We monitor elections to ensure that they are run freely and fairly. 🗳

Preliminary Statement: North Yorkshire PFCC Election – York 06 May 2021 — INEO 08/05/2021

✅ The North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner election in York was well-run, particularly in light of COVID-19. The main issues were:

🗳️ Family voting and voting outside of the polling booths.

💬 Poor communication with count attendees.

📝 Voters not certain on how to vote.

📕 A full report will be published at a later date detailing our findings.

Preliminary Statement: North Yorkshire PFCC Election – York 06 May 2021 — INEO Between the 4th of May 2021 and the 7th of May 2021, INEO observed the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner election in the York area. One observer attended: A postal vote opening session, where postal vote envelopes are opened and the signatures and date of births are checked, on

General Election 2019 Report — TIE Observers 31/03/2020

We've published our report on the 2019 General Election. We sent two observers to the Newcastle-under-Lyme constituency. You can view our report below.

Interested in joining us for the next one? Sign up on our website!

General Election 2019 Report — TIE Observers A report on the General Election held on 12 December 2019 in the United Kingdom. Observations were made by independent observers in the Newcastle-under-Lyme constituency.


The 2020 elections in the United Kingdom, including local authority and Police (Fire) and Crime Commissioner elections, have been postponed until 2021 because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Lots of people will be looking at the health reasons behind this decision. Still, we wanted to give you a snapshot of why we believe the decision is reasonable from an electoral integrity standpoint.

Firstly, there is a real risk that turnout would be lowered during the outbreak as many voters may choose not to go out and vote. Postal votes are an option, but some voters are reluctant to use them, and a few may not even be aware of the methods of absent voting.

Secondly, local authorities may find that some officials have self-isolated and that they have increased postal vote applications at the same time. Our concern here is that this may increase the number of errors and open up the process to being abused.

Finally, our concerns with postal votes are that they can enable increased intimidation and manipulation. Although many authorities emphasise to voters that they must complete their ballot in secret, in practice it is difficult to know how frequently this happens. Family voting is already an issue at polling stations, and our concern is that postal voting may enable this further.


For the December General Election, we observed in the Newcastle-under-Lyme constituency. We are currently writing our report and will release this in due course.


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We're monitoring our inbox for new electoral observers — TIE Observers 30/10/2019

Can you help us ensure elections within the UK are run freely and fairly?

We're monitoring our inbox for new electoral observers — TIE Observers We'd like to ask if you’ll take a step back from the heated debate, set aside your political views and ensure our democracy can be held to the highest standards possible.