3 Forums Digital

3 Forums Digital

3 Forums - 1 Voice - 3 Weeks is a digital festival hosted by the community forums of the Aberdeenshi

Something Inside so Strong - 3 Forums Many Voices Community Singing 10/01/2022

Happy New Year to all! To brighten this dreich day here's a little video to set the tone for all of us as we move further into 2022.

3 Forums 1 Voice proudly presents:
'Something Inside so Strong' sung by the '3 Forums - Many Voices' community singing group.

Please watch beyond the actual song to learn more about this wonderful community singing project.

Something Inside so Strong - 3 Forums Many Voices Community Singing The '3 Forums - Many Voices' singing experience was launched in summer 2021 as part of the annual '3 Forums 1 Voice' festival held by the community forums o...


REMINDER: Today (Thurs 2nd Dec) at the Aberdeenshire wide Zoom 3-4pm:

☀☀☀☀☀☀'Health Issues in the Community' (HIIC) ☀☀☀☀☀

An information session about the HIIC course facilitated by Joanna Haggath from CLD and Hazel Long and Colleen Callaghan from NHS Public Health. They will introduce you to the HIIC course and what it is all about and also give you a few tasters of it.

HIIC is a course that helps people understand what affects their health and the health of their communities. Through the course participants gain a broad understanding of what impacts on our health, how some people experience health inequalities, power & participation and community development in health – and how they can use these to make change happen in their communities.

All welcome! Join us to find out more by clicking the link below.
Topic: Aberdeenshire Wide Weekly Zoom
Time: Dec 2, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 8642 6834
Passcode: Weekly


This week at the Aberdeenshire wide Zoom on Thurs 2nd Dec 3-4pm:

☀☀☀☀☀☀'Health Issues in the Community' (HIIC) ☀☀☀☀☀

This is a course that helps people understand what affects their health and the health of their communities. Through the course participants gain a broad understanding of what impacts on our health, how some people experience health inequalities, power & participation and community development in health – and how they can use these to make change happen in their communities.

Joanna Haggath from CLD and Hazel Long and Colleen Callaghan from NHS Public Health will introduce you to this course and what it is all about and also give you a few tasters of it. And maybe, if there is enough interest, we can organise a full course following this information session.

All welcome! Join us on Thurs to find out more by clicking the link below.
Topic: Aberdeenshire Wide Weekly Zoom
Time: Dec 2, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 8642 6834
Passcode: Weekly

Photos from 3 Forums Wellbeing Page's post 18/11/2021

Friday evening at 6pm - Not to be missed!!

September is recovery month and 3 Forums Digital has a special treat for you.


How does Recovery show in the world of music? See if you recognise the songs in our music quiz all about Recovery.

Join us on Friday 17th Sept at 6pm on Zoom. Your quiz master is Angus from the North forum.

Topic: Recovery Music Quiz
Time: Sep 17, 2021 06:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 6038 8667
Passcode: Recovery


September is recovery month and 3 Forums Digital has a special treat for you.


How does Recovery show in the world of music? See if you recognise the songs in our music quiz all about Recovery.

Join us on Friday 17th Sept at 6pm on Zoom. Your quiz master is Angus from the North forum.

Topic: Recovery Music Quiz
Time: Sep 17, 2021 06:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 6038 8667
Passcode: Recovery


It is with deep regret that we need to inform you that a decision has been made to cancel/postpone this year's Aberdeenshire 3 forums 1 Voice event planned for the 18th of September.

The committees of the 3 ADP community forums have come to this decision because of the continuing rise of Covid positive cases in Aberdeenshire and City. As transmission rates often seem to be related to bigger gatherings and also taking into account that a lot of the participants for this event would have underlying health conditions, this seemed to be the most sensible decision to make to keep everybody safe.

This decision was not made lightly. We looked at all information available and also took advice from Public Health.

We share your disappointment and we are hoping to be able to postpone this event to later in the year, provided the situation eases by then.

We will also look into organising some smaller outdoor and online activities over the coming weeks instead.

Sincere apologies for having to cancel but we hope you understand this is a decision taken in the interest of keeping people safe.

The committees of the 3 Aberdeenshire ADP community forums

Photos from Aberdeenshire ADP North community forum's post 31/08/2021

In 2020, 1,339 people lost their lives to a preventable drug overdose in Scotland. Overdose is not a rare occurrence and the difference between an overdose and a fatal overdose depends upon the immediate actions of people present at the time.

You could save a life by recognising an overdose.
If you see someone who is
And has any other signs –
Shallow breathing
Pale skin
Blue lips
Pinpoint pupils

Then you should immediately phone 999 and ask for an ambulance and follow the instructions of the emergency services call handler.
Seconds can matter and it is vital that people can immediately recognise when someone is experiencing an overdose.

If you are trained to use naloxone and are provided with your own kit, then carrying it means that not only can you recognise an overdose and provide basic life support, but that you can potentially reverse it whilst the ambulance is on its way.

Naloxone training is available via Alcohol and Drugs Action 01224 594700 E-mail: [email protected]
or Turning Point Scotland T: 01779 470490
E: [email protected]


Drug use disorders are the sixth leading cause of early death in Scotland, and the overall burden is 17 times higher in the most deprived areas compared to the least deprived. Addressing wider social inequalities, for example in housing and employment, as well as tackling poverty, can play an important role in the prevention of problematic drug use and drug related deaths. (Health Scotland)


The finale of this year's Festival.....
3 Forums 1 Voice 2021 Live- We Are Family
We are pleased to announce that the 3 Forums 1 Voice event will take place again live this year at Curl Aberdeen on 18th September 9,45 - 16.00.

As usual. there will be lots of things to do and see, fun filled workshops, outdoor activities, therapy tasters, presentations and more. The event is family friendly and children are welcome. A creche is available.

For booking go to Eventbrite '3 Forums 1 Voice 2021' or get in touch with [email protected] or phone Ed on 07342 057699. You can book as an individual or as a group.
This year we'll ask you to also pre-book any workshops you would like to attend or any 1:1 tasters.

Please also help us spread the word by sharing widely


This Thursday 19th Aug at 3pm on Aberdeenshire Wide Zoom - Carly from Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD) talks about her work and the support SFAD can offer to families. All welcome.
Topic: Aberdeenshire Wide Weekly Zoom
Time: Aug 19, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 8642 6834
Passcode: Weekly


Recovery Walk Scotland is happening again on 25th September, this year in Perth, and we are going!

We are organising group transport to Perth for folk from Aberdeenshire. It is such a great day and you meet people passionate about recovery from all over Scotland. If you want to come with us get your name on the list as soon as possible.

For more information, or if you want to book a place, PM Tanja Mehrer Cld or email Tanja.Mehrer@aberdeenshire,gov,uk or phone 07500 095790.

🥳 Scotland 👣

🥳25th September 2021 in PERTH 👣


The book group is starting a new book.......

WE ARE STARTING A NEW BOOK - a good time to join the recovery book group. Why not read a book together with others? Every fortnight we meet and have lively and stimulating conversations about what we have read.

The next session is on Thurs 12th Aug 10-11am and we are discussing the first 4 chapters of 'Piece of Cake' by Cupcake Brown.

'This is the heart-wrenching true story of a girl named Cupcake Brown. Orphan, runaway, addict, all before she was twenty. That's when things got really interesting...

Cupcake was just eleven years old when, orphaned, she entered the child welfare system. Moved from one disastrous placement to the next, like so many, she was neglected and sexually abused.

She fed her appetite for drink and drugs by selling the only thing she had. Her body. Before long she had stumbled head first into a world of gangs and extreme violence. After one crack binge she woke up behind a dumpster. Half-dressed and more than half-dead, she knew she had a choice. Change her life or die.

Brutally frank and startlingly funny, A Piece of Cake is the remarkable true story of a resilient spirit who triumphed over the very worst that life could throw at her.'

Topic: Recovery Book Club
Time: Aug 12, 2021 10:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 6470 3506
Passcode: Books


Today at 3pm on Zoom


A South community member in long term recovery gives testimony of their journey. Join us for an interesting session. All welcome.

Topic: Aberdeenshire Wide Weekly Zoom
Time: Aug 5, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 8642 6834
Passcode: Weekly


3 Forums Digital proudly presents at Weekly Aberdeenshire Zoom on Thurs 5th Aug at 3pm:


A community member in long term recovery tells their story, what their recovery journey has been like, the challenges they faced, and how recovery impacted on their life.

All welcome. There will also be opportunities to ask questions and to share your thoughts.

Topic: Aberdeenshire Wide Weekly Zoom
Time: Aug 5, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 8642 6834
Passcode: Weekly


Recovery Book Club this week Thurs 29th July at 10am.

For the last time we will be discussing "Euphoric Recall" by Aidan Martin, focussing on the last couple of chapters 11 and 12 and the overall round up.

Please also put your thinking caps on about any books related to substance use and recovery you could recommend for future readings. Watch this space for announcement of the next book we will be reading.

Topic: Recovery Book Club
Time: Jul 29, 2021 10:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 6470 3506
Passcode: Books


Sorry to say, but because of the good weather, holidays, outside opportunities......... this is now cancelled and will be re-arranged for later in the autumn.


Don't forget: Tonight at 7pm - Aidan Martin, author of Euphoric recall, talking about his life, his recovery and his book .

Topic: Aidan Martin Recovery Talk
Time: Jul 10, 2021 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 4962 3746
Passcode: Euphoric


To pin on your fridge - The new Aberdeenshire wide Zoom programme😃


This coming Saturday 10th July at 7pm - not to be missed......

As part of 3 Forums Digital 2021 we have live on Zoom Aidan Martin, who has recently published a memoir about his journey through trauma, addiction and recovery. His book is called 'Euphoric Recall'. Although intense, it's written with much humour, and hope.

As a schoolboy already caught up in addiction, Aidan stood outside of a McDonald's waiting for a man he thought was his friend. A friend he met online. It would change his life forever. He was a streetwise kid growing up in a tough housing scheme, but the Internet was a new phenomenon. Euphoric Recall details his recovery from extreme trauma and addiction. As a Scottish working-class lad who grew up in a new town-Livingston-he also survived brutal experiences with su***de, violence, and severe mental health issues. One day, he decided to write a memoir about it. He holds nothing back.

Saturday 10th July, 7-8pm
Topic: Aidan Martin Recovery Talk
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 4962 3746
Passcode: Euphoric

We'll have some signed copies of the book available, too!


This Thursday 8th July at 3pm on Aberdeenshire Wide Catch up:

⭐ 'Medication Recovery and Me' ⭐

'Medication Recovery and Me' is a peer support group that is open to anyone currently receiving substitute medication to support their recovery from problematic alcohol or drug use, who want to learn more about addiction and the support available to them.

We are joined by 2 members of the Aberdeen group who will give us an insight into what the group is about, who Medication Recovery and Me is for, how it works and how to access the programme.

Take the opportunity, join in, and find out all about it. All welcome.

Topic: Aberdeenshire Wide Weekly Zoom
Time: Jul 8, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 8642 6834
Passcode: Weekly


As part of 3 Forums Digital 2021 we have an absolute treat for you:

Meet Aidan Martin, author of 'Euphoric Recall', live on Zoom, talking about his recovery journey and his book.

Set in Scotland, Euphoric Recall is a powerful and true story of a working-class lad growing up in Livingston and his recovery from addiction and trauma. Although intense, it's written with much humour, and hope.

Saturday 10th July, 7-8pm

Topic: Aidan Martin Recovery Talk
Time: Jul 10, 2021 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 4962 3746
Passcode: Euphoric

We'll have some signed copies of the book available, too!


Do you know what a Partnership Inspector at Police Scotland does? Come to our weekly Zoom on Thurs 1st July at 3pm and find out.
We have Darren Bruce, Partnership Inspector for the North East Division joining us this Thursday to speak about his role and his work. He is also coming along because he wants to hear your views as to how the police could more effectively support people affected by Substance Use and how they could help addressing stigma in our communities.

Join us on Thurs for great conversations. All welcome.

Topic: Aberdeenshire Wide Weekly Zoom
Time: Jul 1, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 8642 6834
Passcode: Weekly


Recovery Book Group on Thurs 1st July at 10am.
We have started reading 'Euphoric Recall' by Aidan Martin and will be discussing chapters 4-7. Discussions are free flowing so even If you haven't gotten as far or you haven't started yet and just want to join the group now, everybody is welcome.
Topic: Recovery Book Club
Time: Jul 1, 2021 10:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 845 2182 6628
Passcode: Books

Set in Scotland, Euphoric Recall is a powerful and true story of a working-class lad growing up in Livingston and his recovery from addiction and trauma. Although intense, it's written with much humour, and hope. In the author's own words:
"As a schoolboy already caught up in addiction, I stood outside of a McDonald's waiting for a man I thought was my friend. A friend I met online. It would change my life forever. I was a streetwise kid growing up in a tough housing scheme. But the Internet was a new phenomenon. Euphoric Recall details my recovery from extreme trauma and addiction. As a Scottish working-class lad who grew up in a new town—Livingston—I also survived brutal experiences with su***de, violence, and severe mental health issues. One day, I decided to write a memoir about it. I hold nothing back."



Hope you enjoy my selection of tunes tonight!



⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️LIVE HERE TONIGHT AT 8PM ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️⭐️


🎸🎸🎸Saturday 26 June 2021 on 3 Forums Digital - Music Night with Claire Curran. 8pm - 8.45pm 🎸🎸🎸

Join us here for some of your favourite tunes from Claire Curran, singer song writer. She might even sing a couple of requests if you ask nicely.

Claire will broadcast here on the 3 Forums Digital page from 8pm.🎤🎤🎤🎤


Discussion about the effects of decriminalisation of drugs at the Aberdeenshire zoom on Thurs......

Reminder: Aberdeenshire wide zoom this Thursday 24th June at 3pm with a discussion and learning session about
'Decriminalisation of Drugs - what can we learn from the Portuguese Model?'
As drug related deaths are at a record high it is time to rethink policy and to look at what works in other countries. Portugal was not the first country to decriminalise some or all drugs, and it has not been the last. However, it is one of the most prominent and influential. Portuguese reform allows drugs to be treated as a health, rather than criminal justice, issue. The benefits of these reforms, therefore, arise from both decriminalisation itself and the establishment of a wider health-based response to drug problems.

At this session we first want to take a closer look at how the Portuguese model works and more importantly, what it has achieved, and then discuss whether decriminalisation of drugs could help to turn the tables in this country.

Join us for a lively discussion. All welcome.

Topic: Aberdeenshire wide catch up
Time: Jun 24, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 2784 4751
Passcode: Shire


STEM Workshop Wednesday 09 June @ 4.30pm. please register your interest ASAP to [email protected]


Aberdeenshire wide weekly Zoom catch up tomorrow, Thurs 3rd June, at 3pm.


This week we will have a discussion about Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) of alcohol as a way of bringing population alcohol consumption down. It has now been 3 years since this was first introduced to Scotland and although a lot of people are in favour of it, the opinions about it have been divided. So we want to look at the evidence so far and what it tells us, and hear people's views and experiences.
Join us for some interesting information and discussion tomorrow at 3pm. All welcome.

Time: Jun 3, 2021 03:00 PM London
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Meeting ID: 896 4519 0565
Passcode: PbdBg5


⭐️⭐️⭐️CALLING ON ALL THOSE WHO ENJOY SINGING⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️JOIN IN AND SING WITH US⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️3 FORUMS, MANY VOICES SINGING EXPERIENCE⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️LAUNCHED TONIGHT AT 7PM⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Topic: '3 Forums - Many Voices' Singing Experience
Time: May 20, 2021 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 0415 7426
Passcode: Singsong



DRRRRUM RRROLL.....Activity No 3 of our 3 Forums 1 Voice events!!


Do you enjoy singing? Why not do it together with others. It's fun, it's de-stressing and it releases endorphins, the feel good hormones.

Whether you are a Pro, a karaoke virtuoso or just enjoy singing in the shower, we want all of you to take part. No experience required.

Let's get together for an online and offline singing experience. The plan is to work on and record a couple of songs over summer, via Zoom, on your devices and face to face, which will then be premiered at our big annual '3 Forums 1 Voice' event in September.

Intrigued? Want to know more? Want to get involved? Join the launch of '3 Forums - Many Voices' on Thursday 20th May 7-8 pm via Zoom. We will explore the song choice, give you details about how it all works and any material you need and have some fun with our voices.

If you can't make the launch but would like to join the singing experience please get in touch with Tanja 07500 095790 or [email protected] to join the project.

Topic: '3 Forums - Many Voices' Singing Experience
Time: May 20, 2021 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 0415 7426
Passcode: Singsong



Now is a good time to join the recovery book club. On Tues 18th May at 11am we are meeting via Zoom and we will be starting our next book, which is 'Euphoric Recall' by Aidan Martin.

Set in Scotland, Euphoric Recall is a powerful and true story of a working-class lad growing up in Livingston and his recovery from addiction and trauma. Although intense, it's written with much humour, and hope. In the author's own words:

"As a schoolboy already caught up in addiction, I stood outside of a McDonald's waiting for a man I thought was my friend. A friend I met online. It would change my life forever. I was a streetwise kid growing up in a tough housing scheme. But the Internet was a new phenomenon. Euphoric Recall details my recovery from extreme trauma and addiction. As a Scottish working-class lad who grew up in a new town—Livingston—I also survived brutal experiences with su***de, violence, and severe mental health issues. One day, I decided to write a memoir about it. I hold nothing back.”

Topic: Recovery book club
Time: May 18, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 4627 0868
Passcode: Book


This afternoon at 3pm. Join us to meet Dermot and some members of Aberdeen in Recovery (AiR) and hear all about their recovery community.

Aberdeenshire wide catch up on Thursday 13th at 3pm - this week with Dermot Craig from Aberdeen in Recovery (AiR), the lived experience recovery organisation in the City.

Dermot will tell us all about AiR, how it came about, how they work, what they do, and the fantastic programme they offer.

Join us for an interesting afternoon hearing about the work of a neighbouring recovery community. All welcome.

Topic: Aberdeenshire wide catch up
Time: May 13, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 2784 4751
Passcode: Shire


Aberdeenshire wide catch up on Thursday 13th at 3pm - this week with Dermot Craig from Aberdeen in Recovery (AiR), the lived experience recovery organisation in the City.

Dermot will tell us all about AiR, how it came about, how they work, what they do, and the fantastic programme they offer.

Join us for an interesting afternoon hearing about the work of a neighbouring recovery community. All welcome.

Topic: Aberdeenshire wide catch up
Time: May 13, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 2784 4751
Passcode: Shire


Aberdeenshire Wellbeing Festival this week. Lots of great activities. Link to programme below.


Join us for Bingo tomorrow, Tues, at 5,30pm.

Event number 2 of 3 Forums 1 Voice Digital Festival 2021.
Let the balls roll - it's Bingo time on Tues 11th May at 5.30pm. Hosted by Diane and Garioch Connects.
All welcome.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 3075 8955
Passcode: g5XJKd


Event number 2 of 3 Forums 1 Voice Digital Festival 2021.
Let the balls roll - it's Bingo time on Tues 11th May at 5.30pm. Hosted by Diane and Garioch Connects.
All welcome.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 3075 8955
Passcode: g5XJKd

Videos (show all)

Ultan Conlon here..Ill be playing live at 7:30pm this evening from East Galway in the West Of Ireland. Tell all  your fr...

