Vision For Kendal

Vision For Kendal

Kendal Vision is a Community Participation event to help shape a vision for the future of Kendal.

I have set up this page to prompt discussion and encourage people to engage in the precess, as well as list out times and places for the events.


Kendal Vision update at Town Hall today

Kendal Vision Progress Update - 8th July 2022 - Kendal Futures | Kendal Vision 29/06/2022

Here’s an update from the team.

Kendal Vision Progress Update - 8th July 2022 - Kendal Futures | Kendal Vision Moves to kick-start era-defining projects with the potential to be a catalyst for wide-ranging improvements […]

Kendal Vision FULL DIGI VERSION FINAL.pdf 12/03/2020

Here it is the downloadable report. SLDC have also launched their Town Centre Strategy, hopefully both can interact and have a coherent and directed way forward.



Hi All, I met up with Noel Farrer from Farrer Huxley last week, he's keen to give you an update on the progress of the project.

The initial phase of consultation and the report back presentation is completed and available, see the links on this page, the work however has only just begun.
Noel is in regular meetings with Council Officials, Elected representatives on the Councils (Town, District and County) as well as the local businesses who supported the initial works and more. There have been many more people approaching him since the initial work and he is keen to meet with anyone time permitting.
The Full Report, which is due before Christmas is being pulled together with the additional information and ideas that have subsequently been presented.

I'll keep you updated with all via this page and also via Twitter and Instagram.


Part 2 of the report back presentation and the 'Vision'


Part 1 of the report back presentation.


Some feedback from the team and ill get a link to the downloadable presentation from the evening.


In the interim between the public consultation process, the feedback/ ideas presentation, there will be a gap. The team are working to bring you updates. They would like emphasise that ALL on going feedback and comments are noted and considered in the process.

This process is not designed as a definitive way forward, but a vehicle for the people of Kendal to have a proactive voice in the way Kendal moves on.


After the presentation on Tuesday there was a handout that gave a basic run down, it isn’t the full report but is the starting point.


Part 2


10 minutes until doors open at the Town Hall, it’s in the upstairs hall, tea and coffee available and there will be a document at the end to take away.


Day 3


Lots more notes today, a significant number of people over the day, many impassioned views and positivity. If you want to be part of this there’s another session tomorrow, including in the afternoon the beginnings of drawing the ideas together, and come up with ‘the vision’


Day 2 of Kendal Vision and first public consultation day


Lots of Problems, Dreams and Solutions from the first session this evening, more to come in the next 2 days at the drop in sessions. Come along and have a say.


Kendal Vision opening presentations and initial feedback


All set up ready to go starting a bit of a chat through at 5:30 still time to Kendal to the Kendal Business Local Drop in, or come along tomorrow and see the community drop in sessions. Problems, Dreams, Solutions


Update for those who are struggling to get to the events listed there is a questionnaire.
Please email it to:
[email protected]

Kendal residents urged to have their say on vision for town 22/09/2019

More to come in the WG next week and full write up with what people have said and what the vision is going forward. All you need to do is come along to the sessions listed and let the team know what your Problems,Dreams and Solutions

Kendal residents urged to have their say on vision for town RESIDENTS of Kendal are being invited to a pair of public participation events to help forge a new "viable and aspirational" vision for…


New poster for the event below


Kendal Vision is a Community Participation event to help shape a vision for the future of Kendal.
I have set up this page to prompt discussion and encourage people to engage in the process, as well as list out times and places for the events.
I do not work for JTP, FHA, Kendal Futures, or any of the organisations listed as funding the event, I have no political allegiance or loyalty, but I'm a Kendal resident, I work here and care about its future.


Just to let you know the website and email links are active and go direct to the people organising it so your views are heard from the get go, they are very good at monitoring emails and twitter questions/comments.
[email protected]


Right, let’s get started. I went to a meeting on Friday at the town hall with the funders of this project. There were representatives from SLDC, Kendal Town Council and Cumbria CC who are from what I can tell a small part of the fund. Also I assume the main money from the big employers Croppers, Lakeland, Gilkes, Mealbank (Proctor/Stanton), and more. No K shoes, provincial etc, no legacy payments, this is instigated by the here and now employers. The company they’ve enlisted through a tendering process (1 from 20), is a company seasoned in this type of thing with track record in Scarborough and Wi******er.
The intention to take a raw view from the streets , drop in sessions for everyone, with an open mind, what makes this place bad, what can we do to make it better to the benefit of everyone. I know that means the land owners and big employers will benefit and have agendas, but if they are more invested we’re all going to benefit.
In all I was less cynical coming out of the meeting than going in, it’s a good idea but relies on us going along and saying yes to what we want and no to that we don’t. Flood defences, Northern bypass, bridge repairs, highstreet investment, low cost housing, have your say.
The only low point was a party political broadcast of a speech by Tim which was out of place - this is not political, how it should be, this is Kendal people being proactive about how to move forward whether you’re an employee or an employer, this is down to us to shape the future.
As a footnote SLDCs master plan for Kendal has been on hold since this was announced, presumably because having us, the public invested would make it a more acceptable plan. Let’s make sure we have our day.


Noel Farrer and Charles Campion organisers of the event going through the process.
Problems. Dreams. Solutions

Plans to create a vision for Kendal's future 12/09/2019

Plans to create a vision for Kendal's future A vision setting out an exciting and compelling future for Kendal is to be developed by a public/private sector partnership and be used as a mandate…

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