at the polling stations on voting day, meeting residents and discussing issues with you. I always looked forward to it. This year I hope you will accept my apologies because for this year I can’t make it.

I only returned home last night after an operation and on Doctors advice am staying at home today. I am still available by phone or email though and the work hasn’t stopped so please get in touch if there is something you want to chat about or ask just get in touch.

If re-elected I can promise that myself, Peter D**e and John Aston will continue to work hard for the area that we all live in, always doing the best for Aggborough & Spennells.

Please remember to take your photo ID to vote and polling stations are open until 10pm this evening.

Kind Regards, Helen


We have been informed by residents that the temp traffic lights at the top of Hoo Road are stuck on red. We have been touch with the highways out of hours team and asked them to attend as soon as possible.


Queen Elizabeth II has been ever present in the lives of British people for 70 years — longer when we consider her contribution when the Princess heir.

Her passing is very sad news for the Royal Family, and for the people of the the UK, allied & Commonwealth countries.

The Queen, with Prince Philip, set an example of public service and concern for ordinary people that we can admire and try to copy in a small way in our lives.

Now there is a time to mourn, but also to celebrate her life and recognise her significant contribution to making post-war Britain.


Residents have been asking us when the footbridge from Chester Road South to Stadium Close by the Harriers was due to open again.
According to the latest update we have been able to find it is not due to open again until October 30th 2022 I am afraid.
Sorry we were not able to give better news.


We are aware that residents are concerned about the amount of and height of the weeds on our pavements and pathways around the area. Action on these weeds is the responsibility of Worcestershire County Council who at the moment seem to have missed Wyre Forest out. Please contact you local County Councillor to ask if they can get anything done as these weeds can help make areas look unkempt and uncared for. If you do not know who your County Councillor is please let us know and we will do our best to help.


We are aware that residents are unhappy about the amount and height of the weeds on the pavements and pathways around the area. Unfortunately the work to deal with these weeds should be carried out by Worcestershire County Council. Please contact your local County Councillor to ask if there is anything they can do to get something done about this. We will also continue to report the issues to the County Council and ask for them to take action!


Concerned residents have been getting in touch about the tree works taking place by Captains Pool. After investigation I can report that these works are on private land, not in any part of the Nature Reserve and that they are allowed works that have permission to go ahead.
Thank you to everyone that got in touch.

Photos from Cllr Helen D**e's post 03/12/2021

The County Council contractors have done a great job at replacing and widening the path from Oriole Grove up to the junction with the Merganser-Teal-Heronswood path.

However, a number of residents have expressed concern to me about the dangerous amount of mud and leaves left on the path running down to Heronswood Rd which the contractors used to transport their equipment on. We can see in one of these pics that the path sweeper has given up where the mud became too deep!

I have been in touch with the County Council to request a tidy up on this path and will let residents know how I get on.

Timeline photos 11/08/2021

Our highway verge maintenance team are currently self-isolating following a confirmed positive case of Coronavirus.

This will impact our planned grass cutting schedule while we redeploy staff.

There are no changes to bin collections at the moment but if you experience a collection issue please report it to us via our My Wyre Forest mobile app or web portal –

Thank you for your understanding.

Photos from Wyre Forest Police's post 05/08/2021

Glad to see that the Police have been carrying out speed checks on Heronswood Road in Spennells. We are contacted by many residents who are very concerned about speeding on Heronswood Road and Captains Pool Road. Thank you for listening to residents and perhaps you may be able to do some evening speeding checks in the future.


Good to see that after 7 long months the bus shelter structure at Heronswood School is is up. Hopefully it will be usable soon!

Photos from Cllr Helen D**e's post 09/05/2021

Thank you everyone for your support in my campaign for Chaddesley Ward of Worcestershire County Council during these strange and demanding times. I received 939 votes, losing to Marcus Hart's 1,528.

I was fortunate to have been re-elected to Kidderminster Town Council, representing Aggborough and Spennells.

Kind Regards, Helen D**e x


If you don't normally have a POSTAL VOTE but want to vote from home this time, you can print the application form off from the link below, or get in touch and my team will pop the form through your door. Contact [email protected] or 01562 741955.

Postal vote application forms must arrive at Wyre Forest House by 5pm on Friday, 20th April.

Also, Government Covid guidance says that there will be NO LIFTS TO POLLING STATIONS this year. It is something we have always been happy to do but we understand the need to keep people safe.


I am your Independent Candidate in the County Council elections, on Thursday, May 6th, 2021.

I am standing in the ward which covers Spennells, Chaddesley, Blakedown, Broome, Churchill, Stone, Shenstone and Rushock.

I have lived in Spennells for over 40 years and am married to Councillor Peter D**e. We have 2 children and 4 grandchildren, 3 of which attend Heronswood Primary School and as you would expect I know the area and its issues very well. I have been a District Councillor for nearly 25 years and Town Councillor for 5 and I am still as passionate about working for the area and residents as when I was first elected.

Since I retired last year, I have even more time to devote to these roles doing my best to try and keep our area clean and green, safe and secure for everyone. I hope you will support me by giving me your vote to be your County Councillor on Thursday May 6th (or before if vote by post).

Kind regards,
Helen D**e


Landowner Asked for Plan on Tree Work on “Bovis Land”

We are writing to give you the most recent update about what is happening to the trees on the Bovis Homes-owned land at the corner of Heronswood Rd & Captains Pool Rd, near to the school.

As the Independent Team reported our most recent Newsletter, Bovis have been provided with the information they requested regarding which trees on their land are likely to be protected by a Tree Preservation Order. They will need to apply to WFDC to carry out any work on these trees and as yet no applications or further requests for information have been received. The tree work they carried out originally needed no permission.

The bird nesting season in the UK usually runs from Feb/March through to August and during that time it would not be appropriate or legal in some cases for tree work to be carried out. We are chasing Bovis to find out their action plan and timeline for this much needed work but just felt we should just let you know there may be a delay if work does not begin soon.

We will keep you informed as soon as we hear more.

Kind regards,
Cllr Helen D**e, Independent Team

