Soham Bulletin

Soham Bulletin

Soham's Own Newspaper - to see back issues visit the website:


Budgens Burwell Father Christmas is expected on Xmas Eve 10 am to 2pm free presents for the children & mince pies for the adults


The December issue of the Soham Bulletin is being delivered this weekend. We are not able to put it onto the website yet but hope to get a new site up and running in the next few weeks.


The Brook Christmas Fair - Sunday 4th December - 11am - 3pm - Brook Street, Soham


Great News - we have the Soham Bulletin up and running again thanks to the support of Viva - next issue will be out 9th/10th December


Funds raised from this year's Pumpkin Fair were presented to the over 60s and the Scouts this week. The presentation took place at the new scout and guide hall on Soham recreation ground.


Soham Ghost Walk - Liz Johnston led her annual Halloween Ghost Walk around Soham on Saturday night. Around 30 people braved the haunted houses of the town to hear talkes of the ghostly goings on. Liz's book. Ghosts of Soham, is due out in bookshops in a few weeks.


The end for The Bulletin?
Many people will know by now that I am unable to continue with the Soham and Burwell Bulletins - mostly for financial reasons.
There have been many individuals, businesses and organisations who have asked if they could help to save The Bulletin in any way - I am very grateful to them for their support and concern. If there is a business or community group which feels it would like to try to keep the paper running through their own efforts then I would be pleased to give help and training.


Home Page Stories

The latest issue of the Bulletin is being delivered this weekend - also on the website: See all the Pictures from Pumpkin Fair and the full list of winners inside. Burwell and Soham Bulletin - Local Newspapers for the people of and from the Burwell and Soham areas.


The latest Soham Bulletin is being delivered this week. The new version is on the website. Headline: Bumper Handout From 2011 Carnival - as local groups benefit from the proceeds of this year's event.
Also in this week's paper - Soham Community Help Scheme to fold due to lack of funding - this excellent scheme helped older people to stay in their own homes rather than have to go into sheltered accommodation.


The new digital version of the Soham Bulletin is now on the website. Headlines this week: Festival raises over £4000 for scouts and guides


Home Page Stories

This week's Soham Bulletin is being delivered this week. The new version is also on the website This week's Headline: Weatheralls consults on expansion plans Burwell and Soham Bulletin - Local Newspapers for the people of and from the Burwell and Soham areas.


wicken band Edited

Wicken Coronation Band celebrates 100 years


Burwell Carnival Stagechance

Great Performance from Stage Chance - from Soham's KD Theatre Productions - at Burwell Carnival Saturday 25th June 2011


Home Page Stories

This week's issue now on the website: - take a look at the new digital version with video of the Carnival and the fire which fuelled concerns over the fire brigade cuts Burwell and Soham Bulletin - Local Newspapers for the people of and from the Burwell and Soham areas.


Hi Everyone - it is great to see you all using the Bulletin page for your news and comments. Just a gentle reminder, though, it is for NEWS and not for businesses to get free advertising.


Soham 58th Carnival and Heavy Horse Show
Monday, May 30 · 9:00am - 6:00pm
The Recreation Ground, Fountain Lane, Soham, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5PL


St Andrew's Church Fete, Saturday 11th June 10am - 12noon. Organisers would like anyone - charity, business or individual - who would like to run a stall to contact them. Anything they make on the day is theirs, just a small donation towards the running of the church. If anyone wants more information or would like to book a pitch for a stall/bootless car boot call Alison or James Palmer on 01353 720572


Pat and Mel's Page

Bulletin Editor, Pat, and her daughter, Mel, are entering Race for Life in support of mother and grandmother, Iris, who had surgery for breast cancer last year - and for all those people locally who have been affected by cancer. JustGiving - the easiest way to fundraise and donate to charity online


Home Page Stories

Issue 12 of the Soham Bulletin is out now - or see our brand new on-line digital issue on the website:
This week's headline: Hundreds sign road crossing petition Burwell and Soham Bulletin - Local Newspapers for the people of and from the Burwell and Soham areas.


If you have tried to access the Soham Bulletin website over the past few days you will see that some things are being changed. The site is only partly complete but should be fully functional with some great new features very soon.


March Census - this news came in too late for this week's issue of the Soham Bulletin - your census papers should arrive in the next week. If you need help to fill in your form you can go along to Soham library on24th March 10.00-1.00 and 2.30 - 5.00 or 2nd April 9.30-1.30 - don't be taken in by anyone charging for help with the forms - these sessions will tell you everything you need to know.


Soham Bulletin

Issue 10 of the Soham Bulletin is now being delivered - extra copies available at Priory Garage, Isleham, Londis store and garage Fordham, G's reception area, Barway, The Best One shop in Soham, Mimms Store, Soham, Viva Charity Shop.
This week's headline: Council Tax bills on the way - read more and see pictures of Tim Henman in Soham on:


This week's headlines: Tim Henman to open Adizone - the top tennis player comes to Soham this month to open the sports facility on Kingfisher Drive - see the full story at


The next Soham Bulletin will be out on 11th and 12th February
In the next issue we will be starting the 'How Far Can the Bulletin Travel' competition. Here it is being read this week at the top of Fire Mountain in Lanzerote - let's see who can send photos of The Bulletin being read at the most distant, or most unusual location. The best pictures will be printed in the paper and will be on facebook during the course of the year - a prize for the best one at the end of December


This week's headlines: College aims for Academy Status - an open meeting to be held on Thursday 13th January, 6.30pm at the college to invite comments and questions on the new status


Happy New Year Soham! - next issue of The Bulletin is due for delivery next week - 7th and 8th January


Soham Bulletin Christmas issue out this week pdf version on the website - Merry Christmas Soham - and a very happy New Year


Headlines: 96 homes new homes to be built by Regal Lane in Soham


Next Soham Bulletin will be delivered on the weekend of 14th August


Next Soham Bulletin published 16th/17th July


Soham's own newspaper was launched in June - look out for issue 2 coming July 10th